[J. r. I.
discusses (after two introductory chapters) statistical broadening, Stark broadening, resonance broadening, molecular broadening, and the broadening and shift of the high series members. The first presentation of material on this subject, the book will be welcomed by those who are working with space vehicles as well as astronomers.
temperature physics and serves as an introduction to the subject for those who do wish to specialize in the experimental aspect of the subject. Main emphasis is on physical principles; an undergraduate knowledge of calculus is sufficient for the mathematics involved. One of the special features is the chapter on helium in rotation.
Swalin. 343 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 6 x 9 in. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962. Price, 512.50.
F. W. Hutchinson, with thermal tables and numerical examples by M. O. Cotter. 494 pages, diagrams, 6 x 9 in. New York, The Ronald Press Company, 1962. Price, $12.50.
This text for advanced undergraduates and graduate students combines the atomistic and classical thermodynamic approaches. Thus, the author hopes to bridge the gap between the physicist's and the chemist's approaches to the subject. The first part of the book covers basic thermodynamic concepts (the three laws, entropy, etc.); in the latter part, defects are treated. The book covers all important classes of crystals and solids including metals, semiconductors (elemental and compound), and insulators. Both atomic and electronic defects in crystalline solids are treated. AGGLOMERATION~edited by William A. Knepper.
1109 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 6 x 9 in.
This book is concerned primarily with the problems of accurately determining the design load necessary for maintaining a selected temperature and humidity within a structure. Four main divisions of the book cover: (1) definition of a system (physiological, psychological and climatological influences); (2) the effectiveness of the thermal barrier represented by the structure (including basic equations for mass transfer and application of the steady-state heat-transfer relationships); (3) special design problems (panel heating, solar heating, etc.); and (4) methods for investigating transmission load under transient or periodic conditions. Extensive thermal tables are included.
N e w York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962.
Price, $25.00. This volume contains the thirty-six papers presented at an international symposium held in April 1961, together with the prepared-inadvance discussions and on-the-floor discussions which the papers evoked. Contributors from nine countries cover many phases of sintering, pelletizing, nodulizing, briquetting, powder metallurgy, etc., for ferrous, non-ferrous, metallic and non-metallic materials. Abstracts for each paper are printed in English, French and German, but the papers themselves (and the discussions) are in English. This is the most comprehensive work to appear on the subject.
SHIp HULL VIBRATION, by F. H. Todd. 364 pages, diagrams, 5] x 9 in. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1962. Price, $22.50. The author brings together in one volume the scattered data on ship hull vibration, in a practical book written with the needs of the naval architect and shipbuilder in mind. After describing the types of vibration and their causes, the author presents the mathematical bases needed for the solution of vibration problems. Methods of prevention and cure are set forth, and the use of computers in the solution of vibration problems is discussed. MODULATION AND CODING IN
266 York, Price,
SYSTEMS, by Gordon M. Russell. 260 pages, diagrams, 6 x 9 in. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. Price: $10.00 (trade); $7.50 (text).
This text is based on a course of lectures given at Yale to first-year graduate students. It provides a general survey of superfluidity for those who do not intend to specialize in low
Appropriate for seniors and graduate students, this text gives an introduction to the theory of information conversion processes, primarily those of modulation and coding. Basic
pages, diagrams, 6 x 9 in. New McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1962. $9.50.