International neLus I
Growth expected in ultrasonics Non-destructwe testing wdl rely on ultrasomc methods to generate more than half the market's growth ~n Europe up to 1990, says a new study that also predicts a concurrent dechne m gammarad=ography.
Non-destructive Testing m Europe, a new report by Frost E:r Sulhvan, says that 'real value growth over the next five years can only be expected ~n ultrasomcs', and predicts a rise of only 16% =n the NDT market between 1 9 8 4 / 8 5
and 1990. In that time, the annual market wdl grow from $ 1 5 7 million to $ 1 8 2 mdhon (in constant dollars). The two-volume, 499-page analys=s breaks down the market =n several ways: the nat=onal markets of the FRG, the UK, France and Italy; a half-dozen end-user industry categones; ten NDT techn=ques, and supphers and their est=mated market shares within each country. It concludes that ultrason=cs wdl remain the
USAF order $2.8M tomography system A $2.8 mdhon order for a 2 MV X-ray computed tomography system for the Ogden A~r Logistics Center, Hdl Air Force Base, UT, USA, has been won by Advanced Research and Apphcatlons Corporation (ARACOR) of Cahforma, USA The ARACOR ICT-8100 system will be ready for installation in the second quarter of 1987, and wdl be used by the Logist.cs Center for the inspectIon of prototype and production m=ssile motors, aircraft hardware and structures made from composite materials. The ICT-81 O0 ~s designed for the
X-ray inspection of a Peacekeeper m0ssde using a computed tomography system
inspection of objects up to 1 m ~n dmmeter and 2 5 m m length. Since the data are stored and processed =n a computer, the system can be placed under automatic operation, and image enhancement and defect recognitIon techmques can be used to =mprove ~mage interpretation and facdttate the inspection procedure. This CT system wdl be an advanced model of the ARACOR industrial CT system that has been mnoperation since 1983 at Aerolet Strategic Propulsion Company, Sacramento, CA, USA, The system at Aero]et has been used for the nondestruct=ve evaluation of a range of items, including rocket motors and nozzles and advanced materials. In 1984 It was used to respect exit cones ~dentlcal to those that faded and prevented two commumcat=ons satelhtes from reaching proper orbits when launched from the space shuttle Challenger. According to ARACOR all 14 nozzles subsequently passed have performed successfully on satelhte missions.
Advanced Research and Apphcations Corporation (ARACOR), 1223 E. Arques Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA
dominant techmque and grow at nearly twice the rate of the overall market, nsmg from 29% of the total value at present to one-third by 1990. The advent of low-cost d~g~tal s~gnal processing has helped ultrasomcs enormously, the study says. Radiographic film is expected to drop from over 1 / 4 of the market to 23% m the 1 9 9 0 s X-radiography is expected to benefit from real-time imaging and will represent a shghtly larger market share by 1990, of 12%; eddy current and magnetic particles wdl also constitute s~gmflcant segments, though the wider use of engmeenng ceramics could curtad their growth. Smaller segments discussed include flux leakage, acoustic emission, penetrants, and high-energy radiography. The price of the report is $ 2 2 0 0 and mt ~s available from Customer
Service, Frost Et Sullivan Ltd, 104-112 Marylebone Lane, London W1M 5FU, UK, or Customer Serwce, Frost 6" Sullivan Inc, 106 Fulton Street, New York, NY 10038, USA
London University sets up quantitative NDE centre A centre for Quantitative NDE =s to be established at Umversity College London. The centre w=ll study components and structures In terms of non-destructive testing, automation of inspection including robotics, novel N DT and vahdatlon of NDT systems. A broad spectrum of work will be undertaken including fundamental and applied research, product development, education and tra0nmg with the overall aim of improving quantitative NDE. Exastmg activities in underwater NDE, NDT and robotics, and fatigue of offshore structures will be ncorporated into the centre. As part of its functions the centre wdl estabhsh a two-year part-time MSc course from October 1986. In addttion, short courses will be run and the N DE content of undergraduate courses ~ncreased. Further reformation on the NDE centre may be obtained from Professor W.D. Dover and reformation on the MSc course from: Dr L.J. Bond, London
Centre for Marine Technology, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, Torrmgton Place, London WC1E 7JE, UK 31