Gum guggulu and blood lipids: A double blind crossover study

Gum guggulu and blood lipids: A double blind crossover study

11 GUM GUGGULU AND BLOOD LIPIDS: A DOUBLE BLIND CROSSOVER STUDY. D.B. Bisht, D.S. Singh and J.P. Kotiyal. Ministry of Health, New Delhi and Department...

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11 GUM GUGGULU AND BLOOD LIPIDS: A DOUBLE BLIND CROSSOVER STUDY. D.B. Bisht, D.S. Singh and J.P. Kotiyal. Ministry of Health, New Delhi and Department of Medicine, Jawaharlal Institute, Pondicherry, India. Hypolipidaemic effect of gum guggulu (Comiphora Mukul) Fraction A was studied in forty-eight patients of hypercholesterolaemia with or without cardiovascular disorders during 1974-77. Subjects under study included 16 cases of hypertension, 11 cases of myocardial infarction and 3 cases of both hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. Results of the present study showed significant reduation in serum cholesterol levels after the 4 to 8 week treatment. Total lipids and triglycerides also showed marked reduction after the administration of the drug. However, lowering of nonesterified fatty acids was not so encouraging. Hence we feel that gum guggulu is an effective, non-toxic and safe indigenous medication for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipicleamia.

MULTIFACTORIAL BASIS FOR ISCHEMIC CORONARY VASODJLATION. Blttar, N Koke, J. R. , and C. Dillon. Dept. Med. , Unlverslty of Wlsconsln M’e)dlcal School, Madlson, Wlsconsln, U. S. A. Experlments were conducted In open chest anesthetized dogs to determlne the factor or factors that may regulate blood flow In the dog heart. The role of prostaglandln, carbon dloxlde, adenoslne, perfuslon pressure, venous pressure and beta blockers were examlned. When the prostaglandln synthetase lnhlbltors lndomethacln (50 mg) and meclofenemate (500 mg) were applled, a decline In reactive hyperemlc responses occurred. However, the use of the carbonic anhydrase lnhlbltors acetazolamlde (500 mg) and benzolamlde (2 mg/kg) resulted In a slgnlflcant increase in reactive hyperemla volumes. Studles with dlpyrldamole, lldoflazlne and amlnophylllne falled to support the ldea that adenoslne played a major role In the medlatlon of lschemlc coronary vasodllatlon. Balloon occluslon of the coronary slnus which ralsed venous pressure to 25-40 mm Hg regularly dlmlnlshed the magnltude of reactive hyperemla. Appllcatlon of beta blockers (1 mg/kg) also dlmlnlshed reactive hyperemia volumes. These studles lndlcate that lschemlc coronary vasodllatlon 1s not caused solely by one substance or factor but that there 1s an lnterplay of many. Whether other mechanisms also play a role remains to be determlned. (Supported by grants from the Wlsconsln Heart Assoclatlon, the Natlonal Instltutes of Health and the Graduate School, Unlv. of Wlsconsln).