The Council of the Hospital Infection Society awards a prize annually of ,C;350.00 to the author(s) of the best review article published each year in the Journal. All review articles which are published will qualify for consideration, whether solicited or unsolicited. The editor and assistant editors, meeting at an Editorial Sub-Committee held in the spring of each year, will assess the review articles published in the Journal during the previous calendar year. Articles in the process of being prepared for publication will be assessed in the year of publication. Review articles are intended to be a description of the “state of the art” of the subject under review. Previous work and brief historical aspects should be included together with an extensive summary of the present position and discussion of future trends. All important references should also be given and an appropriate length is about 3000 words. The prize will be awarded in the spring of 1993 for articles published in the Journal during 1992. The funds for this prize are provided entirely from the Hospital Infection Society.