Abstracts of papers in this issue If ~yncotx occurs. the patienl should be placed in the recumbent position and treated supportively as necessary Thisadverse ettect ~sselt-limiting and in most cases does not recur atter Ihe initial period 01 therapy or during subsequent dose titration Patients should always be started on the 1 mg capsules of MINIPRESS (prazosin hydrochloride). The 2 and 5 mg capsules are not indicated Ior initial therapy More common than loss of consciousness are the symptoms olten aswaled with lawerin 01 the blood pressure. namely, drzziness and Ii htheadedness. The pa5.renl should be caultoned abOUt these wsSlble a! verse &?.cts and advrsed what measuresIO lakeshould they develop The patient should also be cautioned to avoid situations where injur coukt resull should syncope occur during the initiation 01 MINIPAE k S (prarosin hydrochloride) therapy. llup k PN nmrwp: Although no teralooenic etlects were seen in animal testing, t c e salely ot MINIPRESS prazosin hydrochloride) in pregnancy has not been establlshed MINIPRE 8 S (prazosin hydrochloride) is not recommended in pregnant women unless tbe patefltial txnetil ouhreighs poleniial risk IO molher and letus. In CMMnn: No clinical experience IS available with the use 01 MINIPAESS (prazosin hydrochloride) therapy are: dizziness 10 3%. headache 7.8%. drowsiness 7.6%. lack 01 energy 6.9%, weakness 6 5%. palpitations 5 3%, and nausea 4 9% In most instances side effects have dismearedvnth contiwed therapy or have been tolerated with no decrease in dose DIdrUg The lollowin reacbons have been assocraled wth MINtPRESS (prazosin hydrochloride P some 01 them rare1 (In some instances exact causal retalionships have not been eslablishe c!.) Gastrointestinal~ vomitino. diarrhea, constipation. abdominal discomfort andlor pain Cardiovascular, edema, dyspnea. syncope. tachycardia Cenlral Nervous System: nervowe?$ vertigo, depression, paresthesia Dermatologic. rash, pruritus, alopecia, lichen planus. Genltourinary: urinaryfrequency. incontinence, impotence. priapism EENT: blurred vision. reddened SClsra, epistaxis, RnnItuS, dry moulh, nasal congestion Olher diaphoresis Single reports 01 pigmentary monling and serous relinopathX and a lew reports ot cataract development or disappearance have been reported. In these inslances, the exacl causal relationshlp has nol been established because the baseline observations were frequently inadequate In more specilic slit-lamp and funduscopic sludies. which included adequate baseline examinations. nodrug-relatedabnormal ophthalmological tindin shave been r oned DO&E AND AD~lNl3lllIIOII: The dose 01 MINIPRESS (prazosrn hydrochloride) should bsadiusledaccordinglo the 8..&en&individual blood pressure response The tollowing is a QUide to its a minlSlrabon
0: MINIPRESS (prazosin hydrochloride) isavailable in 1 mg (while #431), 2 mp (pink and white #437) ca sules in bottles al 250. tLlO0. and unit dose inslltutional packages 01 100 ( f x w)‘s). and 5 mg (blue and white #438) capsules in boitles oi 250, 500 and unit dose inslilutional packages 01 MO 10 x x)‘s) More derailed m 1ormation avadabte on request Nelarences: 1 0 Conner OJ. Preston RA. Sass0 EH Renal perfusion changesdurlno treatmentolessential hy rtension: Prazosinversw ropran0101.JCardiovase Pharmacoli(ruppl): P38.S42,1979.2. FatareA 8 Salako LA Theeffect otprazosmcombined w,thadiurel,c,poly(hiatide. inh p&ensive Atricans. Gun The1 Res 25 10-15, 1979.3 Okun R. Maxwell d Long-
JAMA 240 (23). 2553-2556. December I. 1978. 5. Ettects 01 prazosin in the control o! blood pressure in h JCardiovasc Pt!armacet l(suppl):S43-355, 19 Helgeland A, elal: Ettect otpropran&l and prazosinon blood lipids: The Oslo sludy Lancet: 4-6. July 5. 1980. 7. Loweoslein J. Neusy A-J: The biochemica ettectsolanlihyperlensivea entsandthetmpact onatherosclerosis JCardievasc Pharmacotl (suppl 2).1 262.S264. 1982 8 Kokubu T. lloh I, Kurita H, et al’ Ettect of prwsin on serum Ii ids JCardtovesc Phamwot4 (suppl2) SZ28-S232. 1982.9 Velasco M, c dva Ii. Moritto J. ei al: Effect ol prazosin on blood lipids and on th roid tunction in hyperlensive patienls J Ca~dkwesc Pthwmacol4 (suppl2). 6 225.S221.1982