Classification and identification See also abstract: 12h4. 1229 FOURMAIN~RAUX, D LAB. C ~ T .PONTS CHAUSSEES, PAR IS, F Quantification of discentinuities of rock and rock masses. In Fremch.19F,28R. ROCK MECH .V7,N2, JIEa'3,1975,P83-100. The rock quality index, defined from wave velocity measuremauts in rock ssm~les and its use in detecting, quantifying and describing discontinuities affecting the rock on the scale of the sample (porosity, mlcrocracks ) are described. Another method for describing rock masses using mathematical morphology and the "texture a n s w e r " , whereby a quantitative characterization of the discontinuities affecting the rock masses and cut by the structure from graphical documents is possible. Examples concerned with mechanical rock excavation are given. 1230 MADU, RM Some Nigerian residual soils,their characteristics and relative road building properties on group basis. Conference. Session two. Synops is. 6TH REG.CONF.AFRICA, SOIL MECH.FOUND ~GNG, DURBAN, SEPT, 1975, S .AFR. INST. C IV. ENGRS. Three residual soil groups and one non-residual soll type occurring widely in eastern Nigeria are studied in terms of their chemical,physlco-chemical end engineering properties to determine their suitability and ranking as material for construction of bases and sub-bases. The relation between the chemical, physlco-chemical and engineering properties is considered and it is shown that while the geotechnical properties may be related to the chemical constituents,the engineering properties do not seem to correlate with the chemical or physico-chemlcal properties. Auth.
Geology See abstract: 1210.
Environmental effects,weathering and soil formation
Hydraulic erosion studies were carried out with a modified rotating-cylinder apparatus on saturated Yolo loam soil at different pore fluid compositions. The critical shear stress required to initate erosion has been shown to be controlled by the structure of the soil as influenced by the pore fluid composition, and to be dependent on the composition of the eroding fluid. The structure of the soil and the osmotic influences caused by the differences in the electrolyte concentration of the pore and eroding fluids are considered to exp]-In the mechanism of surface erosion.
Earthquake mechanisms and effects See abstract: 1208.
Frost action,permafrost and frozen ground 1233 LE SCHACK, LA DEV.RES.TRANSP.CO.SILVER SPRINGS,MD.USA KACHADOOR IAN, R US. GEOL. S U R V . M ~ PARK, CALIF.USA How the Soviets build on permafros~.4F. C IV. ENGNG, ASCE, V~5, N4,APR .1975,P57-59.
123~ REIN, RG HATHI, VV SLIEPCEVICH, CM Creep of sand-ice system.15F,6R. J .GEOTECH. E~GNG DIV .ASCE, VlO1, GT2, FEB .1975, Pll 5-118.
1235 MOHAN, A DAMES AND MOORE, WASH.DC,USA Heat transfer in soil-water-ice systems.6F,2OR. J. GEOTECH .~GNG DIV .ASCE,VI01, GT2, FEB.1975, P97- i13. This paper presents a general computer-orlented solution technique for geoteehnlcal problems of heat conduction, including the effect of latent heat generation and absorption. A variational principle is applied for initial boundary value problems of unsteady heat flow, and the finite elements ~ t h o d is used to generate approximate solutions to plane end axisylmnetric problems.
1231 VAN ZYL,DJ JAABACK, G An appraisal of two qualitative field trials comparing methods of erosion control on earth slopes. Conference. Session five. Synopsis. 6TH REG.CONF.AFRICA, SOIL MECH.FOUND.ENGNG, DURBAN, SEPT. 1975, S .AFR. INST. C IV. RNGRS. Excessive erosion on steep slopes can cause considerable a,m-ge and pose problems of slope stability. In two trials,carried out under different conditions,a number of treatments aimed at producing vegetal cover produced variable results. The following important factors,affectlng plant growth on slopes,emerged from the literature and the two trials:slope material; nature of slope;fertilization;choice of plant species with reference to the time of seeding and c1~matic region;the need for mulchlng;and consideration of future malntainence. Auth.
1232 ARULANANDAN, K IDGANATHAN, P KRoNE,RB Pore sad eroding fluid influences on surface erosion on soil. J. GEOTECH. ~ G N G DIV.ASCE, VIOl, GTI, JAN. 1975, P51-66.
Chemical and physical changes due to water 1236 DE BRUYN, CM NAT .BUILD .RES. INST. PREIDR IA, ZA Moisture redistributiOn and soll movements at Barker East. Conference. Session two. Synopsis. 6TH REG.CONF.SOIL MECH.FOUND.ENGN%AFRICA, DURBAN, S~T. 1975, S .AFR. INST. C IV. ~VGRS, 8P. Further results of the survey of regional moisture redistribution in soils under covered areas are presented for test sites at Barkly East,Bloemfentein sad Richmond, Cape. These sites cover respectively a residual basic i~aeous profile under subhumid conditions sad a transported soil under subhumid conditions,a transported soil under subhumid conditions and a transported soil under semi-arid conditions. These results confirm the earlier observations that moisture accumulation uhder covered areas is largely due to the removal of vegetation, particularly in subhumid areas,while the natural process is very#very slow in semi-arld areas. Auth.