Hydrogeology 825102
NYDROGEGLOGIC VIE~ OF WASTE DISPOSAL IN THE S~ALL0W SUBSURFACE AS~ilg S~ccmmittee DI8.1~ on Soil and Rock Pollution Geoteah Test J, V~, N2, June 1981, I~3-57 Discusses waste disposal in larzlfills, presenting general gt~dellnes ard principles. Emphasis is placed on the soil and grourd water regime.
GEOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN HAZAHD(~JS-WASTE DISPOSAL Cartwright, K; Gilkeson, R H; Johnson, T M J Hy~rol, V ~ , NI-3, Dec 1981, F357-369 Reviews the problem of wastes that are liquid c~ produce a leachate that must be controlled. Includes discussions of the geology and ~Irogeology of the site, waste attenuation capacity of the site, release rate of unattenuated contaminants.
Groundwater 829lO~
FOR ACUIFER TEST ANALYSIS IN FRACTURED ROCKS UNDER LINEAR (NON RADIAL) FLOW CONDITIONS Jenkins, D N; Prentice, J K Ground Water, V20, NI, Jan-Feb 1982, P12-21 Describes an extreme condition where a homogeneous aquifer is bisected by a single fracture havimg a permeability mam~ times greater than the aquifer. Under these conditions flow in the aquifer is linear towards the fracture, ar~ the theory of linear flow is used to obtain equations to describe the resultirg drawdown in the aquifer due to withdrawal of water by pumping. Examples of the use of this theory (as opposed to radial flew theory) is presented.
assemblies i0 years after discharge fr~n a reactar, the maximum irmrease in temperature of the repositery in granite is about 50 deg C and the eplcentral thermal gradient about 70 deg C/kin. 825107 STUDY OF PIPELINE STABILITY WITH AN OSCILLATING WATER T ~ Moore, P J; Dight, P M Proc 3rd Austrslla-Na~ Zealard Conference on Gec~echsa~cs, Wellir~on, 12-16 May 1980, V1, P53-59. Publ Wellimgton: New Zealand Institution of E~ginsers, 1980 A theoretical analysis for the determination of the required depth of cover of a pipeline to prevent flotation when it is submerged below the groundwater table in sandy soil is presented. The arelysis includes consideration of shear stresses in the overburden. Laboratory results fcr the depth of cover at which flotation occurs are compared with the analysis. Pipeline Jacking (migration rewards the ground surface) was found to occur when large voids were left urder the pipe or where the overburden material was loosely placed around the pipe. 825108 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE PHENOMENON OF PIPE JACKING Ytrup, P J Proc 3rd Australia-Ne~ Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Wellington, 12-16 May 1980, V1, P61-63. Publ Wellimgton: Ne~ Zealand Institution of Engineers, 1980 Reports experimental investigations to evaluate the feasibility of a pipe Jacking (migration of a buried pipe towards the ground surface) mechanism in which internal pressure fluctuations cause diametric deformations of the pipe leading to pipe Jacking. It was fourd that pipe Jacking occurs at a rate directly related to the magrdtude of pressure fluctuation and inversely related to the depth of burial of the pipe.
825109 RESPONSE 8z51o5 HYDROLOGIC RESPONSE OF AQUIFERS AT SUHFACE-MINE SITES IN WESTERN NORTH DAKOTA Meran, S R; Cherry, J A Can Geotech J, VI8, ~ , Nov 1981, P543-565 Outlines methods of investigation used to obtain stratigralShic and hydrologic data at mine sites in North Dakota. The data are being used in onedimensional e_nalytic solutions to the grourdwaterflow equation in arder to predict water-level drawdowns in aquifers due to mine excavations.
Underground Excavations See also: 825109 825106 STUDY OF REGIONAL ~ T U R E AND TH~RMOHYDROLOGIC EFFECTS OF AN UNDERGROUND REPOSITORY FOR NUCLEAR WASTES IN HARD ROCK Wang, J S Y; Tsar, C Fj Cook, N G W J Geophys Res, V86, NBS, lO May 1981, P3579-3770 Heat released by the radioactive decay of nuclear wastes in an urdergrourrl repository causes a long-term thermal disturbance in the rock mass. The r~ture of this disturbance f ~ a plamar repository 3000m in diameter at a depth of 500m below surface is investigated. Loaded initially with a power density of lOW/sq m of spent fuel
OF A PIPELINE TO GROUND M ~ S CAUSED BY TRENCHING IN COMPRESSIBLE ALLUVIUM Carder, D R; Taylor, M E; Pocock, R G Transport arzl Road Research Labcratery report LR10~7, 1962, 26P
An instrumented small diameter, cast-iron pipeline was installed at a depth of 0.75m, parallel to the projected deep trench and 2.25m from one face. Only small changes in bending strain and pipe deflection occurred both durimg pipe installation amd subsequently during excavation of the deep trench. Larger increases in strain and pipe deflection were measured due to settlement during backfilling. On completion of backfilling sc~e reduction in strain levels was observed, although relatively large permanent bending strains remained in the sections of the pipeline adjacent to the ends of the trench. Good correlation was obtained between the movement of the pipeline evaluated from strain measurements using a semigraphical integration technique and that actually r.ecorded. Avail: TRRL, Old Woki~gham Road, Crowthorne, Berks, UK
Mines 825110 STRATA ~CHANICS OF HYDRAULIC SUB-LEVEL COAL MINING Jere_mlc, M L Int J Rock Mech Min Sci, V19, N3, June 1982, P135-142