High precision biometry of pseudophakic eyes using partial coherence interferometry

High precision biometry of pseudophakic eyes using partial coherence interferometry

High precision biometry of pseudophakic eyes using partial coherence interferometry Oliver Findl, MD, Wolfgang Drexler, PhD, Rupert Menapace, MD, Chri...

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High precision biometry of pseudophakic eyes using partial coherence interferometry Oliver Findl, MD, Wolfgang Drexler, PhD, Rupert Menapace, MD, Christoph K. Hitzenberger, PhD, Adolf F. Percher, PhD ABSTRACT Purpose: To investigate the applicability of the scanning version of dual-beam partial coherence interferometry (PCI) for measuring the anterior segment and axial length of pseudophakic eyes in a clinical setting and to determine the achievable precision with this biometry technique. Setting: Department of Ophthalmology, Vienna General Hospital , and Institute of Medical Physics, University of Vienna, Austria. Methods: Partial coherence interferometry was performed in 39 pseudophakic eyes of 39 patients after implantation of a foldable acrylic intraocular lens (IOL). Results: Effective lens position (ELP), IOL thickness, and lens-capsule distance (LCD) were determined with a precision of 2 to 3 )lm ; corneal thickness and axial eye length, with a precision of 0.8 and 5.0 )lm , respectively. The mean ELP of the IOL was 4.093 mm ± 0.290 (SO). In 7 eyes (18%), a positive LCD of 68 ± 40 )1m was detected with PCI. Mean corneal thickness was 526.4 ± 31 .5 )lm ; mean IOL thickness, 791 .5 ± 40.2 )lm ; and mean axial length, 23.388 ± 0.824 mm. Conclusion: The scanning version of PCI enables high precision (:55 )lm) and high resolution ( -12 )lm) biometry of pseudophakic eyes that is better than conventional ultrasound by a factor of more than 20. For the first time, positive LCD, a possible risk factor for posterior capsule opacification , could be detected and quantified. Furthermore, this technique offers a high degree of comfort for the patient since it is a noncontact method with no need for local anesthesia or pupil dilation and has a reduced risk of corneal infection. J Cataract Refract Surg 1998; 24: 1087-1093

ccurate biometry of pseudophakic eyes is important for precise determination of the effective lens position (ELP) after cataract surgery. The ELP is needed to determine the A-constant, which is used in several intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation formu-


From the Universitiitsklinik for Augenheilkunde, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien (Find!, Menapace), and the Institut for Medizinische Physik, Universitiit Wien (Drexler, Hitzenberger, Fercher), Austria. Reprint requests to Wolfgang Drexler, PhD, Institut for Medizinische Physik, Universitiit Wien, Wiihringer Strafe 13, A -1090 Vienna, Austria.

las along with axial length and corneal power. 1-4 Biometry is also important for determining axial length symmetry for cataract surgery in the second eye when preoperative measurements of the first eye are unavailable. 5 Accurate biometry helps identify the source of error in 6 postoperative refraction after IOL implantation. •7 Ophthalmologic biometry of pseudophakic eyes is routinely performed with conventional A-scan ultrasound, typically using a 10 MHz transducer, enabling a resolution of approximately 200 J.Un and a precision of 150 J.Un. 8·9 Recently, a noninvasive optical biometry technique, partial coherence interferometry (PCI), based





on an optical coherence-domain reflectometry principle, has been developed for high precision measurement of intraocular distances 10 and high resolution tomographic imaging of the human fundus. 11 ·12 Using a classic interferometric setup, it has been used in a variety of ophthalmologic studies. 13- 15 A special dual-

(LCD) in pseudophakic eyes, a possible risk factor for posterior capsule opacification (PCO).

beam version of this technique, which is insensitive to longitudinal eye movements during measurements, has been demonstrated to perform high precision biometry16-22 as well as tomographic imaging. 23-26

Two approaches of PCI have been used: In the reflectometer approach, the object forms one of the two mirrors of a classic Michelson interferometer. 28 ·29 Because of the inherent instability of living objects, highspeed scanning techniques must be used. In the second approach, the object can be illuminated by a dual beam, generated by a Michelson interferometer for example. 9·30 This approach is insensitive to movements of the entire object. The dual-beam technique is depicted in Figure 1. The two components (1, 2) of the dual beam exiting from the external Michelson interferometer illuminate the eye. Both beam components are reflected at various interfaces within the eye. If the delay (20D) caused by the eye coincides with the initial delay (2d) of the beam

Patients and Methods Dual-Beam Partial Coherence Interferometry

During ultrasonography of pseudophakic eyes, the IOL material causes multiple artefacts at the posterior lens surface and in the vitreous, disturbing the interpretation of the A-scan and therefore the precise determination of intraocular distancesY Since PCI uses light instead of sound, PCI of pseudophakic eyes does not experience this problem. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the potential ofPCI for performing high precision measurements of IOL-dependent ELP and axial length, as well as for detecting and quantifying lens-capsule distance


Coaxial Dual Beam



Measurement Mirror(2)

lF -+-

I I.

c 2



:~2dA .• _, " ·


:- d-:

External Michelson Interferometer

Reference Mirror(! )


Detection Unit

- ' - - - - ' -....... d


PC! Signal

Figure 1. (Findl) Schematic of the scanning version of the dual-beam partial coherence interferometer. The eye is illuminated via an external interferometer that produces a coaxial, dual beam. Reflected signals from the eye, for example, C,, C2 , AIOLS,, AIOLS 2 , are superimposed on and detected by a photodetector. A PCI signal of the optical distance (OD) indicating the sum of corneal thickness and anterior chamber depth is depicted, showing the envelope of the measured signal that is recorded and displayed by a personal computer. Measurements at a specific angle between vision axis and measurement direction or along a completely linear or circular scan are performed using a computer-controlled scanning mirror and special scanning optics.




components, two reflected waves, for example component 1 reflected at the anterior surface of the intraocular lens (AIOLS 1) and component 2 reflected at the cornea (C 2), will interfere at the interferometer exit. This technique incorporates the Doppler principle: one of the interferometer mirrors (mirror 2 in the figure) is translated with constant speed. 15 Hence the interference phenomenon at the interferometer exit is oscillating with the corresponding Doppler frequency. This oscillating light intensity is detected by the photodetector. The electronic photodetector signal is amplified and bandpass filtered to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. After digitization, the signal (PCI signal) is recorded on a PC. The longer the component waves (so-called coherence length), the less defined the path difference at which interference occurs. Hence, the resolution of this technique is determined by the coherence length (lc) of the light used. The coherence length itself depends on the spectral width (M) of the light:

=!J.')... '),}


where A is the mean wavelength and i'lA, the spectral bandwidth of the light. In the present measurements, we used a mean wavelength of A = 855 nm and a spectral bandwidth of i'lA = 20 to 25 nm, which leads to a resolution of approximately 15 J.Un in air. Axial resolution of PCI is determined by the coherence length and is independent of the numerical aperture of the illuminating beam. Attached to the interferometer is a computercontrolled scanning unit to direct the measurement beam toward the eye at arbitrary angles. 23 ·31 This device makes it possible to measure intraocular distances at various angles to the vision axis or along linear or circular scans, i.e., a series of equidistant points, for tomographic imaging of the retina. To stabilize the vision axis, a fixation light is offered directly to the investigated eye (Figure 1).

Patients and Study Design All research and measurements followed the tenets of the Helsinki agreement. Informed consent was obtained from all patients after the nature and possible consequences of the study had been explained. Furthermore, the study was approved by the ethics committee of the Vienna University School of Medicine.

Corneal thickness, ELP, IOL thickness, LCD (if existent), and vitreous length were measured by PCI in 39 eyes of 39 patients. A minimum of 10 measurements were obtained for calculating mean values and standard deviation. By adding the means of the measured intraocular distances, the total axial length was calculated. Measurement of the anterior eye segment is performed approximately parallel to the optical axis. 20 In this case, the four Purkinje images of the reflecting interfaces of cornea and IOL can be superimposed to achieve optimal signal quality. The third and fourth Purkinje image of the highly reflective IOL can be observed by the examiner on an observation monitor. The scanning version ofPCI enables measurements not only parallel to the vision axis but at arbitrary angles to it. Hence, the angle between measurement beam and vision axis is altered until the four Purkinje images are superimposed. Measurement of the anterior eye segment is then performed along this direction. Patients were asked to fixate on a green LED that was previously adjusted coaxial to the vision axis. The mean age of the patients was 72 years :::!: 11 (SD) (range 50 to 93 years). The AcrySofMA60BM lens (Alcon) had been implanted through a temporal, self-sealing incision after phacoemulsification in all eyes. All operations were done by the same surgeon (R.M.). Partial coherence interferometry was performed 6 :::!: 4 months postoperatively (range 3 to 22 months). None of the eyes had had neodymium:YAG capsulotomy. During in vivo measurements of the human eye, laser safety regulations must be considered. The light source used in this study has a center wavelength of A1 = 855 nm with a power of about 220 j..tW at the cornea or an intensity of approximately 572 j..tW/cm2 (averaged over a 7 mm aperture). Such light intensity is allowed for about 28 minutesY The times needed for 1 single measurement of the axial length and the entire anterior segment are 0.5 and 2.0 seconds, respectively. By performing 8 to 10 longitudinal scans for statistical purposes, the maximum time of continuous illumination varies between 4 and 20 seconds. This is far below the safety limits.

Data Analysis Data are presented as mean value :::!: standard deviation and range, indicating minimum and maximum. Partial coherence interferometry measures opti-




cal distances within the eye. To obtain geometric distances, the optical distances have to be divided by the group refractive indices of the respective ocular media. 15 •19 In this study, values of 1.3440, 1.3454, and 1.3851 were used for the group refractive indices of vitreous, aqueous, and cornea, respectively. 19 The group refractive index of the IOL was obtained by measuring its optical thickness and by dividing this value by the central geometric thickness according to the manufacturer's data. A group refractive index of 1. 7482 was used for the AcrySof lens. 19 The precision of PCI is defined as the standard deviation of multiple recorded consecutive measurements of the ocular distance under investigation. Correlations were investigated using linear regresston; P < .05 was considered the level of significance.

both figures, the PCI signal intensity is plotted versus the optical distance to the anterior corneal surface. Four main peaks, arising from light reflected at the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces and the anterior and posterior crystalline lens (top) and IOL (bottom) surfaces, can be distinguished in Figure 2, indicating the optical corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, cataractous lens (top), and IOL thickness (bottom), respectively. In the cataractous lens (top), peaks probably caused by light reflected at the cortex-nucleus interfaces are also detected. In contrast to ultrasound biometry, no artefacts from the IOL material are detected by PCI in the pseudophakic eye (bottom). Figure 3 shows the measurement of axial length parallel to the vision axis, since the patient fixates on the infrared measurement beam. This is made possible by using the broad emission spectrum of the light source that also contains faintly visible wavelengths. Two main peaks, caused by light reflection at the internal limiting membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium, can be distinguished. The latter was used, together with the peak reflected at the posterior IOL surface (Figure 2, bottom), to determine vitreous length. Another example of the anterior segment measurement of a pseudophakic eye is depicted in Figure 4. Because of the high resolution of the scanning version

Results Typical PCI signals-so-called optical A-scans-of the anterior segment of the same eye before and after cataract surgery as well as the axial length are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. These optical A-scans are similar to those obtained by conventional ultrasound but show very narrow signal peaks, allowing much higher precision and resolution of measurement. In

10 . - --

- -- - - - -- --






- -- -,

Crystalliro: lens

Anterior chamber depth


0 .0

- - - -- - - -- --

Anterior chamber depth

4 .0

Figure 2. (Findl) Measurement of the anterior segment of an eye 1 day before (top) and 12 weeks after (bottom) cataract surgery. The interference fringe contrast (intensity) is plotted as a function of the optical distance to the anterior corneal surface. Signal peaks indicating the corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, crystalline (cataractous) lens, as well as the IOL are depicted. In the cataractous lens (top), peaks probably caused by light reflected at the cortex-nucleus interfaces are also detected. In contrast to ultrasound biometry, no artefacts from the IOL material are detected by the PCI technique in the pseudophakic eye (bottom).

!,..,.ocular lens


6 .0






Optical distance to anterior corneal surface (mm)




HIGH PRECISION BIOMETRY OF PSEUDOPHAKIC EYES 1.0 - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --

- - -- - - - - -----,

Retinal pigment epithelium


Figure 3. (Findl) Partial coherence interferometry measurement (optical A-scan) of the axial length of a pseudophakic eye parallel to the vision axis. The optical distances from the anterior corneal surface to peaks originating from fundus layers are indicated (optical distances are shown). Two main peaks can be distinguished caused by light reflected at the internal limiting membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium. The latter is used to determine axial eye length.

Internal limiting membrane

0.0 + - - - - - , - - - - - - - , - -- - - - - , - - - - - -- , - - - - - --,--------j 32.00




Optical distance to anterior corneal surface (mm)

LCD, 3.1 ± 4.0 J.Uil (range 0.6 to 7.6 J.Un); and axial length, 4.6 ± 1.6 J.Uil (range 2.0 to 8.7 J.Un). Hence, the precision of PCI for axial length is better than that achieved with conventional ultrasound biometry in the literature by a factor of more than 20.7 The mean ELP in a pseudophakic eye with an AcrySof lens was 4.093 ± 0.290 mm (range 3.537 to 4.710 mm) and the mean IOL thickness, 791.5 ± 40.2 J.Un (range 718.3 to 883.9 J.Un). A mean LCD of

of PCI, an additional peak, indicating a signal arising from the posterior lens capsule (compare with Figure 2), enables the detection and precise quantification of an LCD. Corneal thickness was determined with a precision of 0.8 ± 0.3 J.Uil (range 0.2 to 1.6 J.Un); ELP, the distance from posterior corneal to anterior IOL surface, with a precision of2.6 ± 1.2 J.Uil (range 0.8 to 5.9 J.Un); IOL thickness, 2.3 ± 0.9 J.Uil (range 0.9 to 5.3 J.Un);


Anterior chamber depth


Intraocular lens


j distance

Figure 4. (Findl) Measurement of the anterior segment of a pseudophakic eye. Because of the high resolution of the scanning version of PCI, an additional peak (compare with Figure 2), indicating a signal arising from the posterior lens capsule, enables the detection and precise quantification of an LCD.

0.0 0.0









Optical distance to anterior corneal surface (mm)




68.5 ± 40.2 J.lm (range 21.6 to 113.9 J.Un) was detected by PCI in 7 eyes (18%). In addition, a mean corneal thickness of 526.4 ± 31.5 J.lm (range 466.3 to 596.2 J.Un), as well as a mean axial length of 23.388 ± 0.824 mm (range 21.856 to 25.443 mm), was measured. A statistically significant correlation between ELP and axial length was found (R = 0.32; P < .005). Measured IOL thickness and IOL diopters showed a highly significant correlation (R = 0.93; P < .0001).

7. 8.


10. 11.

Discussion We have demonstrated that biometry using the scanning version of PCI can be performed in pseudophakic eyes. The precision and resolution was more than 20 times better than with conventional ultrasound. Therefore, accurate determination of the ELP after cataract surgery is possible. Hence, IOL-dependent A-constants, required for most IOL power calculation formulas, can be determined more precisely. Furthermore, LCD, a possible risk factor for PCO, was not only detected but also quantified with this technique. Evaluation of the IOL-specific tendency to produce a positive LCD is possible. 33 This noncontact technique offers a high degree of comfort to the patient since biometry can be performed within a short time without the need of local anesthesia. It also reduces the risk of corneal infection.

12. 13.






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Presented in part at the annual meeting of the Deutschsprachige Gesellschaftfor Intraokularlinsen Implantation und Refraktive Chirurgie, Frankfurt, Germany, March 1997 None of the authors has a proprietary or financial interest in any product mentioned. Supported by the Austrian Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (grant P 9781-MED). Ing. H. Sattmann and Mr. L. Schachinger, Institite ofMedical Physics, University of Vienna, Austria, constructed the instrument's electronics and software and provided technical support, respectively.