Histamine shock and anaphylactoid shock

Histamine shock and anaphylactoid shock

Department - of Reviews and Abstracts Selected Abstracts Histamine Shock and Anaphylactoid Shock. I,lmii6rr. sljine, A. : (‘oml)t. WII~. Sot. de bio...

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of Reviews and Abstracts Selected Abstracts

Histamine Shock and Anaphylactoid Shock. I,lmii6rr. sljine, A. : (‘oml)t. WII~. Sot. de biol. 104: 1010. 1930.

A.. and Male-

‘I’hc similarities and dissimilarities bctwten histamine shock and allThe prpscnt work is conccrncd with txal)h~-lactic shock arc listed. lwrimcnts to SW wht~tht~r or not 1)rotection against histamine shock can 1x1 obtained by an anaphylactic or ;~~~al~h~l;~ctoitlshock and vice versa. shock can be It, is well known that protwtioll against ~~~~;~ph~~l;~ctic gained by a. previous slight shock obtaiwd by injection of a small amount of the antigen to which I he organism has been sensitized. If the phcnomcnon of protection by Ijrevious shock holds good for histamine crises! then it might soem possible that an analogy must csist bctwcn the> mwhanisms of these two tylws of shock. ,I malr guinea pig weighing 635 grams was injected in the left, heart with 0.00005 gr. of chlt~rh~vtlri~t~~of histamiw. ;I subacute crisis rcsllltcd with convulsions and vmission of nriw. The animal apparenti: r~co~lwl complctcl>- within a (luartw of ill1 hour and was then injcctcd in the same mannt’r with 0.5 C.C. of an emulsion of sulphate of lxlr\-tc~, a dOSC LllWll~S considcrcd 1Cthill. Thc~ guinea pig presented symptoms of acute shock but subscv~wntly rccovcwd. The protection ii1 this case was relative. In il male guinea pig weighing 125 grams 0.0001 gr. of histamine was injcctcd into the right heart. Acute shock rcw~lt c&d, followed by rccowry within forty minutes. *\n injection was then made into the left heart of R suspension of bar~t(~ in lc~thal dose. The allima l)rcst~ntcd 110 sq’mptoms of shock, the protection ilffor(lc’d bcillg absolut(~. In another writs of cqwriments, the in\-crwb order of injections was used. A guinea pig wvci%hing 595 ~lWllS I receiwd in the lc’ft heart a sublethal dose of Iraq-tr suspension. A subacute shock followed from which the animal rccovcrcd. Thc>n thtl ordinarily shocking dose of histamine was injected with no adverse rcactioll. When, however, the primary injection of sulphatcl of harytc was made into the right heartz 0111,~partial protection was obtained agaillst histamine shock. From these results, it is stated, the conclusion is drawn that the phenomena of reciprocal protection of 011~1shovk b,v ;~notht~r shock, such as anaphylaxis, cstendcd equally to histamine accidents, suggesting t ll(~~‘l)y iti1 :rlutl~g~ in the mcclm~lism of the two t>-pt’s of shock. 193