House ofCommons, JUNE 2ND, 1847.

House ofCommons, JUNE 2ND, 1847.

603 Simpson, Bradmore House, Hammersmith; Arthur Hill Has- I Jersey; Joseph Thomas Clover, Aylsham, Norfolk; Thomas sall, Norland Villa, Notting-hill...

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Simpson, Bradmore House, Hammersmith; Arthur Hill Has- I Jersey; Joseph Thomas Clover, Aylsham, Norfolk; Thomas sall, Norland Villa, Notting-hill ; Charles Cobbe, Bedford- Poole Collier, Lonàon,; Thomas Rhys, Penlline, Glamorgan.. Robert Barnes,. Gloucester-terrace, Hyde- shire; Laurence Clarke, Longford, Ireland; William Pritchard, pt&ee, Kensington; park, Bachelor of Medicine; Peter Mageniss, Hamilton-place, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire; Joseph Anthony Simons, LonNew-road, St. Pancras, Member of the National Institute, &c.; don ; Robert Davies, Llanrwst, Denbigh, North Wales; John John Hall Davis, M.D., Russell-place, Fitzroy-square; Wm. Chamberlayne Inglis, Cape-Breton, North America; and BenJohn Preston, Upper Berkeley-street, Marylebone; Henry jamin Daniell, Hull. At the same meeting, Mr. Robert Whitworth, M.D., St. Agnes, Cornwall; James Orwin, Wor- Hastings, a member of the Edinburgh College, passed his cester ; Medical Practitioners of Colne, Lancashire; Physicians examination for full surgeon in the Royal Navy. APOTHECARIES’ HALL.—Names of gentlemen who passed and Surgeons residing in Preston, Lancashire; Henry Hamiltheir examination in the science and practice of medicine, ton, Laugharne, Carmarthenshire. May 21st.—Robert McFarlane, Byer’s Green, Durham; and received certificates to practise, on Thursday, 27th May, Wm. Ainley, Bingley, Yorkshire; Christopher Bowes and 1847:-Charles Sproull, Deasyhill; Edward Dawson Allinson; Sons, Richmond, Yorkshire; Legally-qualified Surgeons at William Henry Paine, Stroud, Gloucestershire; Henry Hides, Towcester, Northamptonshire. Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire; Alexander Mundell Champnes, Total number of petitions presented on-or before May 21st, Slough; Edwin Younge, Walesby, Lincolnshire; Francis 531; signatures, 966. Henry Blaxall, Claydon, Ipswich; Henry Heath Corbouid, May 28th.-C. M. Rigg; John Fenton; William M’Kee; J. London; Henry Stevens; Thomas Hobson, Kirkella. H. Handyside; John Thomson; George Trocddell and others; GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY.-The funds of this institution W. H. Ellis; Thomas Hodson; John Bird; William Derry have just been enriched by the munificent donation of £3000, Pearse and others, for modification. Referred to the Committee on Medical Registration, &c. June 2nd.-John Penkivil and James M’Clay; Physicians and Surgeons residing in the Counties of Northumberland and Durham; Caernarvon; J. P. Smyth; T. Massey; F. B. Garty; Hugh Vallance; S. Osborn; G. Fowler; W. K. Wright; W. Morris; S. F. Scarnell; Hugh Donaldson; E. Chabat; B. Swete; J. Townley; T. B. Chaldecott; T. M. Hammond; G. M. Perry; R. N. B. Mathews; T. 0. Duke; T. Remington; H. Churchill; J. Leach; J. C. Ferrier; R. Christie; J. R. Unwin; B. Evans. Petitions against the Bill. 20th.-John Thomson, Physician, 31, York-place, EdinMay

advanced age of ninety-five. PROVINCIAL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASSOCIATION.-The anniversary meeting of the Association is appointed to take place at Derby, on Wednesday and Thursday, August the 4th and 5th. The Yorkshire branch will be held at Sheffield, on Thursday, the 10th ult. The committee appointed at Norwich for the management of the council fund for the present year have given notice that "The Council Prize," of £50, will be given for the best report " On the Cerebral Affections of In-


SOCIETY FOR RELIEF OF WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OF MEDICAL MEN IN LONDON AND ITS VICINITY.—The members of this Society celebrated its fifty-ninth anniversary, by dining together, burgh. Total number of petitions against, before May 21st, five; at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate,last Saturday-Sir Charles M. Clark, Bart., the President, in the chair. After the usual signatures, thirteen. public toasts, and the health of H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, the Patron, had been duly honoured, the Chairman gave Prosperity to the Institution," but refrained from dwelling long on its value and advantages at a meeting of perJUNE 2ND, 1847. sons who were nearly all members, and therefore well informed of its merits. The good which it had done, and was Mr. WAKLEY moved the order of the day on the Medical still doing, required no other proof than the printed annual for and Medical Law Amendment the Registration Bill, pur- statement of affairs. He could not, however, help expressing pose of postponing the motion for the second reading until his very great astonishment that this Society, the only one of Monday week. As so much anxiety prevailed amongst an its kind in the metropolis, doing so much good, and requiring immense majority of the medical profession throughout the only an annual subscription of two guineas, should contain less United Kingdom as to the fate of the measure, he might be than 350 members. It was really difficult to find a reason for permitted to state, that the Committee assembled on Monday any qualified member of the profession neglecting to join it. last, and after considering what would be the best mode of The medical profession did much for the public, whether rich proceeding, had resolved, in the first instance, to take the evi- or poor; but mankind cared very little about the profession dence of the petitioners connected with the three London after the immediate relief of their own ailments. It behoved Corporations which had petitioned against the Bill. By pur- us, therefore, to help ourselves and each other. The objects suing this course he (Mr. Wakley) hoped that such an ad- of this Society were, avoiding all party questions and medical justment of the differences might be made as would enable politics, to unite in relieving the widows and orphans who the Committee to present an early Report to the House, and were in need. No pains were spared by the Court of Directhus enable Parliament to proceed with the Bill without tors to out these objects, and administer faithfully the carry delay. Circumstances now existed which rendered it expe- very simple laws of the Society. dient that no time should be lost. That if a general inquiry Mr. PENNINGTON, V.P., proposed the health of the President, were gone into respecting the laws relative to the practice of whose presence in the chair that day proved once more his medicine and surgery in this country, and if a great number zeal for the Society, and whose reception proved the esteem of witnesses were called from the Corporations, and from of its and of the whole profession. members, among the petitioners who were in favour of the measure, so Dr. GEORGE BURROWS, for the College of Physicians, exin much time would be occupied the investigation, that it pressed the warm interest taken by the college in the dignity might become impossible to pass a Bill relating to medicine and welfare of the whole profession, and his own gratification in the present session of Parliament. Mr. Wakley moved, at the prosperity of this Society, which was devoted to the therefore, that the second reading of the Bill should lae post- most useful and laudable purposes. poned till Monday week. Mr. PETTIGREW returned thanks for the College of Surgeons, Mr. B. ESCOTT said, that he wished to inquire of the hon. and declared his very great regret that this duty devolved member for Finsbury, if it was his intention to press on the upon him, through the absence of more influential members of Bill in the present session. that body, by whom, he must say, this Institution was not sup^ Mr. WAKLEY said, most undoubtedly; but the whole as it deserved to be. subject was now under the consideration of the Select Com- ported Mr. BEAN, of Camberwell, for the Society of Apothecaries, and he would be in a mittee, compelled, necessarily great announced the usual annual donation of fifteen guineas from measure, to shape his course according to the proceedings and that body, which also granted small annuities to the destitute decision of that Committee. amongst the widows of its own members. The motion was agreed to without opposition. Mr. WARE, V.P., returned thanks for the Vice Presidents, and lamented, that although the number of members had somewhat increased within twenty years, yet so far from the Society making due progress, it was, in fact, retrograding in proportion to the number of medical men practising within its ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.—The following gentlemenL limits. It once included about one-third of all those so pracwere admitted members of the Court of Examiners, on the’ tising; it now contains but 345 members. 28th ult.-viz., Messrs. Daniel Badeock, Sheffield; James Mr. JOHN HuNTER, the acting treasurer, returned thanks Robert Lane, Cranford, Middlesex; Charles Rouse Durell,for the trustees and his brother treasurers. He called atten-

House of Commons,


from the late Mr. John Shearer of that town, who died at the

Medical News.