METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS AND SCHOOLS. the character of our schools, and, by purifying the source, -House-Stt?,gco)?,3-Mr. Turtle and Mr. Moorehouse. elevate the tone of our profession. We feel assured that Apothecary-Mr. Morgan. The Royal Free Hospital contains 160 beds, classed in equal those whom we now address will recognise in our efforts a proportions for medical and surgical cases. sincere desire to advance their interests, and will aid us by a continuous and steady effort to surmount the difficulties of PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY, their profession, and to sustain that high and honourable cha17, Bloomsbury-square. racter for which it has been distinguished. Chemistry and Pharmacy : Mr. Redwood, Tuesday, Wednes. day, and Friday, at half-past eight o’clock A.M. Botany and the Natural History of Drugs: Mr. Bentley, Satur.
day and Monday, at half-past eight A. M. The Laboratory for Practical Instruction in Pharmaceutical HOSPITALS AND SCHOOLS FOR MEDICAL Chemistry, under Professor Redwood, will be opened on Mon. day, the 2nd of October. The season extends from the 1st of INSTRUCTION IN THE METROPOLIS. October to the end of July, and pupils may enter at anyperiod SUPPLEMENTARY NOTICES OF
during the season.
15s.; four months, 131. 13s.; three months, 9l. 9s. ; one month, 61. 6s. registered in connexion with the Society pay a
FEES.-Five months, 151.
months, 11l. 11s.,
Students not fee of one guinea for attendance at each of the courses of Monro. lectures. Surgeon-Mr. James Luke. THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS. -The Board of Examiners meet Resident ivedical Superintendent-Mr. Henry Stevens. on the third Tuesday in every month, excepting May and The practice of this hospital is open to a limited number of September, for examinations and granting certificates of quapupils. lification to practise pharmacy. Candidates are required to Lectures on the Nature and Treatment of Insanity are delinotice to the Secretary, before the first day of the month, vered annually, by Dr. Sutherland, and clinical lectures are give of their intention to present themselves for examination. given from time to time. Fee for minor examination and registration as an assistant, Clinical clerks are also selected from such pupils as have 5l. 5s.or, if previously registered as an apprentice or student, completed three months’ attendance on the hospital practice. 31. 3s. For major examination and registration as a pharma. Sessions of three months each commence on October 1st, ceutical chemist, lOl. 10s.; or, if previously registered as an January 1st, and May 1st, in every year. Fee for each ses- assistant, 5l. 5s. 3l. 3s. sion, SCHOOL OF MIDWIFERY, ROYAL WESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, Russell-place, Fitzroy-square. Charing- Cross. SUMMER SESSION, 1856. -Dr. HALL DAVIS, Physician to the Surgeons-Mr. G. J. Guthrie, Mr. C. G. Guthrie, Mr. H. Royal Maternity Charity, and to the St. Pancras Infirmary, will deliver his annual course of Lectures on Midwifery and Hancock. the Diseases of Women and Children, at 17, Russell-place, Assistant-Surgeons-Mr. Jabez Hogg, Mr. H. Power. The hospital contains 30 beds, and during the past year 5280 Fitzroy-square. These lectures-instituted in 1843-are duly recognised by the examining boards, are illustrated by an out-patients, and 161 in-patients, have been treated. The medical officers attend on Mondays, Wednesdays, and obstetric museum, as also by complete apparatus for teaching the student the various operations of midwifery. At the Fridays, from one to two o’clock. proper period of his studies, the pupil will have the opportuat one and lectures on o’clock; Operations Friday, half-past nity of attending cases of labour, under the direction of the on and Diseases of the are delivered the Anatomy Eye. lecturer. Fee for attendance on the practice and lectures, 5l. 5s. Tho course will commence with the summer term, and will The office of house-surgeon is open to the competition of the be announced, as usual, in April. students attending the hospital. The practice of the hospital is open to the medical officers of the public service. PRIVATE TEACHERS. Mr. POWER and Dr. POWER continue, daily, their lectures HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF and examinations in the lecture-room, Exeter-hall, Strand, THE CHEST, preparatory for the various examining-boards. They have also a special class for the Indian medical examination. Mr. Brompton. Consulting Physicians-Sir J. Forbes, Dr. C. J. B. Williams, Power receives privately practitioners preparing for the degree of M.D., or College of Physicians; he also prepares by correand Dr. Walshe. Physicians-Dr. Hamilton Roe, Dr. Theophilus Thompson, spondence. Dr. STEGGALL gives instructions to medical students in all ! Dr. Cursham, Dr. Cotton, and Dr. Quain. branches of their studies, at his residence, 2, Southamptonthe Dr. and Dr. Assistant-Physicians-Dr. Wadham, Pollock,
Phsicians-Dr. Alex.
Sutherland, F.R.S.,
Edward Smith. admitted to the hospital practice. Fees for six months, 5l. 5s.; perpetual, 10l. 10s. Four clinical assistants reside in the hospital. Pupils are eligible to these appointments, which are held for six months. The resident medical officer, Mr. Edwards, receives two dispensary pupils ; and further particulars may be learned from him at the hospital.
Pupils are
Physicians-Dr. Brinton,
Dr. Arthur
timer Glover.
COOKE, of East Temple Chambers, 2, Whitefriars-street,
continues to assist
(personally or by correspond-
ence) gentlemen desirous of graduating in medicine
of matriculating at British or Continental examining boards.
*** THE increasing demands upon the space of this journal render it imperative Hassall, and Dr. Morthat communications sent to us should be as brief as possible. Notwith-
Physician-Accoucheur-Dr. Henry Bennet. Surgeons-Mr. W.Marsden, Mr. T. Wakley, Mr. Weedon Cooke, and Mr Victor de Meric. Assistant-Surgeons-Mr. Alexander Marsden and Mr. J. S. Gamgee. Medical Officer for Diseases of Claildren and Assistant Ac-
cozcchezcr-Mr. T. Carr Jackson. .Dentist-Mr. Robinson.
street, Bloomsbury-square.
standing the recent enlargement of THE LANCET, the publication of niapy valuable papers, from their great length, has been necessarily delayed. We trust, therefore, that our correspondents will condense all papers, reports, or letters that they may forward to us. Brevity is not only the soul of wit, but is often the passport to immediate publication, and to an attentive perusal by thousands of reader. IN consequence of the great press of matter, advertisements, &c., we are compelled to postpone the publication of many scientific articles, news, letters, &c., until next week.