: FE A} is contained in the weakly compact set BJO, M) x weakcl (Z) in I/ x L’(IR; R”). Now, on the basis of proposition 3.4 it results that this family has also the finite intersection property. Thus the intersection 0 FE
( W, )
weakcl .Z
is not empty. Let (u, x) be contained in this intersection. The proof will be complete if we show that (u, ,v) satisfies (51, and (5,). Let u E V fl LYR; R”) be arbitrarily given. We choose FE .A such that u f F. There exists a sequence {(UF,,,XF,,1 in W,, (for simplicity of the notations we denote it by (un, x,1> converging weakly to (u, x) in I/x L’(R; R”). It means that Ll, + u
weakly in I/.
weakly in L’(R; R”).
and x, + x
Moreover, the following equality holds for n = I, 2,. . (Au,-f,v)b
( xn.udR=O.
Now, taking into account (21) and (22) we can pass to the limit as n + m in (23). The weak continuity of A and the arbitrariness of L‘ E G’ n L”(R; R,‘) permits us to conclude that the equality (Au _f’,V)l
X.“df2=0 / Ii
is valid for any L’E V fj A”(Q: Rx ). However, by the density of Y n L”(fi; RN >in V we finally arrive at (5),. The last step of the proof consists in proving (5),. For this purpose let us notice that due to the compact imbedding Vc LP(fl; RN>, from (21)-it results that U” ‘U
strongly in L”(l); RN),
which without
loss of generality
allows us to assume K, ‘U
with u E Lx(O - w: R’).
for any E> 0 a subset
w C fl with
on 0 - 0
- w; RN) be arbitrarily
Let u E L”(0
x,, . v dll I / SIPw combined with the semicontinuity of
a.e. in a.
Thus we can apply the Egoroff’s theorem. mes(o) < E can be determined such that U” ‘U
(27) given. From the estimate
j”(u,,u)dfi / s1- w x,
(28) L’(0;
in LP( Sr.. R” 1, we obtain j”(u,u)dl(l / II-w
X.vdil< / il&w However,
the last inequality
x(x) where
< e, therefore,
x(x) i.e. (5), holds. This completes
- w; RN).
E Jj(x; since
VU ~L=(fi
E was chosen
E Jj(x;
arbitrarily fora.e.xEfi,
the proof of the theorem.
To close the paper let us make some comments. First of all we pay attention to the qualitative difference between the cases N = 1 and N > 1. As it has been shown in [l], if N = 1 then the directional growth condition (4), implies (4), with s = 1. So, in such a case, (4), is redundant. When N > 1 then the condition (4), is necessary. It is shown in the example below. Example 3.6. Let us consider
m is a natural
a locally Lipschitz
j: R* + R defined
one can easily check that
as follows
Hemivariational inequalities with functionals which are not locally Lipschitz
i.e. the condition
(4), holds with k = 0. On the other hand, for 77= (0, - 1) and .$* > 1 we have
from which it follows that we cannot
a better
than that of
with the power 2m. It is not difficult to observe that the growth condition (4), has been used, in fact, to establish the boundedness of the approximation sequence {u,) in I/. If more informations on A are available then this condition can be weakened. For instance, if A is strongly monotone and p 2 2 then instead of (41, we are allowed to suppose that QE
j”(x;5,-5)~k(x)(l+l~l”) with 1 I (+< 2 and k ELq(fi; RN), possible to consider the estimate j”(x;
5, -0
- rr).
that s
if p>
2 then
arises what can
r > 0, and a.e. x E a,
with a(-, r) E L”(0). r > 0. In order to get an exsitence requirement is needed. Namely, if we assume that
in such a case an additional
lim Ila(r)ll~.~cil,/r = 0 *‘= and take into account
/ 0J
that (20) can be written
I ,yF.IdiZ I EC r
we can easily deduce
then as
+ ~,,u(r)ll,.,,~,,rnrs~a,)
that lemma
it is
VJ5E R”,
+ 61~1’
with C E L’(i1) and sufficiently small E > 0. In the growth condition (4), it has been supposed be said about the limit case s =p, i.e.
+ Elia(r)ll~-c r
3.3 still holds. We then arrive at the following
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