800 the character of that individual should be Several members of the College have cleared from such a serious imputation. I written to us complainin...

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the character of that individual should be Several members of the College have cleared from such a serious imputation. I written to us complaining of the refusal t call upon Dr. Roget, Mr. Kiernan, and Mr. give them tickets of admission to the Hu;,. Newport, I call upon the Committee and terian Oration after three o’clock un t!! Council of the R.S., to place this -matter in previous Saturday ; and some of them all the light of day. I am, Sir, your obedient complain that Mr. Balfour does not behato members of the College with the defer. SCRUTATOR, servant, Feb. 20th. (Not an F. R. S.) ence which becomes him, on their applica tions for tickets, or requests for information He is 11 short and and dep GUY’S HOSPITAL.—MR. MORGAN. himself in the mannerbrusque, of a shopkeeper wL does not want to be plagued with c To the Eclitoo of THE LANCET. tomers." The new building, they say, should SIR :-Some time since a communication have a new secretary. appeared in your Journal from " A PUPIL OF (-), whose name we here suppress for Guy’s HOSPITAL," complaining of the shame- obvious reasons, is altogether mistaken ful neglcet of Mr. Morgan in not delivering his interpretation of our views on the quesclinical lectures. Three months have now tion of reform. We contend not for the elapsed since that letter appeared in THE reform of the existing medical corporations, LANCET, and yet Mr. Morgan has not only not but the institution of one faculty of med delivered a clinical lecture since, but has cine, the possession of whose degree sliall not even alluded to the subject, or given a all successful candidates for legally qualify reason for his conduct towards us. Now, the examination, to practise medicine grnr. Sir, we pay for clinical lectures as much as rally, or the single branch of medicine,for any other kind of lectures, and to withsurgery. To advocate any other change iu hold them amounts to nothing short of fraud. medical government must ultimately protf.) If Mr. Morgan did not intend to deliver loss of labour. the lectures, why did he make a promise at What business has D. N. to be anxious beginning of the season that lie would do so, on the subject ? His thoughts should take or why was it announced in the hospital some other direction. If his general health. prospectuses that clinical lectures would be or any of his special senses, be affected n with delivered? The of SurCollege regularly or suffer interruption of the nordisorder, geons require a certificate of attendance on exercise of their functions, he will do clinical lectures, and that certificate we must obtain from the surgeons of the hospital; right, probably, to consult his present itiedibut as he who knowingly receives a decep- cal attendant. On no other point, we sustive certificate is as bad as he who grants pect, need he trouble himself. If he again to a quack, he will pay a fine to igno. it, Mr. Morgan, by his neglect, implicates resort the students in the crime of that neglect. rance and avarice. simplyto acknowlede Surely this subject ought to be looked to, theWe beg atofpresent receipt communications from our able and I know of no other mode of reminding Mr. Morgan of his duty, than through the and unwearied coadjutors in the cause of medium of THE LANCET. With many thanks the sick poor in the Unions, Mr. Rumse), to you, Sir, for the assistance which you are Mr. Ceely, Mr. Bedingfield, and from Dr. ever ready to lend towards the advance- Yellowly, Mr. Hainworth, Mr. Church, aud ment of our interests, I am, your obedient many other gentlemen, who have addressed i us on the same subject,-we trust with some A PUPIL OF Guy’s HOSPITAL. servant, advantage to the object of our mutual: Feb. 23, 1837. labours. We have received from Mr. Partridge, oi College, an ample explanation of the King’s CORRESPONDENTS. circumstances relative to the lectures on whose note is Our able correspondent, to in the letter of a cordated Feb. 21, is willingly informed that the midwifery, alluded in the last LANCET, but at too author of the letter with the " Latin signa- respondent ture" is a resident in London, and that the late an hour to allow of its insertion in our next notice did not refer to any communication present Number. It shall appear week. received from our friend G., for whom a letThe criticisms on Dr. Spillan’s transla. ter has been received by the publisher. An University College Pupil.-The sub- tion of the new Pharmacopoeia; by :lb. assistant at St. Thomas’s ject requires discussion in another form, or Sandall, reached uschemist too late for publication Hospital, will be endless and useless. replications The wish expressed in Mr. S.’sprivate this week. X. X., on the 11 Re-opening of the Col note shall be complied with. The letters of 111,’. Bernard, of the St. lege," next week, probably. Marylebone Infirmary, and Mr. C. Macken- ERRATUM.—In Dr. Sigmond’s lecture this zie, and Mf. J. Slight, were too late for our week, page779, line 36, for " orator," read -




present Number.
