(I) T h e findings in 2oo consecutive new any significant chest disease, it would seem t h a t more effective sifting of patients can be chest clinic patients after fifll investigation carried out by inspection of their x-ray films were as follows: Pulmonary tuberculosis .... 6 alone. T h e only additional information Bronchial carcinoma . . . . . . 4 which was felt to be helpful was the age of Other significantchest di.sea.ses .. 6 Still under observation .... 5 the patient, and in a few eases if this had N.A.D. chest . . . . . . . . . t79 been known to the observers it would have -oOO influenced their decision to recall a patient or not. ('2.) In every one of the _2i cases where a T h e combined results for the second significant chest lesion was found after fitll h u n d r e d patients, as decided by the three examination, tile disposal of the patient as observers in joint session, are as follows: j u d g e d from the x-ray film alone would have led to him being recalled for clinical Disposal on fihn Disposal on fibn plus alone doctor's later examination. A.I A.2 A. 3 B.92 B.,2 B. 3 (3) In every instance where examination Males .24 4 "~ 7 2t 2~ Females 99 34 6 to 13 ~7 lo of the film alone led to the classification All p a t i e n t s 58 to 3~ 2o 48 32 'N.A.D. Chest', this same diagnosis had These figures are not quite the same as been m a d e after full investigation of the those for the first h u n d r e d patients, but the patient. general conclusion remains, and is even (4) R e a d i n g of the films by a panel of 3 reinforced, that preliminary x-ray sifting chest physicians was found to give g r e a t e r can reduce materially the n u m b e r of uniformity of practice t h a n reading by a attendances of new patients at a chest Single observer. clinic. It is perhaps not unreasonable to (5) T b e 2oo consecutive patients conassume that in dealing with the second sisted of IOI males and 99 females. h u n d r e d cases, the writers were influenced by the findings in the first hundred, and were a little more ready to regard a negative skiagram as an indication that a patient H E A L T H VISITING. A Textbook for Heahh Visitor Students. By Margaret h,lcEwan. riced not attend the chest clinic for fnll Edited by Faber & Faber Ltd., 24, Russell examination. Square, London. Price I8s. net. Summary This book which has been eagerly awaited rises T h e records of two h u n d r e d consecutive to the highest expectations. Although written as patients referred to a chest clinic for the a textbook for students it should be most valufirst time by their doctors were investigated able not only to the trainee, but to the trained from the standpoint of the value of x-ray Health Visitor. As a reference book it contains a examination in sifting out those patients simple summary of the law as it is today, which is of vital concern to all Health Visitors in the who should have further examination, and widening scope of their work since the National those who appeared not to nccd anything Health Service came into being. Tim book is written throughout with authority further. In effect this i s an application of mass and a sympathetic understanding of all aspects radiography to persons with symptoms of family life. This is particularly emphasized in the excellent chapter on Tuberculosis and tile severe enough to have m a d e them consult work of the Tuberculosis Visitor, which gives a their doctors. W h e t h e r miniature or full-size comprehensive survey of the Chest Clinic and films are the more appropriate for this all services appertaining to it, together with a purpose is a matter of opinion but in the clear and concise summary of modern tests and treatments n o w being given. The Bibliography cases investigated by the writers only fullto be tbund at the end of each chapter is excellent size films were available. T h e results inchtde and should provemost helpfid to the Student the following findings: Heahh Visitor.