Gynecology: Principles and practice

Gynecology: Principles and practice

eters, when to take a temperature, when to call the doctor, reading and cleaning the thermometer, and methods to reduce a fever. AxiIay, rectal, and o...

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eters, when to take a temperature, when to call the doctor, reading and cleaning the thermometer, and methods to reduce a fever. AxiIay, rectal, and oral methods of temperature assessment are all demonstrated. A woman is shown shaking down a thermometer in the bathroom, which is not a good idea. The bedroom is better because the thermometer is less likely to break if it slips from the hand where it is less likely to strike a sink or other hard object while being shaken down. In the explanation of cleaning the thermometer, no mention is made of using alcohol or any other disinfectant, just soap and cool water. The distance a rectal thermometer should be inserted is not stated and the thermometer is shown being dipped into a jar of Vaseline. This is a questionable practice due to sanitay reasons. Thermometer sheaths, which seem to be increasingly popular, are not mentioned. The video does make the important point that palpation is a vey unreliable method of assessing temperature. This program was produced in part by a grant from the McNeil Consumers Products Company, and therefore, Tylenol figures prominently in the video, although other products are shown and nonpharmaceutical methods of fever reduction (e.g., decreasing blankets and clothing, increasing fluids, wet towels, decreasing room temperature, etc.) are also discussed. Technical features such as color, sound, photography, and editing are quite good in all three videos. All three feature a variety of ethnic groups, including Blacks, Orientals, Hispanics, and Anglos. New Baby Care and Infant Care show both mothers and fathers actively involved in the care of the infant; Your Child Has a Feuer features only mothers. Each video is accompanied by a brief discussion guide. Any of the three would be valuable to show to parenting classes. However, because none of them does a comprehensive job of covering infant care and there are a few misleading statements or scenes, as noted, additional audiovisual materials and/or discussion would need to be used with any one of these videos. While adolescents could comprehend the material in these programs, the absence of teenagers in any of the videos may limit their usefulness in this group. Gynecology: Principles and Practice. Edited by Zev Rosenwaks, MD, Fred 54

Benjamin, MD, and Martin L. Stone, MD. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987. 668 pages. $65.00, hardcover. Reviewed by: Vanda R. Lops, CNM,MS, UCSD, San Diego, California. Gynecology: Principles and Pmctice is a comprehensive, well written text. The editors, all prestigious in the field of gynecology, have assembled an equally knowledgeable group of contributors. The format is a familiar one, beginning with the menstrual cycle, then proceeding on to menstrual abnormalities, pubertal problems, PID, menopause, and oncology. The last four chapters are devoted to well-woman gynecology and common gynecologic problems such as vaginitis, pelvic pain, and pelvic relaxation among others. Each chapter follows the accepted format of first presenting normal physical and physiologic concepts and then various abnormalities. Viewpoints regarding different treatment modalities are discussed and well documented. The chapters are fairly easy to read and understand. Content appears quite complete and accurate. One area of content however, that is not included is the breast. There is also a lack of information about the sexually abused patient. Ajthough there is a fleeting mention of the diagnosis of sexual abuse in the child in the chapter on vaginitis, no other information on this topic, including rape, is found anywhere else in the book. An especially interesting component of the text is the first chapter, entitled “Basic Concepts-Patient Evaluation,” which includes ten pages on client assessment. A patient-oriented approach to the taking of the gynecologic history is stressed. A statement is made that no matter what other findings are discovered during the evaluation, the chief complaint as put forth by the patient must be resolved before or in addition to all others. Also included is a fairly thorough description of the general physical examination, an excellent section on the pelvic examination, and useful illustrations for bimanual palpation that will be quite helpful to the beginning student. The last paragraph of this first chapter notes that the author’s emphasis is on the art rather than science of care, and on the importance for the gynecologist to remember that he treats women and not diseases. This is a most Journal of Nurse-Midwifery

welcome and long overdue humanitarian view regarding gynecologic practice. The book itself is attractive in appearance; the type easy to read. The paper used in the printing, however, reflects light easily and can be troublesome to the reader. The numerous ijkrstrations, charts, and photographs wiU enhance the reader’s comprehension of the concept being discussed. The table of contents divides the text into six main parts or gynecologic topics and then lists the chapters dealing with the various perspectives of that particular topic. No appendix is included. Gynecology: Principles and Practice, although not a pocket book, is a valuable reference text that should be added to the nune-midwife’s and the gynecologist’s office or home library. What You Didn’t Think to Ask Your Obstetrician: All Your Questions Answered. By Raymond I. Poliakin, MD. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1987. 166 pages. $7.95, paperback. Reviewed by: Lauren Hunter, CNM,MSN, Clinical Nurse Midwife, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Nurse-Midwifery Service, Comprehensive Perinatal Program, University of California San Diego Medical Center, San Diego, California. What You Didn’t Think to Ask Your Obstetrician:All Your Questions Answered is another attempt to meet the educational needs of the pregnant woman, her partner, and the lay consumer. The author, Dr. Poliakin, is Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Westlake Hospital, Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California Medical Center, and a diplomat of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Using an easyto-read question and answer format, he has developed 14 chapters covering a variety of subjects during the prenatal and postpartal periods. The author’s expertise is evident in the more technical chapters covering obstetric and medical complications of pregnancy, special testing, and fetal growth and development. Concrete questions such as: “What is toxemia of pregnancy, ” “Why is an amniocentesis performed?’ and, “How big is my baby at six weeks?” are examples to which easily understood answers are given. Additionally, most obstetric terms used are then defined in layman’s language. ??Vol.

34, No. 1, January/February 1989