348 usual vascularity of the brain. Nearly theas soon as the patient had recovered from whole of the muscle was of a dirty-yellowthe syncope, an inc...

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vascularity of the brain. Nearly theas soon as the patient had recovered from whole of the muscle was of a dirty-yellowthe syncope, an incision was made, by colour, disorganised, and scarcely a vestigewhich the popliteal artery was exposed and of healthy structure could be found in it. immediately secured. Nov. 30. There has been no repetition of There was also disease of the liver, but no other morbid appearances could be detected,the bleeding, and the patient appears to be and there was nothing discovered that might proceediii-- 0 favourably. ’ be supposed to have given rise to the disease of the muscle. ,








In our notice last week of the case of Gaetat. 32, was admitted in May John Reeve, we omitted to date it October last, with a carcinomatous affection of the the 30th, the day on which we wrote the nose ; the disease was of about two veins’ report. We may now observe that he went standing, and seemed to extend over the on well from that time until the 2d of cartilages of the nostrils and the septum, November, when haemorrhage again took had degenerated into a large ulceratplace. Mr. Vincent was in the hospital, ed tumour. After having matched the case and saw him within five minutes of the re- for some time, M. Lisfranc, who was of currence of the bleedmg, and found him in a opinion that it was a case of superficial canstate approaching to syncope. He had lost cer, performed the following operation :a very considerable quantity of blood, his Two semi-elliptic incisions were made, by countenance was quite pale, pulse scarcely which the diseased part was circumscribed; perceptible, and the limb perfectly cold ; the skin, with the subjacent cellular tissue, the bleeding was not so free as it had been, which was found to be the principal seat of but was still copious ; the stump was open- disease, was dissected off the surface of the ed, and the hæmorrhage immediately ceased; cartilaaes, scraped with a bistoury, and then his pulse became imperceptible, and it was touched with the nitrate of silver, espenecessary to give him brandy, and to en- cially at those parts where the disease did velope the entire limb in flannels saturated not seem to have been entirely removed by with very hot water. As soon as his pulse the knife. After a few davs, the eschar rose a slight oozing of blood took place, and having come away, healthy endeavours were made to find the bleeding gan to take place, and cicatrizatiorl was vessels, but in vain. Mr. Vincent then completed within a short time. made an incision in the direction of the popliteal artery, with the intention of tying it; but as no pulsation could be felt in it, this measure was not proceeded with. The HOPITAL BEAUJON. fomentations were continued for an and a half, and so much spirit was given i FRACTURE OF THE NECK OF THE THIGHto him that he became tipsy. The oozBONE AND OF THE OS PUBIS. ing continued; no vessels could be seen A YOUNG girl of robust constitution, but bleeding, and Mr. Vincent filled the wound with lint, and left the patient, having di- who had of late presented symptoms of menrected some saline medicine to be given I tal derangement, threw herself, on the 7th every four hours. He went on well again of October, from a window on the second until the 8th of November, when haemor- floor. On being taken up, she was found to rhage ensued, but to a slight extent only. I, have a slight wound in the neck, and a vio. The wound was opened, no bleeding vessels lent contusion over the right hip. Twentyhowever could be detected, and it was again I five leeches were immediately applied, and filied with lint, and the haemorrhage ceased. on the next morning she was brought into Up to this time tie had been allowed meat the hospital. There was much swelling and diet; Mr. Vincent now ordered him a milk ecchymosis at the upper and external part diet, and to take the following draught of the hip ; the patient could not move the eveiy six hours :thigh, and complaiued of violent pain whenever it was raised ; the limb was not short9i Aluminis, R ; ened or distorted in any direction, nor could Tr. cinchonœ comp., 3i; ; any crepitation he heard on motion. The Infus. ros. comp., 3iss. limb was placed on a double-inclined plane, On the 10th bleeding came on again, and and the patient ordered to be bled. During Mr. Earle bemg in an the following days delirium acceded, with was rather profuse. adjoining ward was called to him, when he tenderness of the abdomen and tympanitis, found it necessary to give him brandy, and and suppression of the urine and fæces, and



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