Has the Internet Fostered Inclusive Innovation in the Developing World?

Has the Internet Fostered Inclusive Innovation in the Developing World?

World Development Vol. 78, pp. 587–609, 2016 0305-750X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. www.elsevier.com/locate/worlddev http://dx.doi.org/1...

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World Development Vol. 78, pp. 587–609, 2016 0305-750X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. www.elsevier.com/locate/worlddev


Has the Internet Fostered Inclusive Innovation in the Developing World? CAROLINE PAUNOV a and VALENTINA ROLLO b,* a OECD, France b International Trade Centre, Switzerland Summary. — The adoption of the Internet has been widespread across countries, making much more information available and thus facilitating knowledge diffusion among businesses to boost their innovation performance. However, differences in firms’ capabilities to use this newly available knowledge could create a new ‘‘digital divide” instead. Using 50,013 firm observations covering 117 developing and emerging countries over the 2006–11 period, this paper tests for knowledge spillover effects from industries’ adoption of the Internet on firms’ productivity and innovation performance. We test for heterogeneous spillover impacts on groups of firms that are commonly less engaged in innovation and on firms with different productivity levels. Our specification regresses firm productivity and innovation performance – i.e., their investment in equipment and ownership of quality certificates and patents – on industries’ use of the Internet. Spillover effects are identified by controlling for firms’ own investment in Internet technology, industry and country-year fixed effects as well as extensive firm-level controls. Our results show that industries’ use of the Internet positively affects the average firm’s productivity and its investment in equipment. We also identify modest impacts of industries’ use of the Internet on the likelihood that firms obtain quality certificates and patents. On average, we find that the returns to productivity are larger for firms that commonly engage less in innovation, including single-plant establishments, non-exporters, and firms located in small agglomerations. However, results from quantile regressions show that only the most productive firms reap productivity gains from Internet-enabled knowledge access. Firms with productivity levels below the 50th percentile do not benefit much. The spillover effects from industries’ adoption of the Internet identified in our work justify public policies aimed at fostering industries’ use of the Internet. However, since we show that only firms with adequate absorptive capabilities benefit from the widespread Internet adoption, policy support should also focus on facilitating firms’ access to networks and strengthening their capacities to use them. Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Key words — Information and communication technology (ICT), knowledge spillovers, Internet, innovation, productivity, firm heterogeneities


50,013 firm observations for 117 developing and emerging countries for the 2006–11 period. Our empirical methodology exploits information on industries’ adoption of the Internet as a tool for communicating with suppliers and clients to identify Internet-enabled knowledge spillover effects. Our specification regresses firm productivity and innovation performance – i.e., their investment in equipment and ownership of quality certificates and patents – on industries’ use of the Internet, a comprehensive set of firm controls as well as industry and country-year fixed effects. We control for firms’ own use of the Internet in all specifications. Our identification exploits within country-year differences in the adoption of the Internet across industries. An industry’s adoption of the Internet is unlikely to be affected by an individual firm’s productivity and innovation performance and, hence, the risk of reverse causality is low. Notwithstanding, we cannot exclude a small risk of endogeneity which would arise if the most productive and innovative firms’ use of the Internet caused other firms in the industry

The adoption of the Internet has been widespread across countries (ITU, 2014). With the Internet, increasingly large sets of knowledge and information (‘‘big data”) can be more easily diffused to large groups of people. By allowing for wider access to ideas, the Internet may boost innovation as innovation arises from new combinations of existing pieces of knowledge (Arthur, 2007). With the Internet, opportunities to benefit from knowledge created by others are possibly higher. Such knowledge spillovers are critical for economic growth as they generate increasing returns (Grossman & Helpman, 1991; Krugman, 1991; Romer, 1986). In addition, the Internet can support more inclusive innovation, i.e., the widening of the often very small group of innovating firms in emerging and developing economies (OECD, 2015; Paunov, 2013). The Internet may help groups of firms that engage less in innovation, by improving their access to knowledge. By contrast, leading innovators often have access to quality ‘‘offline” knowledge and consequently may have less to gain from Internet-enabled knowledge transfers. However, less innovative firms may lack capabilities to use newly available knowledge for their business purposes (Cohen & Levinthal, 1989). This paper provides evidence of knowledge spillover effects from industries’ adoption of the Internet on firms’ productivity and innovation performance. It analyses whether the Internet as a conduit of knowledge spillovers has heterogeneous impacts on groups of firms that differ with regard to their innovation performance and productivity. This study provides comprehensive evidence on these questions for a sample of

* The authors would like to thank Richard Baldwin, Nicolas Berman, Ana Margarida Fernandes, Dominique Guellec, Eric J. Bartelsman and participants of the 2014 ABCDE Conference, the Inter-American Development Bank’s internal seminar series and the 7th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CAED) for valuable comments. Valentina Rollo gratefully acknowledges support from the SNF, Project Number PDFMP1_135148. The findings expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the OECD, the International Trade Center or their member countries. Final revision accepted: October 3, 2015. 587



to adopt the Internet. Consequently, higher industry adoption rates could be positively correlated with strong performance. We address these endogeneity concerns as part of our robustness tests. We use ordinary least squares regressions to study aggregate effects on firm productivity and equipment investment rates as well as logistic and probit regressions to analyze impacts on firms’ ownership of quality certificates and patents. In addition, we apply quantile regressions to test whether benefits from industries’ adoption of the Internet differ across firms of different productivity levels, which proxy for their capacities to absorb new knowledge. We also use quantile regression to ensure our results are not driven by non-normal errors and outliers as might be the case for ordinary least squares regressions. We find that industries’ use of the Internet has positive impacts on firms’ labor productivity and on their investments in equipment. We also identify modest impacts on the likelihood that firms obtain quality certificates and patents. The evidence is robust to various tests such as removing potential outliers and using alternative sources of Internet-enabled knowledge spillovers, including the Internet uptake by firms within geographic locations and industries as well as at the country rather than at the country-industry level. Moreover, we show that, on average, the Internet adoption of their industries benefits more groups of firms that commonly engage less in innovation: firms that do not export, firms that are not part of multi-plant establishments and firms that operate in small agglomerations. Quantile regression results show that the more productive firms gain more from their industries’ intensive use of the Internet. Firms with productivity levels below the 50th percentile do not benefit much. Moreover, only the most productive non-exporting firms and single-plant establishments benefit from knowledge spillovers. Interestingly, while we do not find that firm size affects productivity gains of the average firm, quantile regression results reveal larger payoffs for the most productive small firms compared to larger firms. Several policy implications arise from our analysis. First, the existence of spillover effects from industries’ adoption of the Internet, which do not depend on firms’ own investments, justify public policies aimed at fostering industries’ use of the Internet. The potential returns from policy support of industries’ Internet adoption are high because, differently from other private sector development policies, benefits arise even for firms that commonly engage less in innovation and for firms that face cumbersome business environment conditions (Paunov & Rollo, 2015). However, differences in capabilities to use the knowledge made available on the Internet could create a new ‘‘digital divide”. Only firms with absorptive capabilities can benefit from business intelligence platforms, which give access to knowledge relevant to their scientific and technological needs. Therefore, facilitating firms’ access to such networks and strengthening their capacities to use them deserve policy support. Human capital investments are core complementary policies (Indjikian & Siegel, 2005). This paper relates to the research on the contributions of ICT to development. An ongoing debate focuses on adequate infrastructure conditions in developing and emerging economies such as bandwidth capacity and affordable access prices. Forbiddingly high prices to access the Internet, which may be caused by technical or market imperfections, can reduce uptake (Hilbert, 2010; Howard & Mazaheri, 2009). These are pre-conditions for firms to use ICT for their business operations to support their productivity (Ref. Section 2(a)).

Moreover, our work relates to studies on the opportunities for ICT to support very small firms and entrepreneurs from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. ICT have helped smallholder farmers and fisheries obtain market information (including on price trends) as well as knowledge about production techniques (Jensen, 2007; Muto & Yamano, 2009; Ogutu, Okello, & Otieno, 2014). Several studies have identified gains from ICT-based services for disadvantaged producers (e.g., Aker & Mbiti, 2010; Donner, 2004, 2006; Donner & Escobari, 2010; Duncombe & Heeks, 2002; Esselaar, Stork, Ndiwalana, & Deen-Swarra, 2007; Kaushik & Singh, 2004). However, improved access to knowledge has not always benefitted these groups as they often lack capabilities to exploit new knowledge (e.g., Tadesse & Bahiigwa, 2015). 1 In addition, our paper relates to the literature on knowledge spillovers. Several studies have shown that gross social returns to knowledge investments exceed private returns (Bloom, Schankerman, & Van Reenen, 2013). Audretsch and Feldman (2004) and Keller (2004) discuss research findings on the international and geographic dimensions of knowledge spillovers. There is also evidence on barriers to knowledge spillovers, including from foreign direct investment (see Go¨rg & Greenaway, 2004). Firms’ lack of ‘‘absorptive” capacity to make use of newly available knowledge explains some of the limitations (Girma, 2005; Kokko, 1994; Kokko, Tansini, & Zejan, 1996). Geographical proximity also matters for spillovers (Ref. Section 2(c)). Our paper makes several contributions to the literature. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to provide comprehensive cross-country evidence of knowledge spillovers of industries’ Internet adoption on firm productivity and innovation performance. Using data for the 2006–11 period allows estimating global impacts at a point in time when the Internet adoption gained some maturity. Data for earlier years may underestimate impacts. Moreover, our study expands on the previous analyses by testing whether groups of firms that commonly innovate less benefit more from their industries’ Internet adoption. In addition, we apply quantile regression techniques to explore whether average effects – obtained from conventional estimation techniques – hide differences in impacts across firms of different productivity levels. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the conceptual framework while Section 3 presents the data we use for our analysis. Section 4 introduces the empirical framework. Section 5 provides descriptive statistics while Section 6 describes the results of the analysis. Section 7 concludes. 2. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK (a) ICT investments as driver of efficiency improvements Firms, industries, and countries that invested in ICT have improved the efficiency in which they transform inputs into outputs. Research, conducted at industry and firm levels, has consistently found that ICT investments positively relate to higher productivity (e.g., Bartel, Ichniowski, & Shaw, 2007; Bloom, Sadun, & Van Reenen, 2012; Jorgenson, 2001; Jorgenson & Vu, 2005; Oliner & Sichel, 2000; Stiroh, 2002). 2 There is also some evidence for firms in developing and emerging economies (e.g., Commander, Harrison, & Menezes-Filho, 2011; ECLAC, 2011; Motohashi, 2008; Pohjola, 2001; UNCTAD, 2008; World Bank, 2006). In addition, firms’ ICT investments also relate positively to their innovation performance (see, for example, Spezia, 2011, for an analysis of eight OECD countries).


However, ICT do not automatically boost productivity. Evidence prior to the mid-1990s did not identify such positive impacts (Brynjolfsson & Yang, 1996). Hence, Solow’s famous quote (1987) ‘‘you can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics”. Limited productivity gains also reflected the need for production process adjustments before ICT had positive productivity impacts, including the need for organizational changes and adequate human capital. The complementarity between on the one hand ICT investment and on the other hand organizational change and management capacities is critical for ICT investments to boost productivity (Black & Lynch, 2001, 2004; Bloom et al., 2012; Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, & Hitt, 2002; Bresnahan, Greenstein, Brownstone, & Flamm, 1996). Differences in organizational and managerial capabilities are among the reasons why ICT contributed more to US than to Europe’s productivity (Cardona et al., 2013). Bloom et al. (2012) find that for firms operating in the United Kingdom, the productivity of ICT capital has been significantly higher in US-owned establishments compared to other firms. (b) Knowledge spillovers and firms’ innovation performance In addition to firms’ productivity improvements from their own ICT investments, further productivity and innovation performance gains may arise from industries’ adoption of the Internet as a means of communication to improve the diffusion of knowledge. The Internet’s contribution is well illustrated by an analogy: drawing balls from an urn that holds relevant knowledge. The Internet helps access a larger number of balls from that urn. Improved communication among members of an industry facilitates learning about new technologies and consequently accelerates the rate of innovation (e.g., Conley & Udry, 2010 and references therein). Information from clients, suppliers, and competitors can strengthen firms’ innovation performance in the following ways: First, information on customer preferences helps identify market opportunities for new products and services. Uncertainty about future market demands for new products is a major obstacle for firms to invest in innovation (Collard-Wexler, Asker, & De Loecker, 2011). User feedback can also help firms develop new product and services; it is used systematically to identify bugs in software codes and to create improved software programs. 3 Second, developments of technology relevant to firms’ production processes determine the technical feasibility of new products and processes. Hence, better communication with suppliers to learn about new technological possibilities and discuss firms’ needs can support innovation. Third, knowledge about competitors’ practices allows firms to learn about alternative production techniques and innovations. However, knowledge from competitors might be less accessible because they have an interest in keeping information secret from each other (see e.g., Fernandes & Paunov, 2012; Javorcik, 2004). Aside from knowledge spillovers, there are other potential sources of benefit from industries’ adoption of the Internet on firms’ productivity and innovation performance. Widespread adoption of the Internet allows firms to order online from suppliers and deliver products more efficiently to customers. The use of ICT can also improve the evidence-base in firms’ decision-making (e.g., Brynjolfsson, Hitt, & Kim, 2011). Taken together these impacts are closely related to firms’ own adoption of the Internet rather than to their industries’ adoption. Knowledge spillovers are likely to be more important sources of productivity and innovation performance gains from industries’ Internet adoption.


(c) Knowledge spillovers and the Internet Knowledge lends itself to spillovers since, once created, it can be replicated and disseminated at virtually no cost, and consequently benefit more firms (Arrow, 1962). The Internet has contributed to reducing dissemination costs further. However, there are barriers to Internet-enabled knowledge diffusion: only codified knowledge can be transmitted while tacit knowledge cannot (Leamer & Storper, 2001). This is why geographic proximity matters for knowledge diffusion (Audretsch & Feldman, 1996; Krugman, 1991). However, ICT have reduced barriers for transmitting knowledge; for instance, videoconference opportunities mimic face-to-face interactions better than other ways of communicating across geographic distances. Potential benefits from Internet-facilitated knowledge spillovers do not depend on the individual firm’s use of the Internet but on adoption by a critical mass of an industry’s firms. Even firms that do not use the Internet can benefit from Internet-enabled knowledge diffusion within their industry by other means, such as participation in business associations and recruitment of staff from other firms. The question whether the Internet facilitates knowledge spillovers is, therefore, distinct from asking how firms’ own adoption of ICTs has benefited their performance. (d) The Internet as a potential facilitator of inclusive innovation More inclusive innovation i.e., expanding the group of innovators to groups that are traditionally not engaged in innovation, is an important issue for developing and emerging economies. Small and young firms can be drivers of innovation as they often have greater agility to introduce novel ideas (Acs & Audretsch, 1990). Yet, fewer opportunities for these firms to access credit stifle their contributions to innovation, particularly in developing and emerging economies. Larger incumbent businesses often have access to more funding opportunities. Other obstacles are also less of a challenge for large incumbent firms compared to small and young firms. Consequently, a few incumbent firms are ‘‘islands of excellence” in a sea of smaller businesses of low productivity (OECD, 2015). Such industrial structures are inefficient as aggregate productivity would be much higher if all firms were as productive as the best performing ones (Hsieh & Klenow, 2009). Wage inequality is also higher as less productive firms pay lower wages than the more productive firms (Mueller, Ouimet, & Simintzi, 2015). Potential Internet-enabled knowledge diffusion to improve the performance of less productive firms is consequently critical. The benefits from the Internet adoption of their industries may be larger for some firms than for others. Coming back to the analogy of the urn introduced above, better knowledge networks give firms access to all of the relevant knowledge since the full number of available balls is fixed. All else equal, firms that are connected to rich (poor) offline knowledge networks may have fewer (stronger) productivity and innovation performance gains from new online networks. Some groups of firms differ in the quality of offline knowledge networks; those with bad quality network connections commonly also engage less in innovation. Differences may arise for exporters and foreign-owned firms, firms located in large (small) agglomerations, firms of different sizes as well as multi- and single plant firms and informal businesses. First, exporters and foreign-owned firms may have less to gain from Internet-enabled knowledge spillovers because they access foreign expertise, which is a critical source of advanced



technologies (Coe & Helpman, 1995; Fagerberg, 1994; Freeman & Soete, 1997). National firms and non-exporters may consequently benefit more from Internet-enabled knowledge transfer. Second, firms located in large agglomerations often have access to dense local networks, including frequent business meetings with other companies located in the same cluster. This is different for firms located in small agglomerations. With the Internet’s ability to cross geographical distance better than previous communication technology (e.g., Cairncross, 1997; Forman & Van Zeebroeck, 2012; Friedman, 2005), firms located in smaller agglomerations consequently stand to benefit more. 4 Third, smaller-sized firms have fewer employees, lower revenues, and often smaller R&D investments in absolute terms. Therefore, agglomeration benefits from their own R&D investments are lower as is the availability of internal sources of knowledge (Cohen, 2010; Klepper & Simons, 2005). Smaller firms may consequently benefit more from Internet-enabled knowledge spillovers than larger firms (cf. Acs, Audretsch, & Feldman, 1994). Single-plant establishment may also have more to gain from their industry’s adoption of the Internet than multi-plant establishments. Fourth, informal businesses may also have larger benefits from Internet-enabled knowledge spillovers. These firms have fewer resources to build knowledge networks and are often excluded from formal businesses networks. There is evidence to show ICT benefit informal businesses (e.g., Jensen, 2007; Muto & Yamano, 2009 and references provided in the introduction). (e) Knowledge spillovers and ‘‘absorptive” capacities Firms need the capacity to apply the knowledge they gain access to. If absorptive capacities are weak, knowledge spillovers effects are much lower or absent (cf. Go¨rg & Greenaway, 2004). Indigenous capacities are needed because innovations developed elsewhere are often inappropriate in specific firm contexts, unless incremental innovations to adjust them are undertaken (Atkinson & Stiglitz, 1969). The empirical evidence confirms firms own capacities complements access to knowledge (Hu, Jefferson, & Jinchang, 2005; Kokko, 1994; Kokko, Tansini & Zejan, 1996). Thus, industries’ adoption of the Internet may have heterogeneous effects on firms at different productivity levels: the most productive firms with stronger absorptive capacities may benefit more from knowledge spillovers than less productive firms that lack such capacities. (f) Testable hypotheses Based on the discussion, the following testable hypotheses for our empirical analysis arise: 1. We expect the use of the Internet by industries as a tool for communication to have positive impacts on firms’ productivity and innovation performance. 2. We hypothesize that the Internet has heterogeneous impacts on groups of firms that engage to different extents in innovation: (i) exporting and non-exporting firms, (ii) firms located in larger and smaller agglomerations, (iii) single- and multi-product firms and (iv) differently sized firms. We also analyze (v) whether informal businesses benefits from their industries’ adoption of the Internet. 3. We hypothesize that the impact of industries’ adoption of the Internet on firms’ productivity and innovation performance differs for firms of different productivity levels to proxy for firms’ different levels of absorptive capacities.

3. DATA We use data from the second wave of the World Bank Enterprise Surveys (WBES) for our empirical analysis. The WBES collect information on a representative sample of formal firms in the countries’ non-agricultural sector; the selection of firms is done by stratified random sampling (Dethier, Hirn, & Straub, 2011). The WBES have been widely used, including in Almeida and Fernandes (2008), Beck, Demirgu¨c¸-Kunt, and Maksimovic (2008), Fisman and Svensson (2007) and Paunov (2016). 5 Our analysis uses a cross-section of firms, information for 50,013 firm observations across 117 countries for the 2006– 11 period. This sample is drawn from 65,285 firm observations available, excluding observations with missing information on labor productivity and industries’ use of the Internet. 6 Table 1 summarizes data coverage across world regions, industries, firm size categories, years, and country income levels. Table 1. Descriptive statistics Number of observations

Share in total (%)

Region Africa Eastern Europe and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East East Asia Pacific South Asia

13,741 9,968 19,772 1,007 3,677 1,848

27.5 19.9 39.5 2.0 7.4 3.7

Industry Food Garments Textiles and leather Wood and furniture Non-metallic and plastic materials Metals, machinery and electronics Chemicals and pharmaceuticals Other manufacturing activities Total manufacturing

6,326 3,987 2,567 689 2,337 3,738 2,387 6,921 28,952

12.7 8.0 5.1 1.4 4.7 7.5 4.8 13.8 57.9

Services (incl. construction) Hotels and restaurants Retail and wholesale trade Construction and transportation Other services Total services

1,816 11,641 2,629 4,975 21,061

3.6 23.3 5.3 10.0 42.1

Size Micro (1–10 employees) Small (11–50 employees) Medium (51–150 employees) Large (more than 150 employees)

16,549 20,022 7,772 5,670

33.1 40.0 15.5 11.3

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

12,280 8,261 2,382 14,057 11,182 1,851

24.6 16.5 4.8 28.1 22.4 3.7

Income level High income Upper-middle income Lower-middle income Low income

2,627 21,126 17,925 8,335

5.3 42.2 35.8 16.7

Full sample



Interestingly for our purposes, the WBES has information on firms’ use of the Internet – whether firms used email to communicate with suppliers and customers – rather than of their investment in ICT, which says little about actual use. The indicator informs about whether the Internet is used for communication, which is critical for our study since it relates to firms’ access to knowledge. What is more, firms’ email use is positively correlated with the intensity of their use of ICT in business operations. Table 2 shows results using linear probability, logistic and probit regression models for the sample of firms for which we have information on whether they use the Internet to conduct R&D, purchase inputs from suppliers, deliver services to clients, and market the firm on a website. 7 Results reported in columns (1), (2), and (3) of Table 2 indicate that firm email use is positively correlated with advanced uses of the Internet i.e., those using the Internet in all these ways. By contrast, as shown in columns (7), (8), and (9) of Table 2, firm email use is negatively correlated with weak uses of the Internet i.e., those using the Internet for none of the purposes described above. For median users the correlation is positive but less strong than for advanced users (columns (4), (5), and (6) of Table 2). The WBES also has information on firms’ labor productivity and on innovation activities including their investments in equipment as well as their ownership of quality certificates and patents. (Information on patenting is unfortunately only available for a smaller number of observations because the variable is not collected across all WBES surveys we combine in our analysis.) The WBES also has ample information on firm characteristics, including on sales, employment, ownership type, and export performance. We also use the informal firm dataset, provided by the WBES, which covers 1,557 firms for seven countries 8 in 2010. The informal business survey collects information on firms’ uptake of mobile phones as well as on their sales and their equipment investments. 4. EMPIRICAL FRAMEWORK To study the impact of industries’ adoption of the Internet on firms’ innovation and productivity performance, we use the following estimation model:


Y ijct ¼ a þ b1  ICT jct þ b2  ICT ijct þ C  X ijct þ kj þ kct þ eijct ð1Þ where Yijct is a measure of firm i’s labor productivity or its innovation performance, i.e., whether the firm owns a quality certificate or patent and its level of equipment investment. Coefficient b1 is our variable of interest to identify knowledge-spillover effects from the uptake of the Internet: ICTjct is an indicator of industry j’s use of email to communicate with clients and suppliers in country c in year t. This measure is built for industries (by countryyear) with at least 10 observations. ICTijct is a measure of firm i’s use of the Internet to control for direct impacts of firms’ Internet adoption while kj and kct are respectively a set of industry and country-year dummies. In consequence, our identification strategy exploits differences in industry’s adoption of the Internet across countries while controlling for characteristics specific to industries and countries in any year. We obtain a measure of country-year industry adoption, identified across 15 different industries. Xijct is a vector of firm-level control variables as described in Section 6. Acs et al. (1994) and Haskel, Pereira, and Slaughter (2007) use similar empirical methodologies to study respectively the impacts of industries’ R&D and FDI intensities. 9 Three possible challenges may be raised with regard to the proposed empirical model: (i) endogeneity, that is, while ICT might support innovation performance, more innovative firms also rely more on ICT, (ii) omitted variable bias, i.e., there might be other factors that affect the productivity-ICT adoption relationship and (iii) measurement error of the explanatory variable. First, endogeneity is less of a challenge for our analysis compared to an analysis of firms’ own investment in ICT on their performance. It is unlikely that firms’ innovation and productivity performance has a direct impact on their industry’s adoption of the Internet. To avoid potential endogeneity concerns, we exclude firm i’s own use of the Internet from the industry average we compute. Notwithstanding, we cannot exclude a small risk of endogeneity, which could arise if the most productive and innovative firms’ adoption of the Internet led other firms to use the Internet. Higher industry adoption rates could then be correlated with strong performance and explain possible

Table 2. Correlations between different intensities of firms’ ICT use and their email use Dependent variables: Advanced use of ICT

Median use of ICT

Low use of ICT

LPM (1)

Logit (2)

Probit (3)

LPM (4)

Logit (5)

Probit (6)

LPM (7)

Logit (8)

Probit (9)

Email use


0.690*** [0.166] (0.104) Yes Yes Yes

0.426*** [0.165] (0.064) Yes Yes Yes


(0.013) Yes Yes Yes

1.049*** [0.364] (0.098) Yes Yes Yes


Firm-level controls Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects

1.920*** [0.405] (0.199) Yes Yes Yes

1.918*** [0.195] (0.108) Yes Yes Yes

1.147*** [0.216] (0.064) Yes Yes Yes



13,678 0.04







Observations R2 Pseudo-R2

13,678 0.10

(0.024) Yes Yes Yes

13,677 0.08

(0.023) Yes Yes Yes 13,678 0.11


Note: Advanced, median, and low uses of ICT are defined depending on whether firms used the Internet to: (i) conduct R&D, (ii) purchase inputs from suppliers, (iii) deliver services to clients and (iv) market the firm on a website. The table reports results from linear probability model regressions (LPM) in columns (1), (4), and (7) and for logistic and probit regressions in columns (2), (5), and (8) and (3), (6), and (9), respectively. Robust standard errors are shown in parentheses. For logistic and probit regressions, marginal effects are reported in brackets. Firm-level controls are the same as those of column (5) of Panel A of Table 4. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively.



positive coefficients on industry adoption rates. We address endogeneity concerns as part of our robustness tests. Second, we address omitted variable biases by introducing industry and country-year fixed effects in addition to firmlevel controls, described in Appendix Table 11A. Countryyear fixed effects allow isolating potential differences across countries in specific years. This includes government policies with possible impacts on firms’ productivity and innovation performance. Controlling for industry effects is also important because certain industries are more technology-intensive than others. Third, measurement error is less of a concern than for analyses that focus on interpreting firm-level evidence. Our variable of interest is aggregated at the industry level and consequently possible misreporting at firm-level is better controlled for. In order to test for possible heterogeneous effects across firms we estimate the following modified model:

includes all explanatory variables as in (1), (2), and (3) (Koenker & Bassett, 1978). Estimating h from 0 to 1 gives the entire conditional distribution of Prodict, conditional on zijct (Buchinsky, 1998). In other words, using quantile regressions shows the impact of industries’ Internet adoption at different levels of the conditional productivity distribution, rather than at the conditional mean of the dependent variable. Empirical applications of quantile regression techniques include, for example, Yasar and Morrison Paul (2007), Fattouh, Scaramozzino, and Harris (2005) and Coad and Rao (2008). Quantile regressions also allow for a robustness test of our main results as they are less sensitive to outliers than standard regression models (Koenker & Bassett, 1978). 10

5. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Many firms in developing and emerging countries have adopted the Internet to support their operations over the 2006–11 period, but uptake rates differed between countries and firms. While 47% and 57% of the firms in low-income and lower-middle-income economies communicated with clients and supplier by email, 84% and 93% of the firms in upper-middle-income and high-income economies did so. Moreover, small firms were less active users than larger businesses: their uptake was of 44.5% compared to 96.9% for businesses with more than 150 employees. Informal businesses were also active users of mobile phones. Table 3 shows that 76.2% of the African businesses in our sample used mobile phones in 2009–10 even though more than two thirds of these firms experienced power outages and more than one in four firms did not have electricity. The use of the Internet varied across different countries’ industries. In the textiles industry, for instance, the share of firms using the Internet for communication was of only 21% in Nigeria, 25% in Indonesia, and 33% in Pakistan while the share was of 100% in Argentina, Costa Rica, and Peru. In the retail and wholesale trade sector, the same shares range from 20% for Uzbekistan and 30% for Angola to almost complete adoption in Hungary (96%) and Estonia (99%). Figure 1 shows substantial dispersion existed across countries in industries’ adoption rates. 11 In the food, garment, and service industries – i.e., retail and wholesale trade and also hotels and restaurants – several industries had weakly adopted the Internet. By contrast, chemicals and

Y ijct ¼ a þ bType1  ½ICT jct  Typeijct  þ b1  ICT jct þ b2  ICT ijct þ C  X ijct þ kj þ kct þ eijct


Y ijct ¼ a þ bADV 1  ½ICT jct  TypeADV ijct  þ bDIS1  ½ICT jct  TypeDIS ijct  þ b2  ICT ijct þ C  X ijct þ kj þ kct þ eijct


where Typeijct indicates firm characteristics (such as firm i’s size) and TypeADVijct and TypeDISijct are dichotomous variables of firm characteristics (for instance, whether the firm is an exporter, TypeADVijct, or not, TypeDISijct). We use various estimation models in our analysis. To estimate impacts on the average firm’s labor productivity and equipment investment we apply ordinary least squares regressions. We use logistic and probit estimation models to assess the impacts of industry Internet adoption on the two binary outcome variables: quality certificates and patents. Robust standard errors clustered at country-industry-year level are applied systematically to account for the fact that industry adoption of the Internet is an aggregate variable (Moulton, 1990). Moreover, we apply quantile regressions to assess whether impacts differ based on firms’ level of labor productivity. Quantile regressions can be expressed in the general form Prodict = x0ict b + eict with Qh (Prodict/zijct) = z0ijct bh, where zijct

Table 3. Statistics on technology use of the informal sector Overall



Firm nbr.


Firm nbr.


Firm nbr.


Use of cell-phone No Yes

1,026 1,495

40.7 59.3

295 943

23.8 76.2

674 489

58.0 42.1

Use of electricity No Yes

553 1,668

24.9 75.1

369 873

29.7 70.3

178 681

20.7 79.3

46.1 53.9

275 591

31.8 68.2

489 190

72.0 28.0

Experienced power outages No 765 Yes 894

Note: The statistics are based on firm observations for 14 countries: Angola, Argentina, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Guatemala, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Nepal, and Peru.

Percentage of firms using the Internet


Max 75th percentile

100 80



25th percentile

40 20



Figure 1. Differences in industries’ adoption of the Internet across countries. Note: The deciles for different industries are computed based on the following number of country observations on the share of firms using the Internet to communicate by email with clients and users: 110 for food, 50 for textiles, 71 for garments, 48 for chemicals and pharmaceuticals, 68 for metals and machinery, 64 for non-metallic and plastic materials, 123 for retail and wholesale trade, 74 for hotels and restaurants and 81 for construction and transportation. Statistics provided are obtained for the 50,013 firms included in our baseline sample.

pharmaceuticals industries had high adoption rates in most countries. 6. RESULTS (a) Baseline results: ICT-enabled spillovers on firm productivity and innovation performance First, we test whether the wider diffusion of ICT leads to knowledge spillovers that result in higher firm productivity and improved innovation performance. Panel A of Table 4 shows regression results of Eqn. (1) for labor productivity: column (1) reports results for industries’ use of the Internet with industry and country-year fixed effects. We identify a positive significant effect. We progressively add firm-level controls: firms’ employment and age (column 2), indicators of public ownership and whether the establishments are part of multiplant establishments (column 3) and controls for whether the firm has connections abroad (i.e., foreign-ownership and exporter status) (column 4). We also add proxies for managerial quality and access to finance (column 5). Consistently with the literature, we find that these factors are positively correlated with firms’ productivity. Only public ownership is negatively correlated with firms’ productivity. We also control for firms’ own use of the Internet to exclude direct effects on firms (column 6). Our variable of interest, the industry-wide adoption of the Internet as a means of communication, remains positive significant but decreases as other factors, notably firms’ own use of the Internet, are added to the specification. Appendix Table 11B provides a correlation matrix of the independent variables; levels of correlation are modest and justify the use of all dependent variables in our empirical estimations. 12 Panel B of Table 4 shows positive significant effects on average firms’ investment in equipment (column 1). We also identify positive effects on firms’ ownership of quality certificates (columns 2 and 3) and patents (columns 4 and 5). Both results from probit and logistic estimation models are included. For brevity we only report results from logistic estimation models in subsequent tables. 13 Overall, our results provide evidence that industries’ adoption of the Internet facilitates positive spillover effects on firms’ productivity and innovation performance. Results


confirm our first empirical hypothesis. As for the magnitude of estimated effects, all else equal, an increase by one standard deviation in the intensity of a industries’ use of the Internet improves firm labor productivity by an amount equivalent to productivity increasing from the 50th to the 54th percentile of the distribution. For equipment investment the increase is from the 50th to the 55th percentile of the corresponding distribution. Impacts on firms’ ownership of quality certificates and patents are modest. An increase by one standard deviation would, all else equal, lead to an increase in formal intellectual property rights’ ownership of 3% and 5% respectively. (b) Robustness tests This section presents robustness tests of our results. Findings for labor productivity are reported in Table 5. First, in order to ensure that our variable of interest does not pick up the effects of other industry characteristics, we include measures of national industries’ average employment, their age, foreign ownership status, the volume of exporter activities, an indicator of public ownership, the share of multi-plant establishments, the average of years of managers’ experience, and an indicator of credit access. Results, reported in column (1) of Table 5, confirm our evidence is robust to including these control variables. Unreported tests show our results also hold if we include location fixed effects and firms’ past productivity performance to account for a variety of possible omitted factors. Second, we check whether our results are robust to potential outliers. We exclude the 5% most and least productive firms for each country-year group. 14 Results, reported in column (2) of Table 5, show outliers do not drive results. Results from quantile regressions, reported in Section 6(d), provide additional evidence that outliers do not affect our findings. A related concern arises in those cases where few observations are used to obtain averages of industry Internet adoption. We, therefore, raise the threshold for averages to 30 observations. Results shown in column (3) of Table 5 confirm our results are robust. The downside to raising the threshold is that fewer observations can be included as part of the analysis. This introduces a potential sample selection bias. This is why we allow for a lower threshold for our main results. Third, our main results focus on spillover effects within the firm’s industry, as product markets are sources of relevant knowledge for firms’ productivity and innovation performance. The most adequate sources of knowledge for firms may, however, be not be firms’ own industries. In order to account for possible alternative sources for knowledge spillovers we compute alternative measures, including separate measures of industries’ adoption of the Internet for smaller and large firms. Smaller firms may have more to gain from other firms of similar size as processes adopted by large firms may be out of reach for them. By contrast, large firms may have little to gain from knowing about the practices adopted by smaller entities. Results, reported in column (4) of Table 5, are positive significant and confirm our main findings. Moreover, we obtain separate measures of industries’ adoption of the Internet for different types of locations as in Fisman and Svensson (2007). Firms in rural areas with very few inhabitants may have more to gain from the practices of other firms located in similar types of locations. 15 We find a positive significant impact (column (5) of Table 5). In addition, unreported results using a measure of Internet adoption for country-location-year level (as in Arnold, Mattoo, & Narciso, 2008, and Dollar et al., 2006), are also positive significant.


WORLD DEVELOPMENT Table 4. Baseline results

Panel A: Labor productivity Dependent variable: Labor productivity (1) Industry Internet use




0.010 (0.001)

Firm-level controls Employment Age


(4) 0.007 (0.001)

0.007 (0.001)

0.006*** (0.001)

0.151*** (0.010) 0.083*** (0.011)

0.132*** (0.010) 0.078*** (0.011) 0.133* (0.073) 0.333*** (0.022)

0.082*** (0.010) 0.087*** (0.011) 0.149** (0.072) 0.280*** (0.022) 0.443*** (0.025) 0.258*** (0.022)

0.058*** (0.010) 0.078*** (0.011) 0.121* (0.073) 0.285*** (0.022) 0.476*** (0.026) 0.241*** (0.022) 0.302*** (0.016) 0.026** (0.011)

0.023** (0.010) 0.075*** (0.011) 0.136* (0.071) 0.254*** (0.022) 0.453*** (0.025) 0.191*** (0.021) 0.279*** (0.016) 0.027** (0.011)

Foreign ownership Exporter status Credit access Managerial expertise


Firm-level Internet use Internet use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects Observations R2 Panel B: Innovation performance


0.008 (0.001)

Multi-plant firm



0.008 (0.001)

Public ownership


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

0.386*** (0.017) Yes Yes

56,169 0.79

55,121 0.80

52,839 0.80

52,146 0.81

50,107 0.81

50,013 0.81

Equipment investment

Quality certificates


OLS (1)

Probit (2)

Logistic (3)

Probit (4)

Logistic (5)

Industry Internet use

0.009*** (0.003) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.005** [0.002] (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.007** [0.002] (0.003) Yes Yes Yes Yes


Firm-level controls Firm-level Internet use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects

0.003** [0.001] (0.001) Yes Yes Yes Yes 54,586








Observations R2 Pseudo R2

33,080 0.45

(0.005) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Note: Panel A reports results from ordinary least squares regressions. Robust standard errors clustered at country-industry-year level are shown in parentheses. For logistic and probit regressions, marginal effects are reported in brackets. Firm-level controls in Panel B are the same as those of column (6) of Panel A. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively.

Finally, we compute a measure of Internet adoption at the country level. This specification does not allow including country fixed effects. In order to ensure that other differences in countries’ business environment do not affect results, we add a comprehensive set of country controls to our specifications: GDP per capita, gross capital formation, net foreign direct and portfolio investment, domestic credit to the private sector (as % of GDP), school enrollment in primary and secondary education, literacy rates as well as world region dummies. Our results reported in column (6) of Table 5 are positive significant. Fourth, we test whether exposure to better technology improves impacts on firm productivity and innovation

performance. We interact our variable of interest with a measure of industries’ use of imported technologies. As shown in column (7) of Table 5, we find that spillover returns from the Internet are larger where the exposure to technology is more important. Finally, we check whether our results are different for firms in the manufacturing and services sectors. As shown in column (8) of Table 5, we find positive significant effects for both types of firms but larger returns for services firms. This may be because knowledge is more important for services than for manufacturing firms. Alternatively, services firms may benefit more because better knowledge about customer preferences may be more critical for them than for manufacturing firms.

Table 5. Robustness tests

Adding context controls (1) Industry Internet use


0.005 (0.001)

Controlling for outliers Removing the top and bottom 5% (2) ***

0.005 (0.001)

Alternative aggregation

Setting the threshold at N P 30 (3)


Firm size

Location type

Country level




Exposure to technology (7)

0.006 (0.002)

0.007*** (0.001) 0.009*** (0.001)

Industry Internet use (location type)

0.244*** (0.018)

Country Internet use

0.006*** (0.001) 0.005*** (0.001)

Industry Internet use * high exposure to technology Industry Internet use * low exposure to technology

Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes No Yes

0.00 Yes Yes Yes Yes No

0.005*** (0.001) 0.008*** (0.001) 0.01 Yes Yes Yes Yes No

49,790 0.81

44,959 0.87

44,115 0.81

44,476 0.82

41,442 0.82

9,777 0.83

50,013 0.81

50,013 0.81

Industry Internet Use * manufacturing Industry Internet Use * services

Observations R2



Industry Internet use (firm size)

P-value for the difference in coefficients Firm-level controls Firm-level Internet use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects Country-level controls

Manufacturing vs. services

Note: The table reports results from ordinary least squares regressions. Firm-level controls are the same as those of column (6) of Panel A of Table 4. Country controls included in regressions reported in column (6) are country GDP per capita, the level of gross capital formation, national foreign direct and portfolio investment, domestic credit to private sector (as % of GDP), country school enrollment in primary and secondary education as well as country literacy rates. Robust standard errors clustered at level of the Internet use variable are shown in parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively.


Dependent variable: Labor productivity Controls




Robustness tests for our measures of innovation performance are reported in Appendix Table 12. As shown in Panel A, robustness tests confirm findings regarding firms’ investments in equipment. In this case, we do not find impacts to be different with regard to the exposure to technology (column 7), or across manufacturing and services firms (column 8). With regard to quality certificates and patents, Panels B and C of Appendix Table 12 show the evidence is less robust than that on productivity and equipment investments. In the case of quality certificates, manufacturing firms benefit more than services firms. 16 (c) Testing for heterogeneous impacts of the Internet across firms We test our second hypothesis on differential gains from industry Internet adoption across different groups of firms. We test for differences in impacts across (i) exporters and non-exporters, (ii) firms located in larger and smaller agglomerations, (iii) single- and multi-product firms, and (iv) smaller and larger firms. We also analyze whether (v) informal businesses benefit from their industries’ adoption of the Internet. Table 6A reports results for impacts on labor productivity. We find that there is more to be gained for non-exporters (column 1 of Table 6A). Unreported results indicate that national firms also benefit more than foreign-owned firms. Column (2) of Table 6A shows results where we distinguish those firms located in countries’ capitals or in cities of more than 1 million inhabitants from those located in smaller agglomerations. We find statistically significant stronger

impacts on labor productivity for firms in small agglomerations, even if location effects are controlled for. Column (3) of Table 6A shows that single-plant firms benefit more compared to multi-plant firms, but the difference is not statistically significant. Finally, with regard to differently sized firms, reported in column (4) of Table 6A, we do not find evidence of heterogeneous effects when it comes to labor productivity. The evidence for innovation indicators also points to differential effects, but is more mixed. We identify no effects on exporters, as shown in columns (1), (5), and (9) of Table 6B. The difference in coefficients is statistically significant for equipment investment and patenting. As for location, while we find that firms in small agglomerations have larger returns to innovation performance, the difference in coefficients is statistically significant for firms’ ownership of quality certificates. Results are shown in columns (2), (6), and (10) of Table 6B. As reported in columns (3), (7), and (11) of Table 6B we also find single-plant firms are more likely to obtain quality certificates and patents as a result of their industries’ adoption of the Internet. We do not identify differential impacts on equipment investment rates. As for firm size differences, results reported in columns (4), (8), and (12) show no significant differences in impacts except for results on firm quality certificate adoption. Finally, column (1) of Table 7 shows that informal businesses also benefit from ICT-enabled knowledge spillovers in terms of sales gains. We use the industry’s adoption of mobile phones as a proxy for the stronger use of ICT by informal businesses. The evidence is maintained if we control for

Table 6A. Firm characteristics and benefits from the Internet’s adoption: Labor productivity Dependent variable: Labor productivity Exporters (1) Industry Internet use * exporters Industry Internet use * non-exporters

Firm location (2)

Multi-plant firms (3)

0.003* (0.002) 0.006*** (0.001) 0.005*** (0.001) 0.008*** (0.001)

Industry Internet use * big agglomeration Industry Internet use * small agglomeration

0.004*** (0.002) 0.006*** (0.001)

Industry Internet use * multi-plant firms Industry Internet use * single-plant firms

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.00

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.01

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.08

0.006*** (0.001) 0.006*** (0.001) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.45

50,013 0.81

44,706 0.82

50,013 0.81

50,013 0.81

Industry Internet use * bigger firms Industry Internet use * smaller firms Firm-level controls Firm-level Internet use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects P-value of the difference in coefficients Observations R2

Firm size (4)

Note: The tables reports results from ordinary least squares regressions. Firm-level controls are the same as those of column (6) of Panel A of Table 4. Robust standard errors clustered at country-industry-year level are shown in parentheses.***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively.

Table 6B. Firm characteristics and benefits from the Internet’s adoption: Innovation performance Dependent variables Equipment investment Exporters

Industry Internet use * exporters

Industry Internet use * non-exporters

OLS regressions Logistic regressions Firm Multi-plant firms Firm size Exporters Firm Multi-plant firms Firm size Exporters Firm Multi-plant firms Firm size location location location (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)




(0.005) 0.010***

[0.000] (0.003) 0.006***

[0.000] (0.006) 0.015***


[0.001] (0.002)

[0.003] (0.005)

Industry Internet use * big agglomeration

Industry Internet use * small agglomeration




(0.004) 0.011**

[0.000] (0.002) 0.006**

[0.002] (0.005) 0.014**


[0.001] (0.003)

[0.003] (0.006)

Industry Internet use * multi-plant firms

Industry Internet use * single-plant firms




(0.004) 0.009***

[0.000] (0.002) 0.007***

[0.001] (0.006) 0.013**


[0.001] (0.002)

[0.002] (0.005)

Industry Internet use * bigger firms

Industry Internet use * smaller firms

Firm-level controls Firm-level Internet use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects P-value of the difference in coefficients Observations R2 Pseudo R2





(0.003) 0.009***

[0.001] (0.002) 0.004**

[0.002] (0.005) 0.013**

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.00

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.31

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.05

[0.002] (0.005) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.31

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.01

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.44

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.89

(0.003) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.93

31,281 0.45

27,612 0.44

31,281 0.45

31,281 0.45

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.18

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.08

Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.00

[0.001] (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.01


















Note: Firm-level controls are the same as those of column (6) of Panel A of Table 4. Robust standard errors clustered at country-industry-year level are shown in parentheses. For logistic regressions, marginal effects are reported in brackets. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively.



Quality certificates


WORLD DEVELOPMENT Table 7. The impact of industry cell phone use on the performance of informal businesses Dependent variables Sales

Industry cell phone use Firm-level controls Firm-level cell phone use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects

Machinery investment







0.010*** (0.003) No No Yes Yes

0.011*** (0.003) Yes No Yes Yes

0.010*** (0.003) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.017** (0.009) No No Yes Yes

0.016* (0.009) Yes No Yes Yes

0.013 (0.009) Yes Yes Yes Yes

1,406 0.80

1,207 0.83

1,207 0.84

1,430 0.09

1,219 0.14

1,219 0.15

Observations R2

Note: The table reports results from ordinary least squares regressions. Firm-level controls include employment size, their age, their ownership of bank accounts and whether they had a loan. Robust standard errors are shown in parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively.

firm-level control variables – employment size, age, ownership of bank accounts, and whether firms had a loan (column (2)). Results are also robust to controlling for firms’ use of cell phones (column (3). 17 However, the evidence of positive impacts on informal firms’ machinery investments is weak (columns (4)–(6) of Table 7). Our estimated effects become insignificant once we control for firms’ own use of cell phones (column (6) of Table 7). In conclusion, with regard to our second hypothesis, we find that the Internet provides larger opportunities for productivity improvements of groups of firms that have limited access to offline knowledge networks. This, however, does not hold for differently sized firms. (d) Testing for the effects of ‘‘absorptive capacities” We test our third hypothesis on the role of firms’ ‘‘absorptive” capacities for positive impacts from industry Internet use on firm productivity and innovation performance. In order to test whether the average firm effects identified hide differences in benefits across firms of different productivity levels, we conduct quantile regressions of Eqn. (1). Results, which are reported in Figure 2, show that there are differences

in the productivity gains from industries’ adoption of the Internet. Gains are small for firms with productivity levels below the 35th percentile but increase for more productive firms, before leveling off at the 70th percentile. This evidence supports our hypothesis that firms’ ‘‘absorptive” capacities matter; the least productive firms have limited returns from their industries’ Internet adoption. In addition, we test whether average impacts across the firm characteristics reported in Section 6(c) differ across the productivity distribution. With regard to exporter status, Figure 3 (a) shows highest differential returns for non-exporting firms at productivity levels above the median. While the gains for non-exporters rise across the productivity distribution, benefits for exporters are low for all producers, including the most productive firms. In other words, the larger average impacts on non-exporters’ performance identified in our previous analysis are driven by larger productivity gains for the most productive non-exporters. There is little difference in (low) benefits among the least productive exporters and nonexporters. Figure 3(b) plots the coefficients of our variable of interest for firms located in different agglomerations. The least productive firms reap minor productivity gains from industries’ Inter-

0.01 0.009


0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 10








50 55 Quantiles








Figure 2. Impacts of the Internet’s adoption on productivity across the firm productivity distribution. Note: The figure plots coefficients from quantile regressions of the impact of the share of firms using email on labor productivity from the 10th to the 90th quantile of the productivity distribution.



(a) By exporter status 0.010




0.008 Coefficient

0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 10








50 55 Quantiles








(b) By agglomeration type 0.012 Firms in small agglomerations 0.010


Firms in big agglomerations 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.000 10








50 55 Quantiles










50 55 Quantiles








(c) By single- and multi-plant firms 0.009 Single-plant firms


Multi-plant firms


0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 10






Figure 3. Different types of firms and the impact of the Internet’s adoption on productivity across the firm productivity distribution. Note: The figures plots coefficients from quantile regressions of the impact of industry in big and small agglomerations as in column (3) of Panel A of Table 5 on labor productivity from the 10th to the 90th quantile of the distribution.



net adoption. By contrast, returns are larger for firms with productivity levels above the median with larger gains for firms located in smaller agglomerations. The gap between firms located in bigger and smaller locations is largest for firms in the median productivity range. Firms at higher levels of

productivity do not benefit more from knowledge spillovers than those at median productivity. Figure 3(c) reports results for multi- and single-plant firms. The evidence shows that the Internet provides limited returns to the least productive single- and multi-plant firms. However,

Table 8. The effect of size on the impact of the Internet’s adoption across the productivity distribution Dependent variable: Labor productivity Quantile regression Q1 (1)

Q2 (2)

Q3 (3)

Q4 (4)

Q5 (5)

Q6 (6)

Q7 (7)

Q8 (8)

Q9 (9)

Firm-level controls Firm-level Internet use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects

0.000 (0.001) 0.003 (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.001** (0.000) 0.007*** (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.002*** (0.000) 0.009*** (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.002*** (0.000) 0.011*** (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.002*** (0.000) 0.012*** (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.003*** (0.000) 0.014*** (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.003*** (0.000) 0.015*** (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.003*** (0.001) 0.015*** (0.002) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.003*** (0.001) 0.016*** (0.003) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Observations R2

50,107 0.78

50,107 0.80

50,107 0.81

50,107 0.81

50,107 0.81

50,107 0.81

50,107 0.81

50,107 0.80

50,107 0.78

Industry Internet use * size Industry Internet use

Note: Firm-level controls are the same as those of column (6) of Panel A of Table 4. Robust standard errors clustered at country-sector-year level are shown in parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively.

Table 9. Impacts of productivity differences on the Internet adoption’s impact on firm innovation performance Equipment investment

Quality certificates

OLS regressions (1) Industry Internet use * below median


Industry Internet use * above median

(0.003) 0.007*



Industry Internet use * Q2

(0.003) 0.004

Industry Internet use * Q3

(0.003) 0.006*

Industry Internet use * Q4

(0.003) 0.008**

Observations R2 Pseudo-R2

Yes Yes Yes 0.02


(0.004) Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes 0.02

0.12 26,642 0.46

26,642 0.46


(6) *

0.004 [0.000] (0.002) 0.005** [0.001] (0.002)


Firm-level controls Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects P-value of difference in coefficients (below and above median) P-value of difference in coefficients (between Q1 and Q4)

Logistic regressions (3) *

Industry Internet use * Q1


0.009 [0.002] (0.005) 0.010** [0.002] (0.005) 0.004* [0.001] (0.002) 0.004 [0.000] (0.002) 0.005* [0.001] (0.002) 0.006*** [0.001] (0.002) Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes 0.47


0.011** [0.002] (0.005) 0.008 [0.001] (0.005) 0.010* [0.002] (0.005) 0.009* [0.002] (0.005) Yes Yes Yes 0.40









Note: Firm-level controls are the same as those of column (6) of Panel A of Table 4. Robust standard errors clustered at country-industry-year level are shown in parentheses. For logistic regressions, marginal effects are reported in brackets. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively.


for the group of single-plant firms the benefits rise for firms with higher than median productivity. By contrast, for multi-plant firms the rise is modest. As is the case of results for exporters and non-exporters, we find that the higher average gains reported in column (3) of Table 6A is driven by the large returns for the most productive single-plant firms. Table 8 shows quantile regression estimates, which include a variable that interacts industry Internet adoption with firm size. Differently from average impacts reported in column (4) of Table 6A, quantile regression results indicate that there are differences across smaller and larger firms: more productive smaller firms benefit more than larger firms. Finally, with respect to impacts on innovation, we find, as shown in Table 9, that the returns from industries’ use of the Internet on equipment investment and ownership of quality certificates are larger for firms with abovemedian productivity than for those with below-median productivity. We find no difference with regard to firm patenting. 7. CONCLUDING REMARKS Using 50,013 firm observations for 117 countries over the 2006–11 period, we provide evidence of a positive


impact of industries’ Internet use on firm performance. These gains, which do not depend on firms’ own ICT investments, justify public policies aimed at fostering industries’ use of the Internet. We also find that the Internet provide larger benefits to firms located in smaller agglomerations, to single-plant establishments and to nonexporters. These firms commonly engage less in innovation and consequently Internet-enabled knowledge spillovers help increase the group of innovating firms. Positive effects are the more so notable as they also arise where firms face financial constraints, frequent power outages, skills shortages, corruption, and cumbersome labor regulations (Paunov & Rollo, 2015). However, complementary policies aimed at building firms’ absorptive capacities matter if the Internet is to support firms’ productivity and innovation performance. Several questions for future research arise, including how increasingly sophisticated uses of the Internet influence potential spillovers and returns to firm performance. Ensuring firm surveys capture these uses is critical for research to better assess impacts. Informal firm surveys are also important to explore the potential of the Internet to help these businesses. Questions related to innovation should be added as these firms also engage in diverse non-technological innovation activities (OECD, 2015).

NOTES 1. Ding, Levin, Stephan, and Winkler (2010) find the Internet facilitated the inclusion of women scientists and those working at non-elite institutions in collaborative research. Agrawal and Goldfarb (2008) show that the adoption of Bitnet, an early version of the Internet, disproportionately benefited middle-tier universities’ collaboration with leading universities. 2. Cardona, Kretschmer, and Strobel (2013) provide a comprehensive review of the literature.

10. We analyze differential impacts on other innovation variables by interacting our variable of interest, industries’ adoption of the Internet, with above or below median firm productivity at t  3 or, respectively, the quartile of the distribution of productivity at t  3 the firm was part of (Table 9). 11. As described in the notes of Figure 1 the number of country observations differs across industries.

3. User involvement can also stimulate innovation if it leads to coinnovation with users (Bresnahan, Brownstone, & Flamm, 1996; Von Hippel, 2005).

12. Unreported robustness tests show that results also hold if only the variable of interest i.e., industry’s use of the Internet and firm’s own adoption of the Internet are included as part of the analysis.

4. Forman, Goldfarb, and Greenstein (2014) conclude from their analysis of Internet investment and patenting across US counties, that ‘‘the Internet has the potential to weaken the longstanding importance of the geographic localization of innovative activity” (p. 5).

13. All unreported results are available from the authors upon request.

5. Dethier et al. (2011) provide a review of the WBES.

14. Our results are also robust to excluding outliers within industrycountry-year categories.

6. The routines used by the authors to clean the original dataset are available upon request. 7. Only information on whether firms owned websites is also available for the large sample of firms.

15. Unreported results for a measure of Internet adoption by locationtype, firm size, sector, country, and year are also positive significant. Aterido, Hallward-Driemeier, and Page´s (2007) apply this approach in their analysis.

8. These countries are Angola, Argentina, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, Mali, and Peru.

16. We cannot report similar tests for patents, for which we have mainly information on manufacturing firms.

9. S ß eker (2012) and Dollar, Hallward-Driemeier, and Mengistae (2006) apply this approach to analyze the impacts of business conditions on firm performance.

17. We select a different set of control variables due to the different nature of firms analyzed and the different variables contained in the informal firm survey.



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Table 10. Observations by country Country

Percentage share in total



Percentage share in total



Percentage share in total

199 659 116 1,790 262 291 114 120 193 146 90 215 681 252 502 1,077 1,171 310 265 320 96 135 120 1,702 1,774 517 91 408 462 561 165 134 289 836 884 91 232 47 108

0.40 1.32 0.23 3.58 0.52 0.58 0.23 0.24 0.39 0.29 0.18 0.43 1.36 0.50 1.00 2.15 2.34 0.62 0.53 0.64 0.19 0.27 0.24 3.40 3.55 1.03 0.18 0.82 0.92 1.12 0.33 0.27 0.58 1.67 1.77 0.18 0.46 0.09 0.22

The Gambia Georgia Ghana Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Honduras Hungary Indonesia Iraq Jamaica Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kyrgyz Republic Laos Latvia Lesotho Liberia Lithuania Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Mozambique Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Niger Nigeria

153 243 475 129 858 192 133 136 595 248 1,122 707 225 400 636 200 154 271 211 88 111 209 292 336 83 654 214 275 2,454 35 327 336 60 440 307 328 633 85 1,865

0.31 0.49 0.95 0.26 1.72 0.38 0.27 0.27 1.19 0.50 2.24 1.41 0.45 0.80 1.27 0.40 0.31 0.54 0.42 0.18 0.22 0.42 0.58 0.67 0.17 1.31 0.43 0.55 4.91 0.07 0.65 0.67 0.12 0.88 0.61 0.66 1.27 0.17 3.73

Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Samoa Senegal Serbia Sierra Leone Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa Sri Lanka St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Swaziland Tajikistan Tanzania Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Turkey Uganda Ukraine Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

843 587 719 1,464 944 260 304 717 183 35 479 327 126 165 243 895 462 117 130 129 152 259 247 388 82 102 107 308 835 515 544 907 320 81 158 953 300 434 547

1.69 1.17 1.44 2.93 1.89 0.52 0.61 1.43 0.37 0.07 0.96 0.65 0.25 0.33 0.49 1.79 0.92 0.23 0.26 0.26 0.30 0.52 0.49 0.78 0.16 0.20 0.21 0.62 1.67 1.03 1.09 1.81 0.64 0.16 0.32 1.91 0.60 0.87 1.09


Albania Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Azerbaijan The Bahamas Barbados Belarus Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile Colombia Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Costa Rica Ivory Coast Croatia Czech Republic Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Fiji Gabon


Table 11A. Description of variables used Name Dependent variables Labor productivity Equipment investment

Patents Industry Internet use Industry Internet use

Firm-level controls Employment Age Public ownership Multi-plant firm Foreign ownership Exporter status Credit access Managerial expertise Internet use Industry

Variables used for robustness tests High (low) exposure to technology Interaction variables Size Big (small) agglomeration Bigger (small) firms Above (below) median of past productivity Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 of past productivity


Std. dev.

Logarithm of the ratio of total annual sales over full time employment windsorized at the top and bottom 1% for any country-year, reported in thousand USD Logarithm of the sum of 1 and the ratio of total annual expenditure for purchases of equipment over full time employment, reported in thousand USD A dummy equal to one if the establishment has an internationally-recognized quality certification, such as ISO 9000 or 14000 certifications A dummy equal to one if the establishment has a registered patent and zero otherwise





0.21 0.39

Percentage share of plants using email to communicate with clients and suppliers in industry j of country c in year t. Robustness tests include alternative measures for Internet (i) by industry, country-year and firm size, (ii) by industry, country-year and location type, (iii) by industry, country-year and geographic location and (iv) by country-year



Logarithm of the plant’s full-time employment Logarithm of the difference between the year the survey was conducted and the year the plant was created A dummy equal to one if the government or state own a share of 10% or more of the plant and zero otherwise A dummy equal to one if the plant belonged to a firm that had at least one other plant and zero otherwise A dummy equal to one if the share of foreign ownership is bigger or equal to 10% and zero otherwise An indicator that is equal to one if the plant exports (direct or indirect) Dummy variable is equal to one if the plant has a line of credit or loan from a financial institution and zero otherwise Logarithm of years of the managers’ experience Dummy variable where the plant has its own website and uses email and zero otherwise A variable indicating in which sector the plant is operating: (i) food, (ii) wood and furniture, (iii) textiles, (iv) garments, (v) leather, (vi) non-metallic and plastic materials, (vii) chemicals and pharmaceuticals, (viii) electronics, (ix) metals and machinery, x) auto and auto components, xi) other manufacturing, (xii) retail and wholesale trade, (xiii) hotels and restaurants, (xiv) construction and transportation, (xv) other services

3.2 [25] 2.7 [15] 0.01 0.15 0.12 0.23 0.42 2.70 [15] 0.41

1.4 0.7


Indicator of whether the number of establishments that use foreign technology in the industry is above (below) the average number of firms that use foreign technology, across industries Establishment’s full time employment Indicator of whether the plant is (not) located in the capital or a city of more (less) than 1 million inhabitants Indicator of whether the plant’s full-time employment is above or below the median distribution Indicator of whether the plant’s productivity at t  3 (windsorized at the top and bottom 1% for any country-year) was above or below the median productivity distribution Dummy variable indicating if the plant’s productivity at t  3 (windsorized at the top and bottom 1%) was in the first (Q1), second (Q2), third (Q3) or fourth (Q4) quartile of the productivity distribution

Variables used for the analysis of informal businesses Sales Logarithm of total sales of the establishment, windsorized at the top and bottom 1% for any country-year, reported in thousand USD, value in parenthesis Machinery investments A dummy equal to one if the establishment invested in machinery and zero otherwise Industry cell phone use Share of establishments in a country sector who used cell phones for their operations Employment Logarithm of total employment of the business Age Logarithm of the difference between the year the survey was conducted and the year the firm was created






0.23 51.18 21.52 0.46 [1.6] 0.68 1.98 [7.2] 0.90 (continued on next page) 605


Table 11A (continued) Name Bank account Cell phone use Loan Sectors



A dummy equal to one if the firm owned a bank account A dummy equal to one if the firm used a cell phone for its operations and zero otherwise Indicator of whether the firm had a bank loan or not A variable indicating in which sector the firm is operating in (i) food, (ii) furniture, (iii) handicrafts, (iv) clothes and shoes, (v) other manufacturing, (vi) construction, (vii) sales, and (viii) other services

0.15 0.59 0.12

Std. dev.

Note: Labor Productivity, Equipment Investment, and Sales are used in LCU, when included in regressions.

Industry Internet use Employment Age Public ownership Multi-plant firm Foreign ownership Exporter status Credit access Managerial expertise Firm Internet use

Industry Internet use



1.00 0.28 0.24 0.01 0.06 0.05 0.24 0.35 0.27 0.41

1.00 0.32 0.11 0.24 0.23 0.37 0.30 0.14 0.42

1.00 0.06 0.08 0.01 0.17 0.16 0.43 0.20

Public ownership

Multi-plant firm

Foreign ownership

Exporter status

Credit access

Managerial expertise

1.00 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.04

1.00 0.20 0.08 0.04 0.00 0.17

1.00 0.19 0.00 0.03 0.14

1.00 0.20 0.12 0.30

1.00 0.15 0.26

1.00 0.16

Note: Correlations reported are computed for the estimating sample described in Table 1.

Firm Internet use



Table 11B. Correlation matrix



Table 12. Robustness tests for innovation performance results Dependent variable: Equipment investment Controls Adding context controls

Panel A: Equipment investment Industry Internet use

Controlling for outliers


Removing the top and bottom 5% (2)

Setting the threshold at N P 30 (3)

0.012*** (0.004)

0.008** (0.003)

0.010** (0.004)

Alternative aggregation


Firms size

Location type

Country level

Exposure to technology

Manufacturing and services






0.015*** (0.002)

Industry Internet use (firm size)


Industry Internet use (location type)

(0.003) 0.247*** (0.028)

Country Internet use


Industry Internet use * high exposure to technology

(0.003) 0.009***

Industry Internet use * low exposure to technology

(0.003) 0.009***

Industry Internet use * manufacturing


(0.003) 0.009** (0.004) 0.96

Industry Internet use * services P-value for the difference in coefficients Firm-level controls Firm-level Internet use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects Observations R2

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

32,954 0.45

28,231 0.45

29,282 0.45

29,408 0.45

27,236 0.44

6,466 0.49

33,080 0.45

33,080 0.45

(continued on next page)


WORLD DEVELOPMENT Table 12 (continued)

Panel B: Quality certificates Dependent variable: Quality certificates Controls Adding context controls (1) Industry Internet use

0.003 [0.000] (0.002)

Controlling for outliers Removing the top and bottom 5% (2) ***

0.007 [0.001] (0.002)

Setting the threshold at N P 30 (3)

Alternative aggregation


Firms size

Location type

Country level

Exposure to technology

Manufacturing and services







0.007 [0.001] (0.003)

0.007*** [0.001] (0.001)

Industry Internet use (firm size)

Industry Internet use (location type)

0.002 [0.000] (0.002)

Country Internet use

0.010 [0.001] (0.010) 0.005**

Industry Internet use * high exposure to technology

[0.001] (0.002) 0.003

Industry Internet use * low exposure to technology

[0.000] (0.002) 0.008***

Industry Internet use * manufacturing


[0.001] (0.002) 0.002 [0.000] (0.002) 0.00

Industry Internet use * services

P-value for the difference in coefficients Firm-level controls Firm-level Internet use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects Observations Pseudo R2

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

54,344 0.25

44,280 0.23

47,945 0.25

48,527 0.26

45,417 0.25

10,711 0.25

54,586 0.25

54,586 0.25

(continued on next page)



Table 12 (continued) Panel C: Patents Dependent variable: Patents Controls

Controlling for outliers

Adding context controls (1) Industry Internet use


0.009 [0.002] (0.006)

Removing the top and bottom 5% (2) **

0.014 [0.003] (0.006)

Setting the threshold at N P 30 (3)

Alternative aggregation


Firms size

Location type

Country level

Exposure to technology

Manufacturing and services






0.007 [0.001] (0.006) 0.013*** [0.002] (0.003)

Industry Internet use (firm size)

Industry Internet use (location type)

0.006 [0.001] (0.005) 0.080*** [0.015] (0.013)

Country Internet use


Industry Internet use * high exposure to technology

[0.002] (0.005) 0.008

Industry Internet use * low exposure to technology

[0.002] (0.005) 0.012***

Industry Internet use * manufacturing


[0.002] (0.005) 0.004 [0.001] (0.009) 0.05

Industry Internet use * services

P-value for the difference in coefficients Firm controls Firm-level Internet use Industry fixed effects Country-year fixed effects Observations Pseudo R2

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

9,019 0.19

7,406 0.18

8,002 0.18

8,019 0.19

8,335 0.19

3,614 0.17

9,061 0.19

9,061 0.19

Note: Panel A reports results from ordinary least squares regressions while Panels B and C report results from logistic regressions. Firm-level controls are the same as those of column (6) of Panel A of Table 4. Robust standard errors clustered at the level of the Internet use variable are reported in parentheses. For logistic regressions, marginal effects are reported in brackets. ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% confidence levels, respectively.

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