of passenger transport and more futurlstlc Ideas Case studies are drawn from Europe, Japan and the Umted States Text m Enghsh and Japanese
Shopping Streets, J R Stewart, Research Memorandum number 73, Jomt Centre for Regional, Urban and Local Government Studies, Umverslty of Blrmmgham, P 0 Box 363, Blrmmgham B15 2TT, England, 1979, pp 151, f4 30 User Response to Pedestrianlsed
The volume gathers together the results of a two year mvestlgatlon mto behavlour m and attitudes towards the use, convenience, amenity and design of pedestrian shoppmg streets m Birmingham, Bnstol, Bolton and Hereford The text reports on the opportumtles for pedestnamsatlon, the process of pedestnamsatlon, site characterlstlcs aod observed behavlour, user attltudmal responses and pohcy gtudelmes and IS amply supported with maps, photographs and an extensive technical appendix showing questlonnalres and data mampulatlon
company car acqmsltlon, commercial vehicle financmg, fleet operating cost control, replacement cycles, rate fixing and budgeting Parallel attention IS given to actlon demanded by economic recovery One chapter IS devoted to techniques of mflatlon rate proJection. dlscounted cash flow, cost sampling and proJectIon, operatmg cost proJections, new vehicle cost prolectlons and used vehicle residual value pro]ectlon
Increasing Motor Carrier Productivity: an EmpIrIcal Analysis, Grant M Davis and John E Ddlard, Praeger, 383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017, U S A, 1977, pp 128, $16 95 An mvestlgation of the potential of mcreasmg motor carrier productlvlty by mcreasmg state maximum truck weights and lengths to the standards set by the federal government A mathematical model IS budt which relates productlvlty loss directly to size and weight restrlctlons on trucks and which permits slmulatlon of the fiscal consequences of changes m those restrIctIons
Roadform and Townscape, Jim McCluskey, Nichols Pub-
hshmg, P 0 Box 96, New York, NY 10024, U S A, and Architectural Press, 9 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SWIH 9BY. U K ,1979, pp 310. f25 00 A lavishly dlustrated book by a clvd engineer and landscape architect which addresses the balance between traffic cuculatlon efficiency and aesthetlc environmental quality
How to Buy a Car, James R Ross, St Martin’s Press, 175
Fdth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, U S A, 1980, pp 145, $7 95 An unusual httle book penned by a former car salesman, who ought to know! Those Interested m modelhng car ownershm might be mtrlgued to read about all the steps that one should go through before purchasmg’ Among others, there are chapters on whether to buy from stock, by factory order or through dealer trade, whether to trade-m or sell an old car, buying a used car, financmg, handlmg the salesmen, dealer selectlon, how to complam
Inflation Management
m Motor Transport
Peter N C Cooke, Gower Press, I Westmead, Farnborough, Hants , GUI4 7RU, England, and c/o Renouf Distributors, Brookfield, VT 05036, U S A , 1980,pp 175, $25 25 A practical exammatlon of the Impact of mflatlon on various facets of motor transport operations, mcludmg
the Need for Basic Revlslon, Grant M Davis and Eugene H Shepard, Praeger, 383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017, U S A, 1979, pp 131. $16 95
Motor Carrier Rate Structures
Being an evaluation of common carrier hablhty as It apphes to motor common carriers of small scale shipments, this study also considers the cost to the national economy of cargo loss and damage Dlscnmmant and regresslon analysis on data from one carrier are used to ldentlfy transportation variables that are associated with claims and no-claims shipments and to model cargo loss and damage expense
Traffic and Transport:
an Econonuc History of Pickfords,
Gerard L Turnbull, George Allen and Unwm, 40 Museum Street, London WCIA ILU, England, and 9 WmchesterTerrace,Wmchester. MA 01890 U S A , 1979. pp 196, $27 50 The author follows the growth of Britain’s inland transport services for goods through the eras of canal. railway and road transportation from the early seventeenth century to natlonahsation m 1947 Across this conslderable period of time, the firm of PIckfords has contmued to provide service The firm’s survival from pre-mdustnal days when It used wagons IS set m the context of dramatIc changes m the technology of transport, the alliance with the London and North Western Radway IS examined and the avoidance of nationahsation mto Bntish Road Services 1s dlscussed The careers of three entrepreneurs are particularly germane to the hlstory of PIckfords and these are taken mto account, comcldmg as