Symbiosis of Human and Artifact Y. Anzai, K. Ogawa and H. Mori (Editors) © 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
ICAI system for Japanese Students to Learn Korean Writing Kyu-Keon LEE t and Katsuhiko SHIF[AI t tSchool of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo,169 Japan It is important to find variable cause of composition errors in the composition training for the beginner of Korean language. This paper describes a new intelligent computer assisted instruction (ICAI) system for Japanese beginners to learn Korean composition. Our system supports t.o clarify the problems caused from the grammatical differences and makes effective learning based on the grammatical similarities. Exl)erimental test was performed to evaluate the practical learning effects and educational effectiveness by this ICAI system, the results of evaluation experiments show the effectiveness of this ss'stem.
A CAI systems have been studied with a lot of attention as a suitable method to learn a foreign languages[I]-[4]. A linguistic education, especially the coml)osition field of a second language, has drawn considerable attention. For this purpose, various educational applications or tools have been developed. Typical CAI systems which have been developed for linguistic education have concentrated on the study of grammar and idioms. A few of these systems have the ability to analyze composition errors, if the native language of the beginner has the grammatical similarities to the target language[5]-[6]. These systems were mostly used for English language and its sinfilar language. We have proposed an ICAI system for Japanese Students to learn I,:orean composition. This system is based on the principle that Japanese and Korean languages have many grammatical similarities[7]-[8]. To use the similarities, Jal)anese beginners are able to learn more ea~sily Korean language than the case to learn the other foreign languages. The student can compose directly substituting I,:orean words for .Japanese ones in the basic sentence. It is not needed to explain for complicate I,:orean gramlnar rules. Therefore, the teaching method which uses grammatical sinfilarities is effective. On the other hand, the beginner often yields incorrect sentences 1)y slight grammatical differences. This system can be used clarify the cause of composition errors with attention to grammatical differences. We examined learning effects and educational effectiveness 1)y evaluation experiments using this system. The experiments were (lone for two groups of students who had the same initial knowledges: Lecture-group learned by ordinary lecture. CAI-group learned by ICAI system. From these results, the variance of learning effect for personal learner was shown higher for the Lecture-group than for the CAI group. And, the level of knowledge acquisition of students in the CAI-group was higher than that of students in the Lecture-group.
Grammatical tem
S i m i l a r i t i e s a n d its a p p l i c a t i o n to C A I sys-
In general, Japanese and Korean languages have quite sinfilar grammatical structure. For example,
1. Japanese:anatah__a (jakuseidesu.(S C V) t Ko'l'ean "dangsineun h,agsaeng ibnida.(S C V)* 2. ,lapanese:kareha u'n,do,~two sitate.(S 0 V) t Korean :gewne'un undongeul haessda.(S 0 V)* *S: Subject O: Object C: Comprcment V'Verbs In these sentences, we recognize that two languages are very similar 1)ut in the underlined parts there are slight grammatical differences. The grammatical similarities and differences between two languages ('an be summarized as followings. 1. Similarities (a) The word order and syntactic structure are ahnost the same: The I(orean language can make sentences 1)y selecting Korean words corresl)onding to Jal)anese words and 1)utting then in the same word order as Japanese. (b) The Noun concepts of Chinese character are a hnost the san:e: It is possil)le to immediately understand meanings by using Chinese character and easily memorize words.
2. D'~ffere'n,ces (a) The predicate parts and c()njugation rules: The ('onjugation rules of the two languages are not always the same. EsI)e('ially, the Korean irregular ('onjugations have more various rules than the Japanese ones. (b) The sen:anti(' correspondence between .]al)a.nese and Korean is not one-to-one but has complicate relationships: The students make a lot of coml)osition errors owing to these differences. Therefore, we have applied the CAI s)stem by the following i(leas. 1. Using the grammati('al similarities, the Japanese beginner directly sul)stitutes Korean words for Jal)anese ones, having the advantages that active writing is performe(1 and complex grammar rules need not be considered while writing. 2. The beginner often yields incorrect sentences by the differences. Therefore, we analyzed the con:position errors by gramn:atical differences.
Specification of Error Causes from Composition
Actually, tile student can ('onq)ose a Korean sentence from the given statement expressed in Japanese 1)y the following steps;(1) select Korean words, (2) arrange th,ese words, and (3) transform th,e sentence into a string of Korean characters. Figure 1 shows the eoml)ositional errors that may occur in each step of the composition process. In addition, errors may oc('ur 1)y applying incorrect knowledge of Korean grammars. The following essential knowledges are required to analyze compositional errors occurring in the (.on:position process:
1. Transformation of Korean character strings 2. Transformation of associated syntactic st'l"uct'u'res 3. Semantic relationships between ,la,panese and Korean These kllowle(lges are integrated into the proposed COlnl)osition error analysis an(l advicebased teaching strategy methods.
The composition tlailfing IC,AI systenl consists of a student h'arning envirolm~ent, a. text. knowledge 1)ase fbr ta.rget languages, a. student diagnosis module and a tea(.hing module as shown in Figure 2. At first, this system shows a begilmer course Korean text and guides Japanese student t)3' giving a pl)ropriate coml)ositional exercises. As tile stu(lents leall:S the basic Korean language a ll(l performs the ('oml)osition training, we generally find varial)le COlnpositioll errors. The cause of COlnpositiol~ errors (-an be detected 1)y the analysis using the knowledge accumulated in the student diagnosis 1nodule. The tea chillg 1nodule provides to students suital)le explanations of tile (ause of tile ('On:l)ositiol~ errors. l Problems
m,,. -L__~, m=_==b=~aJ .................,................................115 ....................i..........
Composition process
] ("T. . . . f o r m i n g ] /
miruta = bo assd
mita = boassd
wo(.JL °i".jr.-aJ,J
miru =boda ta ssda
[ :=.:,c ] ( s:=::icj E. . . . . . . . . .
i I Necessary knowledge sources
l'n'==°' ....
hanismJ i
.... ' . . . . "°"1
l mechanism
Transformation! Transformation ....
Figure l'The Colnl)osition Process and Necessary Knowledge Sources. Text
:.72.~......~.....;....7..:........I...]]~....7....!.........::....;::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::: ~ [ ] ! i Text knowledge User interface 1~--]! i
{Irs:Tt?°nTh:::_!!~_u__ct_ufe: _°fsYic~ !! f !!!esss!!~
Teaching module
:. [ Errord,g ..... ] i ,fTeachingstrategy ] : l ......... j i l j :
..... ........................ :.......................................... Z
i Student diagnosis module i
~ i i : - ~
1 Learning history / i i[ Exercise' ]. J !i ................................ ]~ Video camera Student learning environment : I ~
Figure 2:Systeln Configuratioll.
The text knowledge 1)ase in('ludes essential backgroun(1 knowledge and COlnpositional exercises. Background knowledge is ('onq)rised of a beginlwr course Korean text fbr llOllI,Corean-speaking Japanese students. This text is based on the I,Corean language text used in Korea and Japan, .i.e., one is I)ublished in .Jal)an to teach Jal)anese Korean language and the other is used at tile "Korean Linguistic Laboratory" in Korea to teach non-I,2orean speakers the Korean language. The size of the knowledge 1)ase is about 130 Korean gralnmar rules, 1000 basic vocabulary words, and 250 1)asic exalnple sentences. Our previous research[6][7] has showll the knowledge base ('OlltaillS tho ll(~(-ossary gramlnatical requirements to meet our purposes. The text, base is constru(ted via botton>ul) structures using low-level to high-level se('tions with the objective to learn all necessa,ry ilfformatioll. Exercises are i)erforme(1 using monitor-disl)layed senten('es. While learning, a student can freely query the knowledge base. As a student ('omposes a I,Corean sentence, the systeln 1)erlnits the students to access salnl)le Korean texts in the knowledge base, auxiliary
848 texts describing grammatical information and a Japanese-b:orean dictionary: The system may be sequentially utilized in each lesson in order to give appropriate compositional exercises. The student can learn according to a set of curriculums of teaching strategy asking grammatical questions and/or refer to grammatical rules.
S t u d e n t Diagnosis M o d u l e
The student diagnosis module evaluates the state of student comprehension based on the results of his or her responses behavior and analyzes errors contained in the input coml)ositional sentences. The system analyzes the inl)ut biorean sentence morphologically. The system uses the following three methods which are able to detect compositional errors and then diagnoses their cause. 1. Analysis using knowledge on transformation of Korean character strings: this method analyzes the cause of composition errors that occurred due to transformation of Korean character strings. Such errors are caused by incorrectly using Korem~ grammar rules, e.g., conjugation, inflection and declension. 2. Analysis using knowledge on transformation of syntactic structures: this method analyzes errors due to differences between the syntactic structures of the two language. Such errors occur by incorrectly arranging the selected Korean words,e.g.,syntactic structure, verbs modify nouns and the tense.
3. Analysis 'using knowledge on semantic relationsh,ips between Japanese and Korean: this method analyzes errors due to semantic differences between two language. Such errors occur by incorrectly selecting the Korean words, e.g., selection of the postposition or auxiliary verbs.
Teaching M o d u l e
The teaching module contains built-in teaching strategy and an advice generation mechanism. Teaching strategy is based on the principle that the Japanese and Korean languages are grammatically similar. Initially, the student directly substitutes Korean words for Japanese ones using grammatical similarities. The advice generation mechanism provides explanations of the cause of coml)osition errors using a text editor. The advice consist of 4 template which includes information such as error type, error contents, hints, and grammar explanations. This advice is generated based on the results of error analysis. The advice explains to emphasize grammatical similarities and differences between the two languages.
Learning E n v i r o n m e n t
The student's learning environment consists of a student interface that provides simulations for presenting text knowledge and allows the student to take more initiative as learning activities progress. A situation memory stores the student's behavior.
4 4.1
Evaluation M e t h o d
The purpose of experiments are to evaluate practical learning effects and educational effectiveness by ICAI system. The experiments were done for two groups of students who had the same initial knowledges. One group had ordinary lectures for learning of Korean compositions by a human teacher (Lecture-group). The other group had the same course
presented by the ICAI system (CAI-group). Then, the evaluation procedure is shown as followings. 1. Pre-test: In order to estimate the knowledge level of the students, a pre-test was first performed. 2. Learning: Students studied the Korean on the same text by CAI and by le('ture. 3. Post-test: A written examination related to Korean composition was performed after the learning. 4. Questionnaire: Students' opinion was examined about the CAI system and the lecture by the Questionnaire. From these results, the comparative analysis for its learning effect was (lone statistically. 4.2 Results and Discussions
(1)Distribution of composition errors The distribution of composition errors are shown in Table 1. The collected errors are classified according to the error causes. Most of these errors are found from the grammar differences. Morphological errors take the large part of the whole errors. The most errors of morphological errors were conjugation errors. Therefore, our system could detect exactly grammatical errors by using error analysis method with attention to grammar differences.
(2) Results of pre-test and post-test The results of the tests are shown in Table 2 and Table 3. Given 20 problems, a test score was calculated a,s 5 points per one problem. We can see following results. • Difference of the scores between the pre-test and the post-test, the CAI-group gets max 84, rain 42 and average 69 points, and the Lecture-group does max 77 rain 12 and average 53 points. Therefore, the improvement obtained by the learning is larger in the CAI and the standard deviation appears higher in Lecture-group. Consequently, the learning effect of ICAI appeared better than ordinary lecture. Table 2:Test score in Lecture (12 students). Table l:Distribution of Com:)osition Errors. Type of errors Numbers frequency(%) General errors 53 15.82 48.06 Morphological 161 errors Syntactic errors 65 19.40 Semantic errors 46 13.73 2.99 The other errors 10 100 Tot al 335
Pre-test 165 30/0 13.75 Post-test 707 82.5/12 58.92 Table 3:Test score ill CAI (10 students).
Test Pre-test Post-test
Score Max/Min 151 29.0/0 731 85.0/48
Deviation 8.76 16.86
Average Deviation 15.10 8.28 73.10 11.96
(3) Significance test Since the number of subjects was not large enough, we need to do the significance test about the improvement. The difference of average value for pre-test and post-test between two groups was tested. The conditions of significance test are level of significance 0.05, degree of freedom 20 on the t-distribution. The result of significance test shows in Table 4. As the critical point of significance test, pre-test is rejected and post-test is accepted. Therefore, It was characterized by t-test with 5% significance that effectiveness of learning by ICAI system is larger than that of learning by lecture.
(4) Questionnaire and student's opinion The questionnaire asked that several items including language ability, experience on
the conlputer, student's opinion, desire and attitude about learning l)y CAI system and by lecture. We got generally a.ffirmative resl)onse for the CAI system from students through the result of questionnaire. Ta.ble 4:Significance Test,. Test P re- test Post- test,
Estimation value 8.9.58 15.561
Statistic volume 0.35 l 2.128
Level(0.05) 1.725 1.725
Ju~lgment Rejected accept ed
In this paper, we proposed a. new 1L:ethod of IC,AI s3-steln for .Japanese to learn Korean composition of the beginner course. Iv\Tedescribed error a.nalysis method and teaching strategy o11 tile ICAI syst.em using grammatical sinfilarities and differences. From tile result of experi:nent, we believe that the introduction of granmlar sinlilarities made the ICAI system nlore effective for the language training. The method may be applied to other languages by analyzing the gramnlatical similarities an(l dissinfilarities betweell tile target languages. To in:prove tile quality of the system, we nlust to study more appropriate method of error analysis and teaching strategy in order to al)plying higherlevel course in Korean. Towards this end, it is necessary to quantitativel3" exanline the influence of various gramnLatical features.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Tile authors are greatfl:l to Dr.Tatsuhiro Konishi of Shizuoka University, Dr.Akira Takagi of the CSK Corporation and 1)rof.Hiroyoshi Ohara of Vv'aseda University for their conmlents which motivated this research.
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