Hypomagnesemia and renal magnesium wasting in renal transplant recipients receiving cyclosporine

Hypomagnesemia and renal magnesium wasting in renal transplant recipients receiving cyclosporine

Hypomagnesemia and Renal Magnesium Wasting iri Renal Transplant Recipients Receiving Cyclosporine CYRIL H. BARTON, M.D. NOSRATOLA D. VAZIRI, M.D. DON...

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Hypomagnesemia and Renal Magnesium Wasting iri Renal Transplant Recipients Receiving Cyclosporine


From the Divisions of Nephrology and Urology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California. Requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr. Cyril H. Barton, Division of Nephrology, University of California, Irvine Medical Center, 101 The City Drive, Orange, California 92668. Manuscript submitted July 7, 1986, and accepted May 15, 1987.

Following the adoption and use of cyclosporine as the drug of choice in the management of renat allograft recipients, several,cases of symp tomatic hypomagnesemia were noted. These observations prompted the current prospective study of serum concentration and urinary excretion of magnesium in 27 renal transplant recipients treated with cyclosporine and prednisone. Relevant laboratory measurements were obtained shortly before and regularly after transplantation. The results were compared with those obtained in a group of 17 allograft recipients treated with azathioprine and prednisone. The cyclosporine-treated patients showed a significant reduction In the serum magnesium concentratlon and an inappropriately increased urinary excretion and fractional excretion of magnesium, suggesting renal magnesium wasting. The observed hypomagnesemia required magnesium supplemen; tation in nearly all cyclosporine-treated patients. In contrast, azathioprine-treated patients showed normal serum magnesium concentrations and required no magnesium supplementation. In conclusion, administration of cyclosporine in renal allograft recipients appears to be commonly associated with renal magnesium wasting and hypomag nesemia. Therefore, Wis recommended that serum levels of magnesium be monitored regularly in renal allograft recipients receiving cyclosporine and that magnesium supplementation be employed as needed to avoid magnesium depletion. Currently, cyclosporine is widely used in the management of patients who have undergone organ transplantation. Although use of cyclosporine affords unquestionable benefits such as improved allograft survival and reduced steroid requirement, it is associated with various toxic effects. Nephrotoxicity with functional renal insufficiency remains the major adverse effect of this drug. Other side effects and complications include infection, lymphoma, hypertension, hyperkalemia, seizures, gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism, and hepatotoxicity [l-8]. We have observed symptomatic hypomagnesemia in several renal allograft recipients treated with cyclosporine but in none of those treated with azathioprine. We, therefore, undertook the current study to examine the possible association between cyclosporine and magnesium depletion in renal allograft recipients treated with cyclosporine and prednisone. The results were compared with those obtained in allograft recipients given azathioprine and prednisone. PATIENTS AND METHODS Cyclosporlne-Treated Group. Between July of 1984 and December of 1985, 42 renal transplant procedures were performed at our institution in which cyclosporine and prednisone were used for immunosuppression.



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We were unable to include 15 of these patients in our study because of early allograft failure (three patients), death (three patients), and loss of follow-up (nine patients). Of the 27 allograft recipients who were studied, 25 were cadaveric, whereas two were living related donors. Sixteen were men and 11 were women, with an age range of 23 to 63 years and a mean age of 44 years. The cause of end-stage renal disease was chronic glomerulopathy (eight patients), diabetic nephropathy (seven patients), nephrosclerosis (five patients), polycystic kidney disease (two patients), chronic interstitial nephropathy (two patients), and renal failure of unknown etiology (three patients). Prior to renal transplantation, 25 patients had been treated with long-term hemodialysis, whereas two patients were managed on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. lmmunosuppression was accomplished using cyclosporine and prednisone. A dose of 5 mg/kg per day of cyclosporine was administered intravenously for the first three days of engraftment followed by orally administered cyclosporine (10 mg/kg per day). The oral dose was rapidly tapered so that by the sixth week most patients were receiving approximately 5 mg/kg per day with individual adjustments being made to maintain trough serum levels between 60 and 200 rig/ml. Patients were also treated with intravenously administered methyl prednisolone, 1,000 mg per day in four divided doses, for three days followed by a rapidly tapering schedule of orally administered prednisone so that by two to three months after engraftment most patients were receiving 15 to 20 mg per day. Other medications included the routine use of oral antacids (aluminum hydroxide or aluminum phosphate gel) or ranitidine during periods of high-dose steroid administration. Antihypertensive medications including cionidine, hydralazine, and/or propranoioi were used when indicated to control blood pressure. Eleven patients (41 percent) also received furosemide as an adjunct in the management of hypertension. Since furosemide is known to cause renal magnesium-wasting, data from these patients were compared with those obtained in the remaining 16 patients who did not receive furosemide. Arathioprine-Treated Group. Seventeen patients (11 cadaveric and six living related donors) who underwent transplantation at our institution and were treated with azathioprine and prednisone were included for comparison. Eleven were men and six were women, with an age range of 25 to 51 years and a mean age of 36 years. The cause of endstage renal disease was chronic glomeruiopathy (six patients), diabetic nephropathy (three patients), nephroscierosis (one patient), chronic interstitial nephritis (two patients), Aiport’s disease (one patient), lupus erythematosis (one patient), and renal failure of unknown etiology (three patients). Prior to transplantation, 16 patients had been treated with hemodlaiysis, and one patient was managed with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Eight patients (47 percent) were receiving furosemide in addition to other antihypertensive medications including clonidine, hydraiazine, and/or propranoloi. None of the patients was receiving any magnesiu.in-containing preparations. Although all patients were studied prospectively, only three could be entered into the study at the time of engraftment. We were not able to study a larger number of azathioprine-treated patients in a parallel fashion due to the fact




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that the vast majority of patients who received transplants at our institution after July of 1964 were given cyciosporine to achieve immunosuppression. The additional I4 azathioprine-treated patients were selected from our clinic popuiai tion and represent a group of consecutive recipients witii good aiiograft function who underwent transplantation prior to the introduction of cyciosporine at our center. The mean duration of engraftment of this group at the time of entering the study was 23 weeks, while the mean serum creatinine level was 2.1 mg/dl. Control Group. The control group consisted of 30 normal volunteers, 16 women and 12 men, with a mean age of 39 years. None of the participants in the control group was taking any drugs or receiving magnesium supplementation. Mid-morning serum and urine samples were obtained for measurement of magnesium and creatinine concentration. Methods. In the cyclosporine group, baseline laboratory measurements were obtained shortly prior to engraftment and were repeated at weekly intervals for eight weeks and at monthly intervals for four months after transplantation. In the azathioprine group, laboratory measurements were also obtained at weekly intervals for eight weeks and at monthly intervals for four months; however, in only three of the 17 patients could baseline measurements be obtained. Blood specimens were drawn in the morning, after approximately 10 to 12 hours of fasting. Serum concentrations of creatinine, sodium, chloride, potassium, bicarbonate, caiciurn, inorganic phosphorus, and albumin were determined using standard methods, while serum magnesium levels were measured using a DuPont automatic clinical analyzer. Plasma trough levels of cyciosporine were measured using radioimmunoassay approximately 12 hours after administration of the last dose, with blood specimens being kept at 37’C prior to plasma separation. Both timed and spot urine collections were obtained for measurement of creatinine and magnesium concentrations. The urine magnesium concentration was measured using atomic absorption. Twentyfour-hour urinary magnesium excretion was calculated from the urine concentration of magnesium and 24-hour urine volume. Fractional excretion of magnesium (Feyg) was calculated using the following formula: FeMg = UMg/SMg

f UCr/SCr

X 100

where UMg and SMg represent urine,and serum magnesium concentrations, respectively, while UCr and SCr represent urine and serum creatinine concentrations, respectively. Since approximately 20 percent of serum magnesium is protein bound and not ultrafilterable, using the serum magnesium level in the foregoing formula slightly underestimates true fractional magnesium excretion. This relatively small systematic error, however, is common to both groups and all collection periods and as such should not affect the significance of the observed changes. ‘” Data Expression and Analysis. The data are presented as mean f SD. The Student t test and regression analysis were used where appropriate. Changeover time in the serum and urine measurements was evaluated by means of a repeated measures, multiple analysis of variance in order to determine the significance of any trend. p Values less than 0.05 were considered to be significant.





Data in Serum Cyclosporine-Treated

Serum Magnesium* (mg/W

Patients Baseline Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 6 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6

2.6 2.1 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.7

f f f f f f f f f f f f f


Serum Creatinine’ (WdU

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3

10.7 f 4.0 f 3.1 f 2.4 f 2.3 f 2.3 f 2.4 f 2.1 f 2.1 f 2.0 f 1.6f0.7 2.2 f 2.0 f

NA = not available. * p
Urinary Magnesium (mg124 hours)

3.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 1.4 1.1 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.7

NA 115f75 92f 66 f 114f41 147 f 101 f 146 f 101 f 95 f 103f 120 f 125 f

0.7 0.7

were evaluated trends.

by a multiple

The mean serum and urine values collected over month study period in the 27 cyclosporine-treated are


magnesium to engraftment, ease. nesium

However, levels

Table I. The



of 2.6 f 0.4 is characteristic

by Week dropped to




mg/dl, measured of end-stage

2 of engraftment, 1.8 f 0.4 mg/dl


prior dis-






serum magnesium supplementation (750 to 1,500 mg further significant concentration majority of levels fell magnesium whom pletion increase




below 1.6 was initiated per day) reduction

occurred patients.

as required. in mean beyond the However,

to values between supplementation

exhibited (muscle doses

further mg/dl, using

oral magnesium magnesium oxide Consequently, serum magnesium third serum

0.9 and in five

signs and symptoms weakness and tremors) of magnesium oxide.



despite two of

of magnesium that responded The percentage

deto of

cyclosporine-treated patients requiring supplemental magnesium oxide at given intervals during the study is shown in Table I. As can be seen, by the end of five to six months,


all patients

m?gnesium supplementation. The urinary magnesium tion of magnesium in the



excretion and cyclosporine-treated

and fr@ional


renal magnesium-wasting. correlation between

There the


pendency function

was magne-


NA 379 f 294 f 453 f 367 f 299 f 165 f 196f70 202 f 266 f 365 f 169 f 251 f



of and

fluctuations throughout

in the


significant concentration

of calcium, inorganic chloride, bicarbonate,

97 161 146 56 170


p Values

less than 0.01

0.56, p the de-

hypomagnesemia on renal magnesium-wasting.


correlation between the and serum concentrations

phosphorus, or albumin.

serum study,

NA 11 11 26 46 60 62 56 65 67 64 95 96

concentrations (r = further demonstrates

the observed is consistent no

Percent Receiving Magnesium Oxide

254 330 264 260 196 105


serum creatinine This association

There was magnesium


potassium, sodium, Although considerable

cyclosporine somewhat

levels higher

were noted levels present

during the early weeks of engraftment no doubt reflect the higher dosages of cyclosporine administered at that time. Our data, however, show no significant correlation bethe



of cyclosporine

renal magnesium-wasting A comparison of the who did not did receive there were subgroups fractional cate not

receive furosemide this drug is shown no significant in terms of serum

excretion only that


with in



differences magnesium

of magnesium. a factor (or factors)

the degree



11 patients who II. Surprisingly, between the concentration

These other

two or

findings indithan furose-

hypomagnesemia were not substan-

Comparison of Serum and Urinary Magnesium Values In CyclosporlneTreated Patients Receiving and Not Receiving Furosemide No Furosemide

Serum magnesium @W-W Fractional excretion of magnesium (percent) Serum creatinine (mg/di)



and/or hypomagnesemia. 16 cyclosporine-treated

mide was responsible for the observed but also that the effects of furosemide

excrepatients at

the end of Week 1 were 115 f 75 mg per 24 hours and 15 f 8.0 percent of filtered magnesium load, respectively. These values remained inappropriately high throughout the study period despite persistent hypomagnesemia, which suggests also a significant

sium and

week in the magnesium

1.1 mg/dl patients,


Serum Cyc!osporine Wml)

6.0 6.7 7.7 8.7 6.7 6.5 5.1 4.0 4.6 7.0 9.9 a.7

of variance,


serum magand by the end

NA f f f f f f f f f f f f

15.0 12.6 13.0 14.2 15.2 13.5 14.2 9.7 10.1 15.6 14.5 13.3

52 32 39 14 a 11 31 42


of Week 3, frank hypomagnesemia was present (levels 1.6 f 0.2 mg/dl). These changes in serum magqesium levels were highly significant (p

Fractidnal Excretion (percent)

19 34

serum just renal






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1.6 f



16.1 f


14.0 f

2.7 f



of Medicine


p Values NS











of Relevant

sM9 (m9W

Groups Cyclosporine-treated Azathioprine-treated p Values

1.7 f 0.3 2.3 f 0.4



FeMg (percent) 13.5 f 7.0 5.0 f 2.8
scr (mgldl) 2.6 f 1.5 2.1 f 1.0 NS




In Cyclosporlne-Treated




4.5 f 0.6 4.5 f 0.7 NS

142 f 3.5 142 f 5.2 NS





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107 f 8.0 104 f 7.9 NS

sMg = serum magnesium; FeMg = fractional excretion of magnesium; sCr = serum chloride; HC03= bicarbonate; Ca = calcium; Pi = phosphorus. * Cumulative mean values collected over a six-month study period are shown.

tially additive. It should be pointed out, however, that approximately half of the patients included in the furosemide-treated subgroup were only intermittently receiving this agent, which may explain at least in part why more severe hypomagnesemia was not observed. In contrast to the findings in the cyclosporine-treated patients, serum magnesium levels in the 17 azathioprinetreated patients were at the upper limits of normal (normal range for serum magnesium concentration reported by our laboratory is 1.7 to 2.4 mg/dl) at 2.3 f 0.4 mg/dl during the six-month observation period. Furthermore, none of the azathioprine-treated patients, including the three who entered the study at the time of engraftment, exhibited serum magnesium levels below 1.7 mg/dl, and none required or received magnesium supplementation. Table III compares the cumulative serum and urine measurements in the azathioprine and cyclosporine groups. It can be seen that serum magnesium levels were significantly higher while the fractional excretion of magnesium was significantly lower in the azathioprine-treated group as compared with the cyclosporine-treated group. Overall, these findings show no evidence for renal magnesium wasting or hypomagnesemia in the patients treated with azathioprine. The serum magnesium concentration in our 30 normal control subjects was 2.12 f 0.17 mg/dl. This value is significantly higher than the mean serum magnesium concentration in the cyclosporine group for the six-month study period (p
versus Arathloprlne-Treated



Groups* Albumin (Wdl)


24 f 3.9 28 f 5.7
9.9 f 1.4 9.7 f 0.8 NS

K+ = potassium;

3.6 f 1.8 3.2 f 1.0 NS Na+

3.6 f 0.4 4.0 f 0.4
= sodium;



tion of magnesium appears to be consistent with the mild to moderate functional renal insufficiency present in this group. COMMENTS

‘Hypomagnesemia developed in all 27, transplant redpients treated with cyclosporine atid prednisone. This condition was usually apparent by the second to third week after renal transplantation and was dependent upon allograft function as evidenced by a significant correlation between serum magnesium and cr&atinine concentrations. In most patients, a substantial drop in serum magnesium occurred following several days of good allograft function. In contrast, serum magriesitim levels remained normal or slightly elevated in those with poor or delayed allograft function. Since oral magnesium supplementation was routinely instituted when serum mtignesium levels fell below 1.6 mg/dl, severe hypomagnesemia was usually not encountered. However, moderate to severe hype magnesemia (serum magnesium 0.9 to 1.1 mg/dl)’ did develop in five patients, two of whom exhibited overt signs and symptoms of magnesium depletion, despite the just mentioned precautions. It is very likely that more cases of severe magnesium depletion would have occurred had not magnesium supplementation been routinely instituted. Supplemental magnesium in the form of oral magnesium oxide (750 mg daily) was generally adequate to raise serum magnesium levels to the low normal range in the majority of patients. Three patients, however, re’ quired much larger doses (1,500 mg of magnesium oxide per 24 hours). Based on our results, renal magnesium wasting was at least partially responsible for the observed hypomagnesemia as evidenced by the presence of inappropriately high urinary magnesium excretion and fractional excretion of magnesium in the face .of hypomagnesemia noted throughout the six-month study period. These findings would rule against inadequate dietaiy intake, malabsorp: tion, and/or gastrointestinal losses as the major factors contributing to hypomagnesemia since these conditidns are accompanied by renal magnesium conservation




[9, lo]. It should be noted that inadequate dietary magnesium intake may have occurred during the initial week of engraftment when most of the patients were unable to eat a well-balanced diet. However, reduced magnesium intake could not be implicated after this period when the patients received balanced diets as well as magnesium supplementation. Since we did not measure fecal magnesium excretion, we cannot exclude the possibility that such losses may have also contributed to the observed hypomagnesemia. This is unlikely, however, as none of our patients had discernible evidence of gastrointestinal disease on pre-transplant evaluation nor did they exhibit anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or weight loss during the study period. A number of factors may be operative in the genesis of increased urinary magnesium excretion following renal transplantation. First, hypermagnesemia is known to suppress tubular reabsorption of magnesium [9]. Although the slight elevation in serum magnesium observed prior to and shortly after transplantation could have initially contributed to the increased renal magnesium excretion, it could not explain the persistent renal magnesium-wasting in the face of hypomagnesemia. In addition, osmotic diuresis associated with urinary excretion of urea and other solutes is known to suppress tubular reabsorption of magnesium and could have transiently contributed to renal magnesium wasting during the initial post-transplant period [l I]. However, persistent renal magnesium wasting and hypomagnesemia long after cessation of osmotic diuresis argue against this possibility. Other factors that could have caused renal magnesium wasting in this setting include diuretic administration, hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, renal tubular acidosis, and other tubular disorders often present after renal transplantation [9,12-151. Loop diuretics may have contributed to the observed renal magnesium wasting and hypomagnesemia since 11 of our cyclosporine-treated patients (45 percent) received furosemide at some point during the study period. Interestingly, however, no significant differences were found in serum magnesium, fractional excretion of magnesium, and urinary magnesium excretion rates between the patients treated with furosemide and those who did not receive the drug. Certain metabolic, electrolyte, and acid-base disturbances, including hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, and acidosis, have also been reported to inhibit tubular reabsorption of magnesium [9,12,14,15]. As a group, however, our patients were normocalcemic and normophosphatemic throughout the duration of the study. Furthermore, serum bicarbonate levels were generally within the normal range, thereby excluding significant metabolic acidosis. As a final consideration, the observed persistent renal magnesium wasting could be explained on the basis of some type of renal tubular injury per se. Clearly considerable potential for tubular injury exists in the engrafted








kidney due to warm and cold ischemia, immunologic rejection, obstruction, infection, and/or nephrotoxic drugs. Not surprisingly, a variety of tubular abnormalities have been described involving renal allografts including the Fanconi syndrome, proximal and distal renal tubular acidosis, urinary phosphate wasting, impaired ammonium production as well as abnormalities in urine concentration and dilution [ 16-201. The most commonly reported electrolyte disturbances have been hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, and hypercalcemia [ 16,20,21]. In contrast, hypomagnesemia appears to have been quite uncommon in the pre-cyclosporine era, with only a few isolated cases reported in renal allograft recipients [22,23]. Although a mild defect in the tubular reabsorption of magnesium has been recently described in renal transplant patients treated with azathioprine and prednisone, this was not associated with hypomagnesemia [24]. In fact, serum magnesium levels were actually higher in the transplant recipients as compared with the control group, with no significant difference in urinary magnesium excretion noted between the two groups. Although the precise cause(s) of the reported reduction in the tubular reabsorption of magnesium was not known, the substantially reduced glomerular filtration rate (34.0 f 24.1 ml/minute/ 1.73 m*) and elevated serum magnesium concentrations present in the patients could have been responsible for this phenomenon. Based on the available information, serum magnesium levels are generally normal in renal allograft recipients treated with azathioprine and prednisone. Accordingly, in the study previously cited, the 36 transplant recipients had serum magnesium levels in the high normal range [24]. In addition, Ulmann et al [21] evaluated 44 patients with excellent renal allograft function (serum creatinine 1.2 mg/dl) and found serum magnesium concentrations and renal magnesium excretion rates to be normal. Moreover, in our own series of 17 renal allograft recipients treated with azathioprine and prednisone, serum magnesium and fractional excretion of magnesium measured from one week to 48 months after engraftment were 2.3 f 0.4 mg/dl and 5.0 f 2.8 percent, respectively. These values were significantly different than the corresponding measurements found in patients treated with cyclosporine (p

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renal allograft recipients as well as in patients with essentially normal native kidney function. Moreover, the findings suggest renal magnesium wasting to be operative in the genesis of the observed hypomagnesemia. Although the mechanism(s) responsible for the observed renal magnesium wasting remain unknown, there is considerable evidence implicating cyclosporine as a proximal tubular toxin [28-301. Specifically, dose-related increases in urinary excretion of several proximal tubular enzymes, including N-acetyl-fi-glucosaminidase and gamma-glutamyl transferase, have been reported [30]. In addition, a number of morphologic changes have been described involving the proximal convoluted tubules, including brush border abnormalities, cytoplasmic vacuolization, dystrophic microcalcifications, and cell necrosis [28,29]. It is, therefore, tempting to speculate that cyclosporine could cause renal magnesium wasting through proximal tubular injury and impairment of magnesium reabsorption. The available data, however, do not allow for such a conclusion and, to the contrary, cyclosporine may actually enhance proximal tubular reabsorption of filtrate as evidenced by the reductions in the fractional excretion of phosphate, lithium, sodium, and potassium shown in experimental animals treated with this agent [31,32]. A more important consideration is that the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop is the major site of magnesium reabsorption and as such may be the principal locus of action of cyclosporine on renal magnesium transport. However, the available data do not allow for localization


within the nephron of this apparent cyclosporine-induced magnesium transport defect. In summary, renal magnesium wasting and hypomagnesemia occurred in all 27 renal allograft recipients treated with cyclosporine and prednisone included in this study. In the vast majority, hypomagnesemia was apparent within two weeks of adequate allograft function and was for the most part correctable with oral magnesium supplementation. Renal magnesium wasting persisted throughout the six-month study period. In contrast, hypomagnesemia and marked renal magnesium wasting appear to be uncommon in renal allograft recipients treated with azathioprine and prednisone. In the cyclosporinetreated patients, renal magnesium wasting occurred independently of osmotic diuresis, diuretic administration, hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, or acidosis. The consistent association between cyclosporine administration, renal magnesium wasting, and hypomagnesemia, in the absence of other identifiable reasons, suggests a cause and effect relationship. Further studies are required, however, to determine the mechanism and site of the apparent defect within the tubules. Likewise, the relationship between the dosage of cyclosporine and the severity of the renal magnesium transport defect needs to be investigated. Since severe symptomatic hypomagnesemia can occur in association with cyclosporine administration, we recommend routine monitoring of serum magnesium levels and early institution of supplemental magnesium therapy when indicated in patients receiving this agent.











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