HtrA—A Renaissance Protein

HtrA—A Renaissance Protein

Structure, Vol. 10, 737–742, June, 2002, 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII S0969-2126(02)00782-7 Previews HtrA—A Renaissance Pro...

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Structure, Vol. 10, 737–742, June, 2002, 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII S0969-2126(02)00782-7


HtrA—A Renaissance Protein Initially identified as proteases, members of the HtrA/ DegP family of proteins have also been shown to act as chaperones in bacteria, and more recently implicated, as regulators of apoptosis in mammals. Two new structures of mammalian HtrA2 and E. coli DegP provide insights into the origin of this plurality of function. Maintenance of a protein in a properly folded state is important for many of its functions. Cells therefore contain molecules, such as chaperones and proteases, to refold or rid themselves of misfolded and aggregated proteins. Chaperones recognize and bind proteins in nonnative states by interacting with their surfaceexposed hydrophobic groups, holding the proteins in such a way that they may refold. Proteins that cannot be recovered are targeted for proteolytic destruction. Although chaperones and proteases carry out antagonistic functions, the substrates that they bind and act on are similar, and it is likely that they are coordinately regulated. For example, the bacterial proteins ClpP and ClpA (or X) form heterooligomeric complexes containing both protease (ClpP) and chaperone (ClpA or X) functions [1]. Another remarkable example is the HtrA (hightemperature requirement) family of stress-induced proteins, where both activities exist within a single protein and the switch from protease to chaperone is regulated in a temperature-dependent manner [2]. In multicellular organisms, programmed cell death (apoptosis) is used to remove excess, damaged, or infected cells. The key effector proteases of apoptosis are caspases which remain in a latent form in healthy cells. While caspase activation can be regulated by members of the Bcl-2 family, once activated, caspases can be controlled by binding directly to members of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) family of proteins. The IAPs can themselves be antagonized by proapoptotic proteins that bind to them, displacing the active caspases. For example, upon receipt of an apoptotic signal, the mitochondrial protein DIABLO/Smac is released into the cytosol where it binds to XIAP, thereby displacing processed caspases 9 and 3. DIABLO contains a conserved N-terminal motif (AVPI), similar to that found in Drosophila IAP antagonists, which is required for binding to IAPs. Recently, screens for other regulators of IAPs identified another mitochondrial protein, HtrA2, a mammalian protein that bears the serine protease and PDZ domain of its bacterial counterpart [3–7]. Upon release from the mitochondrial intermembrane space, HtrA2 interacts with XIAP in a similar way to DIABLO. However, for maximal induction of apoptosis, overexpressed HtrA2 requires both its protease activity and its AVP amino terminus. So how can HtrA act as a protease, chaperone, and regulator of apoptosis? Two recent papers describing

the crystal structures of the bacterial periplasmic protein, DegP [8] and the mammalian homolog, HtrA2 [9] go some way toward elucidating the mechanism by which they might function. As predicted, each monomer of the E. coli HtrA, DegP, consists of three distinct domains, an N-terminal protease domain and two C-terminal PDZ domains. Three monomers come together, mediated by extensive contacts between the protease domains to form a trimeric ring, and this then forms a hexameric structure by staggered association of two trimers (see Figure, panel A). Two distinct hexameric molecules of DegP are apparent in the asymmetric unit, one in an “open form” and the other in a “closed form.” The primary contacts between the trimers are three pillars that are formed by interaction of the two N-terminal ␤ strands from opposing monomers (see Figure, panel A). In the closed form shown in the figure, an additional set of interactions between the trimers occurs via the PDZ domains. However, these interactions involve flexible parts of the structure, and the hexamer is best described as a “dimer of trimers.” In the structure of DegP solved by Krojer et al. [8], the critical serine in the catalytic triad was mutated to alanine in order to prevent autoproteolysis, and the structure was solved at 4⬚C to lock it in the chaperone conformation. As a result, although the general location of the active site is similar to that observed for other serine proteases, the catalytic triad is in an inactive conformation and access to the active site is precluded by a loop from an opposing monomer. A large conformational change is required before substrates can access the active site. This conformational change may be regulated in part by the PDZ domains. The PDZ domains are highly flexible and appear to act as gatekeepers of the catalytic site. In the chaperone conformation solved here, it is expected that partially unfolded substrates will be fed into the central cavity through lateral pores that occur in the open conformation. Once inside, substrates will interact with hydrophobic residues in the protease domain. Unlike other chaperones, ATP does not drive binding and release, and the mechanism by which this cycle is regulated in DegP is unknown. Perhaps rigid body movement of the PDZ domains is involved. Shi and his colleagues have solved the crystal structures of a number of important proteins involved in apoptosis in recent years. In the latest paper, by Li et al. [9], they now report the structure of mature HtrA2, the mammalian counterpart of DegP. As predicted, this structure is homologous to that of bacterial HtrAs; in particular, the protease domain is highly conserved and the catalytic triad has a similar position between the two lobes of the protease domain (see Figure, panel B). Furthermore, access to the catalytic site is blocked by the PDZ domain and like DegP, the structure solved here is inactive. The regions of HtrA2 involved in trimer formation also adopt a very similar conformation to that seen in DegP, and the trimeric structure is conserved (see Figure, panel B). However, HtrA2 has several dele-

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Structure of HtrA2 and DegP The molecules were aligned on the protease domain. The left and right images are related by a 90⬚ rotation about the horizontal axis for both molecules. (A) Structure of the “closed” DegP hexamer (Protein Data Bank code 1KY9). One trimer (orange, yellow, and gray) is shown as a surface representation while in the second trimer, two monomers (green and blue) are shown as a surface and the third as a ribbon. The protease domain (red), PDZ1 domain (purple), and PDZ2 (light pink) are colored separately; the catalytic serine is obscured in these views. The pillar is labeled P and the N and C termini are labeled N and C, respectively. (B) Structure of the HtrA2 trimer (Protein Data Bank code 1LCY). Two monomers are shown as a surface representation. The third monomer is shown as a ribbon. The protease domain (red) and the PDZ domain (light pink) are colored separately; the site of the catalytic serine is shown (S) and the N and C termini are labeled accordingly.

tions when compared to DegP; for example, the N-terminal ␤ strands that form the pillars in DegP are truncated and the first PDZ domain has been deleted. As a consequence of these deletions, HtrA2 only assembles into trimers and does not form hexamers. What is the consequence of no longer being a hexamer? The buried nature of the protease active site in DegP is likely to be important for its duality of function. Does loss of an enclosed cage mean that HtrA2 can no longer function as a chaperone? This is an important question that will require further studies. Other features of the HtrA2 structure are more revealing. For instance, the N terminus of HtrA2 is accessible from the top of the trimer, and if HtrA2 were released from the mitochondria it would be free to interact with IAPs in a manner similar to that seen for DIABLO [10], although it is uncertain whether all HtrA2 monomers would interact with IAPs. The structure of the PDZ domain in HtrA2 is also remarkable because, like bacterial PDZ domains, it is circularly permuted relative to mammalian PDZ domains. This likely reflects the bacterial ancestry of HtrA2. Do PDZ domains hold the key to regulating HtrA proteases? PDZ domains are important in signal transduction and cellular organization. They bind an array of target proteins through small C-terminal motifs and play roles in the transport, localization, and assembly of these proteins [11]. What is their role in the HtrA proteases? In the cases of DegP and HtrA2, their role is probably not in the assembly of the oligomer, but in the recognition of short motifs for delivery to the proteolytic or chaperone activities of the protease domain. They also appear to act as modulators of activity. Deletion of the PDZ domains from DegP removed the catalytic activity but not the chaperone activity [2], whereas in HtrA2 deletion of the PDZ domain activated the protease [9]. To further understand the role of these domains, structures of complexes between HtrA proteins and substrates are required.

In conclusion, the crystal structures of DegP and HtrA2 have elegantly revealed the structural differences and similarities between these two proteins. However, many questions about their function remain unresolved. What is the function of HtrA2 in mitochondria? Does it perform the same role as DegP in E. coli? Is HtrA2 important for apoptotic function in vivo? It will be interesting to see whether HtrA2 knockout animals have a phenotype that resembles a mitochondrialopathy, suggesting that it is in the mitochondria that it has its primary role, or whether their phenotype resembles those of apaf-1 or caspase 9 knockouts, suggesting its primary role is to regulate cell death. HtrA2 can clearly interact with IAPs but the significance of this interaction is uncertain, as the protease activity is also required to fully induce apoptosis. Identification of the targets of the protease might provide clues as to the importance of HtrA2. Questions about the regulation of DegP also remain unresolved, although the structures allow hypotheses to be proposed and tested. Catherine L. Day1 and Mark G. Hinds2 Department of Biochemistry University of Otago 710 Cumberland Street Dunedin New Zealand 2 The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research PO Royal Melbourne Hospital Parkville 3050 Australia 1

Selected Reading 1. Hartl, F.U., and Hayer-Hartl, M. (2002). Science 295, 1852–1858. 2. Spiess, C., Beil, A., and Ehrmann, M. (1999). Cell 97, 339–347.

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Structure, Vol. 10, June, 2002, 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

The Structure of the C-Cadherin Ectodomain Resolved In a recent issue of Science, Boggon et al. report the structure of the full-length C-cadherin ectodomain (CCAD1-5). Previous cell adhesion and direct force measurements demonstrated that the CCAD1-5 ectodomain is a functionally active adhesion molecule, and thus the determination of its structure is a significant achievement. Cadherins are calcium-dependent cell surface glycoproteins that mediate cell adhesion and sorting during development and maintain the normal architecture of adult tissues. The extracellular region of classical cadherins comprises five similar, tandemly arranged domains [1]. Determining the mechanism of cadherin adhesion continues to be a topic of active investigation. Among the principle questions are how the architecture of this molecule determines cadherin function and which domains mediate adhesion. A key role of the N-terminal domain (CAD1) in cell adhesion was suggested by an elegant experiment in which the exchange of N-terminal domains from different cadherins switched the cadherin tissue specificity [1]. However, an additional complicating feature is the substantial evidence that pairs of cadherin molecules from the same cell can form cis dimers through lateral interactions between the domains [2]. These cis interactions are thought to activate the adhesive function of cadherin. Studies suggest that cell-cell adhesion activity through trans interactions depends on cis dimerization (see Figure), but the link between the two binding modes remains unresolved. The structures of these molecules or their fragments can provide insights into how different regions of the protein may contribute to both cis dimerization and trans (adhesive) interactions. However, it is essential that the functional significance of these contacts be verified experimentally. In 1995, Shapiro and coworkers published the structure of the N-terminal domain of neural cadherin (NCAD1) [3]. Ascribing functional significance to domain contacts in the crystal, they proposed a model in which both cis and trans N-terminal domain contacts contrib-

PII S0969-2126(02)00783-9

uted to the formation of adhesive junctions [3]. The cis interaction was thought to occur between two parallel domains in which the Trp2 residue from one domain inserted into a hydrophobic pocket on the adjacent domain. The adhesive interface was attributed to a 3300 A˚2 interfacial region between NCAD1 domains that contained an HAV sequence, which was proposed to be a recognition motif akin to the RDG sequence for integrins [3]. Mutagenesis studies have since shown that the latter is not a functional interface [4]. Additionally, subsequent structures of epithelial cadherin domains 1 and 2 (ECAD1 and ECAD12) exhibited different domain contacts. ECAD12 revealed a putative cis junction in the calcium binding ECAD1/ECAD2 linker region [5]. Finally, in some reports, the Trp2 residue was free or even bound to the hydrophobic pocket of the same molecule [5, 6]. These findings challenged the functional significance of the putative cis and trans interfaces. While the N-terminal domain of cadherin is clearly important for function, other studies have implicated additional domains in adhesion. Direct measurements of the force developed between two cadherin monolayers at different separations indicated that the C-cadherin ectodomain (CCAD1-5) can bind in three different alignments [7]. Two of these configurations are inconsistent with direct CAD1/CAD1 binding. The strongest adhesion was at an intermembrane separation of 250 ⫾ 5 A˚, which corresponds to interactions between antiparallel proteins along their full length. Sivasankar et al. also measured adhesion between partially overlapping proteins [7]. A third interaction was attributed to either CCAD1 or CCAD12 binding [7]. Studies with deletion mutants were consistent with the force data. By generating a series of domain deletion mutants, Chappuis-Flament et al. [8] showed that CCAD12 fragments were poor adhesion molecules, whereas domains 1–3 (CCAD1–3) are minimally required for appreciable cell adhesion in shear flow or for bead aggregation. The full-length C-cadherin ectodomain structure contains some surprises and some features similar to those observed in prior structures or suggested by mutagenesis studies. Significantly, as was observed in the N-terminal domain of neural cadherin [3], the structure of the full-length ectodomain shows a Trp2 insertion into the hydrophobic pocket of the N-terminal domain. This re-