105 mation and ulceration of the prepuce and g!ans; warts ; phymosis;paraphymosis; cancer—amputatian of the penis—scrotum ; HEN WITH A HUMAN FACE. D...

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105 mation and ulceration of the prepuce and g!ans; warts ; phymosis;paraphymosis; cancer—amputatian of the penis—scrotum ;



anasarca ; cancer.



U term ; prolapsus; polypus ;


paper is from the pen of

Martius, physician at Berlin, who, duringhis stay at Moscow, had frequent von

cancer ; extirpation ; diseases of the ovaria ;operation for ovarian dropsy; warts and excrescences of the externfd organs; opportunities of observing the animal deinflammation in children; with purulent dis-scribed in it. The first account of this hen charge; with foul ulceration. given as long ago as 181.5, by Professor URINARY ORGANS. Wounds of the urePresident of the Medico-Chirur-



thra—inflammation; abscess; hæmorrhage —gonorrhœa benigna—strictures, their va- gical Academy

at Moscow. At the meeting and treatment—abscess behind the of the German naturalists and physicians, at in 1828, Dr. von Martius was surstricture ; fistula in perineo—bougies other instruments used for strictures ; to find that Professor Fisher’s paper, rious operations. and the phenomenon it describes, were Inflammation of the bladder—thickening at all known, and he accerdidely reof the muscular coat ; pouches of the solved to flow give a further account of it in Graefe der—paralysis; distension ; involuntary of urine ; suppression of urine-inconti- u. Walther’s Journal, from which the fol. nence ; retention, its various causes andlowing is extracted:-, treatment- catheters ;their various kinds and forms; mode of using. This extraordinary animal was hatched Calculi ; their various situations ; cnrler during the spring of 1815, in a village of the the prepuce, in the urethra, prostate, and district Belewsk, in the Department of bladder; in the ureter and kidney--different Tula. The neighbourhood was soon filled species of calculi ; origin and mode of in- with the wonderful story of a chicken with crense; symptoms; medical treatment; a human face ; the news rapidly spread and operations for extracting or for breaking in reached Tula, the capital of the Department, the bladder ; lithotomy. the governor of which, Nicolai Iwanowilzzcii Retention of urine in the female-use of Bagdanow, having purchased the animal at the catheter; iucontinence; fistulous com- a considerable price, sent it to Moscow, as munications between the rectum and the a present to the University Museum. Here bladder or urethra; calculus in the female ; Dr. von Martius had frequent opportunities removal by dilatation of the urethra ; by of observing the animal, it being kept iu the breaking; by lithotomy—vascular and pain- house of his friend, Professor Fischer. It was a hen of middle size, eight inches high ful tumour of the female urethra. RECTUM AND ANus. Abscess; fistula and fourteen long; the feathers were grey. ani—piles; hæmorrhoidal excrescences- ish brown ; the external habitus, as well as the movements and gestures, perfectly corstricture ; use of bougies. DISPLACEMENTS. Hernia—General de- responded with that of other hens ; the scription; mode of origin and inoease ; head only was of a peculiar formation, its symptoms and diagnosis ; reducible hernia ; profile strikingly resembling that of a toothmode of reduction ; use of trusses ; irreduci- less old woman. The beak was entirely ble hprcia ; mode of managing; strangu- wanting, the maxillm being much shorter lated; symptoms; operation; various spe- than usual, and terminating at the place of cies of hernia—artificial anus ; operation for’; the nostrils. The rudiments of the maxillæ prolapsus of intestine from—stercoral fistula were coveted with flesh, which had quite the appearance of lips ; the comb was very —intro-susception. EXTRANEOUS SUBSTANCES. In the eye ; different from that of other hens, and greatly nose; ears; mouth and alimentary canal; resembled a human nose, a deception to larynx; trachea; bronchi ; urethra; blad- which one was the more easily led, as the nostrils were immediately below it. The dcr; vagins; uterus; rectum. MALFORMATIONS. Nostrils; eye; exter- lower jaw had a fleshy appendix, a sort of nal ear; hare lip; fissure ot the pil,ite; chin, which was for the greater part naked, in some places covered with smatt operation; ure:hra;bladder ; vagina; tum; limbs; club-foot ; supernumerary fc-atbrrs; the eyes were very large, and had bright red iris ; the skin below the eyes gers—webbed fingers. VARIOUS OPERATIONS. Amputations; is- was of a flesh colour, with a bluish tint in sues ; setons; cautery; moxa ; acupune-’ some places, and, as well as the chin, covered







turation ; bandages.

Opisanie file


imejuschtschei n’


figuru tschloweka Moskwa, 1815. (De-

scription of a chicken






which, at the cessarily been destroyed, almost as far as opening of the the hyoid bone, and its stump would either ear, were particularly dense, so as to resem- by its trembling movement have rendered ble whiskers. All these circumstances made the process of healing impossible, or have the profile extremely like that of an old become adherent to the remaining porti(n of with small bristly feathers, side of the face and near the

especially when the jaws were in motion. It is clear that the anomalous formation of the jaws must considerably influence the animal’s mode of feeding ; it ate with the greatest difficulty, and being quite unable to pick up grain from the ground, it was necessary to feed it upon bread soaked in water or milk ; it appeared particularly fond of hemp-seed, curd, minced meat, etc. ate from the hand, and was very tame, as is always the case with birds in which, by one way or other, the bill has been mutilated to woman,

the lower jaw. It is, however, very prothat the animal would have hen starved before its recovery from such a wound, which lastly must, at all events, have left a cicatrix, of which there is no visible trace ; on the contrary, all the parts appear to be naturally united ; the tongue is very


short, fleshy, almost ttiangular. It might, however, he objected, that


chicken with such a bill as the one described, could not possibly have broken the eggshell; but though most chickens break the egg at the period of excubation, this is not some extent. always the case, and not unfrequently the " in consequence During the time," says Professor slell bursts spontaneously, the increase of the young animal. Lastly, Fisclter, in his paper, " that the animal was is known, that the old hen often extracts in my house, it knew me very well ; at tea-time it frequently came to the table, and the chicken from its prison, by seizing the appeared to ask for something, by emitting young one’s head with its own bill, and that a peculiar sound; its voice was very weak, but in other respects like that of other is often broken or torn off; such chickens, hens. It if worthy of remark, that after however, but seldom survive this accident, eating, it always rubbed its mouth against or perish from hunger; nor does the hen m some hard substance to clean it, as birds question show any trace of a similar lesion. generally do. It appeared as if the animal At the end of his paper, Dr. von Martins were more fond of the society of men than says ;-with respect to the origin of the above of that of fowls, for whenever another hen described hen, of course, nothing is known. Attamen non supprimere possum, quæ was brought into the room and came near it, it began to tremble, hung down its wings, mihi de origine hujus phænomeni cogitanti bristled its feathers, and emitted sounds in mentem venerunt. Paullo antequam qum like a cock who is going to fight; it fre- supra descripai observata sunt, rex 1’ersaquently fought other hens, but at the sight rum Alexandro imperatori quinque elephanof a cock immediately took flight. If the tes et duodecim equos misit : legatio, qua; animal was brought into the open air, it ap - hoc donum conduxit, in itinere per vicum peared to be very fretful, and endeavoured venit in quo gallina illa exclusa est. Comto hide itself in the grass, especially on the pertum est, Orientales, præsertim Persas, approach of crows or hawks. When it was admodum addictos esse sodomise, imprimis brought 10 Moscow it happened to be moult- cum gallinis : liceatne inde opinionem emiting, which lasted longer than the usual tere, annon nisus formativus a viit solita ita time. The feet were large and well formed, aberrasse potuerit, ut ex coitu vivipaii cum but some of the toes were without claws ; it oviparo animal ortum sit particeps quodamcould not be ascertained, liowever, whether modo utriusque nature? Experimenta a this detect was congenital, or the conse- Sennebier et Spallanzani instituta certe quence of cold, or mechanical injury." The hanc hypothesil1 nullo modo iefellunt; egoipse feles masculos tempore catutiendi figures, of which we have given a copy, al1as ad coitum excitasse sæpe vidi anæ were drawn from nature by M. painter to the University, and engraved byetiam noftnunquam coeunt cum gallis Indicis, M. Florow ; they represent the head in three capri cum ovibus, lupi et vulpes cum caDtdifferent positions. One of them shows the bus," etc. animal when yawning, which it did very often, especially when frightened. GASTRO ENTtRITE. It appears very clear, that the real formation was congenital, and cannot have been b one of the last sittings of the Acadeacquired ; for if the bill had been accident- mie Royale de liedecine (Section de Pfixrally or artificially mutilated, the lateral mac:e,) lI. Boulay reported, that the reportions of either jaw would necessarily have searches of Dr. Rayer, on a very fatal epibeen not only denuded, but separated to such demic disease amongst leeches, had led to an extent as to render reunion quite impos. the extraordinary result, that the disease in sible, especially as there is no skin there question was nothing else than a real" gasnaturally ;the tongue would also have ne- tro enterite !"—Gazette de Santé.



duringthis obstetricact,thechicken’s bill

