Hydropower tunnels in permafrost

Hydropower tunnels in permafrost

229A 876O99 Influence of fluoride on the compressibility of montmorillonites Sridharan, A; Rao, S M; Gajarajan, V S Geotechnique [-'37, N2, June I987...

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229A 876O99 Influence of fluoride on the compressibility of montmorillonites Sridharan, A; Rao, S M; Gajarajan, V S Geotechnique [-'37, N2, June I987. Pt97-206 Ionic pollutants may affect the electrical double layer of clay soils and significantly alter the mechanical properties. The influence of fluoride interaction on the plasticity, compressibility and permeability of a bentonite clay and a montmorillonite soil has been studied to provide information on possible change in volume and permeability of fluoride polluted clay soil. 876100 Electromagnetic pulse radiation from rock (In German) Reuters, H Gluckauf-forschungsh V48, N4, Aug 1987. P196-203 Electromagnetic emissions from a number of rock samples under pressure were studied to provide some basis for a method of identifying critical stress conditions in rock without physical contact. Quartz bearing rocks were seen to emit magnetic pulse radiation. The frequency range was determined. Radiation amplitude was dependent on quartz content, particle size, and pressure. The existence of this radiation was confirmed by underground measurements. 876101 Hydropower tunnels in permafrost Jacobsen, T S; Mai, H lnt Water Power Dam Constr V39, N6, June 1987, P26-35 The design of the first hydroelectric plant in Greenland necessitated study of the thermal regime around water tunnels in permanently frozen rocks. Models were developed to analyse the risks of ice formation in the tunnels under continuous or intermittent flow. The impact of the results on the design of the project and on its running is described. 876102 Changes in TRM and ARM in a basalt due to laboratory heating Kono, M Phys Earth Planet Inter V46, N1/3, June 1987, P1-8 Laboratory heating in air often results in changes in remanance properties of natural rocks. A basalt sample containing titanomagnetite as the main remanance carrier was heated for times 3-300mins. The change in magnetic properties was explained by high temperature oxidation of the titanomagnetite. Remanent magnetization in both original and heated samples has two components: high blocking temperature, high coercivity fraction and low blocking temperature, low coercivity fraction. Thermoremanent (TRM) and anhysteric remanent magnetisation (ARM) show distinctly different behaviours in this change. 876103 Heavy metal adsorption by laterites and clay - an experimental investigation on laterite-
876104 Cyclic freeze-thaw influence on frost heaving pressures and thermal conductMties of high water content clays Yong, R N: Boonsinsuk, P; Tucker, A E Proc 5th (1986) International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium, Tokyo, 13-18 April 1986 ['4, P277284. Pubt NY: ASME, 1986 The effect of cyclic freeze-thaw on previously unfrozen high water content clays has been examined, with regard to the effects of cycling on the prediction of heaving pressures and assessment of thermal properties. Thermal properties are modified according to microstructural changes which occur after the first cycle. Results presented include necessary modifications to analytical models to allow agreement between measured and predicted values of thermal properties. The influence of the number of cycles after initial freezing is an important consideration in this analysis. 876105 Boundary integration equation method without matrices Hromadka, T V Proc 5th (1986) International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium, Tokyo, 13-18 April 1986 V4, P237243, Publ NY: ASME. 1986 The Complex Variable Boundary Element (CVBEM) provides for the exact solution of the two dimensional Laplace equation which can be used as an approximation of a slow moving freezing front through wet soils. A new approach for developing CVBEM approximation functions is presented. The CVBEM approximation developed is the best approximation in an equivalent vector subspace. Because orthogonal functions are used, matrix solutions are eliminated; thus, considerably reducing the computational effort and memory requirements. Auth. 876106 Large scale seasonal heat storage in rock Nordell, B Proc International Symposium on Engineering in Complex Rock Formations, Beijing, 3-7 November, 1986 P351-356. Publ Beijing: Science Press, 1986 Large scale seasonal heat storage systems are described, with particular emphasis on borehole heat storage. Heat efficiency and storage capacity are examined as a function of size. The Lulea, Sweden, heat storage, which consists of 120 boreholes to depth of 65m in 100 000 cubic metres of granite, is described. Design, construction, operation, economics, and requirements for drilling, which is the major contribution to construction costs, are discussed.

Permeability and capillarity 876107 Permeability determination in crystalline rocks by standard geophysical logs Katsube, T J; Hume, J P Geophys V52, N3, March 1987, P342-352 The formation factor obtained from the focused-electrode log can be used to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of unfractured crystalline rock using a laboratory derived empirical relation. The ratio of formation factors from the focused-electrode log and density log can be used to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of fractured zones using an empirical relation obtained from in situ hydrogeological experiments. Studies carried out in this manner are pertinent to crystalline rock formations examined for nuclear waste disposal.

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