Growth kinetics of thin oxide layers; oxidation of Fe and Fe−N phases at room temperature

Growth kinetics of thin oxide layers; oxidation of Fe and Fe−N phases at room temperature

ELSEVIER /. Thin Solid Films 281-282 (1996) 488-491 Growth kinetics of thin oxide layers; oxidation of Fe and Fe-N phases at room temperature Bart ...

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Thin Solid Films 281-282 (1996) 488-491

Growth kinetics of thin oxide layers; oxidation of Fe and Fe-N phases at room temperature Bart 1. Kooi


Marcel AJ. Somers *, Eric 1. Mittemeijer

Delft University ofTeclmology. Laboratory of Materials Science, Rotterdamseweg 137. NL·2628 ALDelft, The Netherlands

Abstract The evolution of iron-oxide layers at room temperature on pure polycrystalline o-Pe and onthe Fe-Nphases 'Y-Fe (N] 'Y '-Fe4N I -.t and EFe2N 1_ t was followed insitu with Auger-Electron Spectroscopy. The observed oxidation kinetics of the Feand Fe-Nphases were interpreted using a model considering coupled fluxes of cations and (tunnelling) electrons and anelectrostatic potential difference over the oxide layer changing during cxidatlon. It was concluded that the oxidation kinetics are largely controlled by cation transport governed by the chemical and electrostatic potential differences. I

Keywords: Auger electron spectroscopy; Iron; Nitrides; Oxidation

1. Introduction

The atmospheric corrosion resistance of 3. ferritic workpiece can beimproved by anoxidised iron-nitride layer composed typically of ')"-Fe4NI-X and/or E-FezNI-z and iron oxide at the surface [1,2]. The mechanisms responsible for the improvement of the corrosion resistance are not understood. The present work aims at understanding the initial oxidation behaviour of Fe and Fe-N surfaces at room temperature.

2. Coupled currents model

During oxidation the transport of charged species through the oxide layer is determined by gradients of chemical and electrostatic potential [3-6]. In the coupled currents model [7] both cation and electron transport are considered in the direction parallel to the surface normal (z direction). Net transport ofelectric charge through the oxide layer isassumed not to occur [5,7]. The required balancing of cation and electron currents is realised byadaptation of the electrostatic field inthe oxide. Generally, theflux J, of an ionic species i, under the influence of both a concentration gradient and a homogeneous

* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 31 152782289; Fax: + 31 15278 6730; e-mail: [email protected] I Now at: University of Groningen, Dept. Applied Physics. Materials Science Centre, Nijenborgh 4, NL-9747 AWGroningen, The Netherlands. 0040-6090/96/$15.00 © 1996 Elsevier Science SA All rights reserved PlIS0040-6090 (96) 08682-8

electric field is given, in the steady-state approximation, by [6] : Co expL/Al ( W). (a)[C l-expL/ A

Jj=4avexp - kT sinh A




where 2a is the ionic jump distance, v is the attempt frequency, W is the rate-limiting (activation) energy barrier, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature,

where lie denotes the effectivecharge perparticle ofthe ionic species during transport through thelattice [7], EL isstrength of the surface-charge field in the oxide determined by the surface concentration of charged oxygen, L is the instantaneous layer thickness and CL and Co areconcentrations ofthe diffusing species atoxide/oxygen (z = L) and atmetal!oxide (z = 0) interface, respectively. Forthe case ofoutward oxidefilm growth, excess cations (in addition to some average cation concentration; see [7]) are assumed tobethe diffusing species: CL < Co. The electrostatic potential difference over the oxide layer is given by V= VL - Vo= - LEL• The value for EL as a function of L is prescribed by •.he constraint of coupled charge currents [7,8]: qli +qeJc = 0 (qi and qc are the electric charges transported by ions and electrons and J, is the electron flux). Equations describing Jc forthe cases of electron transport by tunnelling through the potential barrier of the oxide layer and by thermionic emission were given in

e.i. Kooi et al./TlJi/l Solid Films 28/-282 (/996) 488~9/ Refs. [7] and [8], respectively. The growth rate of a layer with thickness L follows from: dL





where R, is the volume ofoxide formed persingle cation and


details and considerations [10]. The thickness of the developing oxide-layers was calculated from the evolution of the 0-KL2,3L2.3 intensities by comparison with the 0-KL2•3L2,3 intensity of an "infinitely" thick layer of ct-FC203' assuming a homogeneous oxide layer with uniform thickness on the oxidising surface [9].

Jj(L) is the ionic flux for a film of thickness L.

Model calculations in [7] show that, for the case that electrons are transported by tunneIling, typically two-stages ofgrowth kinetics for oxide films result: for L s 2 nm electron tunnelling proceeds rapidly and cation transport is rate limiting. Then, cation transport is promoted and electron tunnelling is impeded by negative charging of the surface. The maximum potential difference over the oxid'f layer, that is realised if no cation transport occurs, is the so-called Mott potential VM at the surface: VM = (Xo - XL) / e (Xo and XL are the work functions at the substrate/oxide and the oxide/ oxygen interface. respectively). For thicker films, electron tunnelling becomes rate limiting. Then, cation transport is impeded and electron tunnelling is promot.ed by positive charging of the surface.

4. Results and discussion

The evolutions of the oxide-layer thickness during roomtemperature oxidation of Fe and Fe-N phases at 8.0 X10- 6 Pa are shown in Fig. lao From the evolution of the N-KLL intensity, it was concluded that nitrogen from the Fe-N phases is not incorporated in the oxide layer, but buried underneath. Thecoupled currents model forthe case ofcation transport and electron tunnelling [7L was fitted by a least squares filling procedure to each experimental curve of oxide-layer

3. Experimental

Polycrystallinepure o-Fesamples (impurities < 100 ppm) were studied in both 80% cold-rolled condition as well as in recrystallized condition. PolycrystalIine surface layers ofFeN" phases were obtained by reaction diffusion of nitrogen, supplied by an NH3/H2 gas mixture, into an o-Fe substrate (impurities <300ppm). TheFe-N phase samples comprise: • 'Y-Fe[N] (austenite): "'9 at.% N at the surface • 'Y'-Fe4NI-x: 19.8 at.% N at the surface • E-Fe2Nt-z: 27.1 at.% N at the surface A Perkin-Elmer PHI 4300 Scanning Auger Microprobe (base pressure <7 X 10- 8 Pa) was used for in situ investigation of the oxidation behaviour of Fe and Fe-N phases. Each specimen surface was sputter cleanedprior tooxidation with 3.5keY Ar+ ions during 20min and, subsequently, with 2 keY Ar+ ions during 10 min, applying rotation. No annealing treatment was performed after sputter cleaning toprevent different crystal sublattices of the Fe and Fe-N phases from obscuring the role of nitrogen on the oxidation behaviour of iron atoms. Room temperature oxidation was carried out in 8.0X10- 6 PaO2 total pressure. During oxidising a primary electron beam operated at 5 kV and 2 p.A (beam diameter '"" 1 p,m) was rastered over an area of 250 X 250 p.m2 of the specimen surface to obtain an average over several crystal orientations. Fe-M2•3VV, N-KLz'3L2,3' 0-KL2,3L2,3 and FeL2,3M4,sM4,5 Auger transitions were monitored continuously in various experiments for each sample. Auger intensities were evaluated as peak-area-to-background-area ratios. Reproducibility ofthe resulting kinetic curves atseverallocations of the sample surfaces was found to be excellent. The influence ofthe incident electron beam onthe oxidation kinetics was described elsewhere as well as further experimental

I: a-Fe Recrystallized 2: a-Fe coldrolled 3: r·Fe[Nj 4:'Y-Fe4NI -x 5: £.Fe2N,_z


B.J. Kooi etal. rtu« Solid Films 281-282 (1996) 488-491

thickness vs, oxidation time. The values for the work functions at the substrate/ oxide and oxide/oxygen interface Xo and XL. respectively and Wand Co (Eq, ( I» were taken as fitting parameters (fordetails offitting procedure see [ 10]); the values of parameters taken constant in the calculations are gathered in the caption of Fig. Ib. The results obtained are shown in Fig. Ib. Sensitive fitting parameters appeared to be the work functions Xo and XL' The Mott potential (VM = (Xo- xd/e) becomes less negative in the order recrystallized o-Fe --. cold-rolled o-Fe --''Y-Fe[N] --''Y'Fe4NI_x~E-Fe2NI_z, which appears to be realised by a decrease of Xo concurrent with a somewhat stronger decrease of XL (see Fig. Ib). The bulk concentrations of excess cations, Co. (Fig. lb) do not vary much. except,for cold rolled o-Fe, where Co is higher. Adiscrepancy isobserved between fitted andexperimental oxidation curves inthestage where electron tunnelling would be largely rate limiting: the calculated oxidation rate is significantly smallerthan theexperimental (compare Fig. 1aand 1b). Apparently, the actual net electron flux is larger than can be accounted for by tunnelling of electrons through the oxide layer. This may be due to the contribution of other mechanisms of electron transport. At room temperature the contribution of thermionic emission to electron transport is negligible for the film thickness regime and values of Xo considered [8]. Alternatively. transport of cations may still belargely rate determining inanadvanced stage ofoxidation. Consequently, a higher oxidation rate occurs than forthe case electron tunnelling is largely rate determining. Nevertheless, the transports of cations and electrons have become more competitive inanadvanced stage. Then, it isconceivable that the density of negatively charged oxygen anions at the surface, decreases more strongly than would beallowed tomaintain the value of V (see below Eq. (l)). Hence, a model description in which V varies with oxidation time suggests itself. The change of V with oxidation time was assessed byfitting Eq. (1) for cation transport to the experimental oxidation curves. This can be performed irrespective of the mechanism of electron transport. Results for the variation of V obtained from thegrowth kinetics of oxide layers on recrystallized aFe, 'Y·Fe[N], 'Y'-Fe4Nl-x, and e--FeJ.NI_z as depicted in Fig. la, are presented in Fig. 2. In the fitting, apart from V and Co, all parameters used in the flux equation for cation transport were taken constant ( W== 0.66 eVan average of the values in Fig. Ib; seecaption toFig. 1b for theother values) . The concentration of excess cations at the substrate!oxide interface. Co, was chosen such, that Vbecomes approximately zero forthelongest oxidation times (cf Fig. 2). Taking V ~ 0 onprolonged oxidation implies that, eventually, cation transport through the oxide layer becomes governed only by the chemical potential gradient. The evolution of IVI, an initially steep increase followed by a shallow decline, can be interpreted qualitatively as follows. The initial increase of IVI is ascribed to the chemisorption stage andthedevelopmentofanisolating oxide layer


- ••••• • _- ---. - ••• --- _a u. - - :':';'-ri []'~~~o \~ 6

-8 '>;!














'::2 ·100





I :/ •





• a-FeRecryst.; Co=3.0 10 nm o y-FeIN}; Co=1.0 10·2 om·3 .2 .3 6 'Y'-Fe4Nl.x: Co=1.2 10 om ·2 .3 o e·FczNI.z; Co=I.S 10 om SO



oxygen-exposure time (min.) Fig. 2. Blectrostatic potential difference over the oxide layer, V, asa function ofoxidation lime in (,2 at 8.0 X10- 6 Paat room temperature for polycrystalline recrystallized n-Fe. 'Y- Fe[N]. j'''-Fe4N I -.t and e-Fe2N 1- t substrates asobtained by fitling thecation-nux equation (Eq, (1)) totheexperimental results shown inFig. lao

at the substrate surface, which are associated with strong changes of the work functions. The two interfaces metal! oxide and oxide!oxygen develop in this stage. The subsequent decline of I VI is.ascribed to a gradual reduction of the density of negatively charged oxygen at thesurface. For o-Fe, 'Y-Pe[N] and 'Y'-Pe4Nl-x the maximum value for IVI occurs at a film thickness of about 1nrn, which would correspond to about 3~ monolayers of oxygen anions. The maximum value of IVI is strongly related to the nitrogen content in thesubstrate: a higher nitrogen content corresponds toa lower maximum value for I VI. This observation parallels the trend observed fortheabsolute value oftheMoll potential inFig. I b (table) and indicates thatthetransfer ofanelectron from thesubstrate to the adsorbate,is facilitated by thepresence of nitrogen. The value of Co obtained on fitting increases in the order o-Fe recrystallized --.')1-Fe[N] --.'V' -Fe4N,_x ~ e-Fe2NI_~ (cf. legend in Fig, 2). Consequently, the driving force for cation diffusion increases with increasing nitrogen content of thesubstrate.

5. Conclusion Experimental growth kinetics of the oxide layer on o-Fe, 'Y-Fe[N], 'Y'-Fe4Nl - x and i:-Fe2N,_~ could bedescribed satisfactorily by a model assuming coupled currents of cations andelectrons through theoxide layer, with a potential difference over the oxide layer that changes ::iuring oxidation. Antagonistic dependencies on nitrogen content of the two driving forces forthetransport ofthecations may explain the observed oxidation kinetics: (i) for initial oxidation an increase of oxidation rate with decrease of the nitrogen content at the surface dueto a more negative electrostatic poten-

e.: Koot etal.IThi" Solid Films 281-282 (1996) 488-491 tial difference and (ii) for prolonged oxidation an increase of oxidation ratewith increase of nitrogen content due to an increase ofexcess cation concentration atthe substrate/oxide interface.

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Ir, WilIcm Sloof and lng. Elke Fakkeldij for the provision of Auger facilities and experimental assistance. Ir. Peter Grant is thanked for critical reading of the manuscript. These investigations have been supported financially by the Foundation for Fundamental Research of Matter (FOM), the Netherlands Technology Foundation (STW) and IOP-Metalen.


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