by Li”d
LonsdaffJ, C.N.M..
M.P.H. Barbara Brennanb bouk give8a brief nm.dow” of the development 0‘ nursemidwifery in the United Stat.98;a synw s,s 0‘ the sd”catiorl 0‘ ““rse-rr,dw,“es and their Mie”,atio” toward the normal ohildbealtng pccess; and an in-depth
description of the private nume.midwifcry practice at Roosevelt Hospital. New York City. The book also briefly dis. cusses “anpus subjects like home birth and the benefits of women caring for women. Desdte the swnewhat mislead. ing titte, this is not a home midvAlery text
In the Preface Michae, Lamb CMnants that iMpaction of the table of :ontentsQi”eso”eanideao, the ,a”es w,lved in def,n,nQ tix father’s role in *lik, develcpment: “What is the “*we 1, fatherohM interndon? What intklmce does the father-child re$tionship we on sex-role. mcra,. and intellechla, ,ew,opment7 Within which thewet&, ~meworks can explanations be >C”Qht?What is the effect of Q,owl”Q ,P without a tither? Is the nature of the ather-child ralattonshlp c”,klre-sPsciIic, or are there similarities ,mm c”,t”re Lo c”,t”re. and from species to spacies?“(ix) References to st”dies in the chapters are presented in bma,th. Readers wil have to check the anjnat sWTcBs fol indepth details. At first glance ““me midwives may be surprised at MB Pa” citv 0, stlldif~s on father-neonate inter action. This is not an omission. Feu st”d,es have been conducted with thi!
Tb.Ro,.d th. Father lnChlldDwtq.nnmt Lamb. YF., E&J,.
“at. XXII, No. 4 WlntH 1970