venience for nineteen days, at the end oftise on the above disease, which he has very which time, as it produced some degree offrequently observed ; we extract some of pain, particularly duringmastication, pro- the most interesting data. bably from the collapse of the cyst, and the The post-mortem examination of persons pressure of its sides against the silk, it was who died of the disease in question, gives no removed by the patient, who considered satisfactory results as to its real nature ; in himself cured. Six weeks afterwards the most cases, the brain and spinal chord were fistulous openings were not in the least con- injected, and the cerebellum inflamed and tracted, nor was there any return of the tu- softened; in those cases, where morbid irri. tation of the genitals had been observed as moar.-Joiz2,n. Hebdomad. one of the principal symptoms during life, the latter organ often exhibited no morbid INJECTION OF WATER IN VESICAL alteration whatever. The heart was mostly CATARRH. M. Civiale having observed that several softened, and much distended with blood ; patients affected with calculus, and with a the aorta of a pink colour, and its internal glairy mucous discharge from the bladder, coat injected; the lungs were full of blood, and on whom he performed the operation of but not diseased, though sometimes emphylithotrity, were greatly relieved of the latter sematous. In the throat, pharynx, œsophacomplaint some time before the calculus was gus, and intestinal canal, traces of inflammacompletely removed, suspected that the im- tion were almost constantly found. The provement was produced by the injection of cicatrix, from the bite, was mostly of a livid warm water, which necessarily preceded colour, and covered with a scab. Dr.Meniere each operation (" seance"); and having never found it open at the time when the employed it in a number of other cases disease broke out. He never observed in where no calculus existed, succeeded in al- the dead bodies the particular tendency tomost all of them in completely removing wards putrefaction, which has, by many the discharge, and restoring the bladder to authors, been observed as very striking. In its natural tone. The urine was evacuated one instance, where, besides an appropriate by the catheter previous to each injection, general treatment, the wound immediately and the temperature of the injected iluid after its infliction was treated by the actual was gradually diminished, so that after a cautery, a fatal termination notwithstanding few days cold water was employed ; at the ensued. In most cases, the wound was same time the patient used the cold hip- very small; and, in some of them, it apbath occasionally, and took as much exer- peared impossible that any saliva should cise as possible, attention being paid to the have been carried into it, the teeth of the This treatment is, animal having penetrated through several state of the bowels, &c. however, only applicable to the atonic ca- folds of the dress. In most instances, hytarrh of old persons, and not to that pro- drophobia broke out within two or three duced by inflammation of the mucous lining weeks after the infliction of the bite; its inof the bladder, which is, indeed, generally tensity appeared to bear no relation to the speaking, much more easily managed.- extent of the interval. In females, it never attained to such a violence as in males. Ibid. In general, the recurrence of the disease is very rapid, and hardly ever lasts more EXTERNAL USE OF PHOSPHORUS. M. Paillard has obtained very favourable than twenty-four hours after the first apresults from the external application of pearance of the characteristic signs. The phosphorus in all those cases which require precursory symptoms exist for a much a powerful irritation of the skin, which it longer time, and consist in great depression seems to produce even in a higher degree of spirits, restlessness, pain in the limbs and than moxa. A small piece of phosphorus, ! along the spine, headach, loss of appetite, of the size of a lentil-seed, being placed on renewed pain in the wound, and frightful the skin, is set fire to; the burning causes dreams, in which, not infrequently, dogs considerable pain, and is followed by much are heard or seen. Most of the .patients more intense inflammation than the applica- complain also of sore throat, and some diffition of the moxa. This method M.Paillard culty of swallowing, without any visible asserts to have been successful in several ’ sign of inflammation ; in others, there is an cases of asthenic ulcers, chronic bronchitis, excessive desire for sexual intercourse. The rheumatism, and several other inveterate first attack of hydrophobia always takes diseases of an asthenic character, in which place after some strong impression on the the use of a great many other very powerful mind; Dr. Meriiere observed it, in some instimulants had been resorted to without stances, after sudden exposure to draught ; in some cases onlv, the dread of water was any effect.—Nouv. Bibl. ,
found to increase the intensity of the fits ; in others, fluids were beheld and drunk
Dr. Meniére has
lately published
trea- without any