498 passage, on the other hand, in to admit of the introduction of the finger which an opportunity presented for the withu probe-poiuted bistoury, by...

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passage, on the other hand, in to admit of the introduction of the finger which an opportunity presented for the withu probe-poiuted bistoury, by withdtawcalumniation of the exposers of abuse, that ing which the wound was enlarged infehe has not availed himself of it; in which riorly, and the fundus of the bladder laid This being considerably thickened, an episode against the moral character of bare. the Editor of THE LANCET and its contribu - was divided with great difficulty, and the tors could be possibly interwoven, that he wound being held open by a blunt hook, a has omitted to turn to account; and we will pair of strong forceps were introduced, and concede that we are wrong in looking on the stone was easily grasped, but was so his journal as the most singular composition immoveable, that after long and forcible ef. ever yet published, because it is the only forts, the operator was at last obliged to deone, we believe, that ever made the syste- sist for a time from further attempts. The matic calumniation of the motives of a con- finger being now introduced into the blad. temporary, the exclusive grounds and ob- der, a smaller calculus was found at its up. jects of its existence. Hence its aspect is per part, and easily extracted. The attempts as dreary as its purposes are detestable. at removing the larger stone were now re. Every page is darkened by the nightshade newed, but were as fruitless as before, al. of the heart—every column saddened by though an assistant with his finger in the the rank luxuriance of the hemlock. You, rectum, and another with the staff in the dear Johnstone, know the man, and have urethra, endeavoured to raise the stone, and been honoured with a personal insight into to assist the action of the forceps. M. Blandin, being now convinced of the his gloomy, honourable, and "charitable" of removingthe stone by the impossibility occupations. ERINENSIS. upper opening of the bladder, determined, with the unanimous advice of his col. Dublin, Jan. 1829. leagues, upon the immediate performance of the recto-vesical operation. He accordingly introduced his finger into the rectum, and, forcibly pressing the bladder, from the downwards, divided its neck, hypogastrium HOPITAL BEAUJON. the prostate gland, sphincter ani, and perine. um, in the median line. The stone, being now felt by the finger, was grasped by the forCASE OF STONE, IN WHICH THE HIGH, AND ceps, and, while an assistant depressed the AFTERWARDS THE RECTO-VESICAL OPEstone with his hand in the upper wound of RATION WAS PERFORMED. the bladder, was, at last, with great diffi. A BOY, fifteen years old, was, on the 1st of culty aud exertion, extracted. It was of au December, admitted into the hospital under oval form, two inches in its largest, and au M. Blandin. He stated, that for the last inch and a quarter in its smallest, diameter, five years he had been subject to pain in the of very firm consistence, and weighed two region of the bladder, which was consider- ounces. Although the operation, of course, ably augmented by walking, and the evacu. lasted a considerable time, the patient did ation of stools and urine, and which extend- not lose much blood. The wound of the ed from the bladder, along the urethra, to, hypogastrium was united by a bandage, the glans, where it was most violent. The sixteen ounces of blood were taken, and a penis was continually in a state of semi- small quantity of opium was given. In the erection ; the urine was discharged involun- evening, slight fever acceded, but the patarily, and the anus was prolapsed and in- tient was free from pain, except in the flamed. A sound being introduced into the wounds, and he passed a quiet night.urethra, was arrested at the neck of the On the following day, the fever was much bladder by a solid, and, as it appeared, im- increased, and he complained of vague moveable body, which was also very easily pains in the abdomen. The bleeding was felt by the finger in the rectum ; the exist- repeated, and a large emollient poultice ence of a large stone in the bladder was was applied over the hypogastrium. On the clearly ascertained, and the patient being second day, when the report was taken, much exhausted by his continued sufferings, he had violent pain in the hypogastric rethe high operation was decided upon, and gion, though not in the rest of the abdomen; performed on the 7th of December, in the his countenance was very pale, and expresfollowing manner. A mucilaginous fluid sive of anxiety ; he had vomited several having been injected into the bladder, which, times, and had still nausea, and a very small from its contraction, or the size of the stone, pulse.—Journ. Hebdom. could be made to contain but a amall quanAs soon as the result of this case (which tity, the skin was divided by a longitudi.can hardly be otherwise than fatal) is nal incision, about two inches in length, and: known, we will take care to lay it before the linea alba opened to such an extent, asI our readers. out one