,nr. J. rfcat Maw 7hnsfer.
Vol. 13, pp. 911-923.
Pm88 1970.
Printed in Gnat
HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER BIBLIOGRAPHYSOVIET WORKS A. V. LUIKOV Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the B.S.S.R. Academy of Science, 25 Podlesnaya, Minsk, B.S.S.R., U.S.S.R. (Received 1 May 1968) BOOKS G. N. AEWMOWCH (Ed.), Study of Turbulent Jets of Air, Plasma and Real Gases. Collected papers, Masbinostr., Moscow (1967). D. A. FRANK-KAMENETSKII, Diffwion and Heat Tratqfm in Chemical Kinetics, 2nd revised edn. Nauka, MOSCOW (1967). M. N. KOGAN,Dynamics of Rarefmd Gases. Kinetic Theory. Nauka, Moscow (1967). V. V. KONSETOV and I. S. PA~LU~~~NKO(Ed.), Hydrodynamic and Heat andMass Transfer Processes in Chemical Equipment. Masbiaostr., Leningrad (1967). L. G. hTsYANSKl1 (Ed), Aerothermodyntamics. Collected papers. Masbiaostr., Leningrad (1967). 0. G. LUMN, Heat Trarqfm Equipment in the Food Industry. Pishchev. Prom., Moscow (1967). B. S. PBTuKHov. Heat Tranqfw and Resistance tit Laminar Flow of Liqsdds in Pipes. Eaergiya, Moscow (1967). V. G. POPOVSKQFuna?nnentalsof Subbmation Drying of Food Products. Pischcbev. Prom., Moscow (1967). E. P. Saxov sad B. P. KOROL’KOV, Dynamics of Processes in Heat and Mass Transfer Equipment. Energiya, Moscow (1967). N. I. SYROMYATNIKOV, L. K. VASANOVAand Yu. N. SHBWNS~, Heat and Mass Transfer in a Fbddized Red. Khimiya, Moscow (1967). V. I. TOLIJBINSE~ (Ed.), Heat Transfer in Power Pkmts, Collected papers. Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1967). A. I. VSIN~K(Ed.), Heat Transfm Between Casting and Mould. Materials of Coafereacc. Vyssb. Sbkola, Minsk (1967). I. F. VOWN (Ed.), Thermoelectrical Measurementsand Control, Collected papers. Nat&a i Tekhnika, Minsk (1967).
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