BOOKNOTES PROCESSES. VOLUME 11 OF HIGH SPEED AERODYNAMICS AND JET PROPULSION, edited by B. Lewis, R. N. Pease and H. S. Taylor. 662 pages, disgrams, 6t X 9) in. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1956. Price, $12.50.
This second volume in the series on High Speed Aerodynamics and Jet Propulsion deals with the complex problems of combustion in jet engines. Five sections are devoted to these aspects of combustion: thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, flame propagation in gases, combustion of liquids and solids, and detonation processes. The final section is on the production of energy by nuclear reactions. Each section is composed of one or more papers on a particular phase of the subject, written by qualified experts. The increasing importante of jet propulsion engines makes this work particularly valuable to combustion engineers. The delay of nearly five years between receipt of the manuscripts and final publication is to be regretted, for had the volume appeared in its proper sequence in the series, it would have been more useful and more up-to-date. HISTORY OF ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, by Carl B. Boyer. 291 pages, diagrams, 64 X 9+ in. New York, Scripta Mathematica, 1956. Price, $6.00. The author has gathered together in scholarly fashion the history of analytic geometry and has integrated the hitherto rather scattered earlier histories. Parts of the book have been previously published in Four chapters deal Scripta Mathematica. with the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians, through the early Greek contributions, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, giving a good background for the “modern” period beginning with Descartes and Fermat. Criticisms of the “new geometry” are commented upon in a chapter entitled “The Age of Commentaries.” The remainder of this fine history is devoted to the development of the calculus and the contributions of Newton, Euler, Lagrange, Ampere, Cauchy and lesser figures. A fifteen-page annotated bibliography and an index complete the work. 322
THE PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEER’S HANDBOOR, by J. F. Strachan. 168 pages, illustrations, 7; X 92 in. New York, Philosophical Library, 1956. Price, $15.00. This practica1 book is a revised version of a 1947 handbook entitled “Practica1 Inspection of Oil Refinery Equipment.” The many new processes which have been developed in the last decade made it advisable to bring the previous book up-to-date. Since the fust edition was privately published, perhaps not too many refinery engineers and inspectors are aware of its usefulness. The material covers plant inspection (organization, methods and equipment), inspection procedure (cracking, distillation, refining, etc.), corrosion and protection of oil refinery equipment, calculations and genera1 safety measures. NUCLEAR METALLURGY, IMD Special Report Series No. 2. 94 pages, illustrations, 8f X 11 in. New York, Am. Inst. of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers, 1956. Price, $3.75 (paper). Under the above title, the AIME has published the proceedings of a Symposium on Behavior of Materials in Reactor Environment, held in February, 1956. Six papers by eight authors comprise this useful and practica1 contribution to the new field of reactor metallurgy. Interested readers wil1 find the lists of references helpful, since they gather under one cover most of the scattered literature references in the field. RESISTANCEWELDING, prepared by American Welding Society. 163 pages, diagrams, 6 X 9 in. New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1956. Price, $4.50. In this handbook for resistance welding are covered al1 six resistance welding processes. New techniques such as slope control and welding of aluminum are described, along with processes, equipment, precautions, inspection and testing. quality control, Prepared by the Resistance Welding Committee of the American Welding Society, the handbook is concise, clear and complete.