Growth of an implanted fibrosarcoma in rats is associated with high levels of plasma prostaglandin-E2 and thromboxane-B2

Growth of an implanted fibrosarcoma in rats is associated with high levels of plasma prostaglandin-E2 and thromboxane-B2

Prosla8landins Letiotricms sndMedicine(1987) 0 LongmanGroup UK Ltd1987 28,25-34 GROWTH OF AN IMPLANTED FIBROSARCOMA IN RATS IS ASSOCIATED WITH HIGH ...

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Prosla8landins Letiotricms sndMedicine(1987) 0 LongmanGroup UK Ltd1987


GROWTH OF AN IMPLANTED FIBROSARCOMA IN RATS IS ASSOCIATED WITH HIGH LEVELS OF PLASMA PROSTAGLANDIN-E2 AND THROMBOXANE-B2 W.J. Kort, I.M. Weijma, ?.M. Bijma. W.P. van Schalkwijk, F.J. Zijlstra and D.L. Westbroek Laboratory for Experimental Surgery, *Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Erasmus University Rotterdam, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

ABSTRACT Growth of BN175, a malignant fibrosarcoma. was correlated with high plasma TXB2 and PGE2 levels. This statistically significant increase was first detected 17 days after inoculation of the tumor, at which time the tumors were 20 mms in diameter. A further increase in tumor siee was At the same time, aasociated with stil1 higher PGE2 and TXB2 values. progressive alterations in platelet function. as measured by ADP-induced platelet aggregation, were observed. ó-keto-PGF,, levels remained normal throughout the whole experiment. It was concluded that tumor growth was associated with changes in PG synthesis and platelet function, although it remains unclear whether these changes were caused by some host immunological response towards the tumor or were predominantly the result of tumor PG-synthesis. INTRODUCTION synthetixe PG's'); however, cells Like normal cells, cancer quantitative and qualitative differences in PG-synthesis between malignant tumor cells, on the one hand, and benign tumor or normal cells, on the other, have been observed (1-3). For instance in several types of malignant tissue, both in humans and experimental animals, high synthesis of the PGE type of In other studies, PG12 and TXA2 prostaglandins has been found (1-3). synthesis were also found to be higher in tumor tissue than in normal or hyperplastic tissue (3-5). Some tumor associated disorders have been related to altered PG eynthesis; e.g. hypercalcemia, often to be found in breast tumor patients, and diarrhoea in a patient with a medullary thyroid carcinoma, were __________________________-________-___--_____-----_______~-__-__~_____~~__~_ 1)The following abbreviations were used: PG's = prostaglandins, TXB2 = thromboxane Bpr TXA2 = thromboxane AL>, PGE prostaglandin I2 = prostacyolin. ó-keto-PGF,, = ~-k~t',rp~~~~BKai~2~,~~1~D~ = adenosine diphosphate, RIA = radioimmuno assay.


attributed to enhanced PG synthesis ativity (6,7). Increased PG synthesis has also been connected with metastasis (8). In particular Honn and his group showed that alterations of the TXA2fPGI2 ratio in favor of TXA2 correlated with an increase of the number of metastatic foei in the lungs of rats in which tumor cells were inoculated intravenously (9). Because of its importante in certain tumor associated complications and possibly its influence on tumor metastatic pattern, PG-synthesis or synthesis capacity might be a useful tooi to monitore tumor status in patients. Consequently, Bennett et 01. (10) and also Karmali et ol. (3), and later many others (2), measured PG synthesis in specimens of tumor tissue obtained at surgery and found evidente that, for instance, breast carcinomas produced more PG's than normal tissue and that the leve1 of PG synthesis could be related to staging of the disease. The present study was undertaken to elucidate further the relationship between tumor growth and PG synthesis. Most importantly, the study was initiated to determine whether plasma PGE2, TXA2 or PG12 values as measured by RIA assay could be used as a parameter to fellow tumor progresssion, and if blood platelet aggregatory changes could be established in tumor bearing rats, which could be associated with either tumor progression or changes in plasma PG-values. The tumor used in this study has been used in several other investigations; it metastases from site to regional lymph nodes and lungs and appears to be sensitive to aspirin therapy (11,12). MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimt?ntal design end animals - Inbred Brown Norway (BN) female rats weighing 125-175 were used. Tap water and rat chow (Hope Farms AMII, For every determination of Woerden, The Netherlands) were given ad lib. either PG's or platelet aggregation, 5 different rats were taken, as we considered frequent blood sampling in the same rat would have too much When blood samples were taken from influence on consecutive measurements. tumor bearing animals, at the same time, they were also taken from sham treated control rats. Control values for PG and platelet aggregation were measured in animals in which pieces of tumor tissue (that had been irradiated with 15000 Rads y-irradiation) were inoculated. Moreover another group of inoculated, served animals, in which irradiated isogeneic spleen cells were as controls to establish the influence of the inoculation procedure itself on the parameters used. The environmental conditions of the rats under study controlled and for all'animals, either experimental or sham, were strictly identical. malignant The tumor used in this study was BN175, a Tumor fibrosarcoma, classified as a non immunogenic undifferentiated mesenchymal tumor (12). In this study the tumor was inooul ted in the flank, by putting J a smal1 piece of vita1 tumor tissue (about 5mm ) under the skin. Tumor size the diameter by was measured twice weekly using calipers and determining calculatlng the mean of length and width. In Cells of tumor EN175 are kept in tissue culture Tissue CUltUFO RPMI 1640 medium to which 5% foetal calf serum ha8 been added. Twioe a week is further rapidly (doubling time 24 hrs), the tumor, which grows verg At the time of the experiment the tumor was in diluted into a next passage. PG syntheeis by BN175 in tissue culture was meaoured in its 20th passage. the eupernatant just before another paseage.


In vitro platelet oggregation - Platelet aggregation was carried out earlier (12) using the procedure as described according to the Heparinized (10 Chronolog-Whole Blood Aggrometer (Chronolog Corp., England). U/ml) whole blood samples were diluted 1:l with 0.9s saline, ADP (10 uM) was 10 minute recordings of the induced added to induce platelet aggregation. resistance (impedance, values given in 'Q') were changes in electrical the maximum aggregation. analysed by an Olivetti M24 PC, which calculated Platelets were counted on a TOA Platelet Counter PLlOO. Determination of PG's - PG's were determined in blood plasma by means of a RIA, with the use of rabbit antisera (ó-keto-PGF,,, Seragen, Boston, of cross reactivity USA: TxB2 and PGE2, Institut Pasteur, Paris. France; these antisera with each other was <.l$ at 50% B/Bo). RIA's were carried out were in plasma from the same blood sample in which the platelet aggregations To a blood sample of 2.5 ml, 250 ul 2.8% of EDTA and 10 ul 0.3s performed. Within of indomethacin was added immediately after bleeding the animals. half an hour thereafter, the samples were centrifuged and plasma was stored at -7O'C until they were assayed, according our routine procedure which was described earlier (13). Stotistics - Statistical evaluation of the differences were tested by A differente was considered using a Student's t-test. statistically significant when the calculated P-values were <.05. RESULTS 34 out 35 animals, in which tumor BN175 was inoculated showed tumor growth. The one animal (killed on day 9), in which tumor inoculation was not successful, was excluded from further evaluation. 2 animals died before the intended day of sacrlfice (day JO), from lung metastases.






15 days after

Fig. 1. Tumor growth represent fSEM.







inocuiation of





Animals, in which Y-irradiated pieces of tumor or spleen tissue were inoculated, did not show any visible sign of tumor growth or inflammatory reaction. Tumor growth pattern is shown in Fig. 1. First detectable tumor growth could be observed 6 days after inoculation, while at 30 days, the tumor reached a mean diameter of 40 mm. Tumors reaching 30 mm or more impeded the animal's condition markedly; such tumors often ulcerated, and were partly necrotic, the animals being weakened by blood loss and inflammation.


PGE2 6-keto-PGFl TXB2




10 days after






Fig. 2. Plasma PG values after inoculation of BN175; values are given as percentage of valuea of rats. in which Y-irradiated pieces of tumor were inoculated; see for reference values and for SEM, Table 1.

Because it Table 1 and Fig. 2 show the results of PG determinations. is to be expected that operation trauma and irnmunological reactions may influence PG values, in Fig. 2. PGE2. ó-keto-PGF,s and TXB2 are depicted as (=Y-irradiated tumor) values. Uqtil day 13, values percentage of control


remain around the 100% level. Thereafter plasma PGE2 and TXB2 increased and These reached values 10-50 times the values of sham operated animals. ó-keto-PGF,o valuts differences are statistically significant (pc.05). remain normal: from day 13 onwards. there was even a slight. but not statistically significant decrease in PGI2 activity. in PG-levels as The tumor inoculation procedure itself causes changes wel1 (Table 1). During the first 2 weeks after inoculation of a Y-irradiated piece of tumor tissue, values of PGE2 and TXB2 were increased, when compared with unoperated control values (Table 11). The values reached a maximum 9 To determine what part of the PG values in the group days after inoculation. of rats with Y-irradiated tumors could be ascribed to operation trauma and what part to some type of host anti-tumor reaction, Y-irradiated spleen cells PG values determined in plasma from these rats were inoculated as well. showed shortly after inoculation a slight increase in PGE2 and TXB2 values: however, this increase disappeared shortly therafter and values were normal again 2 weeks after inoculation.

Table 1. Plasma PG values (pg/ml) after tumor inoculation of tumor EN175 (TUM) and BN175 Y-irradiated with 15000 Rads (YTUM. volues in Itolics). Results show mean, in parenthesis: SEM.









90.6 (40.5)

147.0 (61.9)

25.0 (12.2)




81 .2 (20.9)





45.0 (4.7)

33.2 (4.4







356.0 374.2 (205.1) (206.9)



















94.9 (17.3)








(7.6 )




















521.0 (48.4)



















51.6 1


(70.6) 5/5

(3.7) 315

PG determinations in supernatants of cel1 cultures of tumor BN175, 3 days after seeding, did not show any detectable quantities of either PGE2 or ó-keto-PGF,u, but demonstrable levels of TXB2 could establlshed. bS Determinations in 6 different culture flask containing 1.4x10 cells in 30 ml of culture medium, showed a mean (&EM) of 529.3 (i54.4) pg TXB2 per 1 ml culture medium.


Table 11. Plasma PG values (pg/ml) after inoculation of Y-irradiated cells. Results show mean, in parenthesis: SEM. day






06.6 (21.5)

53.0 (7.9)

76.0 (15.3)



63.2 (7.0)

58.8 (20.4)

64.4 (6.3)



36.2 (8.0)

52.0 (9.0)

29.4 (4.8)


34.4 (7.1)



unoperated control values 27.1 (6.4)

71.1 (12.4)

At the ssme time that significant changes occurred in PG levels, ADP induced platelet aggregation altered as wel1 (Table 111, Fig. 3). The progressive decrease in platelet function (except for the non-significant rise at day 9), resulted in statistically significant (pC.05) inhibition of platelet aggregation from day 13 onwards.

days after


Fig. 3. Percentage of maximum aggregation achieved with 10 urn01 ADP. after inoculation with tumor BN175; of blood taken from 100% = aggregation animals, in which Y-irradlated pieces of tumor were inoculated; see for reference values and SEM, Table 111. 30

obtained from rats, in calculated as a percentage of thoee valuea Values, finally leveled off at telle were inoculated, which Y-irradiated tumor such as lag Other characteristics of ADP aggregation, approximately 60%. revereibility of the aggregation, did not show a shape change6 or time, The number of experimental groups. significant alteration in any of the affected by tumor growth and was as such not correlated platelets wa8 not with the established changes in the in vitro platelet aggregation.

Values of maximum aggregation (valuea Table 111. tumor BN175 (TUM) and BN175 Y-irradiated with SEM . with 10 vmol ADP, in parenthesis:


mesn (SEM)

mean (SEM)


TUM 3 6 9 13 17 23 30

17.2 16.8 18.1 17.0 10.7 ll.5 9.1

(2.4) (3.0) (1.5) (1.2) (1.1)

(4.5) (1.6)

in Q) after inoculation of 15000 Rads (YTUM), achieved


YTUM 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

18.2 20.4 16.0 25.1 17.9 18.1 17.3

(1.9) (1.7) (1.0) (2.7) (1.0) (1.1) (0.9)

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

DISCUSSION While most previous studies, in both humane and experimental animale, elevated PG syntheeis, were baeed on measurementa of PG values reporting extracted from tumor biopsy material (2,14.15), thie report demonstrated that and TXB2 determined in rat plasma alao showed considerable PGE2, ó-keto-PGF1, alterations in tumor bearing rats. Mean levele of TXB2 and PGE2 were markedly increased when compared with values from rats in which Y-irradiated tumor cella were inoculated. Recent clinical studies, in which plasma PG levels were measured, in accordance with our results, although are (16,17). ó-keto-PGFlo was found to be increased as wel1 In our studg ó-keto-POFla leve18 were relatively stable, and were evidently not influenced Consequently, the TXA2/PG12 ratio was disturbed, a fact by tumor progress. which might have had important implications for the homeostasis of platelet/vessel wal1 interactions (9.18). Base line leve18 of TXB2 and ó-keto-PGF1, are very low, but can easely be influenced by the methodology of blood sampling or smal1 alterations in In this study, each determination, the hemostatic system (19,20). for another rat was taken. This excludes problems, that may arise when blood is taken sequentially from the same rat. However, other factor8 influencing PG which cannot be controlled easily have also been described, such as levels, (21,22). hormonal status, dietary composition etc. Such variations in PG independant of tumor growth. were shown in the present study as well. values, In the animals in which pieces of either Y-irradiated spleenor tumor tissue were inoculated, shortly after the inoculation procedure enhanced PO valuea could be found. The values in the rats in which Y-irradiated spleen cells were inoculated, returned to unoperated control values. However, the rats bearing Y-irradiated tumor tissue showed another peak at 9-13 in PGE2 dags 31

and TXB2. This unexpected differente between rats, in which either dead spleen or tumor cells were inoculated could only be attributed to some differente in host anti-tumor reaction or to an inflammatory reaction related to the inoculation procedure. This latter is hard to imagine, as there is no reason to presume that inflammatory processes would be different in rats in which either spleen- or tumor tissue was inoculated. Moreover, no visible signs of an inflammatory reaction were noticed. The first explanation, the anti-tumor reaction is als0 difficult to understand, as the tumor is classified. according to the criteria as described by Prehn and Main as a non immunogenic tumor (23). Stil1 some type of cellular immune response against tumor cells, either dead or alive, may exist (24). When plasma PGE2 levels are elevated, the direct consequente of this is a suppression of the production of lymphokines, resulting in a decreased host immune responsiveness, thus providing the tumor a possible means for escape from immunologie rejection (24,25). Apart from its effect on host immunological responsiveness, high PG levels may also influence metastatic spread (8,26). PG12 displays a strong anti-aggregatory action, whereas TXA2 is a very potent pro-aggregatory agent; the role played by PGE2 in platelet aggregation is minor and subject to much controversy (27). When in our study ó-keto-PGF,o and TXB2 values are used to calculate a ratio, as a measure of platelet aggregatory activity, it is clear that pro-aggregatory factors dominate. Platelet function, as determined by us, indeed showed changes. However, the pattern was the inverse picture of what might have been expected on the basis of the determined PG values, i.e. our results showed a decreased aggregatory action instead of an increased one. This makes a direct causa1 relationship between the observed platelet function and the increase in plasma PG levels not very likely. To conclude that a relationship exists between high plasma PG values and tumor growth and at the ssme time altered platelet aggregation, does not seem to be too farfetched. However, it cannot be excluded that concomitant inflammatory processes, more than tumor cells themselves, induce the enhanced Certainly high plasma PGE2 values appear to arise predominantly PG values. from synthesis by cells infiltrating the tumor. To counteract the increased PG production by administration of PG synthesis inhibitors, and as such possibly improve the rejection of the tumor cells, may be a valuable is not without contribution to anti-tumor therapy. That such a conclusion any foundation, has recently been demonstrated by some investigators (28,29). REFERENCES 1.

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