Since 1919 Haberlandt is experimenting on the problem of producing temporary Subcutaneous transplantation of ovaries from pregsterility in female animals. nant rabbits and guinea pigs into nonpregnant animals produced temporary sterility iu .these. The effect ie thought to be brought on by the formation of a hormone After rein the transplanted corpus luteum, which inhibits follicle maturation. sorption of the transplanted ovaries the animals became pregnant and gave biih to mature, normally developed, living young. Sterility could be attained for 2 to 3 months. Identical results were obtained by Haberlandt with the daily subcutaneous injections of certain ovarian and placental extracts on the market. The former preparation is extracted out of the ovaries of pregnant cows according to a method of Abderhalden, the latter out of placental tissue. Mierodcopic examinations of the ovaries after treatment showed a complete absence of large, matured follicles. While Haberlandt is convinced of a hormonal action in securing temporary sterility in these animals, Koehler assumes a simple protein reaction. In support of his theory Haberlandt in further experiments brings evidence that temporary or permanent sterility can be brought about in the white mouse by feeding either of the above mentioned preparations daily in milk for a few months. GROVER LIESE. Haberlandt, I,.: Hormonal Sterilization of Female Animals Me&in&he Klinik, 1927, xxiii, 1024.
by Means of Insulin.
Vogt recently reported that he obtained hormonal sterilization in rabbits by means of injection! of insulin and because of this he conaidem. the pancreatic hormone and the ovarian hormone as antagonists. This ie incorrect. In the Ford place there is not one ovarian hormone but at leaat two, a stimulative hormone and an inhibitory one. The first one which is known as the female sex hormone can activate even the ovaries of senile animals. Vogt haa failed to show that in the animals sterilized by means of insulin, maturation of follicles was inhibited, as Haberlandt accomplished by injecting ovarian preparations from pregnant cows. Furthermore, the authors who sterilized animals by injecting spermotoxic antibodies achieved this not by means of hormonal sterilization but by humoral or immunization-sterilization. The first true hormonal sterilization experiments on female animals were performed by the writer by means of transplanting ovaries from preg nant animals into nonpregnant animals. There is no practical value in Vogt’s experiments because the amount of insulin necessary to sterilize animals was too large. Furthermore Haberlandt haa been able to pr.oduoe in animals the same effect by the oral administration of physiologic inhibitory substances. The later offspring of animals which had been temporarily sterilized is not abnormal in any way. J. P. GRFJINEILL. Rooco: Biologic Stemilization of the Female With Injectiona of SenUnal FItid. Arohivio di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, 1926, p. 558. Several investigators have found that the eubeutaneoua injections of seminal fluid in. the female proiluees temporary sterility of one to three monthe. Experimenta have been carried’ out in the dog, rabbit and the rat. l’hene show that a temporary sterility h produced and that if too many injections are given there ia marked loss of weight reprbenting a “protein eachexia.” It in not knom whether the’ sterility i% &ud -to & protein ‘reaction. or to a ape&a immdzing action. J. w. PIaRoa. Castro,