Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and cervical squamous cell cancer

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and cervical squamous cell cancer

1802 Meeting Abstracts cells with a sirqle nucleuskrt mt cells were IIUlltimclebZd g*t detennbed. Theo&A ccntentandnucleus areashcwedatimedepenkntch...

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Meeting Abstracts

cells with a sirqle nucleuskrt mt cells were IIUlltimclebZd g*t detennbed. Theo&A ccntentandnucleus areashcwedatimedepenkntchange10to18 daysaftertransplaIltationwithhypotetxa-b ockploidalpatkrn. TheinueasingDNA contentatldthebehavialrofaneuploidyhas been suggested the result of e&reduplicati~orasnuclear fusioninthe envi?zoxmwntofhostdefense.

guvacolim or rquired to cause N-tit=zEE1%fE ArecaWx,guvacine, N-nitmscguwti& ) pr@cnitrileupto6 3-(msthylnitm3amim mMdid mt affectthe cellssignificantly. Theitxkctionofcyto-andgembxiceffects by extractandseveralbetel nut-specific canpow& lmy be of importancefor understanaingtherelationshipbeteeenbetel chewingandcarcinogenesisinthe~ Mxal epitheliun.



J.N.Stqdkx ti S.P.m


Reseazh Institute of -logy& Pha.Lmacy,MsdicalAcadeny,sofia,Bulgaria

R.Suplm,R.Nam ti F. &nim


9te inIwnEdulatoryeffect of six copolymersof metacrylicacid (MkA)were investigated in BD2Flnlice. TheccQolynEx 0fMAwithacrylamide(MAA)wasselectedfor furtherinstigation. MAapplied i.p.was abletoenhance(asanparedtothecontrol) by 147%the plaque-forming cellrespome, by 100%rosette-farming cellsrespxse,by 142% thedelayedtypehvpersensitivity react&n, as wellas times the NK activityof spleencells. msion of h-al innme respcnseinkcedbysanebacteriacculdbs reducedby MAA pretreatments.In L1210 leukaemk-bearing mice MAA exhbitedsure synergistic thwapeuticeffectwhenwabined WithBuw.


IstitutoNazicaule lbncri,Via Venzianl, Milan, Italy; andDipartimenbdiRiolcqia Anbale,UniversitidiPavia, Italy

Tbeabilityof the syntheticcaticz& polypsptide poly-L-lysine (PLL) toil&a? differentiation as examin& in Friend nurine erythroleuka~ cells, Likeother m&Sane-interacting a9ents# P&s of differentmolecularweightswre fcnxdtobs gocd bklcers of differentiatbl.These PolymerSenhamed differentiaticmpxduced comentratials bu subopt* dimethylsul~ (a493). since PPLWZ bactiveasaninitiator of maturati~ of DNSO-resistant cells,it is likelythatsane effects) events(FnesumablY mmbrane-relate3 irnrolvedin the nnlltistep stinllllatia processare [email protected] andto thispolycaticnicpolymer. APLLof 2,700 Ew was Selected toexaminstk? i&lc!tialof prccess in animals bearingFriend erythrolW. K.W, M.J.Dy@xkt,J.W(l), Althoughm imrease in thesurvivalwas IL-(1 ) am3R.C.Gcafti oberved, the pattesnof differentiation in and granulocytopoietic series in Karo1inskaInstitLltet,stcckhollnsw&en;and erythrothe myelogramsof treatedani3nalsshawed (1)nken-latiaulAgency for RewaJxh cn evidenceofsanscellmaturaticm. Camer,Lyon,F=me

Effectsof aqueausbete1nutextract and severalbetel-specific alkaloidsti N-nitrcsccaapcundswx'e investigated in culturedhuman kuccalepithelialcellsand filxcblasts.Theextractdeczawdbcth colay formingefficiencyand clcnalgrowth rateof epithelial cellsto lessthan50% at lO)lg/ml.Exposwetohigherancentraticns alsocaw&bthdcee -dependent depleticn of thiols&fonnationof ENA single strand breaks. Of eight betel nubassocia~ imrestigated, 3-(msthylEEEzzm)*i_ -1s the most potent on a molarbasisandsignificaWly decreasedbothcellularsurvival and thiol contentandalsocaus&IXAdamageinbuccdl cells between 0.1 w 0.3lw. Morethan of arecoline, lo-foldhighercxncentraticms

KSyLjanmarldIhepapLllapavirusResearch Quw(1)(2)(3) Laboratory of Pathology,FinnishCamex Society; Dsparbent of (1)Clinical Microbiology, (2K@baecology,and (3wral Patlwlcgy, University of Ku&o, Finlard Cbrrentdatai@icating the role of HPV in sqlMmuscellcarcimgemsisofthe UtaritECfXViXCanbe SumMlrized as follcws: (1)cwvicalHPVinfections are a sexually transInitteddisease (EnD), shwn to representan increasedrisk forcexvical

Meeting Abstracts

carxaam; (2mv iIwo1minm anacarEf+rlewianshasbesn~tedby iBmumhbmtiard "eQ."FhoLosiaal, (3hEdmal histcxy wet=+=@=@; afc+sxml~~isequi~to that aE ~,haingpatentiallYL=iP==~= (4)laterk RPV to cImdxlm & situ: infectials exist in both sexes; (5)Pvs i.lduCe malignanttrarrsfcnmaticn in animl (6)W-inducea IlElligIEmt *;

traIlsfomati(xiseemstodepedcnvirus type, and physical stateofitslXA,i.e. whetherornotintegratedinthehostcel1 (7)mRli9nanttransformationn0st 9===; requiressynergistica(=o= _Y btwem the ws and chmlicalorphysical cadmgms,orotherinfecti~agents;(8) 9emtic dispasiticm (at least in animals) signifi.t3mtly oonwtes to mT3lignaIlt tZl3Wfmtia.l; (9Hmunological defexe msdmismsaEthehostprckablyarecapable of wMectials aflnocllfying~~ althou& efficacy in mm rmains to be elucidated., tBJqwnm(l) R-W(2)


Depxbentoforal Patholo9y;(1)Patblo9y; universi& Of (2K!unical l4iCrObiOlogy, Kuopio, Finland


aahrrawl), B.~(Z), T.Busorr(2)


(1)lst Institute of Bq?erimentalQncerRe==h w.~sitY,Rdapsst,~; of Imwmbiolo9y, IEI, U.S.A.

pathalogy SenInelz (2bsboratory Frederick, m.,

ldamaryczarcinaaaswereindu~bya single MNU treatmentinBuffalo rats. A stmrgraast-cel1reactionwas detect& in the early #base of tumxr qpzowthirlthe annective tissue m the tumur Aftertheizmrxrsexceeded tismeIdules. aFprcndmatelyOneallindblBW?Koromgram inweighta qxmtanems inflamatmy infiltraticnof the interstitialtissue . The infilhticm cxxlsists ofneutrophilandeosinophilgramilocytes, lyn@aqtwardinalowamxmt,plasm cells ad macqhqes. Asimilarbflamuhryreactioncanbe by the idlced even in slmll tws adninistratimofratsanm~against Pmtein A conjugated sepharose. ll-Ie ahmrbedserumcul~pmauctsofthe ccmplemwt alternative PaulwaY of degradatial.1tissuppmedthatbothsenlm therapyandafacbrreleasedfranthe leadiq



reacticn. The involvementofHPvinsquamats cellcarcimnasoftherespira~tractwas ==tlYauggestedw~disccrveryof~ 16LWAseqwncmincarcinomasofthe larynx, thena=lcavitylparanasdlsinuses, anainananaplasticllln9~ Inthe mtstudy,asystematicsurvey=sm to assess the possibility thatmvamld amtributetothe~ofb FonmLin-fixed, paraffinB cellcarcinomaswrre subjected to insitu mAhym.dbtial~strin9entoaditians (+42OC, 50% fomamide; Tm -171, usirqa mixed prcbe of Hw types 6, 11, 16, 18, and 30 (provm by H.zur Rausen, mm, I&Me&my, F.R.G.). RPV DNA v were disclazEd in 5 (5.1%)of the 99 carcinoraas, axlfhedto nuclei of thesquanmscells, misisthefirstcccasicPl h?we been demmstrated~til~ised~l squamuscellcercinmras. mefindirqsare inalignaea?twithti recent theories enphasizins* mecfianislasof~tw ad synergisticeffects of physic!alad ChenFcalts (cigarette smJke m othzs) in HPV-hduced carc~is.


of Sussex,Brightm, Sussex,U.K.

We have analysed the role of the cellularalagMe,c~intheprocessof cellulara@nganacellularimnortalizatial using3Lmclentfibadzlasts. me steady-state of nmlse and rat level of C~nmA fibnhlasts dces not chalqesi9nificantly duringcellulara&n9~ vitro. By arltrast,thesteadystate level of cs miA i.numses3to5foldupcplspcm~ establishmntof tkse ?xdentfibroblasts. Thei.mremeinthe steady-state16 of n@NA has a contriknkicmboth fran an increme in the transcripticmal rate as well as from a charge inthestabilityofthe memRNAlevels of both mturemsssa+ 0fos and c-Ki-ras do not alter; the n#Kof mxbms?Z actin also does not irmxase. mechanges in the&eddy-state level ofc=nBNAare not due to gene