PORTAL VESSELS AF7ER PERCUTANEOUS E7tUNOL tNJEC7W OF tlEPAlOCELLUl.AR CARCINOMA UNDEROPIIERALU ~At3lqOkr01o,AFwM8,V~Wbb,Nhl@rinbtlo,MCForutbfl lnlS~lIs~-WLopw-WrrALY lWombabdln~tkpoctrtVnnk(lPV)Sndkctwnkmm*of IIVW pwawhku Ihr P.maMow r(hwl Inkctkn 0 Of
0. MWM+, V. D’hgeb
G bdbe. P Pas&a. ME. Alto, $ A. Sini
INTERVENTIONAL ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSIS IN URGENT SURGERY DUBROV Eric .I., M.D.P.D. SkliphosovgskiInstitute of EmergencyMedicalService, Moscow,Russia. Mini invasivesurgerywith ultrasoundpointing are an important part of the modernmedicine. The expirienceof morethan 300operations showedof the method’sgnat importanceesapecially for acutesurwrv whenthe radicalsu-‘s wavsare not allwaysable to usebecauseof tie &tie&s hard conditionand the lack of time for preparationfor surgical operation. Mini invasiveoperationsare widly usedmainly in the billiard surgeryin conductionof microcholicystostomi under ultrasoundpointing!, and -.nheoaticosto- cholantiomia of mechanicicterus. Punctionand drenageunder ultrasoundpointing are used during the treatmentof abcesses in thorax and abdomen,cysts, pancreasand cystsof inner organs, prycorditis. This methodis usedfor blood evacuationfrom abdomen and thorax cavities,hematompunctionsof liver and brain. Ultrasoundpointing is usedfor kateterss’ installationto vinesfor long-timeblood transfusion.