Hyperplasia of the endometrium following operative procedures on the ovary

Hyperplasia of the endometrium following operative procedures on the ovary

ANDREW%I, F'I' .\I , _ : KII,ATEKAL OVAKTAN DERMOIDS 461 (7) Pratt, J. P.: Ibid., p. 986 (Disc. Wilson’s paper). (8) Pratt, J. p., HambW E. C., Ea...

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ANDREW%I, F'I' .\I , _ :




(7) Pratt, J. P.: Ibid., p. 986 (Disc. Wilson’s paper). (8) Pratt, J. p., HambW E. C., Eamm, O., and McGinty, D. A.: Endocrinology 20: 741, 1936. (9) Jones, Howard IV., and Weil, Pa& G.: J. A. M. A. 111: 519, 1938. (10) Browne, J. S. L., and Penning, E. M. : Lancet 2: 1507, 1936. (11) Evans, H. M., Kahls, C. L., and Wonder, D. H. : J. A. M. A. 108: 287, 1937. (12) Zawodzinski, T.: Polski gaz. lek. 11: 10, 1932. (13) Collip and Campbell: Ibid. (14) Zondek: Ibid. (15) Phillip : Miinchen. med. Wchnschr. 81: 869, 1934. Ibid. (16) Ehrhardt, E.: (17) McGinty, McCullough, and Walter: Proc. Sot. Exper. Biol. & Med. 34: 176. 1936. (18) Levy, Suzanne: Contributions to the Study of Bilateral Cysts of the Ovaries During Pregnancy, Thesis, Paris, 1921 (Librairie Litteraire et Medicale, (19) Eiss, Stanley: Am. J. Surg., Louis Amette, 2, Rue Casimir, Delavigne, 2). new series 10: 338, 1930. (20) Lynch, F. W.: California & West. Med. 35: 415, 1931. (21) Caverley, C&s. E.: AM. J. OBST. & GYNEC. 21: 566, 1931. (22) McKerron, R. G. : Pregnancy, Labor and Childbirth with Ovarian Tumors, New York, 1903, Rebman & Company; Pregnancy and Ovarian Tumors, London, 1906. (23) Waldstein, E.: Zentralbl. f. Gyn%k. 53: 1305, 1929. (24) McEerron, Tiber, L. J., and Turkel, S.: Ibid. (25) Brouha, M.: Liege Med. 21: 511, 1928. (26) Frank, R. T.: J. A. M. A. 84: 517, 1925. (27) Erik, M., Ask- Upmark : Acta Gynec. 5: 211, 1926. (28) Pzlcel: (Quoted from (29) Heils : Miinchen. Stanley Eiss.) Am. J. Surg., new series 10: 339, 1930. med. Wchnschr. 51: No. 3, 1904. (30) Remy: De la Grossesse Complique de Kyste Ovarique, Paris, 1886. (31) Allen, W. M.: Biochemistry of the Corpus Luteum Hormone Progesterone, Sex and Internal Secretions, ed. 2, 1939. (32) Hamblen, B. C., Ashley, C., and Baptist, M.: Endocrinology 24: 1, 1939. (33) Storer, R. F., and Pratt, J. P. : Ibid. 24: 29, 1939. (34) Ralcofl, 8. E.: AN J. OBST. & GYXW. 38: 371, 1939. (35) Bantock: Brit. M. J. 1890. (36) Kosminski: Przegl. Irk. 44: 1905. (37) Nystrom, Engstrom: Mitteilungen Aus d. Gyn. Klin. VII. (38) Ranch, 2. Weifei’: Diss. Leipsiz, 1905. (39) Schockaert, R. : Bruelles-med. 14: 596, 1934. (4n) Lezly-Solal, E.: Bull. Soe. d’obst. et gynec. 23: 613, 1934. (41) Faure, 6. L. : Ibid. 23: 614, 1934. (42) Gellhorn, George: Am. J. Obst. 64: 296, 1911. (43) Wells, H. Brooks: Ibid. (44) Campbell, Malcolm: Trans. Edinh. Obst. Sot. 32: 184, 1906.7. (45) Matthew, Frank 8.: Ann. Surg. 82: 483, 1925. (46) Campbell: Lancet, 1907. (47) Lery, Szcsanne: Theses pour le Doctorat en Med. Contribution a 1’Etude des Kystes B. Lateraux des Ovaires. (48) ldem: Ibid, Case of M. Faure, reported as (‘Ohs. 11. ” (49) Runeskog, B.: Zentralbl. f. GynLk. 56: 2898, 1932. (50) Abrwzese, C.: Arch. di ostet. e ginec. 19: 274, 1932. (51) Duncan, Perry E.: Minnesota Med. 8: 195, 1925. (52) Stropeni, 1;.: Ann. di ostet. e ginec. 38: 493, 1916. (53) Loewy, R., and Gzleniot, P.: Rev. de gynecz. et de chir. abd. 6: 247, 1902. (54) Case of Chantreuil, 1894, cited by Lesourd in thesis, 1894. (55) Case of Galabin, Trans. Obst. Sot., London 38: 101. (56) .ndan.gim: Arch. de Gynec. et de tocol. 23: 69. (57) Deletrez: Gyn&cologie 18: 450, 1914. (58) Delporte: Bull. Sot. d’obstet. de Paris 11: 89, 1908. (59) Polichetti, E. : Rassegne d ‘ostet. e ginec. 14: 188, 1936. (60) Dsirne: Arch. f. G.ynMIk. 42: (47, 48, 49, 50), 1892. (61) Essen-MoZler. E.: Zentralbl. f. Gyngk. 28: 1905.


Munoz, Hector Procedures


Hyperplasia Bol. Sot.

on the Ovary,

of the chilena

Endometrium Following Operative de obst. y ginec. 4: 71, 1938.

The author reviews the literature and reports two cases of hyperplasia of t,he endometrium following operative procedures on the ovary. He concludes that the gynecologic operations which more or less considerably reduce ovarian tissue may produce hyperplasia of the endometrium with typical hemorrhage. The anatomic alterations found in these cases are identiral with those encountered in laboratory animals.