but in a dilution useful.-(;. Egli Of Double Surg
of I:3 or I:4 they may be very
Michael J. (October), 1974.
Two infants with double stomachs were treated in different ways. both successfully. The first had excision of the duplicated portion with shared stomach wall and limited pyloroantrectomy. In the second case. submucosal dissection at the point of gastric attachment permitted removal of the duplication along with ectopic pancreas.-E&&J. Berman The Effect of Vagotomy
of the
Small Bowel Flora. G. G. Browning, K. A. Buckon,
and C. Mackay. Gut 15:139-142,
Intestinal contents, aspirated from the upper small bowel of three groups of patients were cultured both aerobically and anaerobically. Group A (35 patients) had unoperated chronic duodenal ulcers. Group B (25 patients) had bilateral truncal vagotomy with either a Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty (I I patients) or a retrocolic gastrojejunostomy (I4 patients). Group C (eight patients) had simple closure of perforated duodenal ulcer. Fecal type organisms in a concentration of at least IO’/ml aspirate is accepted as “significant colonization.” Three per cent of Group A had “colonization” of the upper small bowel; 92”” (of 25 patients) of Group B were colonized when examined 7-10 days postoperatively. Eighteen months later 32”, (eight patients) were still colonized. Whereas the incidence of colonrzation after pyloroplasty fell from IOO”,, to 9”, over this 1%mo period. the corresponding fall from 86”” to 50”,, in the gastrojejunostomy group was significantly less. No correlation was found between gastric acid levels and colonization nor between colonization and postoperative diarrhea. -~ J. J.
tery), blood In the feces was the most common clinIcal symptom in 96.1”“. A palpable tumf.lr was less frequent. Nearly 75”” of the patients had an ileocolic. 20”,, an iteoileocolic Intu+ susception. In 25 of the 105 cases there were demonstrable anatomic alterations. such as hypertrophy of the Peyer patches, Meckel’s diverticulum. hemangioma. or a benign polyp, which might have been responsible for the intussusception. All the patients underwenl operation. In 92 patients, a manual reduction was carried out. In the rest (I3 patients). resection of the intussusception or of the damaged bowel had to be done. Owing to the fact that diagnosis was delayed because of the susplcion of dysentery. there were I4 deaths. In six of them resection was carried out; the remainder died from bronchopneumonia. aspiration, etc. Two patients who were thought at operation to have a reducible intussusception. died from infarction of the intestine later on In the past 3 yr. however, there has been no death.--.4ndrew Pi&r Hydroxystearic lleal
and J.
Resection. R. Pearson.
H. 5. Wiggins, J. H. Cummings, Gut 15392-395, 1974.
It has been suggested that IO-hydroxystearlc acid, which is present in the stool m Increased amounts after ileal resection. has a cathartic effect. Ten patients who had had ileal resectIons were submitted to two types of stud!. First, fecal IO-hydroxystearlc acid output and fecal weight were measured while all ten Ate Identical diets. Second, the fecal IO-hydroxystearic actd content was altered by altering the dietary fat. and the stools were analyzed as In the first study. There was no correlation between the stool IO-hydroxystearlc actd content and &jrrhea in these patients. It is concluded that IO-hydroxystearic acid plays no significant part in postileal resection diarrhea.-J. J C‘orker)
Appendicitis Surgical Infants.
Management Gy. Kefeti
Gy. Hongos.
Orv. Hetil.
115:1746-1750.1974. The authors have reviewed 105 cases of mtussusception in the past 15 yr (1958 -1972). All infants were first referred to a hospital for dysentery. Sixty-two and eight tenths per cent of the patients were less than 6 mo old, 26.6”,, between 6 and I2 mo. 5.8”,, and 4.8”, were between I and 3 yr and 3 and 9 yr. respectively. Because of the prelimtnary diagnosis (dysen-
E. Warner,
Children. and
Med. Assoc. 66:375-379
Meadows. J. Natl. (September), 1974.
The authors reviewed the hospital recorda ol 263 children under I6 yr of age. who were operated upon for suspected appendicitis in three different hospitals between 1964 and 1973. Ot these, 156 (59”“) had acute unruptured appendlcitis. 46 (17.5”,,) had ruptured appendicitis. 50 (I’J”,) had mesenteric lymphadenltls. and I I (A”,) had other pathologic entities. There i> no mention of instances in which no disease