High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

iin Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 100 (1991) 363-393 North-Holland . High energy spectroscopies and magnetism R.J.H. Kappert, H.R. Bo...

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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 100 (1991) 363-393 North-Holland


High energy spectroscopies and magnetism R.J.H. Kappert, H.R. Borsje 1 and J.C. Fuggle Spectroscopies of Solids and Surfaces, Research Institute for Materials, Uniuersity of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld, NL-6525 ED Nijmegen, Netherlands

We present a review of high energy spectroscopy (HES) techniques in the field of magnetism, and show that the use of HES techniques can give valuable information on magnetic systems. There is a wide range of HES techniques, so that a large number of parameters relevant to magnetism can be probed. This review will present some illustrations thereof.

I. Introduction T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e p r e s e n t s h o r t review is to give an overview o f the role p l a y e d by H E S in s t u d i e s o f m a g n e t i s m . A list o f t h e s p e c t r o s c o p i e s a n d t h e i r a c r o n y m s is given in t a b l e 1. W e start by d e f i n i n g t h e t e r m " h i g h e n e r g y " , w h i c h we will t a k e to b e t h e e n e r g y r a n g e for s p e c t r o s c o p i e s b e y o n d t h e o p t i c a l r a n g e (usually 1 0 - 2 0 0 eV). T h e r a n g e o f significant in H E S is very large, e.g., in d i c h r o i s m e x p e r i m e n t s on t h e Ma.5-absorption e d g e s o f r a r e e a r t h s ( R E ) (see b e l o w ) excitation e n e r g i e s o f -- 1 k e V a r e used, with a s o l u t i o n of = 0.5 eV, but, as we will d e m o n s t r a t e , g r o u n d state effects in t h e m e V r a n g e can b e d e t e c t e d . T h e e n e r g y scales a r e high c o m p a r e d to t h e energy scales r e l e v a n t to m a n y m a g n e t i c p h e n o m ena, a n d this has l e d m a n y p e o p l e to d o u b t the r e l e v a n c e o f H E S to g r o u n d s t a t e p r o p e r t i e s . T h e r e a s o n for t h e s e d o u b t s is n o t h a r d to see; the spectroscopies themselves and the theoretical m e t h o d s r e q u i r e d to u n d e r s t a n d t h e results a r e b o t h c o m p l e x a n d highly s p e c i a l i z e d . N e v e r t h e less, t h e s p e c t r o s c o p i e s have b e g u n to c o n t r i b u t e significantly to o u r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f m a g n e t i c p r o p e r t i e s . M u c h o f this u n d e r s t a n d i n g has n o t yet f o u n d its way to s t a n d a r d textbooks, which c o n t r i b u t e s to t h e a p p a r e n t c o m p l e x i t y a n d spe-

i Present address: DIMES, P.O. Box 5046, NL-2600 GA Delft, Netherlands.

cialization o f H E S . In this p a p e r we p r e s e n t an overview o f the role H E S can play in the field o f m a g n e t i s m , a n d show t h a t m e t h o d s not involving s p i n - p o l a r i z e d e l e c t r o n s can also c o n t r i b u t e significantly to o u r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f m a g n e t i c m a t e rials. H o w e v e r , in m a n y a r e a s t h e r e a d e r will have to u n d e r t a k e f u r t h e r study o f the l i t e r a t u r e for c o m p l e t e u n d e r s t a n d i n g of the issues involved. C o n s i s t e n t with o u r aim o f giving illustrations o f t h e role o f H E S , we d o n o t give an exhaustive a c c o u n t o f the e x p e r i m e n t a l m e t h o d s , but i n s t e a d use section 2 t o give a b r i e f i n d i c a t i o n o f t h e n a t u r e o f t h e m e a s u r e m e n t s a n d the role they can

Table 1 Acronyms of various HES spectroscopies Acronym AES b) PES ~},b) UPS a),h) IPES ~.b) BIS b) EELS h) MXD MXS SES b) XAS XPS

Definition Auger Electron Spectroscopy Photoelectron Spectroscopy Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy Bremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Magnetic X-ray Dichroism Magnetic X-ray Scattering Secondary Electron Spectroscopy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

~) When performed angle-resolved, place AR for acronym. b) When performed spin-polarized, place SP from acronym; spin-polarized BIS is abbreviated BISCEPS.

0304-8853/91/$03.50 © 1991 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

play. Then, in section 3, we give an account of the role played by the different techniques and spectroscopies in the study of some important questions. For convenience we will give our own work more prominence in this review than it deserves, because where it is possible to illustrate a point in this way it saves us a great deal of work. Most issues will be illustrated with examples of metallic magnets, but the material presented can generally be extended to include semiconductor and insulator systems as well.

1.1. Conceptualframework A conceptual framework for many of the experiments we describe here is provided by figs. 1 and 2. First, fig. 1 gives the simplest possible band structure representation of a magnetic material. It is the picture of the Stoner model for itinerant electron magnets (e.g., the 3d-transition metals Fe, Co and Ni) [1,2]. In the Stoner model, the individual magnetic moments self-consistently constitute a mean magnetic field, causing the electron subband with electrons antiparallel to the mean field (spin-down or minority-spin electrons) to shift with respect to the subband with electrons parallel to the field (spin-up or majority-spin electrons), resulting in the so-called exchange splitting A. The shifting of the bands



Fig. 1. Simple DOS of an itinerant electron ferromagnet. On the left, the spin-up d-band is depicted, which in this example is completely filled (strong ferromagnet, e.g., Ni; if the spin-up level is partially filled, as for Fe, the magnetic is called a weak ferromagnet). On the right the spin-down d-band is depicted. In this picture, the sp-band is neglected.

result in a redistribution of electrons among the spin-up (majority) and spin-down (minority) states. In order to preserve charge neutrality, the Fermi level has to shift accordingly. From the Stoner theory a criterion was derived, which can be used to calculate whether a material will exhibit spontaneous magnetization:

INo(EF) >



Here, I is the intra-atomic exchange interaction and No(E v) is the paramagnetic density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level. Eq. (1) is known as the Stoner criterion, and describes the situation in which the magnetic state is energetically favourable. The shift of the bands results in a net spin-moment, because the occupation of spin-up and spin-down bands is no longer equal, and one may speak of an effective magnetic moment per atom /z. This simple picture allows one to determine exchange splitting and effective magnetic moment per atom, but the picture is really to naive, as we see when we compare with the results of a spindependent band structure calculation in fig. 2(a). This is a single-particle band structure in which the energies of the calculated bands are plotted as a function of the crystal momentum k for various directions in reciprocal space, with the spin-up bands as full lines and the spin-down bands as dashed lines. The associated DOS is shown in fig. 2(b), where the spin-down distribution is distinguished by the shaded area. Spin-up and spin-down contributions generally have different shapes, and it is clear that the exchange interaction does not lead to a "rigid shift". The exchange splitting is seen to be a function of k, as for example in the case of F t band between F and H. The reason in this particular case is quite trivial. Near the F-point, the band has s-symmetry but near the H-point the band has mainly d-wave character and here the exchange splitting is larger. In other regions of the band structure the reasons for the variation in the apparent value of A may be more complex. A band structure, such as fig. 2(a) also contains other information relevant to the microscopic origin of magnetism: the dispersion of the bands relates to the


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism


LD r~ UJ nn

C~ >rr v

>.. (3 hr. uJ Z

















E N E R G Y (eV)

Fig. 2. (a) Energybands of ferromagneticiron calculated by Callawayand Wang [3]. Solid lines, majority-spinbands; dashed lines, minority-spin bands; (b) calculated DOS for Fe (solid line), adapted from ref. [4]. The shaded area corresponds to the spin-down DOS.

degree of localization; flat bands imply localized, atomic-like wave functions, whilst highly dispersed bands are a characteristic of delocalized wave functions. Experimental characterization of exchange splittings and band structure of the valence band is primarily a task for HES (sections 2.1 and 3.2). Before proceeding further it is important to note a fundamental caveat in diagrams like fig. 2(a) which arises because, strictly speaking, the eigenenergies used to construct the diagram have no physical meaning and are not observables. The single electron generally interacts in a complex way with the other electrons. The Coulomb repulsion of the electron and the Pauli principle

lead to a (spin-dependent) lower average electron density in the vicinity of the electron. One speaks of the exchange-correlation hole of the electron, and the electron, together with its exchange-correlation hole, is described as a "quasiparticle". Quasiparticle energies do have physical meaning, and they are directly probed by HES. One often discusses the differences between single particle band structures and quasiparticle band structures in terms of self-energies, see, e.g., ref. [5]. In general, the self-energy is spin- and energy-dependent (and hence k-dependent for bands with significant dispersion). The self-energy has a real (shift) and imaginary (broadening) part, which means that one cannot simply relate energy dif-


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

ferences of spectral peaks to those derived from figs. 2(a) or (b). We must stress that this is not a failure of HES, but simply because the single-particle eigenvalues have, strictly speaking, no physical meaning. The concepts illustrated by figs. 1 and 2 do not exhaust the questions to which HES can be applied. For instance, nothing has been said about antiferromagnets and ferrimagnets, or the angular momentum contributions to the magnetic moment, the directions of local magnetic moments and the influence of crystal fields. Nevertheless we may now list some of the problems to which HES can contribute, i.e., 1) What does the DOS look like and which states contribute n e a r E F ? 2) How large is the effective Coulomb correlation? (3)How large is the dispersion of the valence bands and are they more likely to be successfully described by localized or itinerant models? 4) How large are the exchange splittings and how do they vary as a function of energy? 5) How do the exchange effects vary as a function of temperature (particularly above the Curie and N4el temperatures)? 6) How important are the effects of self-energy? 7) What is the orientation of local moments?

2. Short description of experimental methods

2.1. (Inverse) photoemission of valence states The occupied electronic states can be studied with photoemission. The unoccupied states, which are just as important for the physical properties of a solid [6], can be probed by inverse photoemission. Most of the principles needed to understand the spectra are common to both techniques. In photoelectron spectroscopy (PES, in the ultraviolet (UV) region called UPS, in the X-ray region called XPS) [8-12] a sample is exposed to a beam of monoenergetic photons of sufficient energy hv to ionize electrons from the solid (fig. 3(a)). The photoemitted electrons are subse-



J I_- -



\ b• o.)

I v" b)

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the transitions involved in various spectroscopies in a single-particle approach. (a) Photoemission (here: XPS); (b) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS); (c) X-ray emission (XES); (d) Auger electron emission (AES). Figure taken from ref. [7].

quently energy analyzed. The binding energy BE of an electron, relative to the Fermi level, is related to the measured kinetic energy KE by: KE = hu - BE.


The observed intensities as a function of binding energy carry information on the occupied DOS, but should not be seen as the DOS itself. The principle of inverse photoemission [13-16] is illustrated in fig. 4. A beam of electrons with energy E is incident on the sample surface. The electron entering the system will decay into an unoccupied level and the photon emitted by the radiative decay process can be detected. In the isochromat mode, the energy of detection is kept constant, while the energy of the electrons is swept. The spectrum thus obtained carries information on the unoccupied DOS. In the UV region, inverse photoemission is the counterpart of UPS, and is abbreviated IPES. The counterpart of XPS is for historical reasons called Bremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy (BIS). In both the low-energy techniques, IPES and UPS, k-conservation is important as the crystal momentum parallel to the surface is conserved in the process. Determination of k makes it possible to map the

R.J.H. Kappert et aL / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism






~L~ irk ~function Vocuum



I~otoem/ssion isachmmQt ~ectrum -~o

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of inverse photoemission spectroscopy (taken from ref. [15]). If the incident electron energy E is swept while holding hto constant (isochromat mode), the measured photon counting rate will replicate the unoccupied DOS, as indicated on the right.

band structure in an ordered solid, by measuring the dispersion E(k). This is done by angle-resolved (I)PES (AR(I)PES), see, e.g., refs. [8,13]. At the higher energies, used in XPS and BIS, k-conservation is less relevant, for reasons including the momentum associated with the photon, phonon effects and the extremely small angular resolution required to detect these effects. The information to be obtained from (inverse) photoemission studies of the valence bands depends on the degree of localization of the valence electrons. For materials with strongly delocalized electrons, like aluminium in fig. 5, the observed XPS-BIS spectra closely resemble the DOS. Note that even here the spectra do not show the sharp peaks and valleys of the single-particle DOS. This is not a fault of the experiment, but reflects the lifetime broadening introduced by rapid decay of a state with an extra electron or hole far from the Fermi level. This is also referred to as the imaginary part of the self-energy and is not included in single-particle DOS calculations. The other extreme is represented by materials with highly localized electrons where atomic correlations dominate, as for the 4f electrons of most






Fig. 5. AI, using data from refs. [17,18]. Bottom curve: Free electron gas (F.E.G.). Next: computed DOS. Next: DOS folded with a lifetime broadening. Top curves: X P S / B I S .

RE. The Hubbard model [19] is often used for such materials, in which the Hubbard correlation energy, Ue,, is defined as the difference between the first ionization potential and the first electron affinity of the system. For instance, if we have an array of f7 atoms, then Ue,-f is the energy required to change one atom to f6 and another to f8. The symbol U~ff is used to imply that an effective Coulomb correlation energy is being discussed, in which all the valence electrons have been allowed to adjust their distribution in response to removal or addition of a localized electron. The ionization potential and electron affinity can be read directly from spectra like those of Gd in fig. 6. Such studies [20,21] have had a large impact. However, of even more interest are the



E O~

"E " .

-10 -8 -6 -~ -2 0 2 ~- 6 8 .




















Fig. 6. Combined XPS and BIS spectra of Gd. Vertical bars indicate the positions and calculated intensities of the 4f final states. (From ref. [21].)


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

so-called "narrow band systems" [22], in which both band structure and atomic correlations must be taken into account to understand the electronic and magnetic properties of the material. In these cases the X P S / B I S spectra show characteristics intermediate between those of AI and Gd, and new features may appear, as we will see in section 3.

2.2. Core level photoemission Core levels are not directly involved in magnetic phenomena because the shells are filled in the ground state and have negligible (diamagnetic) interaction with both external and internal magnetic fields. However, when a core electron is removed: 1) The spin and angular moment of the core hole will interact with those of the valence electrons, giving rise to multiplet structure in the core level XPS spectrum [23], which can be used to diagnose the local spin and magnetic moment in the ground state of the core-ionized atom. For example, in the case of an s core electron and a spin-only momen t, one would expect two s core level peaks due to final states in which the core and valence electron moment are aligned parallel and antiparallel. The splitting of the two peaks would then be proportional to the size of the magnetic moment on the ionized atom. At one time this method was thought to have great potential as a local, element-specific probe of magnetic moments, but it is now clear that for transition metal (TM) compounds the initial and final state valence electron moments are not identical [24]. Thus, as a probe of the size of local moments, core level splittings are only useful for the case of highly localized moments (e.g., the RE 4f moments), where the screening effects described as point 3 below, are weak. However, spinpolarized studies of core level photoemission have shown that the final states do contain some memory of the ground state moments, see, e.g., ref. [25]. This is being used in attempts to probe the degree of magnetic ordering in photoelectron diffraction experiments [26], which are not described in detail here.

2) A second piece of information lies in the asymmetry of core level XPS peaks, which was shown by Mahan [27] and Doniach and Sunji6 [28] to be related to the DOS at the Fermi level. It arises because creation of a core hole is accompanied by creation of many low energy, electron-hole pairs, which costs energy and thus reduces the kinetic energy of the photoelectron. Although there are differences in the asymmetry of peaks from levels of atoms in different alloys [29] related to the differences in the local, atomselected DOS, this phenomenon has, so far, proved to be too complex to be used to extract quantitative information. 3) Finally, the screening of a core hole and its influence on the shape of the core level XPS lines provides insight into magnetic interactions. This, too, is a complex phenomenon but its analysis has led to very considerable and quantitative insight into magnetism and low temperature thermal properties of materials with very strongly correlated electrons, like Ce and many of its alloys and compounds. It is the partially filled valence states which are responsible for magnetism, but methods have been developed to relate the core level line shapes in XPS to the hybridization between valence states which give a surprising degree of insight [30,31]. This is discussed in more detail in section 3.5 for the hybridization of Ce 4f levels with other valence states.

2.3. Spin-polarized electrons 2.3.1. Detection of spin-polarized electrons We will describe here techniques of detection of the spin-polarization of a beam of electrons. The spin-polarization P is usually defined as: P

I v -I, I t + I+


where I v and I~ are the measured intensities of the majority and minority spins, respectively. The oldest form of spin-detection technique for electrons, and probably the technique which is still used most, is based on the Mott scattering geometry [32-34]. The angular distribution of high energy electrons (typically 100-120 keV) scat-

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tered off heavy nuclei, e.g., Au, shows a spin asymmetry due to the spin-orbit interaction. In conventional Mott detectors, the incoming electrons are accelerated to the desired energy, scattered off a Au foil, and the scattering intensities are measured with two detectors positioned around scattering angles of + 120 °. If we denote the ratio of detected intensities as Q then P is given by:


1 1-Q Sef~ 1 + Q '


where Sefe is the effective Sherman function of the detector, which describes the spin-asymmetry in the scattering process, taking multiple scattering into account. Due to the high kinetic energy of the electrons, the scattering process is not very sensitive to contamination of the Au foil. There is therefore no need to keep the foil in ultra-high vacuum (UHV). Due to shielding of high voltage parts, conventional Mott detectors are rather large (several m3), although smaller versions of the Mott detector have been designed (see, e.g., refs. [35,36]. Low energy electron diffraction (LEED) provides an alternative to the Mott scattering geometry. A single crystal surface is used instead of a polycrystalline or amorphous target [37] and spin-polarization is reflected by intensity-asymmetry in diffraction spots [38], due to spin-orbit interaction in the scattering process. The L E E D detector has a similar figure of merit but is much smaller than a Mott detector. However, the detector surface needs to be clean, i.e., the crystal has to be positioned in UHV, and it has to be cleaned before use. Spin-orbit and exchange interactions simultaneously cause the spin-selectivity in diffraction off a magnetized Fe(001) single crystal surface, which was recently proposed since its figure of merit is some 20 times higher than other techniques [39].

2.3.2. Spin-polarized electron sources The electron source is an essential component in any experiment requiring beams of spinpolarized electrons, e.g., SPIPES or SPEELS.


The most widely used sources are based on binary (e.g., GaAs) or tertiary (e.g., A1GaAs or GalnP) semiconductor compounds. Spin-orbit coupling in the valence band of the semiconductor can lead to an energy splitting of the valence bands. For GaAs, threshold excitation, i.e., excitation from the top of the valence band, can then lead to a 50% spin-polarized occupation of the conduction band if one used the dipole section rules associated with circularly polarized light [40]. The sign of the spin-polarization can be reversed by reversing the helicity of the exciting light. To overcome the work function at the surface, the semiconductor is heavily p-doped, so that the Fermi level (and with it the vacuum level) is pulled down towards the valence band, and downward band-bending occurs at the surface. Deposition of Cs and oxygen on the surface will lower the vacuum level below the bulk conduction band. (This is called negative electron affinity (NEA).) Effective polarizations of NEA photocathodes are usually 30-35%. This is much less than the theoretical value of 50%, and is due to various depolarizing effects [41].

2.4. Spin-polarized (inverse)photoemission Spin-polarized (angle-resolved) photoemission (SP(AR)PES, usually SP(AR)UPS) is performed by analyzing the spin of the photoelectron after energy analysis. Spin-polarized electrons are emitted if the spin degeneracy of the initial state is lifted by the exchange interaction, which allows the determination of the exchange splitting in the valence band (see section 3.2). However, spinorbit splittings in the initial or final states of the photoemission process can, if the incident photons are circularly [42] polarized, also yield spinpolarized electrons [43,44]. The first spinpolarized photoelectrons [45] were observed around 1970 [46,47]. A breakthrough in the field came when it was realized it was not necessary to perform measurements in an externally applied field [48]. A year after this, the first spin-polarized photoemission experiment was reported [49], soon followed by spin-polarized angle-resolved measurements [50-52].


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IPES performed with a spin-polarized electron source is called spin-polarized inverse photoemission, or SPIPES [53,54], allowing spin-selective probing of the unoccupied states. The earliest work includes SPIPES on Ni [55], spin-polarized ARIPES (SPARIPES) on Fe [56] and, recently, spin-polarized BIS (BISCEPS) on Ni [57].

2.5. Auger electrons The Auger process is depicted in fig. 3(d). Once a core hole is created by photon or electron bombardment, it can undergo fluorescence or radiationless processes, and the latter is known as Auger decay. Auger decay is more probable than fluorescence decay for all but deepest core holes [58]. It is itself a single step process, controlled by a Coulomb matrix element, in which one electron drops into the core hole and one is emitted with kinetic energy KE given by KE = BE 1 - BE 2 - BE 3 - UA,


where BE~ is the binding energy of the initial core hole and BE 2 and BE 3 are the binding energies of the final state holes. UA represents the interaction between the two final state holes. UA is the key to one of the main uses of Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) in studies of magnetic materials because for some transitions it is closely related to the Hubbard correlation energy, Ueff, as shown by Cini and Sawatzky [59,60]. A second use of Auger spectroscopy in magnetism concerns spin-polarized studies. If a material is magnetic it is clear that Auger transitions producing final state holes in the valence band may lead to strong spin-polarization of the Auger peaks. In fact multiplet splittings often lead to spin-polarized Auger peaks even when only core electrons are involved. In both cases the spinpolarization of the Auger peak carries information on the local magnetization of the atom involved because the Auger transition matrix element is very short ranged. The result from this short-ranged matrix element is to make spinpolarized AES (SPAES) [61-64] a good, element-sensitive probe of local magnetization.

2.6. Secondary electrons Electrons incident on a solid (primary electrons) lose energy through electron-electron scattering processes. Valence band electrons that are emitted from a solid through a cascade of electron-electron scattering processes are called secondary electrons. Pioneering experiments found a large spin-polarization for electrons emitted at low kinetic energies [65,66]. The large spin-polarization was shown to be larger than the average band polarization, but to scale with the magnetization [67]. Low-energy secondary electrons have since been used for many applications, among which magnetic domain microscopy, magnetization measurements and magnetic depth profiling [68-70].

2. 7. Electron energy loss In electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), a beam of monoenergetic electrons is incident on a sample surface. In the scattering process various excitations, such as phonons, plasmons, electronhole pairs, etc., may be created. If the excitations involve core electrons, the process is similar to XAS (see below) [71]. The scattered electrons are energy analyzed, and characteristic energy losses associated with the excitations are mapped. For the study of magnetic systems, excitations involving spin-flip processes are important (see sections 3.2 and 3.3). Because both incoming and outgoing particles are electrons, spin-polarized EELS (SPEELS) can be performed using a spinpolarized source, or by spin-analysis of the outgoing electrons, or both. The latter, i.e., SPEELS with both spin-polarized source and detector, allows the separation of EELS spectra in spin-flip and non-spin-flip transitions [72,73].

2.8. X-ray absorption In XAS [74-76] (see fig. 3(b)) an electron is excited into an unoccupied state, on the same site. This excitation is then subject to dipole selection rules, of which the Al = + 1 selection rule allows monitoring of the /-projected DOS. The absorption process is site- and element-sensi-

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

tive. The XAS spectra are usually divided in a near-edge region, usually studied for information on electronic structure, and a region more than = 50 eV away of the absorption edge, where oscillations can be observed in the absorption cross section, that can be related to inter-atomic distances. The latter process is called "extended X-ray absorption fine structure" (EXAFS). The relevance of XAS to magnetism lies mainly in two applications. The first is magnetic X-ray dichroism (MXD). Magnetic dichroism is already a well-established technique in the optical region. Theoretical considerations on magneto-optical Kerr effects (MOKE) [77] in the M2, 3 (3p ~ 3d) absorption edge of Ni [78] led to the search for M O K E effects in the X-ray region (see, e.g., ref. [79]), but the observed effects were small. The real breakthrough came with theoretical and experimental studies during the last = 5 years in which very strong magnetic dichroism in the X-ray region was predicted and observed [80-86]. With circularly polarized light, electrons excited from a core level are spin-polarized [87]. The transitions of such electrons into exchangesplit unoccupied states then allows the study of magnetic systems, because the absorption of circularly polarized light by a magnetic medium then depends on the polarization direction of the incident light with respect to the direction of the magnetization. A second application concerns magnetic X-ray scattering (MXS). The magnetic cross section is considerably enhanced with respect to the charge scattering cross section at an absorption edge (see. e.g., ref. [88]). For instance, a fifty-fold enhancement was observed for scattering off Ho at the Ho L 3 (2P3/2 --~ 3d absorption) edge [89-91].

3. Illustrations of the uses of H E S

In this section we analyze some of the contributions of HES to various problems in magnetism. We do not try to analyze whether " H E S did it first", nor do we discuss the relative merits of HES to other techniques. These questions we defer to professional historians.


3.1. General trends in electronic structure

Here we give a short review of the electronic structure of metallic materials, discussing general trends in band widths and Ueff that have emerged from two decades of experimental and theoretical studies, before considering some elements in detail in section 3.2. For many elements A R U P S / A R I P E S allow one to follow the band structure in some detail and X P S / B I S studies give good data in the band widths. For highly correlated metals the on-site Coulomb interaction Ueff may be obtained directly from X P S / B I S studies [20,21] and for a few elements Auger spectroscopy also gives useful data. For intermediate cases more detailed modelling may be needed to interpret spectroscopic data, in terms of band widths and Ueff, but still an impressive amount of data is available. The spectra from free-electron-like metals like AI (fig. 5) basically yield a free-electron-like parabola for the DOS, overlayed with structure due to the crystal potential. Of more interest to use are the TM and RE. Tables 2 and 3 summarize some of the literature data on band widths, hybridization potentials and effective Coulomb interactions. Work is still going on in this field to refine the models used to interpret the data. However, in general, we have not given the latest values here, but have used data which is at a consistent level of sophistication in order to establish trends. These data are of sufficient accuracy to establish the major differences between the R E and TM. In the pure elements the 3d and 4d band widths range from 5.4-8.5 and 6.3-9.6 eV, respectively. Contrary to many text book statements, there is not a major difference between the band widths at the beginning and end of the series, and the band widths only start to decrease dramatically at the end of the series, in the noble metals. There is also not a major difference between the band widths of the 3d and 4d elements. Most of our available data on Coulomb correlation and Ueff in TM comes from Auger spectroscopy, using the Cini-Sawatzky methodology. This is only justified for nearly filled bands, so that it is only good for Ni, Pd, Cu and some compounds. Nevertheless the information it gives

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism


is important. At the right hand side of the series, Ueff is comparable to the 3d and 4d band widths, which explains very readily why both band dispersions and local Coulomb correlation effects have to be taken into account to explain the electronic and magnetic properties of these materials. We know of no values for Ueff at the left of the series whose reliability is similar to that at the right. It should also be noted that atomic multiplet effects detected in various spectroscopies [94,100,101], can make up a significant fraction of the total value of Ueff, and indeed they may even dominate it. When we compare the values of Ueff for Ni with Pd, or Cu with Ag, we note that the 4d Table 2 Selected values for occupied ( W - ) , unoccupied (W ÷) and total (W) d-band widths and effective Coulomb correlation energies (Ueff). Data obtained from photoemission ( W - ) , inverse photoemission (W +) and Auger spectroscopy (Ucrf). All values in eV. The dual values are given where there is ambiguity in interpretation of experiment but they are also a good guide to the accuracy. Theoretical values are denoted (th) Element Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu MnO FeO CoO NiO CuO AI3Ni (Ni 3d) MgCu 2 (Cu 3d) Y Zr Nb Mo Ru Rh Pd Ag



1.7 (th) 4.4-4.7 3.1 (th) 3.2-3.8 3.2 (th) 3.4-3.8 4.5 (th) 1,8-2.3 --- 5 = 3,5 5.3 (th) 2.9-3.5 5.5 (th) 1,4 5.0 (th) 0.4

2.0 3.1 3.5 5.4 6.2 5.8 5.9

6.1 5.2-5.7 5.2-5.9 3.9-4.5 2.0 1.1 0.4

W 6.1-6.4 6.3 -6.9 6.6-7.0 6.3-6.8 8.5 8.2-8.8 6.9 5.4 2.6 2.5 (th) 2.3 (th) 2.0 (th) 1.8 (th)



3.65 7.1 7.8 ( + th) 3.5 ( + th) 4.9 ( + th) 7.3 5.1(+th)

[92] [92] [92] [92] [92,93] [92] [92] [92,94] [95] [96,97] [96,97] [96,97] [96,97] [97]



7.8 8.1 8.3-8.8 8.7-9.4 9.3 -9.9 8.2 6.9 6.3 3.5 5.1

[94] [92] [92] [92] [92] [92] [92] [92,98] [95,99]

Table 3 The first ionization potentials (A_), electron affinities ( a + ) and effective Coulomb correlation energies (Ucrr) for the 4f levels of the RE. All values in eV, obtained from ref. [21]. Also given are hybridization potentials zl of the 4f levels derived from core level spectroscopies, in meV, with the references in brackets, zl is expressed as 21rPmaxV2, where Pmax is the maximum density of valence states and V is the potential mixing the 4f and valence states Element


A_ +_0.1

La yCe aCe CeA12 CeNi 2 Ce7Pd3 CePd CePd 3 CeAu 2 Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

5.31 3.46


2.14 1.72 0.46 8.63 4.04 2.76 1.81 1.93 2.15 1.10

3.33 4.65 5.07 1.50 7.44 2.23 3.86 4.89 4.70 4.57 1.27 7.02

Uerf _+0.3 3.74-5.39

70 [102] 25 [103] 40 [104] 30 [102] 100 [102] 30 [102] 90 [102] 150 [105] 15 [102]

5.47 6.37 5.33 10.14 11.48 4.99 5.68 6.82 6.86 5.67

element values are much smaller than those for the 3d elements. This is one of the major factors behind the difference in properties of the 3d and 4d elements (and apparently not the band widths, which are similar). Table 2 also gives some values of band widths and Ueff for a small range of compounds. For the TM, the band widths are usually smaller in compounds, partly because the number of nearest neighbour contacts decreases, and partly because inter-atomic distances tend to increase. The changes in Uef f are not as large, but can be significant in some cases. Really major differences appear when we compare the data for TM d-bands with that for RE 4f levels in table 3. The values of Ueff are not dramatically different but the band widths really are. RE 4f band widths must be measured in m e V and are typically a hundred times smaller than the TM d band widths. Furthermore the width usually appears to

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism



/:i i."

] f"-..



2-i ,:-!


-10 -8 -6 -t, -2 EF 2 /. ENERGY (eV)




Fig. 7. XPS/BIS spectra of Fe and FeCo, with calculated DOS from ref. [4]. The shaded area in the DOS corresponds to the minority DOS. Figure obtained from ref. [107].

be due to hybridization with the more itinerant RE 5d and 6s states, rather than in direct f - f overlap [106].

3.2. The valence bands of magnetic materials Magnetism originates from unequal amounts of spin-up and spin-down electrons in the valence band of magnetic materials. Therefore, the study of the valence band is clearly important. The study of the electronic structure, in particular the detection of the exchange splitting, allows the monitoring of magnetic properties. Here we give examples of the determination of the (k-dependent) exchange splitting, as probed by (inverse) photoemission, and the determination of the spinand symmetry-dependent electronic structure by MXD. We will show that the accumulated data points to deficiencies in the Stoner model. The valence band XPS/BIS spectra of bcc Fe are shown in the top panel of fig. 7, together with a calculated DOS. The shaded area denotes the minority-spin density. The calculated DOS states and the XPS/BIS spectra are in reasonable


agreement with each other. This is by no means trivial, since the eigenvalues obtained from single-particle calculations have, strictly speaking, no physical meaning, as discussed in section 1.1. As can be seen from fig. 7, assignment of spin character to a specific peak in the XPS/BIS spectrum is, with the exception of the unoccupied minority peak, not possible. Moreover, spin-up and spin-down densities of state have, in general, different shapes, and a determination of the exchange splitting as in fig. 1 does not seem to be possible. However, it is still possible to determine the exchange splitting as a function of k. Single transitions in k-space can be studied with angleresolved (inverse) photoemission. Assisted by detailed band-structure calculations, the obtained AR(I)PES spectra can be described in terms of transitions involving spin-up or spin-down bands. The spectra then can be deconvoluted to obtain the exchange splitting. This procedure has been applied in the past, see, e.g., ref. [108]. It has the disadvantage, that the deconvolution becomes increasingly more difficult as the exchange splitting becomes smaller. Exchange splittings can be detected directly, without trouble in peak assignment, by spinpolarized techniques. In fig. 8 the normal emission (kid= 0) spin-resolved photoemission spectrum of Fe(001) is shown. Spin-up and spin-down photoemission intensities show peaks at different energies, reflecting the exchange-split band structure. The spin-up part is dominated by the bands F J and F~S, while in the spin-down part, the band F~5~ is visible (see fig. 2(a)). The energy difference between F ~ and F ~ (2.2 eV)is the exchange splitting A. The spin-split band structure of a magnetic material can be mapped, and the exchange splittings of the material can be determined at various points in the Brillouin zone. Of course, not all bands are occupied and the exchange splitting between two unoccupied bands can be determined by spin-polarized inverse photoemission. An example hereof, again for Fe(001), is shown in fig. 9. In the top spectrum, the spinintegrated IPES spectrum is shown, while the lower spectrum is the spin-resolved spectrum, allowing the decomposition of the upper spectrum in majority-spin and minority-spin parts.


R.J.H. Kappert et a L / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

'° /


F ]


' i,


;e ¢~0o) h~,:60 ev



e b A,,-:o.3



_z 6

fl F, ~




0 L


T '~




, %'-~. 0



Fig. 8. Spin-polarized photoemission spectra of Fe(00l) taken near the F-point [52]. Solid triangles represent data taken at 0.3Tc. Open triangles represent data taken at 0.85Tc.







Fe (100)

o3 z Iz

/ e•

o..~e'e~• ,.,


' ~



,Jtt /
















Fig. 9. Inverse photoemission data adapted from ref. [109]. The upper curve represents the total intensity spectrum for Fe(001), taken at 0 = 15 ° angle of incidence and at room temperature. In the lower curves the spin character of the two-peak structure is identified by the spin-resolved spectra.

The transitions here are near the H-point and the exchange splitting at this point is found to be (1.6 _+ 0.2) eV. If only the majority-spin band is occupied, the energy difference between the PES peak and the IPES peak is the exchange splitting, but only if there is no influence of the difference in charge state. While one may expect a distortion in a localized system due to different Coulomb interactions (in PES an electron is missing, while in IPES an electron is added), for delocalized magnets like Fe there appear to be little effects [110]. Another way of observing the exchange splitting in magnetic materials is the detection of Stoner excitations through (SP)EELS. The elementary transition in Stoner theory are singleparticle spin-flip excitations, the so-called Stoner excitations: an electron with spin cr is transferred to an empty state with spin - or. If there is no net momentum transfer involved in the transition, the energy needed for this transition equals the exchange splitting A. This allows the exchange splitting to be determined through the measurement of Stoner excitations with EELS. An incoming electron with spin cr can be "exchange scattered", i.e., the incoming electron fills an unoccupied orbital, and an electron with spin - o r is emitted. This implies also a spin-asymmetry: there are less spin-up empty states than spin-down empty states, so the probability of a down-up exchange is larger than an up-down exchange, at least if the material has long-range magnetic order. Glazer and Tosatti argued that Stoner excitations should be observable in both ordinary and spin-polarized EELS (SPEELS) [111]. This was confirmed, using unpolarized electron beams, by Hopster et al. [112] with, and by Modesti et al. [113] without spin-analysis. Although it has been argued that these effects are due to quantum interference between different scattering processes [114], the maximum was found at the energy loss corresponding to the average exchange splitting [112,113,115,116], albeit with a rather large energy spread [117]. The evolution of MXD in the last years allows the determination of the symmetry-projected conduction band, which for a metallic ferromagnet


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism 1

(a) +



~. 8O I..-









I-.Z Z

_o ~130







5 '-














I o

>" I-"

Lz 8 '


Zm I-- - t O

z Q






•. . . . .











Fig. 10. Comparison between experimental soft X-ray spectra (full curves) and a tight-binding model calculation (dashed curves) of the L 3 and L 2 white lines in Ni [118]. (a) the total absorption (o-++ o- ); (b) the magnetic circular-dichroism (MCD) (o- + - o - - ) . The raw experimental M C D spectrum shown here has been magnified by a factor of 1.85 to account for incomplete photon polarization and sample magnetization [118].

and 0.05/z B, respectively, which are in good agreement with theory, see, e.g., refs. [119,120]., The feature B (B') cannot accurately be assigned by Chen et al. in their single-particle analysis (see the dotted line in fig. 10(b)), and is attributed by them to a many body-effect, w e note, that for Ni many-body effects are important, as can be judged from the ratio of Ueff to W (table 2). Many-body effects in Ni show, e.g., as a satellite structure in XPS [98]. The feature B (B') was reproduced by a separate analysis of Jo and Sawatzky [121], taking correlation-effects into account and yielding values of spin and orbital moments that are nearly the same as those of Chen et al. The p-projected unoccupied states can be detected from the absorption by an s-level. The difference in the absorption of left- and right-circularly polarized light permits the separation of the absorption into spin-dependent contributions. The ls ~ 4p absorption of Fe, obtained with circularly polarized light, is shown in fig. 11 [82]. In the top panel, the total absorption spectrum is shown. In the lower panel, the difference between the absorption spectra obtained with the two different helicities is shown. Analysis shows


~d o

consists of the d-electrons responsible for the magnetism, and of sp-electrons that are generally also exchange-split. The unoccupied d-levels of Ni can be probed by excitation of a p-electron, e.g., the La, 3 absorption edge consist mainly of excitations of electrons from the 2p core level to the unoccupied 3d states. In fig. 10 the L2,3 edges of N i ( l l l ) are depicted, together with the asymmetry between left- and right-circularly polarized light. Analysis of these spectra in a one-electron model [118], fitting the asymmetry and total spectra not only yields a value for the local spin-moment, but also gives the contribution of the orbital moment to the total moment. For Ni, the spin and orbital moments were found to be 0.52

_9 I





}": / 0



r'l 20


E : E x - E o (eVl Fig. 11. (a) Absorption I o / I of X-rays as a function of the energy E above the K-edge of iron and (b) the difference of the transmission A I / I of X-rays circularly polarized in and opposite to the direction of the spin of the magnetized d electrons. (Figure taken from ref. [82].)


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

Table 4 Exchange splittings A determined by (inverse) photoemission at various points in the k-space of Fe (see fig. 2). The listed calculated values stem from ref. [3]. All values (in eV) taken from table I of ref. [110] k-point

A (exp.)

A (theor.)

F~5 Ft2 Hi2 P3 N1

2.1 2.4 1.3 2.1 0.9

1.82 2.18 1.51 2.10 1.65

the empty p-like band at = 2 eV is preferentially occupied by electrons with spin parallel to the spin of the d-electrons, whereas the band at = 7 eV is a minority-spin band. Comparison of the results with a band-structure calculation confirm the 2 eV peak, but agreement at higher energies is poor [82]. This could be due to many-body effects, since a relativistic multiple-scattering analysis [86] seems to be consistent with the data, but quadrupole terms in the absorption process (and hence excitation to s and d final states) might also be important for these transitions [122]. In conclusion, we note that HES now provides various alternatives for measurements of exchange splittings A. It has been shown that A can be determined as a function of the crystal momentum by (inverse) photoemission. For Fe, experimentally determined values of a(k) were compiled by Santoni and Himpsel [110], and some of their values of A are listed in table 4. It is clear that A is not a constant over the valence band, and that exchange splittings from band structure calculations are not consistent with experimental values. We can identify at least three effects leading to variations in the exchange splitting over the valence band. First, it was already mentioned in section 1.1 that bands with different symmetry have different exchange splittings. Second, the self-energy is generally E- and kdependent. This can have profound consequences for the electronic structure, as shown in the studies of Liebsch [123]. For Ni, it results in a strongly spin-polarized satellite structure [49]. Thirdly, in contrast to bonding wavefunctions, antibonding wavefunctions are zero between atoms, and

renormalization of the wavefunctions leads to a higher density of antibonding states in the core of the atom [124-126], where the electron-density is larger. Thus, bonding and antibonding states generally feel different exchange interactions.

3.3. Finite temperature magnetism In this section the question: " H o w does the exchange splitting change with temperature?" is addressed. For itinerant magnets the original Stoner theory predicts that the single-particle excitations reduce the mean field which, in turn, reduces the exchange splitting between the spinup and spin-down bands. Hence, the macroscopic magnetization reduces in proportion to the (local) exchange splitting, until they both become zero at Tc. However, calculated transition temperatures from Stoner theory are far too high compared to experiment (usually by a factor 5-10) [127], due to the neglect of low-energy collective modes (e.g., spin waves) in Stoner theory. In modern models on magnetism [128-134] the magnetic moment slowly changes with temperature, and vanishes at temperatures much higher than Tc [133]. Determination of (local) exchange splittings is more difficult at elevated temperatures than it is at low temperatures, but still possible, and we will show that published data indicate that the local exchange splitting persists almost unchanged through the critical temperature Tc. The study of elementary excitations, which according to Stoner theory must be spin-flip transitions (see section 3.2), offers a first possibility to monitor the temperature dependent exchange splitting: according to Stoner theory the energy at which the Stoner excitations are to be found will tend toward zero as Tc is approached due to the decrease of A. The number of unoccupied spin-up states increases, and therefore the ratio of updown to down-up spin-flip transitions should approach unity in the limit of T---, Tc. This can be observed in SPEELS studies as the vanishing of the symmetry in the loss peak (fig. 12), which can also be explained by the disappearance of longrange magnetic order. The spin-flip energy, however, was found to be constant up to the Curie temperature in nickel (see fig. 12), indicating an

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism i




" Ni" (110)



Ep - 1 2 e V

I 20*

TemPeralur e (T/T c) -I0





E -~o v, -40



- ._

~ 500













Energy Loss (meV)

Fig. 12. T e m p e r a t u r e dependent asymmetry spectra from the SPEELS experiments of ref. [136], where the asymmetry is defined as: A = ( 1 / I Po [)(I T _ I ~ ) / ( 1 ~ + I ~ ), with P0 the initial polarization of the electron beam, T h e temperature-dependent spectra were obtained at 12 eV primary energy, 20 ° off specular.

exchange splitting that has not noticeably changed [135,136]. Photoemission data on the exchange splitting of Fe as a function of temperature show bands with vanishing exchange splitting ("collapsing bands") and bands where the exchange splitting remains constant ("non-collapsing bands"). For Fe(001), spin-resolved photoemission [52,137] (see fig. 8) indicated that the emission from F~5~ decreases much more strongly than the photoemission from F ~ . The peak positions, however, do not change, indicating a constant exchange splitting. The results from inverse photoemission experiments show also both "collapsing" and "non-collapsing" behaviour [109,138]. The behaviour of the exchange splitting with temperature is thus k-dependent, and therefore the notion of a rigid band shift with temperature is false. Note the broadening of the photoemission peaks in fig. 8 at higher temperatures. The broadening of the (inverse) photoemission spectra at higher temperatures is a consequence of the increased probability of non-vertical transitions in k-space. Due to dispersion, this causes broadening of the observed peaks and, hence, increased uncertainty in the determination of the exchange


splitting. Accurate determination of the exchange splitting at higher temperatures with SPEELS is also hampered by the reduction of the asymmetry peak (see fig. 12). Moreover, a vanishing exchange splitting obtained from, e.g., (inverse) photoemission does not necessarily mean that the local moment (or local exchange splitting) has vanished. Remember that one measures quasiparticle energies, which are sensitive to detailed changes in the many-body state of the system. For instance, for Ni metal the exchange splitting is found to vanish at many points in the Brillouin zone, if the temperature goes through T~. Recent calculations by Nolting and Borgiet [139-141], considering explicitly the 3d-electron correlations, showed that the exchange splitting indeed vanishes all over the quasiparticle band structure. However, these calculations also showed that the Ni local moment remains essentially unchanged as the temperature goes through To! The determination of changes in the exchange splitting is therefore not an indication of changes in the local magnetic moment. Determination of the local moment with temperature is feasible with HES, as was shown by a recent photoemission study on magnetic impurities dissolved in Pd or Pt [142]. These materials form random alloys, and crystal momentum and k-conservation do not have the same relevance as in ordered systems. Photoemission in the Cooper minimum [143,144] suppresses the contribution of the host to the photoemission signal and permits inspection of the impurity local density of states (LDOS). The data for 10 at% Fe in Pd (Tc = 225 K) is shown in fig. 13. The valence band closely resembles the Pd valence band features because of the strong hybridization of the Fe impurity with the Pd host [144,145]. Due to the Cooper minimum effect, = 50% of the photoemission signal stems from the Fe impurities. The solid line in the spectrum shows the room temperature signal where it differs from the liquid-nitrogen temperature signal (dots). The difference spectrum is also shown, magnified 5 times. The differences are minor and only visible in the valence band region. The small changes observed are not compatible with the expected strong redistribution of the impurity LDOS with even small changes in the


R.J.H. Kappert et aL / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

magnetic m o m e n t . To show the sensitivity of the photoemission signal to changes in the local electronic structure, in fig. 14 a calculation is presented for an Fe impurity in Pd. Changing the Fe m o m e n t 1% already results in an observable change in the L D O S . T h e weight of the majority-spin part of the L D O S can be observed to shift towards the Fermi level. Spurious effects, such as lifetime b r o a d e n i n g and energy-dependence of the photoemission matrix elements were simulated in the top panel of fig. 14. C o m p a r i n g this with the observed changes in the valence b a n d spectrum it was concluded that the local m o m e n t does not change appreciably over the t e m p e r a t u r e range studied, and the results are incompatible with a collapse of the local magnetic m o m e n t at the impurity site at Tc w h e n the long range magnetic o r d e r goes to zero. This further implies that the local exchange splitting is essentially invariant t h r o u g h Tc. To conclude this section, we note that Stoner theory fails in the description of finite-tempera-

/, PdFe (10ot'/.)

/ /

/ / ..,,~,~-~" "~ "-"/

I. L i I. 5x (RT'IN2) "



. "....~


"" i" ,


Fe in Pd




ili Hi '~



i,i i

-6 -/. -2

0 2 4 E - EF (eV)

(al 6


Fig. 14. Fe impurity in Pd [142]. (a) LDOS on Fe site obtained from CIogston-Wolff (C-W) model calculations. (b) LDOS on Fe site obtained from C-W calculations with the local magnetic moment reduced to 99% of the value of (a). (c) The occupied part of the LDOS on Fe broadened to simulate instrument (Gaussian, fwhm 0.6 eV) and lifetime (Lorentzian, fwhm 0.1 ( E - E F) eV) effects. Single electron matrix elements (see ref. [126]) are taken into account by multiplying a sloping line of 15%/eV. Full curve: broadened DOS obtained from 9a). Dash-dotted curve: broadened DOS obtained from (b).


Z Q uJ N "n

, , ~ x(


,~" e l


0 Z















ture magnetism of itinerant electron magnets, which is indicated by the invariance of the local magnetic m o m e n t , and the k - d e p e n d e n t behaviour of the exchange splitting, as a function of temperature. Controversy still exists, however, about the a m o u n t of short range magnetic o r d e r above Tc.

3.4. Surface magnetism and chemisorption


Fig. 13. Valence band photoemission spectra of PdFe, taken at 130 eV photon energy. The upper dotted curve represents the spectrum taken at liquid nitrogen temperature. The solid lines represent the room temperature spectrum, where it substantially differs from the liquid nitrogen temperature spectrum. The difference between these spectra, magnified 5 times, is presented by the lower dotted curve. (From ref. [142].)

T h e loss of translational symmetry in the direction perpendicular to the surface can induce modifications in the surface electronic structure and result in different magnetic properties with respect to the bulk. T h e magnetic properties of an overlayer can differ even m o r e from the bulk values, approaching the two-dimensional (2D)

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

regime in the limit of vanishing overlayer-substrate interaction. However, the Mermin-Wagner theorem states that no long-range magnetic order exists in a 2D isotropic Heisenberg magnet with short-range magnetic interactions [146]. Overlayer magnetism exists, however, and deviations from the conditions leading to the MerminWagner theorem (e.g., anisotropies or long-range magnetic interactions) are subject of investigation. The study of surface and overlayer systems can be performed with a number of surface-sensitive HES techniques (see table 5). These techniques are applied for the study of the electronic structure of surfaces and overlayers. In this section we will show some examples thereof.

3.4.1. Surface magnetism The magnetic properties of the surface can be investigated with surface sensitive techniques much like the bulk valence bands can be studied [147]. The first question to ask of the surface of a magnetic material is whether it is itself magnetic. That this is by no means a trivial question was shown by the report of magnetically "dead" Fe,


Co and Ni surface layers [148,149]. At the moment, the consensus is that the magnetic moments of surface atoms are generally enhanced with respect to the bulk value. For Ni, the increased magnetic moment on the clean surface can be viewed [150] as a consequence of the band narrowing at the surface, accompanied by an upward electrostatic shift to maintain charge neutrality, resulting in a lower occupation of the minority spin band. An example of the detection of a magnetic surface through study of magnetic surface states will be shown. Furthermore, an example of the use of secondary electrons in surface magnetism will be given. An elegant method to prove that the surface layer is magnetic is to study the magnetic properties of Surface states. This can be done with (inverse) photoemission. Since the wave function of surface states is predominantly localized in the surface layer, detection of an exchange split surface state is a rather straightforward indication of surface magnetism. As an example, consider fig. 15. Here the IPES spectra of the S 1 surface state on Ni(ll0), situated around 6 eV above the Fermi level can be seen, spin-averaged in the left panel

Table 5 Sensitivities of HE S spectroscopies to the spin moment S, the orbital mome nt L (total moment J), the surface electronic structure, the magnetic structure (magnitude and orientation of the magnetic moment), the site (or, equivalently, the element) and the symmetry (l). Neutron scattering is included to allow comparison, lim. denotes limited Method


Magnetic moment spin S

orbit L ( J )

yes no yes no no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes yes

yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes






lim. lim. lim. yes lim. lim. lim. lim. yes yes no no lim. lira. yes yes yes

lim. lim. lim. lim. lim. lim. lim. lim. lim. lim. no no no no yes yes yes

structure no yes yes lim. yes yes lim. lim. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes lim.

yes yes yes yes lim. lim. yes yes lim. lim. lim. lim. lim. lim. yes yes yes

yes no lim. no no lim. no lim. no lim. no lim. no lim. no yes yes

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism






°°:%.... 7


E-EF(eV) Fig. 15. Inverse photoemission spectra of the surface state S I around the .X point of the surface Brillouin zone, spin-averaged (left) and spin-resolved (right), from ref. [53].

and spin-resolved in the right panel, for three angles of incidence 0. At least-squares fit yields an exchange splitting of --- 170 meV. The surface of Fe(001) was shown to be magnetic by Brookes et al., whose photoemission investigation yielded a minority surface state on the clean surface. These results prove that the surface layer of a clean ferromagnet is not magnetically "dead". The temperature dependence of the surface magnetization, which can be determined by e.g., the secondary electron spin-polarization can yield additional information on the exchange coupling of the surface layer to the bulk. The magnetization at low temperatures at the surface, Ms(T), should follow a T 3/2 law according to [69]:

M s ( T ) / M s ( O ) = 1 - KCT 3/2,

for K = 2 seems to fit the experimental curve for the clean surface. However, Mauri et al. corrected for the probing depth and found an effective K = 1.3 [69]. This means that for the clean surface of FeNiB0.5, the exchange interaction in the direction perpendicular to the surface is reduced. In summary, we have illustrated how HES techniques can be used to establish whether the true surface layer of a material exhibits magnetism, as demonstrated on a surface state with (inverse) photoemission. The electronic structure differs from that of the bulk, and H E S techniques can be used to map those differences, e.g., the changed inter-atomic exchange interaction perpendicular to the surface.

3.4.2. Metallic overlayers Thin magnetic films have attracted considerable interest in recent years (see, e.g., ref. [152] and the collection of papers edited by Pescia [153]). As an illustration of the possible uses, we M(T)/M(0) 1.0








o1- //




where C is a constant describing the decrease of bulk magnetization due to spin waves. According to Mathon and A h m a d [151], K depends on J l / J , where J ± is the (interatomic) exchange interaction between surface and bulk, and J is the exchange interaction in the bulk. If this is a valid prediction, the m e a s u r e m e n t of Ms(T) will yield information on the exchange interaction at surfaces. Mauri et al. have investigated the amorphous ferromagnet FeNiB0. 5 measuring the spinpolarization of low-energy secondary electrons. Their findings are shown in fig. 16. The solid line










Fig. 16. Temperature dependence of the low-energy cascade relative spin polarization P(T)/P(O) [69], for a clean surface of FeNiB0. 5 (cooling, circles; warming, asterisks) divided by P ( 0 ) = 21%, and for the same surface covered with = 0.5 monolayer of Ta (cooling, plusses; warming, crosses) divided by P(0) = 12%. Solid lines are temperature dependencies calculated from eq. (6), with effective K-values of K = 1, 2 and 5.4. Inset: hysteresis loop measured with the clean surface at T = 170 K. The five points in saturation were averaged and the difference between the averages in positive and negative saturation yielded one d a t u m point of P(T).

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

will show that, HES techniques are capable of detecting surface anisotropies, and yield the orientation of the overlayer magnetic moments with respect to the substrate moments. The existence of anisotropies in an overlayer system with little interaction with the substrate, i.e., a quasi-2D system, allows the existence of an ordered magnetic system in accordance with the M e r m i n - W a g n e r theorem. If the overlayer-substrate hybridization is small, the overlayer system can be thought of as an approximation of the free monolayer (ML). Consider as an example, Fe on Ag(001), where the hybridization of the overlayer with the substrate is low, because the sp-density in Ag is not high and the d - d overlap will be small, because the substrate d-bands lie relatively far below the Fermi level. Also the spacing of the Fe atoms is larger than in bulk Fe, thus reducing d - d interaction in the overlayer. The calculated moment per Fe atom for a ML Fe on Ag(001) is 3.0/.t B [154,155], which is much larger than the bulk value of 2.2/z B [3,156]. The orientation of spin moments in an Fe ML on Ag(001) was found from a theoretical treatment of Gay and Richter [157] to be oriented perpendicular to the film plane. Moreover, the orientation is thickness dependent, and the easy magnetization axis is directed in the plane of the film for larger thickness. The result of a spinpolarized PES experiment on epitaxial Fe films on Ag(001) by Jonker et al. [158] are consistent with the results of Gay and Richter in that they found the Fe ML on Ag to yield little spin polarization in the plane of the film. The spin-polarization increased for thicknesses from 2.5 ML upward, indicating a spin-polarization, and hence, magnetization, in the plane of the film. Similar results for fcc-Fe on Cu and Cu3Au have been reported [159,160]. The detection of the magnitude of surface magnetic moments is a complicated matter (see section 3.6). However, the (relative) orientation of spin moments is much easier studied than the magnitude of the moments, and research has tended to probe these experimentally more accessible quantities. HES studies can provide a means for the detection of (relative) orientations. The systems in the studies thus far encountered in this







1MLGd/Fe1100] J l ~

B 6

"t ~

2 i

10 8


Fe(100) hv=70eV



~ 1

.';' /it B (, 0=E Binding Energy (eV) Fig. 17. (a) Spin-resolved energy distribution curves from I ML Gd on Fe(100) for normal emission and normal incident

light at 70 eV photon energy, T = 175 K; (b) spin-resolved energy distribution curves from clean Fe(001)before Gd evaporation. (From ref. [161].)

paper show a ferromagnetic ordering. In the ferromagnetic state the magnetic moments are aligned parallel to each other, but configurations where the moments are aligned antiparallel (ferrimagnetic or antiferromagnetic structures) are also possible. Examples are the antiparallel configurations built up by 4f and 3d spins in a R E TM system, as in fig. 17. The structure = 8 eV below the Fermi level is formed by the Gd 4f levels (see fig. 6), while the Fe 3d majority-spin electrons are situated = 3 eV below EF, and the Fe 3d minority-spin electrons near the Fermi level, see figs. 7 and 8. The main intensity of the Gd 4f photoemission is concentrated in the minority-spin spectrum, indicating an antiparallel configuration with respect to the Fe majority spins. Note that near E F the Fe majority-spin intensity increases while the minority-spin intensity decreases on deposition of Gd. At the same time, intensity is gained in the spin-down spectrum at the position of the spin-up peak. These are indications of a overall decrease of spinpolarization across the valence-band region. This might be the result of a decrease in magnetiza-


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

tion in the interface region, or because of spin-flip scattering of the photoelectron in the Gd layer [161]. In conclusion, the orientation of the magnetic moments in an overlayer is an important parameter, either to describe the anisotropies in a system such as Fe/Ag(001), or the alignment of moments in an overlayer, to detect the exchange coupling to the substrate. Both systems have been studied with HES, and these studies have yielded the required information. Again, here HES yields unique information on ultra-thin layers, so that it is expected to play an increasingly important role if the present interest in metallic layers continues.



o) cleon ~







/'~ I

/ /\ £ / \!



I% I * b)


1LO 2


d) 12.1)-0




-/"/ .....



OJ, Q2 0 Energy below EF(eV)


3.4.3. Chemisorption "Is a surface still magnetic after chemisorption?" We have seen in the previous section that deposition of a metal on a surface might result in a slightly reduced magnetization of the substrate. The question is whether non-metallic matter will quench the magnetism. We will focus on the magnetic properties of substrate and adsorbate and show that the presence of magnetic moments for both is indicated by HES investigations. Using SPUPS, Schmitt et al. [162] found a reduction of the splitting of majority and minority spin peaks after chemisorption of oxygen on a Ni(ll0) surface. This is shown in fig. 18. The total intensity of the photoemission peak after exposure to oxygen diminishes, and the two peaks end up closer to each other than before the chemisorption. This was interpreted as a quenching of the exchange splitting in the surface region. To explain the data it was necessary to assume up to four magnetically dead layers [163]. However, as discussed before, the exchange splitting is k-dependent. Therefore, in 1987, Schmitt et al. revisited their original experiment, extending their measurements with angular resolution [165]. Their findings are depicted in fig. 19. Observe that on deposition of oxygen or sulphur on the clean Ni(ll0) surface, the exchange splitting hardly changes. This in contrast to the results of the earlier study, depicted in fig. 18. The spectrum in the first study consisted of contributions of the $3~ and $4~ bands, that could not be


Fig. 18. Normal photoemission spectra from Ni(ll0) excited by unpolarized light (hv = 16.85 eV) at normal incidence. Experimental majority (solid triangles) and minority (open triangles) data for clean surface (panel (a)) and after exposure to 1L 0 2 (panel (b)) [162]. Calculated results [163] for relaxed (1×1) surface (c), and for (2×1) saw-tooth reconstruction model with oxygen and four magnetically dead Ni layers (d). Figure taken from ref. [164].

Ni (110}. I Emission, ~g [fIG

• z3

0 (2xi)

~ J . ~ l









S c (2x

0.8 0.6 O.Z. 0.2 0 Energy below EF (eV) Fig. 19. Spin-resolved spectra for emission from Ni bands with S 4 symmetry for the clean, oxygen- and sulphur-covered (110) surfaces [165]. Triangles pointing up, majority-spin electrons; triangles pointing down, minority-spin electrons.

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

separated in that study. The almost unchanged intensity of the $3~ and the decrease of intensity from the $4~ bands led to the observed shift of the majority-spin spectrum towards lower binding energy, suggesting a decreased exchange splitting [165]. In the last study, emission from these two bands could be separated, and no change in exchange splitting is observed. This finding seems to be inconsistent with a dead surface layer, but that cannot be excluded completely, because of the reconstruction of the Ni(ll0) surface induced by oxygen [165]. The conclusion that the exchange splitting does not change much, if at all, is supported further by similar indication from ARSPIPES measurements [166]. For oxygen, the influence on the substrate electronic structure seems small, and is mainly manifested in the reduction of the minority peak with respect to the majority peak. On adsorption of sulphur, however, the peaks develop shoulders at the position of the peak of opposite spin, and the relative weight of the peaks changes. This could be due to decrease of substrate magnetization. However, Schmitt et al. discuss the spectra in terms of a spin-dependent scattering in the adsorbate layer [165], which would also explain decrease of the minority-peak in fig. 19 for O/Ni(ll0). Recent attention in research on chemisorption has focused on the magnetic behaviour of the adsorbates themselves. From theory it became clear that due to the hybridization of the adsorbate p-states with the metal d-states, the adsorbate might carry some magnetic moment (values of = 0.2/x B for O/Fe(001) have been predicted (see, e.g., ref. [167]), with an increase of the surface magnetic moment of Fe). The evidence from HES supports this picture for oxygen or sulphur chemisorbed on Fe(001): using spinpolarized AES, polarization effects have been observed in an oxygen Auger peaks [168], and a 0.2 eV exchange splitting was found in an sulphur Auger peak [169]. Spin-polarized photoemission experiments detected a small magnetic moment on adsorbate oxygen and sulphur [170], and klldependent exchange splittings of adsorbate induced features on Fe(001) were recently reported [171,172]. An 80 meV exchange splitting has been


observed for an O-2p derived empty band on Ni(ll0) (ref. [173], see also the discussion in ref. [53]). In summary, HES has shown that chemisorption might reduce the substrate magnetization slightly, but does not kill the exchange splitting at the surface. Moreover, the adsorbate might aquire a magnetic moment of its own. It is true, that we have focused mainly on oxygen and sulphur chemisorbed on Ni and Fe, and these statements need not be true for every adsorbate and substrate. The chemisorption of, e.g., CO has been reported to reduce the magnetism in the Ni substrate [174].

3.5. Very narrow bands; electronic, magnetic and spectroscopic properties of Ce In this section we will briefly explain some of the anomalous properties of Ce and then show how HES have contributed to our understanding of these properties. Ce is an element with many remarkable properties which are normally attributed to the 4f states. One example is the y - a transition, which is a transition involving a nonmagnetic state. By 1950 it had been proposed [175] from chemical arguments that this transition involved promotion of the Ce 4f electron into the 5d bands, with consequent loss of the magnetic moment that would be expected of the Ce 4f electron, and the notion of mixed valence, with partial occupancy of the 4f level, emerged to explain the properties of Ce and its compounds. In the late 1960's model calculations [176] predicted a very sharp (10 meV) 4f state that was situated near (approximately 100 meV) the Fermi level. This picture, however, failed to take into account the strength of hybridization between the 4f levels and the Ce valence bands and has since been revised, mainly as a result of spectroscopic evidence. The strength of the Ce 4f-valence band hybridization was considered by Kotani-Toyozawa [177] and Gunnarsson-Sch6nhammer (GS) [178]. When a core hole is created, as in XPS, all the wave functions of the other N-1 electrons of the material relax to adjust to the new potential. In the core-ionized state of lowest energy the va-

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism


lence electrons build up density around the atom where a core hole was created. The distribution of this extra charge may look like that in an atomic orbital, so that one can speak of "screening orbitals", and for R E the most effective screening orbital bears strong resemblance to a 4f orbital. The GS model is suitable for much solid state work because it incorporates partial occupation of the screening orbitals and hybridization effects, as well as the dynamics of photoemission. This is done by giving the screening orbital a width and energy in both the initial and final states which is proportional to the hybridization between the "localized" orbital and the other valence states, very much in the philosophy of the Anderson Hamiltonian [179]. This is illustrated in fig. 20, which also gives the results of numerical calculations [30,178]. In the initial state of photoemission the screening orbital is at an energy A+ above the Fermi level, which can be several eV, as seen in X P S / B I S studies like those in fig. 6 and as represented in the inset of fig. 20. For y - C e it MODEL Uoc

: ' ~




L~*~'' E¢





poorly .

' /



J - -




Fig. 20. Left: illustration of the Gunnarsson-Sch6nhammer model of screening and its implications for the core-level line-shapes. (From ref. [180].) The values of A + / W are (d) 0.94, (c) 0.75, (b) 0.56, (a) 0.38 and Uac was 15/t + [30]. Right: Ce 3d5/2, Th 4f7/2 and Ti 2p3/2 XPS peaks from Ce, CePd 3, Th and Ti. The pe~ik binding energies are 883, 333 and 454 eV for the Ce, Th and Ti levels, respectively.

corresponds to the 4f 2 level which is actually at = 4 eV [21]. In these models, the width W represents the coupling to the other levels of the material, but the experimental resolution, multiplet, and many-body effects make it impossible to take the width directly from the spectra. In the final state of the core level XPS experiment, the screening level is pulled down Uac by the core hole potential. For the case of Ce this can be understood as if the core hole made the ionized Ce act like Pr, in which the 4f z state is occupied. The level is now a below E v. The probability that the screening orbital will be occupied after core level photoemission is related to the energy of the orbital and its coupling to the other orbitals. If the screening orbital is narrow and far above E F in the initial state, as shown in (a) of the inset of fig. 20, then its occupancy will be quite low. There is then very little overlap between the initial state and final states with the screening level occupied. This means that the probability of a transition to the "well screened" 4f 2 final state is small. Most of the XPS intensity will be found in the "poorly screened" state lying approximately A_ to higher BE and corresponding to the transition to a final state with the screening level almost unoccupied, as shown in curve (a). If, on the other hand, the width W of the screening level is of the same order as its position d +, the level is strongly coupled to the system and its large tail below E F represents considerable occupancy, even in the ground state. Conversely, in the final state W is also comparable to A and there is considerable unoccupied character in the well screened final state. The probability that the screening orbital becomes occupied in the final state of core-level photoemission is then high and most of the intensity is found in the so-called well screened peak, as shown in curve (d). The right hand side of fig. 20 illustrates that there is a reasonable correlation between trends in core level line shapes and our expectations of the character of the screening orbital. In Ce, Th and Ti the screening orbitals have, respectively 4f, 5f and 3d character. In this series the 4f orbitals are the most strongly localized and decoupled from the rest of the system, whilst the 3d

R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

orbitals are the most strongly coupled. It is thus reasonable that Ce should have least spectral weight in the well-screened peak and Ti should have most. The values of the hybridization thus found from core level XPS studies range from 10-200 meV. High hybridization is found in materials which were traditionally regarded as "mixed valent", but in practice the Ce 4f counts are much higher than previously thought, and f-counts below 0.8 are rare in Ce intermetallic compounds [106]. It is now believed that the anomalous lattice contraction and the loss of magnetism in some Ce materials, such as a-Ce, is better explained by the hybridization of the Ce 4f levels than by promotion of a Ce 4f electron [31,181]. Another area involving magnetic interactions of the 4f levels of Ce is the low temperature thermal and transport properties. The idea of mixed valence, in its simplest form, implies that there must be a partially filled f band or level at, or very close to, the Fermi level in order to allow transfer of electrons between the 4f levels and the delocalized bands. Of course, such a "harrow band at or near the Fermi levels has profound consequences for the ground state properties of a solid, such as specific heat, electrical resistivity and magnetic moments. However, it must be recognized that anomalously high low-temperature specific heats and electrical resistivities may be indicative of more than just a narrow band of one-electron states at the Fermi level, as in the case of magnetic impurities and the Kondo effect. Impurities act as scattering centers, which at low temperatures will be the dominant source of electrical resistance, for instance. For non-magnetic scatterers, the resistivity decreases monotonically with decreasing temperature toward the so-called residual resistivity [182]. For dilute magnetic alloys, however, it has been known for some time that a resistivity minimum occurs at low (10-50 K) temperatures [183]. This is the so-called Kondo effect [184]. Kondo [185,186] showed that this arises only when the scattering center has a magnetic moment. At high temperatures, the impurity spin is free, which is manifested by the Curie-Weiss susceptibility. Lowering the temperature, the spin binds to a spin-polarization cloud


in the electron gas, forming a single state. The temperature below which this occurs is called the Kondo temperature [187]. The Kondo effect is dependent on a sharp cut-off of the conduction wave vector distribution so that the divergence of the magnetic scattering distribution disappears at higher temperatures where the thermal distribution at the Fermi edge is rounded. The Kondo effect is a subtle and complex effect. It appears only when the magnetic interaction is treated to higher orders in perturbation theory, and it is far from trivial to extract the relevant physics even when one is given an adequate Hamiltonian to describe the magnetic interaction. Nevertheless, there is a widespread feeling [188] that, through the work of people like Gunnarsson, Sch6nhammer, Allen and Martin [178,189] we are slowly beginning to get more insight into the Kondo problem and in particular its relationship to the problem of mixed valence. A complicated situation arises when the energy of a change in number of f electrons becomes comparable to the integrals mixing the localized f-levels with the delocalized conduction bands. For a Ce compound in which hybridization is not existent, with a 4f ionization energy of E~ eV (with respect E F) and with a first electron affinity E A above E v, the X P S / B I S spectrum will show two peaks at - E ~ and + E A respectively. As the hybridization of the 4f level is increased new peaks appear at E F in the X P S / B I S spectra. If the experimental resolution were high enough one would find that the height of the peaks at E r would be inversely proportional to the strength of hybridization and the weight would increase with strength of hybridization. As an example of this effect we show in fig. 21 the PES and BIS spectrum of CeNi 2 and CeAI. The Kondo temperature of CeNi 2 is ~ 9 0 0 K and a large peak appearing in both BIS and PES, centered slightly above E v, is the Kondo resonance in this material. The Kondo temperature of CeAI is -- 1-10 K, and the weight at E v due to the Kondo peak is experimentally insignificant here, although it plays a large role in transport properties. This is also true of the core level spectra and it is probably safe to say that in combination these two methods have contributed greatly to our un-


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism











¢1) Z ~J pZ

CeNi 2

(x 5)
















Fig. 21. Combined theoretical and experimental 4f PES and BIS spectra for CeAI and CeNi2, as described in ref. [31]. The PES portion is increased by a scale factor for clarity. The Kondo temperature for CeAI and CeNi2 are ~ 10 and -----900 K, respectively. The large peak appearing in both BIS and PES of CeNi2, centered slightly above E F, is the Kondo resonance in this material.

derstanding of the electronic structure of Ce and materials containing Ce. For the future we expect similar methods to be applied to TM and actinide compounds, where, in some cases, our understanding is probably now less complete than for Ce. It is now possible to obtain quite detailed information about the Ce 4f levels by modelling spectra such as those shown in fig. 21 and many materials have been studied [31].

3.6. Orientation of magnetic moments The (relative) orientation of magnetic moments is of fundamental importance to the description of the magnetic properties in these systems. The determination of magnitude and orientation of both the spin moment S and the orbital moment L parts of the total magnetic moment ( J ) is the subject of this section. In fig. 17 the photoemission spectrum of Gd on Fe(001) was depicted. The relative orienta-

tions of Gd and Fe spin moments could be determined because the Gd 4f and Fe 3d peaks are well separated in energy. However, photoemission is not an element-sensitive technique (table 5) and if the relevant peaks (partially) coincide in the PES spectrum, determination of the separate spin-moments will be very difficult. Much more suitable are techniques that are element-sensitive, such as (SP)AES. The spin-polarization of the Auger signal from the G d / F e ( 0 0 1 ) system is depicted in fig. 22. The fact that Auger electrons have characteristic energies allows the separation of overlayer and substrate contributions, and makes a comparison between the two possible. As can be seen from fig. 22, the Fe Auger electrons have a positive polarization, whereas the spin polarization of the Gd Auger electrons is largely negative. It is clear we are dealing with a magnetically ordered overlayer, and that the coupling of the Gd 4f spins to the Fe 3d spins is antiparallel. This seems to be the general behaviour of the R E spin moments on Fe or Ni [161,190,191]. Spin-polarized analysis yields information on the magnetization of a sample along one axis only. If the magnetization is directed perpendicular to that axis, the spin-polarization will be zero. Full determination of the orientation of the spin




~,'J ~ ,~ ~




Gd N45023N~7 N45N67N6T I





-15 0

re,ooo n,



It" \t,"







E {eV)

Fig. 22. Spin polarization versus kinetic energy of secondary electrons, including the labelled Auger transitions, from Gd ML film on Fe(100) at T= 175 K, excited with primary electrons of 2500 eV. (From ref. [63].)


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

means determination of the spin-polarization in three separate directions. The orientation of the spin-moment is therefore possible with the appropriate spin-polarized techniques. For the RE, however, the angular m o m e n t u m of the 4f electrons generally dominates the magnetic moment. The angular m o m e n t u m L cannot be detected by spin-polarized techniques (see table 5). For the description of R E and its alloys and compounds, that are known from, e.g., neutron scattering, to exhibit complex magnetic structures [192,193], it is also necessary to obtain information on the orientation of the magnetic moments. In table 5 we present an overview of selected characteristics of several methods. Table 5 gives an indication of the sensitivities of these methods to properties of interest. Note that neutron scattering, magnetic X-ray scattering and magnetic dichroism in XAS are the only techniques giving direct information on the magnitude of L (and J). In the analysis of a magnetic alloy that consists of a variety of magnetic ions, the site selectivity of a spectroscopy is crucial. Moreover, in the presence of a complex magnetic structure, knowledge of the orientation of the total magnetic m o m e n t is a very important parameter, which must be known. M X D on the M4, 5 (3d ~ 4f) absorption edges [80,84,85] can fulfil these conditions, because of the localized nature of the 4f final state. M X D spectra can even be obtained with linearly polarized light [80,84], as will be discussed here. The advantage of M X D with respect to, e.g., neutron scattering, lies in its surface sensitivity. For RE, the transitions from the H u n d ' s rule ground state 4 f ' ( J ) to the numerous dipole-allowed final states 3d94f" + l ( j , ) are well described by atomic H a r t r e e - F o c k calculations. The transitions can be divided in the three groups of spectral lines with AJ = J ' - J = - 1, 0, - 1. In fig. 23, the absorption of a free Yb 3+ ion is presented. In the final state of the absorption process the 4f shell is filled, allowing only the transition J = 7 / 2 J ' = 5 / 2 . In the presence of a magnetic field, the degenerate ground state will split into 2 J + 1 sublevels M j = - J . . . . . + J , where the relative population of the sublevels is determined by a Boltzmann distribution [84]. At low temperatures,

Y b ~-

+ mognetic

field M' 5/2


~ AI ! !

* ;+, ; , .

~ _-

~,,,,; , I~



Io i a= lal ~l |

It I,

z~J = - 1

•, x M = 1


, , ,*~ 'l i .


~ i l ; l. . #,:,: ,i, i, i I I it= i Ii t l It

i , ! .

i = =

.= l l l i A i ' =1 l l l i~ o I= ii i it t i~



-u2 -3/2




ill i i i J J i i = illll tllll ,Jill =up

Illl i i e ii I


IJLI~ fill ill.

t ! J = 712





il[l} I;II, .



712 5,'2





,' a








Fig. 23. Energy-leveldiagram of the 3dH)4f~3~ 3d94f14(M4,5) transition of Yb 3+ without (left) and with (right) a magnetic field [84]. The transitions I JM) ~ I J ' M ' ) that are allowed by the optical dipole selection rules are indicated by the arrows. Their relative intensities are indicated by the dots. The polarization of the light with respect to the magnetic field H required for the different AM channels is indicated at the bottom.

with the thermal energy smaller than the magnetic splitting, only the lowest lying Z e e m a n level (Mj = + J ) is occupied. Also, the final states are split by the magnetic field. However, the splittings of initial and final states, which are are of the order of meV, cannot be resolved due to the core-hole lifetime and instrumental broadenings, that are of the order of 1 eV. The polarization dependence of the XAS process can now be used to overcome this, see fig. 23. One can visualize this as follows: if the polarization vector of the incident X-rays ( E ) is parallel to the magnetic field ( H ) , only transitions with AMj = 0 are allowed, while for E perpendicular


R.J.H. Kappert et a L / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

to H only transitions with A M j = +_1 are allowed. (Using circularly polarized light, the latter transitions can be resolved into A M j = + 1 and A M s = - 1 transitions, depending on the helicity of the light.) Because the AJ groups consist mainly of - A M j transitions [84,85], the total absorption strength of each of the AJ groups changes with respect to the unpolarized absorption spectrum, as a function of the angle between polarization vector and magnetization vector. The AJ groups are well separated in energy, leading to immediately visible changes in the absorption spectrum as the angle of the polarization vector is changed with respect to the (internal) magnetic field H. For the case of Yb 3+ at T = 0 K this would be most dramatic. Since only the lowest Mj level is occupied at this temperature, the only possible transition is the AMj = + 1, i.e., if E is parallel to H, the absorption will vanish! This mechanism will be most effective if only the lowest lying sublevel is occupied. At high temperatures, when all sublevels are equally populated, there is no longer any polarization de-







pendence. We will refer to this spectrum as "unpolarized', since it is identical to the XAS spectrum obtained with unpolarized X-rays. As an illustration, in fig. 24 the M 5 edge of Tb is shown. In the left panel, a calculation of the M X D effect is presented, whereas in the right panel, an experimental M 5 edge is shown, obtained from an F e - T b amorphous alloy. The alloy, which is a film of = 1000 ,& thick, exhibits a remanent magnetic field perpendicular to the film plane, as was shown by M O K E measurements. As depicted in the left panel of fig. 24, the Tb M 5 edge consists mainly of two peaks, flanked by shoulders. The left major peak will be dominant for E I[H, whereas the right major peak will dominate when E L H. A dominant left major peak is observed for the case where E is perpendicular to the surface, whereas for E (almost) parallel to the surface, the right major peak is found to be have the largest intensity. Consequently, the magnetic field vector is pointing out of the surface. From the temperature dependence of the M X D the magnitude of the local


T~ ÷ I




Tb M 5

: f."




t ~ I










'": " ' ......

/'J ' ......J"


Fe8oTb20 30 K



90" 10"


1236 1238 1240 t242 12/.4 12/,6 12/,8 PHOTON ENERGY (eV)


Fig. 24. MXD spectra of the Tb M5 edge, for linearly polarized light. Left panel: Theoretical spectra for a Tb 3÷ free ion in a homogeneous magnetic field H (adapted from ref. [84]). Right panel: Experimental spectra of Tb ions in an Fes0Tb20 alloy, obtained with the polarization vector of the incident light perpendicular to the surface normal (upper curve: 90 °) and almost parallel to the surface normal (lower curve: 10 ° ).

R.J.H. Kappert et aL / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism I









l - - t -


#1 ._.90 o,


.- i0 o


a = I0°

o : I0




















Fig. 25. Dy M 5 absorption edge measured at a = 10 ° and a = 90 °, where a is the angle between the polarization vector E of the linearly polarized light with respect to the surface normal [194]. (a) 0.2 ML Dy deposited at room temperature; (b) 0.1 ML deposited at 50 K; (c) same as (b), plus annealing at 900 ° C.

is sensitive to ( M r ) , whereas if circularly polarized is used, MXD is sensitive to ( M j ) , where ( ) denotes a thermodynamic average. Thus, with linearly polarized light, the crystal field levels can be probed. In general, both Zeeman and crystal field splittings will be present, and can be resolved in MXD experiments using both linearly and circularly polarized light. In summary of this section, we note that many high-energy spectroscopies yield information on the orientation of spin moments, particularly at surfaces. This source of information is particularly useful if it is site-specific. In addition to this, there are dichroism effects in XAS, as a result of magnetic and crystal-field effects. Use of these effects (and of magnetic X-ray scattering), is developing rapidly and will certainly yield unique information on the size of the orbital or total moments as well as the size of magnetic and crystal field splittings.

4. Concluding remarks and perspective magnetic field at the Tb site was determined to be = 14 T, corresponding to a magnetic moment of 6.61z B. The MXD technique thus yields size and orientation of local magnetic properties, as does neutron scattering. It is moreover also surface sensitive (see table 5), which is illustrated by fig. 25. Here the Dy M 5 edge is shown for submonolayer coverages of Dy on Si(111)7×7. The dichroism is clearly visible, even for 0.2 ML Dy. One may wonder, however, whether a description in terms of magnetic fields is appropriate in this case. Surely, the substrate does not generate magnetic fields, and transition temperatures for Dy alloys lie generally far below room temperature, see, e.g., refs. [193,195]. A splitting of the atomic energy levels can be induced by a crystal electric field. The wavefunctions of these states can be written as linear combinations of atomic wavefunctions I JMj). In the absence of a magnetic field, the atomic wavefunctions I JMj) and I J - Mj ) will have equal weight in the crystal-field wavefunction. MXD with linearly polarized light

In this review we have presented some selected illustrations of the use of HES for research into magnetic materials. We have shown, that they can give detailed information on band widths, band dispersions, exchange interactions, Coulomb correlations, many-body effects, and the size and orientation of spin and orbital (or total) moments. Much of this information can only be obtainend from HES, and this is particularly true for surface effects. It is common for reviewers to claim that their technique will be of growing importance in future research, and in this we are no different. However, as evidence we present the growing capital investment being made for these studies especially in synchrotron beamlines, and point out that this will inevitably lead to an increased number of published papers. Of particular interest is the area of X-ray dichroism, which will profit from new undulators producing helical magnetic fields, and hence, circularly polarized X-rays. These X-rays will be used primarily for dichroism studies in XAS, and resonant scattering.


R.J.H. Kappert et al. / High energy spectroscopies and magnetism

Acknowledgements We thank M. Altarelli, V. Dose, M. Donath, H. Ebert, H. Hopster, P.D. Johnson, M. Landolt, J. Kirschner, A. Kotani, G. Krill, D.T. Pierce, M. Sacchi and G.A. Sawatzky, who have helped us writing this paper by answerering questions by post or in discussions, or by reading the manuscript. This work has been supported in part by the Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM) and the Stichting Scheikundig Onderzoek in Nederland (SON) with financial support from the Nederlandse Stichting voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), and by the Committee for the European Development of Science and Technology (CODEST) program.

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