251 and surgeon; and, it will be remembered, he gave important evidence touching the outbreak of Black Fenianism in Morant Bay. It is in contemplation, we believe, to erect a monument to him on the Parade at Kingston, to
signalise which the
SscofB CLUS (in alphabetical order.)
posterity the numerous gifts and virtues of present generation so richly reaped the benefit.
MR. RICHARD TAYLOR. THE town of Whickham, in Durham, has sustained a loss by the death of Mr. Richard Taylor, on the 5th of February, from typhus fever. The deceased gentleman was mainly educated at Guy’s, but derived his chief professional qualifications from Edinburgh, where, in 1858, he obtained the diploma of the Royal College of Surgeons, and, in 1860, that of the Royal College of Physicians by examination. He was connected with several scientific societies, and was rapidly advancing to success as a practitioner, when death cut him down, at the early age of thirty-seven. severe
Parliamentary Intelligence. HOUSE OF COMMONS.
DR. BREWER gave notice that on an early day he would call the attention of the House to the unsatisfactory working of the regulations in force to secure the humane intentions of the Legislature in behalf of the homeless poor, consequent on the practically indiscriminate relief given to the whole class of applicants, criminal or not criminal, impostors or genuine poor; and move that vagrants applying for shelter and food shall be put under the protection, regulation, and management of police. DETENTION OF DRUNKARDS.
Mr. DALRYMPLE gave notice that on the 4th of March he would move that it is desirable to legislate for the proper management of habitual drunkards.
meeting of the Council of the College of Surgeons, Thursday last, Mr. Gay’s motion to suspend the Minutes of each meeting of Council in the Hall, within five days of such meeting, was carried. The report of the Committee on the meetings of Fellows and Members was adopted after a brief discussion ; and a proposition brought forward by Mr. Quain and Mr. Hancock, to summon a meeting of Fellows on the day of the annual election to the Council, AT the
for the discussion of the merits of the candidates, was referred to the same Committee for consideration. Mr. Solly was appointed Hunterian Orator for 1871, there being no oration this year. Mr. Simon’s motion, which we referred to last week, was postponed for want of time to discuss it.
Medical News.
Radian Wykeham Barnes, Chas.
William Bass, John Beames, Peyton Bedolfe, Charles Edw. Bell, Fredk. James Brennand, J. A Brett, John Brunt, George Frederick Crooke, Arthur Edward Deck, Adderly Howard, Joseph Hutchinson, Chadd Moore Johnson, Howard Keane, William Vickress Lindsay, Chas. Edwin Matthews, Gerald C. A. 3Ioir, Walter Moore, Alfred Charles Perrin, Alfred Phillips, Thomas William Watkiss.
examination held on Jan. 25th and 26th the following gentlemen obtained the licence to practise Surgery:Brereton, James Barry. Heath, Henry Thomas. Bournes, Charles. Kelly, Alfred Hubert. Cremin, John. Lamg, Thomas. Maturiu, Humphry. Croly, Richard. John. Dick, Montgomery, Alexander. Dwyer, James Jameson. Queely, Albert Charles. Rudkin, George Mark. Finegan, John Stephen. Widdup, W. Caesar Suttou. Gillespie, William H. Geoghegan, Henry Moore.
of the Association of Medical Officers of
Health will be held at 7.30 r.M. on Saturday, Feb. 19th, at the Scottish Corporation Hall, Crane-court, Fleet-street, when the following communications will be made :_HObservations on Suggestions by Mr. James Lewis for National Sickness Returns," by Dr. E. Ballard. "On Professor von Pettenkofer’s Views of the Relation of Subsoil Water to Enteric Fever," by Dr. George Buchanan.
C. M’Cann, M.R.C.S. WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL. Eng., L.S.A. Lond., has been appointed Resident House--
vice Robert
Hodgens Lloyd; M.R.C.S Eng., L.S.A.
Lond., whose period of office has expired. Charles H. Ralfe, CHARING - CROSS HOSPITAL. M.R.C.S. Eng., B.A., has been appointed Registrar, vice C. E. Little, M.R.C.S. Eng., resigned. DENIS CROFTON, ESQ., a member of the Committee of the Adelaide Hospital, Dublin, has generously contri-
buted the sum of C500 towards the funds of that excellent institution.
ANONYMOUS CHARITY.-At Bradford donor has
=86000 for equal division between the and the Fever Hospital.
Fox, M.R.C.S., WEY-
MOUTH.-After forty-four years of assiduous and successful practice in Weymouth and its neighbourhood, Mr. Fox has retired from the profession; a step which has just been made the occasion of a handsome acknowledgement of his services. On Saturday, an influentially constituted meeting assembled in the Royal Hotel, in Weymouth, under the presidency of Charles Hambro, Esq., M.P., who, in appropropriate and eulogistic terms, presented to Mr. Fox-a massive silver salver ; an elegant drawing-room time-piece ; a silver sugar basin ; a purse containing 250 sovereigns ; and a handsomely bound book, with the names of the subscribers to the testimonial and of the committee. The inscription on the salver bore testimony to the regret with which a number of old friends and patients witnessed Mr. Fox’s retirement from the profession; and also to their sense of the unwearied attention and the great skill with which he had pursued his practice for forty-four years, particularly in connexion with the County of Dorset and Weymouth Royal Eye Infirmary. Mr. Fox made an eloquent and imI reply; and laid particular stress on the blessing which had followed his services, gratuitously vouchsafed to the poor. Even in a material point of view he had had the reward of a leading metropolitan physician, who crept over the backs of the poor into the pockets of the rich." Mr. Fox concluded with some interesting personal experiences and a cordial expression of thanks to the meeting, which then
The following. gentlemen APOTHECARIES HALL. passed their examination in the Science and Practice of Medi- separated. cine, and received certificates to practise, on Feb. 3rd:-
INQUIRY AT BRIDPORT.-The town of Bridport, in Hogg, Christopher Haynes Jenner, High Escall, Salop. Devonshire, has recently had a visit paid to it by Dr. Lee, Edward Samuel, Savile-row. Peteh, Richard, Shotley-bridge, Durham. Buchanan, one of the medical inspectors of the Privy Robinson, Richard Swanne, Cray’s-inn-road. Council. It appears that numerous complaints have been Stanger, William, Xottingham. made of the manner in which local sanitary affairs are Weston, Thos. Brodribb, Devonshire-place, Wandsworth-road. The following gentleman also on the same day passed his conducted ; and as Bridport has before been looked after by the Government, we hope that, should the authorities still first professional examination:prove obstinate, the compulsory powers given to GovernSt. Hickman, Richard, Mary’s Hospital. ment in such matters will be speedily put in force. At the preliminary examination in Arts, held at the Hall AT the Cambridge Town Council, held on and on Jan. 28th 29th, 41 candidates presented themselves, of whom 17 were rejected, and the following 24 passed and week, the salary of Mr. Hammond, surgeon to the Borough received certificates of proficiency in General Education:- Gaol, was increased from .850 to =S75 per annum. Mr. FIRST CLASS (in order of merit). - 1. Henry Clarke. 2. William Henry Hammond has been surgeon to the gaol for twenty-eight Patmore Sheehy. 3. Charles Edward Beevor. I years.