HyTEC maps hydrogen car infrastructure future in Europe The Hydrogen Transport in European Cities (HyTEC) project consortium recently presented its final results, giving a real-world insight into vehicle use and refueling operations at the new hydrogen refueling stations that were set up during this project in London and Copenhagen. HyTEC has explored how these technologies can be rolled out across Europe. The four-year HyTEC project, supported by the European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), expanded hydrogen refueling facilities in London and Copenhagen, and operated a fleet of fuel cell electric vehicles, including taxis and passenger vehicles [see the feature in FCB, February 2013]. The experiences gained in this project will feed into recently launched similar projects, including HyFIVE [FCB, April 2014, p1, and see page 2] and Hydrogen Mobility Europe (H2ME) [see the News Feature on H2ME in FCB, October 2015].
Key HyTEC outputs UÊ Ài>ÌÊvÊ>ʼ iÃÌÊ*À>VÌViÊÕ`i½ÊvÀÊVÌies and regions across Europe that have an interest in becoming early adopter areas for hydrogen-powered transport. UÊ *ÕÌÌ}Ê
6Ã]ÊÊ«>ÀÌVÕ>ÀÊ«>Ãsenger cars and taxis, on the road to demonstrate the role they can play in improving air quality in cities. UÊ ,iVi`>ÌÃÊÊÃ>viÌÞÊ>`ÊViÀÌvV>tion for hydrogen fueling infrastructure. UÊ *ÀÌVÊVÀi>Ìi`ÊvÀÊViVÌÊ>`Ê>>ÞÃÃÊ of data from vehicles. UÊ ÛÀiÌ>Ê>ÃÃiÃÃiÌÊvÊÛi
ViÃÊ>`Ê fueling stations. Hydrogen FCEVs are a real and viable alternative to those powered by petrol or diesel, offering zero emissions at the point of use. In an urban environment, the deployment of such technology can have a clear and demonstrable contribution to improved air quality and public health. There is currently an acute focus on the deployment of zeroemissions transport for cities. The work of HyTEC will provide improved confidence in the use of fuel cell technology solutions to improve air quality. The outputs from HyTEC will inform governments and cities across Europe on the key considerations when looking to implement a hydrogen transport infrastructure. This will ensure a greater understanding of what this technology can achieve, and play an important role in the future adoption of the burgeoning hydrogen energy market. 12
Fuel Cells Bulletin
European collaboration HyTEC brings together 16 partners from five EU member states (UK, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Spain) plus non-EU Norway. Half of the consortium members are in the UK: Air Products, Element Energy, LTI Vehicles, the Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies (Cenex), the Greater London Authority, Intelligent Energy, airports operator BAA, and London Bus Services. Denmark is represented by Copenhagen Hydrogen Network, the City of Copenhagen, and Hydrogen Link Denmark, while the German partners are hySOLUTIONS GmbH, Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST), and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft research organisation. Also involved are Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Electro-mobility in European Regions (HyER, formerly HyRaMP) in Belgium, and MATGAS in Spain. The total HyTEC budget was E29.5 million (US$31.7 million), including E11.9 million ($12.8 million) from the FCH JU. It was set up to create new European hydrogen passenger vehicle deployment centres in London and Copenhagen, and also to link existing and new FCEV demonstration projects across Europe, including a small fleet of passenger cars deployed in Oslo.
Setting future pathway A key objective was to understand how best to develop infrastructure networks, including the rollout of hydrogen fueling infrastructure around key cities. There was a particular focus on strategic clustering to encourage the sustained growth of the hydrogen transport sector. This is especially important as it expands and enters the early commercialisation phase across Europe. ‘The outcomes of HyTEC’s work really will set the future pathway for successful adoption and implementation,’ says Dr Emma Guthrie, HyTEC project coordinator, and UK business development manager for hydrogen energy systems at Air Products. ‘The learning from the HyTEC initiative will provide incredible confidence to governments,
investors, developers, and energy providers to see that the future for hydrogen-powered transport will become a reality.’
Demonstration projects Across Europe, HyTEC acted as a catalyst and a link for key demonstration projects.
In London: UÊ i«ÞiÌÊvÊ>ÊviiÌÊvÊvÛiÊvÕiÊViÊ
ÞLÀ`Ê taxis in July 2012. UÊ «iÌÊvÊ>Ê«À}À>iÊvÊ«iÀ>Ì}Ê the taxis, initially to support Mayoral activity during the 2012 Summer Olympics and Paralympics in London [FCB, November 2011, p7], and then subsequently to achieve performance targets. UÊ i«ÞiÌÊvÊÌ
iÊ1½ÃÊvÀÃÌÊÃÌ>`>iÊ hydrogen fueling station at Heathrow Airport in July 2012 – the first public hydrogen fueling facility in the UK. UÊ i«ÞiÌÊvÊÌÜÊÞÕ`>ÊÝÎxÊÕiÊ iÊ passenger cars to Transport for London. These were part of the first commercial fleet of fuel cell cars in the UK on commercial leases.
In Copenhagen: UÊ /
iÊ`i«ÞiÌÊvÊ>ÊviiÌÊvÊÞÕ`>ÊÝÎxÊ Fuel Cell cars [FCB, June 2013, p2]. UÊ /
Þ`À}iÊvÕi}Ê stations for the Copenhagen area. UÊ Þ`À}iÊvÀ>ÃÌÀÕVÌÕÀiÊiÝ«>ÃÊ>>Þsis for Denmark, which has contributed towards a new energy plan for Denmark.
In Oslo: UÊ ÞÕ`>ÊÝÎxÊÕiÊ iÊV>ÀÃÊÜiÀiÊÃÕ««i`Ê to Oslo, to help increase utilisation of an existing hydrogen fueling network [FCB, February 2015, p2].
More information HyTEC project: Download presentations at final workshop: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking: Air Products, Hydrogen Energy:
November 2015