J. Great Lakes Res. 27(2):115–116 Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res., 2001
IAGLR’s Opportunity to Strengthen the Science-Policy Linkage in the Great Lakes Basin In 1998 the International Association for Great This grant from the Joyce Foundation provides Lakes Research (IAGLR) adopted a Five-Year Plan IAGLR with a unique opportunity to not only im(1998–2003) to promote large lakes research, eduprove access to the scientific knowledge that resides cation, and scientific advancement. This Five-Year in the Journal of Great Lakes Research, recruit Plan focuses on nurturing future Great Lakes scienmembers to translate and communicate science to tists, improving the quality and prestige of the Jourpolicy makers via a web-based directory, and test nal of Great Lakes Research, improving the Annual out practical techniques of strengthening the sciConference, increasing the Association’s outreach ence-policy linkage on three timely policy issues, to policy makers and the non-science community, but it also provides a unique opportunity to address and ensuring the Association’s membership growth recent concerns for reductions in research budgets and financial stability. and monitoring programs. IAGLR has long argued In direct response to the objective in the Fivethat knowledge from research and monitoring proYear Plan to increase the Association’s outreach to grams provides the foundation for sound Great policy makers, the Board Lakes policy development of Directors submitted a and management, and, proposal in fall 2000 to the therefore, that adequate reJoyce Foundation to Through the Joyce Foundation search and monitoring prostrengthen the science-pol- grant, IAGLR has a unique op- gram budgets must be icy linkage in the Great sustained. Over the next Lakes Basin. IAGLR’s portunity to strengthen its role in two years IAGLR can Board of Directors is communicating and translating strengthen its role in compleased to announce that in municating and translating December 2000 the Asso- science for Great Lakes policy science for policy makers. ciation was awarded a makers. More knowledgeable Great $176,500 grant from the Lakes policy makers can Joyce Foundation to imnot only improve policy prove communication bedevelopment and managetween Great Lakes scientists and policy makers. ment, but also can result in greater support in the fuAmong other things, this two-year grant will: ture for Great Lakes research and monitoring programs. For example, well-informed and support• establish a policy advisory board to guide the ive policy makers and legislators in Florida were inproject; strumental in securing a multi-billion dollar • build a web-based directory of IAGLR scienappropriation for research and action to address retists and researchers to answer questions from source management problems in the Everglades. policy makers; Each of IAGLR’s members makes a substantial • convert all back issues of the Journal of Great contribution to increasing knowledge and underLakes Research into an electronic format for standing of the Great Lakes and other large lakes. the Association’s web site; This lays the foundation for sound, science-based, • participate in a pilot project designed to policy development and for effective, ecosystemstrengthen the science-policy linkage on three based management. With the Joyce Foundation policy issues; and Grant, IAGLR will be meeting a need identified by • develop advice from IAGLR for strengthening policy makers to strengthen the science-policy linkthe science-policy linkage for the Great Lakes age, demonstrating practical ways of achieving it, in the future. and communicating the value and benefits of Great
John H. Hartig
Lakes research. Over the next two years each of you will have the opportunity to get involved in this project by agreeing to be part of a web-based, expert directory of IAGLR scientists and researchers for Great Lakes policy makers and by participating in one of IAGLR’s three pilot projects that will be undertaken to strengthen the science-policy linkage. More information on this unique opportunity will be provided to the membership through IAGLR’s homepage and via its listserve. IAGLR needs your involvement to help to make this project a success,
achieve the outreach goal identified in its Five Year Plan, and fulfill its goal of promoting and disseminating research on the Great Lakes and other large lakes of the world. John H. Hartig, President International Association for Great Lakes Research Greater Detroit American Heritage River Initiative U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Safety Office 110 Mt. Elliott Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48207-4380