HYDRODYNAMIC FLUCTUATIONS § 86. Dynamic form factor of a liquid THE correlation function of density fluctuations, discussed in Part 1, §116, is a particular case of a more general function which relates the density fluctuations not only at different points in space but also at different times. In the classical theory, this function is defined as the mean value ne{t\ n , r2) = (dn(tu ri) dn(t2, r2)>,
where t = tx — h\ the factor n = N/V, the mean number density of particles, is taken outside the definition of a. For a homogeneous isotropic medium (a liquid or a gas) the function (86.1) depends on ri and r2 only through the distance r = |ri—r2| between the two points, and this will be assumed in what follows. In the quantum theory, the corresponding function is defined by means of the symmetrized product of time-dependent (Heisenberg) density operators as ha{t9r) = \(δΛ(ίΐ9τ0δΚ^9τ^
+ δΛ(ί29Τ2)δΛ(ίΐ9Τι))9
in accordance with the general definition as in Part 1, (118.4). There are certain advantages in the present case, however, in using the asymmetric definition na(t9 r) = (δΛ(ίΐ9 r j δή(ί2, r2)>
for which we retain the notation a(t9 r).1* Unlike a(t9 r)9 a(t9 r) is not an even function of t; it is evident that <*('> r) = \[a(t9 r) +
The Fourier transform of the function a{t9 r) with respect to time and coordinates, σ(ω9 k) = σ(ω9 k) = f f ef&'-^afa r) dt
t It is this function which is a directly observable quantity, for example, in inelastic scattering of neutrons in a liquid (see Problem). 360
Dynamic Form Factor of a Liquid
is called the dynamic form factor of the medium. Since o(t, r) is isotropic, the form factor depends only on the magnitude of the wave vector. It follows from (86.4) that the Fourier transform of σ(ί, r) is σ(ω, k) = | [σ·(ω, /c)+
The purely spatial correlation of the liquid density fluctuations is determined by (86.1) with t = 0: σ{τ) = σ(ί = 0, r) = σ(ί = 0, r). This function is related to v(r\ defined in Part 1 (§116) and used in §83, by o(r) = v(r)+ 6(r); the Fourier transforms are such that o(k) = v(k)+l. The function o(k) or v(k) is called the static form factor of the liquid. The functions οτ(ω, k) and o(k) are related by the integral formula a(k) =
f0(a>,ft)e-**g -oe
= f <*»,*)|£. Ji=0
The Schrödinger (time-independent) density operator is given by the sum /Kr) = £ S ( r - r e ) ,
taken over all the particles in the medium; the coordinates ra of the particles act as parameters; cf. (24.4). We shall need the components of the Fourier expansion of this operator with respect to the coordinates: nk = $ft(r)e~ik*d3x = £
The change to the time-dependent (Heisenberg) operator is made by the general rule Λ(/, r) = exp (fßt/K) Λ(Γ) exp ( - *#//*), (86.10) where H is the Hamiltonian of the system. This operator may be represented by the expressions[(86.8) and (86.9) with rfl replaced by ra(t)9 the Heisenberg operators of the particle coordinates. According to the basic principles of statistical physics, the averaging (...) can be variously interpreted, according to the thermodynamic variables in terms of which the result is to be expressed. For example, if the function σ is defined for given total energy and number of particles in the system, the averaging is taken with respect to a definite (wth) stationary state, i.e. from the appropriate diagonal matrix element. For a homogeneous system (a liquid), the dependence of the matrix elements of the operator dn(t, r) on the time and coordinates is given by
exp [ / ( o ^ f - k ^ r ) ] ,
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
which is exactly analogous to (8.4); the right-hand side contains the matrix element of the Schrödinger operator bn(t) taken at r = 0. Using this formula, we write na(t, r) = £
1 bn(h9 r2) | m) i
= £ |(m|S/i(0)|/>| 2 exp[/( W ^-k mi .r)]. The Fourier transform of this function is «σ(α>, k) = (2π)*Σ \{m\ bn{0)\ />|2 b(a>-colm) b(k-klm).
The summation in these formulae is over all states of the system with a given number Nm of particles, since the operator bn does not affect this number. If, however, we wish to express the form factor in terms of the temperature and chemical potential of the liquid, the expression (86.12) must also be averaged over the Gibbs distribution: «τ(ω, k) = {2πΥ £ e xp P~Em~',Mm\
\{m\ &!(0)| l) |2δ(ω-ω//Μ) O(k-k//w); (86.13)
N{ = Nm in each term of the sum. With a similar formula for <τ(—ω, — k) = σ(—ω,fc),interchanging the summation indices / and m and putting in the exponential factor Et = Em+tia)lm = Em-{-fico (because of the delta function), we find σ(-ω, fc) = σ(ω,fc)£?-*ω/Γ (86.14) and then, by (86.6),
σ(ω, k) = i (1+*-*»/*) or(o>,
It follows from (86.13) or (86.12) that ο·(ω, k) => 0 for all values of the arguments. From (86.14) we have at zero temperature <τ(ω, k) = 0
ω < 0,
Γ = 0.
In the macroscopic limit (iVand V -*■ «> for afixedratio iV/F), the "palisade" of delta functions in (86.13) is smoothed into a continuous function, but the delta-function peaks in σ(ω, k) remain for values ω = a>(fc) corresponding to non-decaying elementary excitations, as follows from arguments similar to those in §8. Such peaks occur, however, only for excitations without change in the number of particles.1" t For example, in a Fermi liquid σ(ω, k) has a delta-function singularity at ω = ku0 (w0 being the velocity of zero sound), but does not have such singularities corresponding to the fermion branch of the spectrum; see §91.
Dynamic Form Factor of a Liquid
We shall show how the form factor of a liquid may be related to quantities occurring in the general formulation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (D. Pines and P. Nozieres 1958). Let each particle in the liquid be subject to an externalfieldwhich gives it the potential energy U(t, r). Then the perturbation operator acting on the whole liquid is f(t) = J n(t, r) U(t, r) cPx. (86.17) Taking a Fourier expansion of all the quantities here with respect to time, we can represent the response of the system, i.e. the mean value of the density change caused by the perturbation, as δ«(ω, ri) = — J α(ω, | Γι—r21) f/(co, Γ2) dzx29
where the function α(ω, r) acts as a generalized susceptibility. The time Fourier component of the correlation function ö(t, r) is, in the notation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, ησ(ω, r) = (δη(τι) δη(τ2))ω,
r = ri—r2.
According to that theorem, this function is expressed in terms of the generalized susceptibility by ϊϊσ(ω, r) = h coth (fuoßT) im α(ω, r). (86.19) A similar formula gives the coordinate Fourier component σ(ω, k) in terms of α(ω,fc),and then from (86.15) wefindthe dynamic form factor ησ (ω, k) = l_e-ha)/T
ιιηα(ω, k).
The importance of these formulae is due mainly to the fact that they establish a relation between the dynamic form factor and a function with known general analytical properties (as regards the variable ω); for the function α(ω, k) these properties are described in Part 1, §123. They also allow the use, in calculating the form factor, of the general formula (cf. (75.11)) whereby
Expressing the density operators in terms of the ψ operators (ή = Ψ+Ψ), we can write this as a two-particle Green's function, which may be calculated by means of the diagram technique.
PROBLEM Express in terms of the dynamic form factor the probability of inelastic scattering of slow neutrons in a liquid consisting of identical atoms (G. Placzek 1952). SOLUTION. According to the pseudo-potential method (see QM, §151), the scattering of slow neutrons may be described as the result of interaction with a potential energy U(r) = (2n2Jt/M)afi(r),
where ή(τ) is the density operator (86.8), M the reduced mass of the atom and the neutron, and a the slow neutron scattering length for a single atom, i.e. minus the limit of the scattering amplitude. The transition probability from an initial state / of the liquid + neutron system to a final state/in a range dvs\%
dwft= j y jI UUfifi(t)c (t)dt 2dvf;
see QM, (40.5). For non-diagonal matrix elements Ufi in (1), oft may be written in place of h. The wave function of the initial state of the neutron (with momentum p and energy e) is normalized to one particle in the volume V, and that of the final state (momentum p' and energy s') by the delta function of ρ/2π. Then dvf= d*p'l(2nhy, and the perturbation matrix element is
Ufi(t) = - g ^ J 6nfi(t, r) *<**-*» d*x, where fik — p - p', hco = ε - ε', and δηβ(ΐ, r) is the matrix element with respect to the wave functions of the liquid. We substitute this expression in dwfi and sum the transition probability over all possible final states of the liquid. The squared modulus of the integral is written as a double integral (over dt dt'd*x d3x')t and we use the fact that
Σ tn^t, r) δη&', r')* = Σ
Ό %(>>r) = =
(i\dn(t',r')dfi(t>r)\i) ησ(ί'-ί,τ'-τ);
σ is expressed as a function of the total energy of the liquid in the state /. The integration over d(jt'— t)dz(x'—x) gives σ(ω9 k), and a further integration (say, over dt d3x) gives just the volume Kand the total time interval t: Omitting the factor t, we obtain as the scattering probability per unit time An2h2 _ dzp' Η, =
This expression remains valid, of course, after being averaged over the Gibbs distribution, i.e. when the form factor is expressed in terms of the temperature. The property (86.16) of the form factor, as applied to the scattering of neutrons, expresses the fact that at T = 0 a liquid can only gain energy, not lose it. The relation (86.14) expresses the principle of detailed balancing, since scattering processes with energy and momentum transfer (ω, k) and (— ω, — k) are inverse to each other.
§ 87. Summation rules for the form factor The dynamic form factor satisfies certain integral (with respect to the frequencies ω) relations called summation rules. The derivation of one of these is based on the commutation rule between the operators nk(t) and nk(t). The commutator of Heisenberg operators taken at the
§ 87
Summation Rules for the Form Factor
same instant is the same as that of the Schrödinger operators nk and nk. The operator nk is determined by (86.9), and the required commutator is M £ - n i n k = -(«/m) k2N9
where m is the mass of a liquid particle.* We start from the expression for the component of the Fourier expansion of the function a(t9 r) with respect to the coordinates only: na{t9 k) = J e~^-**\bn{tl9
n ) «Λ(ί2, r2)>
Since the integrand depends only on ri—r2, we replace the integration over ά\χχ—x2) by one over dzx\d?x2\V\ carrying out this integration within the averaging, we obtain a(t9 k) = (1M0 .
We calculate the derivative 9σ(ί, k)/dtai t = 0. Since σ(ί,fc)depends only on the difference / = tx — i2, 9
~ ~2 \Wi
and, after substitution of (87.2), da(t9 k)/dt = (1/22V) (inkCii) dn.k(t2) -dnk(h) 5/Lk(/2)>. Each of the two terms here depends only on the absolute value of the vector k, and we therefore replace k by — k in the second term. Then,putting h= t29 and noting that n_k = hk, wefindthat the difference in the angle brackets is equal to the commutator (87.1). Hence [da(t9 k)/dt]t=Q =
On the other hand, expressing a(t9 k) as a Fourier integral with respect to frequencies, we have -^
e-i<«a(a>9 k)-^-l
Comparison of the two expressions for the derivative gives the required relation
ί oo
, Ί.άω ωα{ ωΛ) ~
nk2 *η
(87 3)
t The calculation of this commutator is the same as the calculation used in QM §149 in deriving the summation rule (149.5); the number of electrons Z is here replaced by the total number of liquid particles N.
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
(G. Placzek 1952). It must be emphasized that this is valid for all k. When the classical limit (h -» 0) of this expression is taken, the integral on the left must be written as CO
ω[<τ(ω,&)-<τ(-ω,£)]^| o and we must put, in accordance with (86.14), σ(ω, k)—
f ω2σ(ω9Κ)^
= ΤΡ/2ιη.
o We can apply formula (87.3) to a Bose liquid at T = 0, and consider the range of small k. Ask -+■ 0, the principal contribution to the integral comes from the delta-function peak in the form factor σ(ω, k), which arises in (86.13) from transitions creating one phonon; since there are no phonons in the ground state of the liquid, there are no transitions annihilating a phonon at T = 0. This term has the form Αδ(ω—uk), where huk is the phonon energy (u is the velocity of sound). Substituting it as σ(ω, k) in (87.3), wefindthe coefficient A, and the result is σ*(ω, k) — (nftk/mu) d(co—uk).
Integration of this according to formula (86.7) gives the static form factor a(k) = fikjlmu
(R. P. Feynman 1954).1" Since this formula relates to the range of small k, its Fourier transformation gives the asymptotic expression for the correlation function at larger: (87.6) v(r) = -hßtfmurH this may be verified by means of the integral given in the last footnote to §83. At T — 0, formula (87.6) is valid at arbitrarily large distances. At low but finite temperatures, it is valid up to distances r ~ hujT, where the fluctuations cease to be purely quantum ones. At still greater distances, formula (87.6) is replaced t Formula (87.5), written in the form o(k) = h2k2/2ms(k)9 where e(k) is the quasi-particle energy, is strictly valid only as k -* 0. As k increases, there are increasingly important contributions to o(k) from transitions creating several quasi-particles. If this contribution is nevertheless neglected, we may suppose that the formula gives the relation between the form factor and the energy of the quasi-particles in a Bose liquid. The maximum of σ at k ~ 1/a (where a is the interatomic distance in the liquid) corresponds to the "roton" minimum on the curve oie{k).
Summation Rules for the Form Factor
by an exponential decrease (if the contribution of the van der Waals forces is neglected; see §83).t Another summation rule can be obtained from the relation established in §86 between the form factor and a generalized susceptibility α(ω, k). This relation is given by (86.20), which for T = 0 (and ω > 0) becomes ησ(ω9 k) = 2h im α(ω, k).
According to the Kramers-Kronig formulae (see Part 1, (123.15)), 00
/ 7\ ! r» f ίπια(ω',£) , , rea(co,A;) = - P άω'. n J ω —ω -00
Putting here ω = 0, and noting that oc(0, k) is real,* we get oo
a(0, k) = — I — im α(ω, k) dm. o
In the limit k -+ 0, a(0,fc -*0) = @ηΙθμ)τ=ο = n(dnldP)T=o.
This follows because, in a static weak field U varying slowly in space, the equilibrium condition is μ+ U = constant, so that the switching-on of the external field is equivalent to changing the chemical potential by — U. In the limit k -> 0, we therefore have from (86.18) βδ= -(βη/6μ)υ x* —U j a(0, Ti-r2)d*(xi~- x2) = -t7a(0,A: = 0), whence (87.9) follows. Thus, combining the formulae (87.7)-(87.9), wefindthe following summation rule for the form factor of a liquid at T = 0: oo
I f , , ^άω dn -\o{
,__ ΛΛΧ (87.10)
(D. Pines and P. Nozieres 1958). t The correlation function (87.6) is negative (corresponding to repulsion between particles), unlike that of an ideal Bose gas, which is positive (see Part 1, §117). In this connection it may be recalled (§25) that in a slightly non-ideal Bose gas the energy spectrum has the phonon form only at k «c mu/ft (with h\mu » a). The corresponding distances r ~ \\k » h/mu, so that in the transition to an ideal gas (u -+ 0) the range of applicability of (87.6) moves away to infinity. * The quantity α(ω = 0, r) is real because of the general properties of the generalized susceptibility. Then the Fourier component α(ω = 0, k) is real because α(ω, r) is an even function of r.
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations PROBLEMS
1. PROBLEM 1. Find the correlation function v(f) in a Bose liquid at distances r > hulT and temperatures T
+ β-**''Ιτδ(ω + ^)}.
Integration of this expression gives a(fc)=
and hence V(f)
= f e^o{k) h
d3k (2π)3
IJ e f
,*.,.2 ikr
., Mil
k coth ~ dk. IT
By completing the contour of integration with respect to k by an infinite semicircle in the upper half-plane of complex k, we reduce the integral to a sum of residues at the poles (which lie on the imaginary axis). For r » hulT, the main contribution to the integral comes from the residue at the pole hkuflT = in: 2πΤ3 l 2nTr\ „x f.
With the condition aT/hu « 1, the characteristic decay length for the function v(r) is much greater than the interatomic distances over which effects decay that are due to the direct interaction between atoms. In formula (3), h is essentially involved, and the correlation described by this formula is therefore a quantum effect. In the derivation, the contribution from the van der Waals forces has been neglected. It follows from the results of §83 that this contribution has a power-law form and predominates at sufficiently large distances. The distances at which (3) is replaced by (83.16) depend on the specific relation between the coefficients, but a range of applicability of formula (3) always exists at sufficiently low temperatures, since at the limit of this range with r ~ hu/T, according to (3) v oc Γ4, and according to (83.16) v oc T7. PROBLEM 2. Find the limiting form (at large distances) of the correlation function for the fluctuations of the condensate wawe function in a Bose superfluid (P. C. Hohenberg and P. C Martin 1965). SOLUTION. In the long-wave limit, the strongest fluctuations are those of the phase of the condensate wave function Φ, since they involve only the relatively small energy of the macroscopic superfluid motion. The corresponding contribution to the total thermodynamic potential Ω of the liquid (in a volume Fwith given Tand μ) is
δΩ =
/ T ρ · ν? dV = ^ S ( ν Φ ) 2 dV'
Expressing ΟΦ as a Fourier series, δΦ = £ δΦ* eik r,
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
we obtain
and hence the mean square fluctuations <|d = Tm2/V&Q.k2;
the calculations are exactly similar to those in Part 1, § 146. The contribution of these fluctuations to the one-time correlation function G(r) = (ÖS(0)öE(r)) is G(r) » /ι0<δφ(0) δΦ(Γ)> = Τηοτη*Ι4π&ρ8Γ.
Thus G{f) decreases by a 1/r law at large distances. The contribution fromfluctuationsof the condensate density no decreases more rapidly. The two contributions are comparable at r ~ rc; at distances r < rc, they jointly follow (at temperatures near the λ-poiat) the law G(r) oc r-tt+P,
where ζ is the appropriate critical index. The correlation radius rc may be defined as the distance at which the asymptotic form (5) is replaced by (6):
With the critical indices β and v, which describe the temperature dependence of w0 and rc according to (28.1) and (28.3), we find that
e.oc(7i-:r)tf-*. With the known relations between the critical indices α, β, ν, ζ (see Part 1, §§ 148, 149), we can easil y see that this result agrees with (28.4).
§ 88. Hydrodynamic fluctuations In the preceding sections, we have considered density fluctuations in a liquid for any frequencies ω and wave vectors k. Here, of course, the actual form of the correlation function could not be found in the general case. However, this can be done in the hydrodynamic limit, where the wavelength of the fluctuations is large compared with the characteristic microscopic dimensions (interatomic distances in a liquid, mean free path in a gas). The calculation of the one-time correlation functions of fluctuations of density, temperature, velocity etc. in a liquid at rest calls for no special study: these fluctuations (in the classical or non-quantum limit) are described by the usual thermodynamic formulae, which are valid for any medium in thermal equilibrium. The correlations between fluctuations at the same time at different points in space are propagated to distances of the order of interatomic distances (here we neglect the weak long-range van der Waals forces). But, in hydrodynamics,
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
such distances are regarded as infinitesimal. In the hydrodynamic limit, therefore, the fluctuations at the same time at different points are uncorrelated. This statement follows formally from the additivity of a thermodynamic quantity, the minimum work ^ ί η needed to cause the fluctuation. Since the probability of the fluctuation is proportional to exp(—RmlJT), by representing Rmin as a sum of terms pertaining to various physically infinitesimal volumes we find that the probabilities of fluctuations in these volumes are independent of one another. Using this independence, we can immediately rewrite the known formulae (see Part 1, §112) for the mean square fluctuations of the thermodynamic quantities at a given point in space as formulae for the correlation functions. For example, from the formula ((δΤ)2) = T^/g^V for the temperature fluctuations in the volume V (where ρ is the density, and cv the specific heat per unit mass of the medium), we first write (ÖT(ra)ÖT(rb)) = {T^lqcvVa)bab, where the fluctuations relate to two small volumes Va and Vb. Then, as the volumes tend to zero, we obtaint <«Γ(η) δΓ(Γ2)> - (T2/QCV) δ(η-Γ 2 ).
Similarly, we have the following formulae for the fluctuations of other thermodynamic quantities : <«ρ(Γι) δρ(Γ2)> = ρΓ(9ρ/9Ρ)Γ«(Γι-Γ2), <<5Ρ(η)δΡ(Γ2)> = ρΤ(ΘΡ/δρ)3δ(η-Τ2) = ρΓ«2δ(Γι-Γ2), = (cp/ρ) δ(η-Γ 2 ),
(88.2) (88.3) (88.4)
where P is the pressure and s the entropy per unit mass of the medium; the fluctuations of the pairs ρ, T and P, s are independent. We can also write a formula for the fluctuations of the macroscopic velocity v of the liquid (which is zero in equilibrium): <*>i(ri) 5^(r2)> = (Γ/ρ) öik 6(n-r 2 ).
A problem specific to hydrodynamics is that of the time correlations of the fluctuations, as is that of fluctuations in a moving liquid. The solution of these t This and subsequent formulae for one-time correlations in gases are valid for fluctuations with wavelengths large only in comparison with intermolecular distances but not necessarily with the mean free path. The latter condition is, however, required for different-time correlation functions in the hydrodynamic approximation (since the microscopic mechanism of propagation of perturbations in gases is determined by the mean free path of the particles).
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
problems calls for the consideration of dissipative processes (viscosity and thermal conduction) in the liquid. The construction of a general theory of fluctuation phenomena in hydrodynamics amounts to setting up the "equations of motion" for the fluctuat ng quantities. This can be done by adding the appropriate terms to the hydrodynamic equations (L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz 1957). The equations of hydrodynamics, written in the form dq/dt+diw (ρν) = 0,
with no specific form of the stress tensor a'ik and the heat flux vector q, simply express the conservation of mass, momentum and energy. In this form they are therefore valid for any motion, including fluctuational changes in the state of a liquid. Then ρ, P, v, . . . are to be interpreted as the sum of the values of ρο, Po, Vo, . . . in the basic motion and their fluctuations δρ, δΡ, δν, . . . (the equations can, of course, always be linearized with respect to the latter). The usual expressions for the stress tensor and the heat flux relate them respectively to the velocity gradients and the temperature gradient. When there are fluctuations in a liquid, there are also spontaneous local stresses and heat fluxes unconnected with these gradients; we denote these "random" quantities by sik and g. Then
°'ik = η (IS + £~τ^ divv ) +c ^ divv+ ^ , q = -κνΓ+g,
(88,9) (88.10)
where η and ζ are the viscosity coefficients, and κ the thermal conductivity. The problem now is to establish the properties of sik and g as regards their correlation functions. For simplicity, the arguments will be given for the normal case in hydrodynamics, that of non-quantum fluctuations; this means that the frequencies of thefluctuationsare assumed to satisfy the condition fico <$: T. The viscosities and the thermal conductivity are assumed non-dispersive, i.e. independent of the fluctuation frequency. In the general theory of fluctuations given in Part 1, §§119-122, a discrete sequence of fluctuating quantities xu x2, . . . , is considered, whereas here we have a continuous sequence, the values of ρ, Ρ, . . . at each point in the liquid. This unimportant difficulty is avoided by dividing the volume of the body into small but finite portions AV and considering certain mean values of the quan-
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
tities in each portion; the change to infinitesimal volume elements is made in the final formulae. We shall take formulae (88.9) and (88.10) as the equations xa=
-YtVäbXb+yt b
of the general theory of quasi-stationary fluctuations; see Part 1, (122.20). The quantities xa are taken to be the components of the tensor aik and the vector q in each portion AV. Then the quantities ya are sik and g: ya -* sik, gi ·
The significance of the thermodynamically conjugate quantities Xa is determined by means of the formula for the rate of change of the total entropy S of the liquid. We find in the usual way (cf. FM, §49) from (88.8)-(88.10)
Replacing this integral by a sum over the portions AV and then comparing with the expression S = "~ 2^ XaKa > a
It is now easy to find the coefficients y^, which immediately give the required correlations by
(ya(ti)yb(h)) = (rab+rba) δ(/ι-/ 2 );
see Parti, (122.21a). First of all, we note that in formulae (88.9) and (88.10) there are no terms which would relate aik to the temperature gradient, or q to the velocity gradients. This means that the corresponding coefficients yah = 0, and from (88.15) (si&u ri)ft(*2, r2)> = 0,
i.e. the values of % and g are uncorrelated. Next, the coefficients relating the values of qt to those of (AV/T2) dTjdXi are zero, if these quantities are taken in different portions AV, and are yik — = xT2dik/AV if taken in the same AV. With these values of yfl6, we obtain from (88.15), after taking the limit AV - 0, <*i('i, ri)*#2, Γ2)> = 2κΤ%ίζδ(τ1-τ2) b{h-t2).
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations in an Infinite Medium
Similarly we obtain formulae for the correlation functions of the random stress tensor: = 2Tto(dadkm+dimdki)-\r(C-%η) dikdlm]d(r1-r2) δ(ίι-ί 2 ). (88.18) Formulae (88.16)-(88.18) in principle solve this problem of calculating the hydrodynamic fluctuations in any particular case. The solution procedure is as follows. Regarding sik and g as given functions of coordinates and time, we formally solve the linearized equations (88.6)-(88.8) for δρ, δν, . . . , with the necessary hydrodynamic boundary conditions. This gives the quantities expressed as linear functionals of sik and g. Correspondingly, any quantity quadratic in δρ, δν, . . . is expressed in terms of quadratic functionals of sik and g, and the mean value is calculated from (88.16)-(88.18); the auxiliary quantities sik and g do not appear in the result. We can also write out formulae (88.16)-(88.18) in Fourier components with respect to frequency, and we shall do this in a form which generalizes them to the case of quantum fluctuations. According to the general rules of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, such a generalization is obtained by including an extra factor (ήω/2Τ) coth (fico/2T) (which is unity in the classical limitfico«c T). In the presence of dispersion of the viscosity and thermal conductivity, the quantities η, ζ and κ are complex functions of the frequency; in the formulae for the fluctuations, they are replaced by the real parts of those functions: ( 4 Ä = 0, (
(g M )co = δ/*δ(Γι-Γ2) ϋωΤ coth (ήω/2Τ) re κ(ω)9
(4Μ^)ω = #ωδ(Γι-Γ2) coth (ήω/2Τ)Χ X[(&ifikm+&im&kl-TÖik&lm)
Γβ η(ω)+δ
TQ £(fi>)].
§ 89. Hydrodynamicfluctuationsin an infinite medium In this section we shall consider hydrodynamic fluctuations in an infinite liquid at rest. This problem can, of course, be solved by the method given in §88. Here, however, we shall use a different method, and thus exemplify an alternative way of solving problems of hydrodynamic fluctuations. This other way employs the general theory of quasi-stationary fluctuations in its earlier stage, before the introduction of the random forces. The relevant general formulae are as follows (see Part 1, §122). Let
be the macroscopic "equations of motion" for the set of quantities xa(t) which describe the non-equilibrium state of the system (in equilibrium, all the xa = 0). These equations are valid if the xa are large compared with their mean flue-
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
tuations (but also so small that the equations of motion may be linearized). We can then say that similar equations are satisfied (when t > 0) by the correlation functions of the fluctuations: J-(xa(t)xc(0)) = - £ Xab{xb{t)xc(0)>, t > 0.
The initial condition for these is formed by the equations [(xa(t) *c(0)>],= +o = (xaXc),
where (xaxc) is the one-time correlation function, assumed known. In the range t < 0, the correlation functions are continued by the rule <**(0*c(0)> = ±<*a(-0*c(0)>,
the upper sign relating to the case where xa and xc are both even or both odd under time reversal, and the lower sign to the case where one is even and the other odd. The solution of equation (89.2) with the condition (89.3) is obtained by means of a one-sided Fourier transformation: multiplying the equation by eio)t and integrating with respect to t from 0 to oo (with integration by parts on the left-hand side), we obtain the equations - icu(xaxc)i+) = - £ KbixbXc)^+(xaxc) b
for the quantities (functions of frequency) (89.6) (XaXtt+) = f ***<*«(') **(0)> dt. o The ordinary Fourier components of the correlation function are expressed in terms of the quantities (89.6) by (XaXb)a =
— oo
= (XaXb)i+)±[(XaXb)i+)r
= {XaXbWHXbXafll
where the signs ± correspond to those in (89.4). Proceeding to the stated problem of fluctuations in a liquid at rest, we first linearize the hydrodynamic equations (88.6)-(88.8) with aik and q from (88.9) and (88.10) (without the final terms). Putting ρ = ρο+δρ, ν = δν, . . . , and omitting the non-linear terms we find ^ - + e d i v v = 0, ρ dyjdt = - νδΡ+*?Δν+(£+\η) ν div v,
(89.8) (89.9)
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations in an Infinite Medium
the suffix 0 to the constant quantities ρο etc. is omitted after the linearization. In equations (89.8)-(89.10) it will be convenient to divide the velocity at once into the potential ("longitudinal") and rotational ("transverse") parts v(/) and v(0 defined by v = v^-fvO, (89.11) div vW = 0, curl v^ = 0. In (89.8) only the longitudinal velocity occurs: - ^ + ρ α ί ν ^ = 0.
and (89.9) separates into the two equations dt
= -ί-Δν«, ρ
g - ^ = -V<5P+|i-f-y?7J vdivv*(0
The equation for the transverse velocities is independent of the other equations. Accordingly, we also have one equation for the correlation function of its fluctuations: A (vHU r) 4°(0, 0))-vA(t#>(t9 r) ^ ( 0 , 0)> = 0,
where v = η/ρ is the kinematic viscosity. Taking the one-sided Fourier transform, we obtain - / ω ( ^ ) ( Γ ) V^(0))^-VA(V^(T)
ι#(0))<+> = < ^ > ( Γ ) t#>(0)>,
where the right-hand side is the one-time correlation function; or, with the Fourier components with respect to the coordinates, The one-time correlation function of the velocityfluctuationsis given by (88.5); changing to Fourier components and separating the transverse part, we have (fi° *4°)k = {TlQWtk-ktkklk?).
Substituting in the preceding formula, we have finally1 («f° vfU
= 2 re (t-p « ; > = ψ
vk2 " S ^ F '
(89 17)
For the other variables we have a system of coupled equations (89.10), (89.12), (89.14). This becomes simpler, however, in the limiting cases of high t It is easy to see that, on integrating (89.17) with respect to ω/2.τ, we return to the one-time correlation function, as is to be expected.
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
or low frequencies. The reason is that the perturbations of longitudinal velocity and pressure are propagated in the liquid with the velocity of sound u9 and those of entropy according to the equation of thermal conduction. The latter mechanism requires a time ~ l/%fe2 for propagation of the perturbation to a distance ~ \\k (where χ = κ/ρβρ is the thermometric conductivity of the medium). Hence, for frequencies that satisfy (with a given value of the wave number) the condition %fc2 «cA:w, (89.19) there are isobaric fluctuations of entropy.1* Let us first consider the high-frequency range (89.18) and determine the fluctuations of pressure, for example. Equation (89.14), written for the correlation functions, has the form -^ (/, r) 6P(0,0)> = - grad (ÖP(t9 r) ÖP(0, 0)> + ._ 4 -h U + j i?) grad div <**>(/, r) δΡ(0,0)>,
and the initial condition for it is the vanishing of the one-time correlation of v(/) and δΡ. With a one-sided Fourier transformation with respect to time and a complete transformation with respect to coordinates, we hence have -/ωρ(νΟ δΡ)$ =-/k(SP2)U)-C+|-77)k(k.v<03P)(>+).
Next, in equation (89.12) we write
to = (Sl\sp+ ΙΆ fc & = i «._ *(£>
(*M*), -±M5)*
and ddsjdt is expressed by means of (89.10) in the form dös _ dos
κκ I/ 8 Γ \
the term in Ads on the right is neglected in comparison with dds/dt, since %k2
κρ /dT\2 Sr> Λ. 7, η ^ ' A ΔδΡ+ραινν< > = Λ0. T \dPj/
t The inequality xk2
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations for in an Infinite Medium
The corresponding equation for the correlation functions is again obtained by replacing δΡ and v(/) by (dP(t, r) δΡ(0,0)> and respectively; the initial condition is (88.3). After the Fourier transformations, this equation becomes Γ
ieo_ k2HQ /dTV 21 +
lF ~Y~\dp)
( ö ^ ) ä } + ^ ( k · ν(/)δΡ)£ΐ> = QT.
From the two equations (89.20) and (89.21) we can find ^τ^+2ντΦ^)
(δΡ*) v - 2 re (dP*YV = 2 re where
fc Γ k 2 Γ„
2 2
κί/ xu 2qρ2 //aarn\ 2
is the coefficient of absorption of sound in the medium (see FM, §77), and yT is the part of this due to thermal conduction. The final result for frequencies near the values ω = ±ku, where the fluctuations are especially great, is (δΡ2)α* = QTtfy/KcoTkuf+uY].
This formula is valid when \co^ku\ < uy? In the low-frequency range (89.19) it is sufficient, as already mentioned, to consider the fluctuations of entropy, neglecting those of pressure. This means that in (89.10) we can put ÖT « (dT/ds)P 6s = (T/cp) ds9 the specific heat cp being taken per unit mass. The required correlation function therefore satisfies an equation of the same type as (89.15), and the initial condition is (88.4). The result is
PROBLEMS PROBLEM 1. Find the correlation function of thefluctuationsof the number of solute particles in a weak solution. SOLUTION. The number density n of solute particles satisfies the diffusion equation 9/i/9/ = D An, t It may be recalled (see FM, §77) that the hydrodynamic sound-absorption coefficient is always small in gases (the inequality y
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
where D is the diffusion coefficient. In a weak solution, the simultaneous values of the density at different points are uncorrelated (just as there is no one-time correlation for the density of an ideal gas); the one-time correlation function is therefore φη(τΎ) δη(τ2)) = «ofo-i^). Similarly to (89.25), we find Here, thermal diffusion is neglected, and the fluctuations of n may therefore be treated independently of those of temperature. PROBLEM 2. Find the correlation function of pressurefluctuationsin a liquid having a large and dispersive second viscosity ζ(ω) (due to slow relaxation of some parameter). SOLUTION. The presence of slow relaxation processes causes a second viscosity of the form i(£u) =
T^7 ( i ' L - M ° ) '
where τ is the relaxation time, u0 the equilibrium velocity of sound, and w«, the velocity of sound for a constant value of the relaxation parameter; see FM, §78. Equations (89.20) and (89.21), and therefore (89.22), are valid also in the presence of dispersion. Putting ζ = ζ(ω) and neglecting the terms arising from η and κ, we obtain after some calculation 2ΓτρΗ404ο-Μ§) : (ÖP'hk
-ω 2 /Α: 2 ) 2
§ 90. Operator expressions for the transport coefficients The formulae (88.20) and (88.21) may be viewed differently by reading them "from right to left", i.e. by regarding them as expressions for the thermal conductivity and the viscosity. The correlation functions on the left may then be expressed, in accordance with their definition, in terms of the operators of certain quantities having microscopic significance; we thereby obtain the transport coefficients of the liquid, expressed in terms of these operators. First of all, we must note that the absence of any correlation between the fluctuations of the "random" energy and momentum fluxes at different points in space (the delta function o(ri—r2)in (88.20) and (88.21)) is a consequence of the hydrodynamic approximation, which is valid only for small values of the wave vector. In order to express this condition explicitly, we write the formulae in Fourier components with respect to the spatial coordinates (which amounts to substituting unity for the factors d(r1—r2)) and take the limit k -► 0. For example, formula (88.20) contracted with respect to the suffixes i and fc, (g(1).g(2))o> = 3δ(Γ1-Γ2)/2ωΤοοΛ(Αω/2Γ).Γβκ(ω), is written as re
Itiseasy to see that in this formula we can replace the "random" heat flux g by the total energy flux, which we shall denote by Q. The latter, as we know from
§ 90
Operator Expressions for the Transport Coefficients
hydrodynamics, consists of the convective energy flux and the heat flux q: Q = (±v2+w) ρν+q % qwy-κ vT-f-g,
where w is the heat function per unit mass of the liquid; in the last expression, we omit the term containing a higher power of the fluctuation velocity v. For small k, however, the fluctuations of the actual physical quantities v, ϋΓ, ρ, etc., contain an extra power of k in comparison with those of the random fluxes, and therefore the fluctuations of g are the same as those of Q in the limit k -+■ 0. This is immediately evident from the fact that thefluxesg and sik appear in the equation of motion (88.6)-(88.8) of the hydrodynamicfluctuationsonly as spatial derivatives, but the physical quantities mentioned occur also as time derivatives; when the Fourier components are taken, the latter quantities are therefore of order k/ω relative to the former. Unlike g, the total energy flux Q has a direct mechanical significance and corresponds to a definite quantum-mechanical operator Q(f, r) expressible in terms of the operators of dynamic variables of particles in the medium. With the definition of the correlation functions in terms of the (Heisenberg) operators of the corresponding quantities, we thus arrive at the formula re
, .
- fico
*(")=6fc^tanh2TX CO
e>("'-k-*KQ{t,r)Q(0,0) + Q(0,0)Q(t,r))dtd3x
X lim
(M. S. Green 1954). A more useful representation of the function κ(ω) is, however, obtained by means of a formula expressing the correlation function in terms of the commutator of the corresponding operators. If xjr) and xb(r) are two fluctuating quantities (equal to zero in equilibrium and behaving in the same way under time reversal), their correlation function may be written, according to (76.1) and (75.11), as oo
= c o t h ^ . r e f e<°"([xa(t,n), xb(0,r2)])dt, 0
where [...] denotes the commutator. Changing to a Fourier expansion with respect to the coordinates r = ri—r2, we obtain oo
(XaXtU = coth-^ f f et·»-"·«<[*„(/, r), xb(0, 0)]> dt d*x. (90.4) 0
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
Applying this formula to the correlation function (Q2)o,k and substituting in (90.1), we have oo
re*(ö>) = - ^
Um re 0
The two sides of this equation contain the real parts of functions of ω that tend to zero as ω — o© and have no singularity in the upper half-plane of the complex variable ω. If the real parts of such functions are equal on the real axis of ω, it follows that the functions themselves are equal, and we arrive at the final formula κ(ω) = - J L . Jimo j J e*»'-" · '><[Q(/, r), Q(0,0)]) dt d3x.
In order to derive the static value of the thermal conductivity, we must then also take the limit ω — 0. Similarly, formula (88.21) may be transformed into an operator expression for the viscosity coefficients. If we use the total momentum flux aik = —Pbik-\-o'ik (with aik from (88.9)) then in the limit k -* 0 the fluctuations of all terms except sik become zero and so in this limit we can replace the correlation function (s^s^)^ by (σ^σ^)^ The result is η(ώ) {biibkm^-bimbki-^δ^δΐηι\-{-ζ{ω)
= — Urn i f e^'-k · '><[**(/, r), alm(0, 0)]> dt d*x9 0> k - ^ O j J
where oik{t,r) is the momentum flux density operator (H. Mori 1958). Contracting this equation with respect to the pairs of suffixes /, k and /, m or i, / and k, m, we obtain separate expressions for 9ζ or for 10i7-f 3t respectively. § 91. Dynamic form factor of a Fermi liquid Formulae (87.4)-(87.6) for the form factor at T = 0 are not applicable to a Fermi liquid, since their derivation assumes the existence (for small ω and k) of only the phonon branch of the spectrum of elementary excitations. The hydrodynamic theory of fluctuations developed in §§88 and 89 is also inapplicable to a Fermi liquid. It requires the fulfilment of the condition kl
§ 91
Dynamic Form Factor of a Fermi Liquid
Here it is convenient to start from equations (86.17)-(86.20), which give the relation between the form factor and the generalized susceptibility with respect to the action of a field U(t, r) on the liquid. In Fourier components also with respect to the coordinates, the definition (86.18) becomes δ«(ω, k) = -α(ω, k) Uak.
We shall consider only the case T = 0. Then the dynamic form factor is expressed in terms of α(ω, k) by _ / _. [ 2h ima(ω, k), na(co,k) = \ I 0,
co > 0, 1 ' to < 0. J
The density perturbation δη(ω, k) is calculated by means of the transport equation, in which the collision integral may be neglected (as T -+ 0). These calculations only differ from those for zero sound in §4 by the addition of the term ff(/,r)= Umke*
K*(P) = - δ(β- eF)
n2fP 2
n = p/p.
This is the Fourier component of the perturbation of the quasi-particle momentum distribution. The required change in the density of the total number of quasi-particles (the number density of actual particles) is given by the integral
The definition of the function %(n) in (91.3) differs from that of i>(n) in (4.9) as regards normalization: here, it is chosen so that formula (91.2) becomes ΐϊσ(ω9 k) = im J χ(η) do/4n,
ω > 0.
For χ(ή) itself, we get the equation (co- vFk.n)χ(η)-
vFk.n JF(0) %(n') do'jAn = -k.n.Ipp/nW,
which differs on the right-hand side from (4.11). Equation (91.5) does not explicitly contain imaginary quantities. The presence of an imaginary part of its solution χ(ή) is therefore due only to the pas-
Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
sages round poles in the integrals that arise during the process of solution. The rule for these passages depends on the requirement that the field U oc e"icot applied to the system is applied adiabatically from t = — ©o onwards; for this purpose, its frequency ω must be replaced by ω+ίθ. The specific form of the solution depends on the form of the quasi-particle interaction function F(#). We shall illustrate the process of solution and the resulting properties for the simplest example, in which F = Fo, a constant. In this case, the solution of equation (91.5) has the form χ(η) = Ct?Fk.n/(flFk.n-co--jO),
where C is a constant. This constant is determined by substituting (91.6) back into (91.5), which gives C(l+F07) = 2m*pFln*h\ where / =
f k.n'pF do' J k.n'i?F—ω —iO ιΌ ' 4π
The integrand depends only on the angle between n' and k, and an obvious substitution gives 1
* f
2 J x-s-iO
=l-L·loglf+j-Uj^ s 2
| j - 1 | \ o,
^ H (91.8) i>l,j
where s = co/kvF; the imaginary part of the integral is determined by the rule (8.11). Substituting the function χ(η) from (91.6)-(91.8) in (91.4), we get the dynamic form factor _ 2m*pF . I(s) ,Qi m
^^*)--S5?- l m T+?Sw
(A. A. Abrikosov and I. M. Khalatnikov 1958). According to (91.8), this is non-zero for s < 1, i.e. for all ω < kvF. If Fo > 0, zero sound can be propagated in a Fermi liquid with a velocity MO determined by (4.15): l+FoI(s0) = 0, so = u0/vF. For values of s close to ^o, the expression (91.9) becomes constant X im l/(s—s0); according to the comment made above, s = colkvF is to be taken as s+iQ. This means that <τ(ω, k) contains also a delta-function term having the form constant x d(s—so), or σ(ω, k) = constant X Λδ(ω—fc«0).
Dynamic Form Factor of a Fermi Liquid
This term is the contribution to the form factor from the zero-sound branch of the energy spectrum of the Fermi liquid; it is exactly analogous to the phonon contribution (87.4) to the form factor of a Bose liquid. The existence of such a term does not, of course, depend on the assumption that Fis constant; it is a general property of a Fermi liquid in which zero sound can be propagated. Only the value of the constant coefficient in (91.10) depends on the law of interaction of quasi-particles. Equation (91.5), with zero on the right-hand side, is the equation of zero sound; the solution of the inhomogeneous equation therefore has a pole at ω/k = i/o. It is clear from the form of (91.5) that its solution depends on the parameters ω and k only through the ratio ω/Α:. The dynamic form factor will therefore also be a function of this ratio. The static form factor a(k) =
σ(ω, k) 2π
will consequently have the form o{k) = constant X k.
This means that the one-time spatial correlation function of the density fluctuations at T = 0 in a Fermi liquid obeys the law v{r) oc r~4, as in a Bose liquid. Lastly, we may note that the dynamic form factor of an ideal Fermi gas is obtained from (91.9) by taking the limit Fo -* 0: <τ(ω, k) = m2co/nfi2nk9
0 < ω < kvF.
The static form factor is then a(k) —
άω p\k (ω, k) -2π - {Inhfn '
in agreement with the result in Part 1, §117, Problem 1.