Hysterosalpingography in the new-born

Hysterosalpingography in the new-born

The result obtained from Experiments 5. 7, aud 8 in conjuncl iota with t,he cited clinical observations as well as the result of t,he physical and che...

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The result obtained from Experiments 5. 7, aud 8 in conjuncl iota with t,he cited clinical observations as well as the result of t,he physical and chemical aualysis of the amniotic fluid attcl -the histologic examination of the amnion by independent, groups of investigators justifies the conclusion that the amniotic fluid primarily originates from the placental circulation which may include that of the cord through the intervention of the amniotic epithelium. but that after the fifth mouth of pregnancy if not earlier, it is increasingly adm.ixrtl with fetal lirinr. REFERENCES

( 1)

R’ilZinms, J. Jc’.: Obstetrics, London, New York, L!CSO, I). Appleton-Century Zavqyemrister, Jr’., and Meissl, T.: Munchen. med. W’chnschr. 1903. (:: ) Malcepeace, A. W., et al.: Surg. Gynec. Obst. 53: 1931. (4) Cn&nrov>, A., h’tuckerl, El., and Da&s, R. C. : Surg. Gynec. Ohst. 57: 1933. (5 ) Gr~rnha.nm, R.: De&s&e med. Wchnschr. 31: 1676, 1905. (6) Stropmofj’, F.: J. Ohst. & Gynec. Brit. Emp. 41: 1934. (7) S&r&t, HA. R.: Monatschr. f. Gehurtsh. u. Gynak. 72: 1, 1926. (t( ) A1ban.o. G. : Zentralhl. f. Gynlk. (Abst. J. Olmt. S- (+ne(,. Rrit. Emp. 41: 193-t). Co.


Greenbaum,Katz, and Rule: 21 0,


and Marriage,

Am. .J. Syph. 6: N~~l~r~~~,19:


Of the 25 patients studied, 5 haql acute and 20 had zhroniv Iliscoverable some had but “serologic” syphilis, and others, nnces in one system or another. In not onr II* tlrwr, how.ver, stutly positive for Spirochetn pallida.

syphilis; of the latt,er. macroscopic disturllwn?; a single semen

Bpirocheta pallidn is known to occur in the semen of a tlrtinite percentage of This fact was generally ustierpaCents with unt.reatetl acute and chronic syphilis. t,ained by an examination of one specimen of semen and whereas in the present stmly Spilochrtn yaElirZn was conspicuous by its absence in all cases examined, :I c1cfinit.v am1 l)ismuth compoumls upon the sterilizing effect of at least, the neoarspllmaillinc semen of patients with xypllilis woultl aJ,pear to lye a ct~rt:iint,y. The valur of this study lies not only in ,demonstrating the Iloniufr~ctiousness of the semen of p:ttients untler trratmmt for syphilis but in imlivating u methotl c~f testing syphilitics men who insist on marriage beforr they havs hat1 adequat~c~ therapy. It is a test of in fertinusness that can be used More conten Jdaterl marriage in conjunction with the usual mrthotls of examination. (-I. 0. Mar,asu.

Yagi, H., and Yamabe, A.: Hysterosalpingography & (:vntv. 17: 412, 1934.

in the New-born,

‘1’lk~ authors injectetl iotlizetl oil into tllca utcsri of ten bahirs (fresh specimens). They fgmnd that the uterine They observe~l that the tubes were permeable to the oil. The fallopian tubes were whereas the cervix was long. The pressure required to inject the contrast tortuosities. and Z50 mm. Hg. The authors conelude that hyperplasin woman stands midway between the uterus of the newborn uterus of an adult woman.


.l. o t,sr.

female, mature nrwt~orn cavity ant1 the fallopian merine cavity was snmll intlistinct am1 l1a.d man) mrtlium was between 200 of the uterus in an all:& am1 the fully ~le~elope(l J. P. GREENHIIL