is of paramount importance, mainly in those which; besides their rheumatic condition, suffer depression, anxiety or pain. This communication must be directed towards what the patients can do about their own care. 335 Health Education in the Programme Diseases Starting in Childhood”
V Lyudmila The Programme “Adult Diseases Starting In Childhood” is being developed in the World Health Organization. Ever increasing amount of data indicate that adult diseases starting in childhood result from the influence of one or many factors developing during early period, childhood and adolescence. Health education is one of the main objectives of the Programme. Along with education of parents and children for rational nutrition, optimal physical activity and the prevention of harmful habits in children it is necessary to emphasize one more aspect education of mothers for active control over children’s health. It should include measurement of standard informative parameters such as body temperature, body weight and height, heart rate and blood pressure. We have our own experience in this field, as well as the results of the three-year educational programme on diet starting at birth. 336 Counceling During Health perienced by Adult Patients
as Ex-
T. Munnukka, P. Astedt-Kurki University of Tampere, Department of Nursing, PO Box 607, 33101 Tampere, Finland This article is based on the authors’ studies in the field of nursing, dealing with patient referral for clinic examination, nursing in the apoplectic unit of a hospital, and experiences of health and nursing in primary health care. The studies indicate that the patients need information on the nature and care of their
illness, but the need for counceling varies individually in terms of both content and quantity. The patients do not know whom to turn to in their health problems and what kind of problems or questions can be raised when consulting medical and nursing practitioners. As perceived by the patients, the nature of counceling seems to vary depending on whether it is given by a doctor or a nurse. The formation of patient-councelor relationship is essential to the success of counceling. Instead of being a separate activity, counceling is for the most part integrated into normal interaction with the patient and given in connection with discussion and support. The atmosphere of the interaction during the counceling session determines whether or not the patient feels free to bring up personal issues. Patients who feel insecure or unwell need the expert to take responsibility for the counceling situation. They expect that the session should be unhurried and the advice be given in intelligible language. If the patient feels that counceling enhances his security, he most often also finds it sufficient and important. 337 Health Education Issues for Promoting Self Care in Individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis
D. Pallen (BScN, MN Candidate) Lecturer, School of Nursing, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario Knowledge is an important component in health promotion and illness prevention. Health education enables an individual to maintain health and quality of life through effective self care by fostering the use of psychomotor skills and decision making. Health education to promote self care is particularly important for chronic conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (R.A.). The purpose of this descriptive study was to explore the perceptions of knowledge, the efficacy of conventionally prescribed and alternate treatment modalities in the management of R.A. Seventeen (n = 17) adults with arthritis were interviewed using open ended questions to determine perceptions of knowledge and treatment modalities. Findings suggested that the perceived risk/bene-
lit, and the importance, source and credibility knowledge sources were important factors. All subjects reported using conventional treatments consistently. All expressed knowledge of one or more alternate treatments with a majority indicating an inconsistent (sporadic) use of alternate modalities. Other findings suggested that trust, desperation, cost and remission were also factors in treatment modality consideration and use. Dissatisfaction with information dissemination by health professionals were reported by same subjects. This study has practical significance for health professionals who are concerned with health education for chronic diseases such as arthritis. The individual’s perception of the importance and the amount of information needed for self care as well as the method and manner of information sharing are important determinants of factors in health education. 338 L’Education pour la Sante en Tuberculose G. Petrescu, S. Bilauca, C. Zamora, Clinique de Pneumophtisiologie,
St. Lakatos Cluj-Napoca
(RO) L’attention de la population du CLUJ (750.000 habitans) est solicit&e a ce suget periodiquement, a 6-9 mois par des exposes audio-visuels (radio-t&?) et par des articles imprimes dans la presse locale. La preoccupation des medecins practiciens et les connaissence de leures infermieres, l’evocations des exemples concretes, projections des films assurent l’accomplissement medicaux, pliants, d’un programme educatif en flux leg&r et sans t&e. L’optimisme et la confiance dans les procedures therapeutiques sont cultives parmi les malades et leurs familles visant la cooperation pendant la duree du traitement. La vie hygienique, l’etat de bien etre, la presentation au medecin de premiers sympthomes respiratoires ou generaux constituent l’ossature de l’education de la population, et des malades basee sur I’education des educateurs (reciclage par con-
ferences, lettres methodologiques, par notre comission de resort.
etc), organisees
339 Developing Culturally Appropriate Educational Strategies - The Example of Epilepsy J. Ramakrishna,
S.H. Subramanya
The development of Epilepsy Education Programme at the Out Patient Department, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences. India, where 100 + epilepsy patients are treated per day is described. Preliminary needs assessment of health professionals and patients identified epilepsy, a chronic illness, with psychological overtones (stigma), as requiring priority education input. Patients have well developed ideas on the causation and definite expectations of treatment. The action research process of: gathering relevant sociocultural information; analysing these in light of thought and practices; present day medical developing health syntheses to reinforce congruent salient beliefs and practices; and providing information in line with peoples perception, is detailed. Strategies for developing an appropriate health education programme which emphasise face to face interaction, group methods to encourage sharing, problem solving and social support is outlined. Evaluation on changes in perception and knowledge was undertaken to assess the impact of the sessions. Insights gained in the intensive group meetings were used to formalise the epilepsy educational sessions so that any health worker can carry out this activity. In addition, these ideas were used to develop education materials such as posters, pamphlets and videos. At present a long term evaluation to discern behavioural changes such as continuation of treatment/medication, reporting of side effects, and management on the whole is being undertaken. 340 Effectividad de la Education con Enfoque Centrado en la Personal (ECP) en el Enfermo Diabetic0 (ED) 1985.