This section contains a group of abstracts of current papers on general oceanography and related subjects. Togeth...
This section contains a group of abstracts of current papers on general oceanography and related subjects. Together with the oceanographic bibliography it will provide a comprehensive service to scientists engaged in deep-sea research and oceanography in general. For ease of reference the names of authors are arranged in alphabetical order. ADAMS R. D., 1962. Thickness of the earth's crust beneath the Campbell Plateau. New Zeal.
J. Geol. Geophys., 5 (1): 74-85. The method of surface-wave dispersion has been used to find the thickness of the Earth's crust beneath the submerged region to the south-east of New Zealand known as the Campbell Plateau. By the use of records from eight earthquakes, an average value of about 20 km was found. This is intermediate between the values usually found for oceanic and continental regions. ADAMS R. D. and D. A. CHRISTOFFEL,1962. Total magnetic field surveys between New Zealand and the Ross Sea. J. Geophys. Res., 67 (2): 805-814. During the sumrners of 1958-1959 and 1959-1960, total magnetic field surveys were made with ship-towed nuclear spin magnetometers between New Zealand and the Ross Sea. The total field contours are given for the region between New Zealand and 70"S and for the Ross Sea area. Magnetic anomalies in the different bathymetric regions are discussed, and some possible interpretations given. In general, smooth magnetic profiles are found in the shallow water to the north of the deep ocean basin, and in the basin itself a typical pattern of deep-water magnetic anomalies is found. A ridge, over which both bathymetric and magnetic profiles are rough, is crossed before entering the Ross Sea. A smooth magnetic profile in the Ross Sea shows the absence of any disturbing igneous rock close to the surface. ADROV M. M., 1962. Hydrologic investigations off West Greenland. Sovetskie Riboch. lssledov.
v Severo-Zapadnoi Atlant. Okean. VN1RO-PINRO, Moskva, 137-153. The paper summarizes the oceanographic investigations conducted by different countries in the area of West Greenland fishing banks. Data are given which show that in the spring-summer months of 1958-1960 hydrologic conditions on the bank were favourable for cod and redfish. A number of examples (Fig. 4, 5) point to a limited distribution in these years of waters brought by the East Greenland Current. This is particularly clear from the surface isotherms in spring, 1960 (Fig. 6) when an intensive penetration of the waters of the deep lrminger Current into the coastal zone was observed. In the surface layer at this time there were isolated patches with a higher temperature. In summer due to the movement of the cold intermediate layer from western Davis Strait into the area of the Greenland Banks the July minimum of the near-bottom water temperature occurs over the western slopes of the Banks. A section of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the causes of the summer temperature minimum in deep waters over the Banks. On the basis of some factual data and theoretical reasoning the author contradicts the existing theory on the origin of this minimum. The simultaneous appearance of the cold intermediate layer in the extensive stretch of water over the banks and its approach into the shallow coastal water from the deeper areas of the Davis Strait suggest that the annual formation of the cold near-bottom layer over the western slopes of the Banks and between them in July is caused not by the intensification of the East Greenland Current but by the periodical approach of the cold intermediate layer into the area over the Banks. Finally, the paper considers the distribution of hydrochemical elements in sections across the West Greenland Banks in the period of 1958 to 1960. These data (Fig. 7) show that not only the " warmings " of the West Greenland waters but their constant enrichment with nutrients is caused bv the turbulent diffusion of the warm deep waters of the Irminger component of the West Greenland C~urrent. ALLEN J. A., 1962. Observations on Spirontocaris from Northumberland waters. ()'ustaceana, 3 (3): 227-238. Beide britischen Arten der Gattung Spirontocaris werden yon Northumberland gemeldet; S. lilljeborgii ist dort gemeiner als S. spinus. S. lilljebolieii lebt in dem gesamten Bereich unterhalb 20 Faden, ist aber am hS.ufigsten fiber Tiefenwasser-Schlamm in 40-50 Faden. S. spinus lebt in flacherem Wasser (20-30 Faden), haupts~ichlich fiber mit Hydroiden bewachsenem, schlammigem und sandigem Kies. Die K6rperproportionen der Mfinnchen und Weibchen von S. lilljeborgii sind verschieden. Der Carapax des Weibchens ist dorsal permanent gew61bt. Diese Tatsache hfingt vermutlich zusamnien 93