

YidUlrll, 21 I%,lJnlhl,i q %~'iHcnllu-l ll~qll l.mflile ol lhe sh~rt41rle, rcqulrmg up h~ ll`ircc year~,, l~) re!2.uln equlhllrlum, 2 ehmlllall~ln ~l...

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YidUlrll, 21 I%,lJnlhl,i q %~'iHcnllu-l ll~qll

l.mflile ol lhe sh~rt41rle, rcqulrmg up h~ ll`ircc year~,, l~) re!2.uln equlhllrlum, 2 ehmlllall~ln ~lt Vlrluallv all tauna and Ih~ra Ir~m~ lhc mkJ and upper inlerlidal z,me rmJlUlrlrll2.., hHJr h~ ~lohl v~;ll ,,, ll~ rerm'cr, a n d ? - Lrlunler¢=u,,, large ,.,¢ule ,,(.'C()lldar~ I[TlpUCI'., a,.,,.,;~ClalCd V.,llh lhe prut'llt'Ulllle',

ill II"I~,' r, wk

wlJshlng ~iperall, m

,.,IJeh u% incldcnl,Jl ,.,[illl,,, n~il,,,e, ulr p~ilhJlll)rl, isillUlllln, ari, l hluman inlru,.,l,ili A', u re,.,u[l, lhe V c(m,,.'hJde lhal ll'u' hl udv ,.d r~~ri~,,l,,' ,,u PI'" ~rI', lhe rlul ural cleun IJrl pr, ~ce,,~,e,., and lhe O~[lllrllJilll~irl ¢~1 lh(' ].)rL',,enl uppr(,vvd vleun up im~grurnrri~-' v, hwh i,., c~mcerned primardv wilh ri.'rrl~ l~,'I[I~ un%. ,ul relnalnlnlZ ,~rl l l-le '.,urlacc ~I lhe '..,[1~~rel, Thl,,, view i,, n~l ,,,hared I~V ,Alaska SI;Jle I)Hlel;IIs wh~) ',,;iv Ihe rep~rl I', ~,~r~rl!~ h~ CII',,¢I~LIRI excaVUlln!.., I~eilu'hw,,, 'They al,., clulrn Ihul Ih,' N E B A pr, we,,,,, i,,, huJIl~ and tall,,, h) rt'pre,,;enl Ihe .%lak~',,, Iiilere!,l,, Acc~mJlnL., ' Io lilt' ~.~lulc), iIiI ~,,plll re,,p~m~,,e ~'~ ~mJlrlah)r, Rundv Bavlls,,, Ihen-' i,~ rl,~l em u~,h i.'vld~:ncu' h~r N()A,A h~ re,'wh iI,,,

redlJcll~)ns wllllllul dl,,rUpllng t'~mpellllve c~mdlll~m,, ellher nUll~inallv ~r inlvrnall,mullv .%~mle areu,,,~l c~rl tern lhal per,,tsl v..illl regard I~ lhe eHe(.'llVene,,',, ~I cnvlr~ )nmenlal regulali~ ~nl., are t.~xamlned in delall 'Thle,,e omrcrn,., h u m lhe hucl,,!_.?r~und h~r lhe nev,' p~dluli, m L'~Inl r~ )I rc!2ul;.ill, m,., h ir l l-le pulrJ un(l paper irldu,,,l rv l l'ull v, ill h~: v,,,,ued I_W ll-lc h.'&:r;~l ~2.~~vernrrlerll lhI'.., %,cur 'Thin puhllt'all~m (E.N,-II)-3,~J,-I'~L~IIE.), i,., availahle lhm,Jgh u large rwlV,,~rk ~I c~imm~'rcl;_ll l ~ , N s h m ~,, ;ih,,(iClUled ~'1111 rh(' (_'(_IP(.' II can he u'l_~rl'.,IJIh.~d ul m~,re Ihan ~l)ll de[~v,,ih~rV llhrurie., a=.'r~,,,~,, Canada, and illl,,~ purcha;,v.d Iw mull tr()m Ihe Cunadl;in ( h w e r n m e n l l'uhll,,hlng Cenlre, (_)lluwa, C;inada K I A ().%1.)

Round-the-World News

~;~mchJl,l~l'l!., F u r l h e r l r l , ~ r e . he t'lalrlls l h a l "an i n ~ r d l n a h ' UDl~lUrll ()I .eH~rl v,a', dev~lh.'d Ill a,,he,_,,,irl+~ e.',il,.,llrl~. ~+r


[uflenllul et.'~d~)!.2.1c,l[. ~'l'Iv'nllC',Jl, ;IMd lu<~rph~fl~!_.,,,cal t'~n dili~m'., cm ,:alldlduh. ~ lw;whe'., lh,r r,)('k v,,+,,,h,r,!:,l, v,,'hil'.,l 'vL'rv lltlle empha,,i,., v,.'a,, !..,,i~,en I=~ '.,vcly.hlng luch)rs ll'lal mlglll l.,ll~v'.'., I,i~','..' renlalllliU~ , ~ll ci~uhJ aMe('l hlJmati

Fears ~1 ,wedi,,t'ung may lead Iceland I(~ cul iIs Green land hullhul cak'h Iw hull nexl ,¢eur 'T'hl',, year',, calch i~, '.,~ lur hull lhe ",", (I()() I ~'auglll in lU)N'-~ F'i,.,hermerl haw.rcp(~rlcd increu~mg diHicuhles in llndmg the Greenland I-laht~ul which Ihev have heen l a m i n g h_) m~re and tin)re al,, an allerrlallw: h~ qu~ Ha regulaled lrudllumal ,,peele,,


The N(_)~A reporl esllmal~:"~ Ihal vlrluallv all ,~1 the ~ul buried In gravel ,,,hluuh:l he rem, wed, given rill hJrlher Irealrnenl in II)+ vcar',, in ,,,hellercd purl,, ~t Prince Wnll[um S o u n d , ~-'~ vear,, irl ,,,hehered ~)lJler K c n a l , 2-,4 veur', in e~po,.,e¢l purl,., ,~I P r l m ' e W t l l l a m ,.%ound, a n d l ',,~-'ilr,., in ~)ul~r K e n a l l - h e ',llJl..'Iv I% lhe llr,.;l h) pr~w~dc the [..)uhhc wllh a

I~,~,vl'rnrnenl eM IITI;lle ~ll h, Iw h ~n!.,, the E.'~,,i~ul Iblrh.', '.~plll will rk'llgUlrl Ill Ilw ~l,lVlriH,inlL'rll und !,,upp~rlh ;i rc'[){irl put~h',,17ed I'w E x x~ u,l ~'~II~) t'l)mmlNSl( Irled lhree Br Illsh '.~L'l~1r,lli,.,Ih I~ make tlehJ ,d~.,ervail~m,, ~)1 Ihe impacled ,,J-u~re,~ earlier In Ihl' v e a r (M.'e ,'lllll I'~dl.t [hill 21, 37()- ;71)

Conlndling Pollulion from Canadian Pulp and Paper Manufaclurers: a Federal Perspeclive E'nvlr~mmenlal C'anada, in c,,qDerali~m wilh lht' Cari;Idlan (.i~wernmet,ll FhJhli,,l-lmg C'enlre. ha,, lUSl puhh,,,hed ;I rep~rl entitled C'~ulmdlmg I g d l . l . m #'~.n

C'a.nH.m f'ulp anH fl~p~'r t~hm,llwlun'~,~ ,'4 h~'d,'tal f~'~p~'~'ll~'~' (_)1 Ihe exl,,Img Canadian pollull(m c,_)nlr~,l regulall~)rls and guidelines, Ihe ~ddesl are Ih~,~e directed ;11 IIle pulp arid paper mduslry T'hlm sludv as,.esses II-le [.m~grcss Ihal Ila~, heen made in p~fllul.m c~mlr, d in the (_anadlarl pulp umJ paper InduMrv a,,; a re,,ull (it Ihe F~'d~'rul Pulp and Paper E'Hluenl Abulenlenl Regu lall~rls ~fl 1~71 and Ihe air em~;,s.)n guuJchnen Ihal were e,,,lahll,,hed in 1~47u It c~)nchJde~, Ihal IIw induslrv ha',, D'dlJcL'd I1,, ~,.a,,,le
(_hwernme`l`ll:, ha',c plave~l a suhslunlial r~l,~ ~n hMplrlg lhe pulp amJ paper Induslrv achieve lhe,..,e

LIK (.'~)urluuhJ.~, has been lined .t' l"~ (H)(i hdh_)wmg pr, l,,eru Ii~)l,l by Ihe U K Ni.iit~lrlal Riw:r,.; A u t h ( i n l y h)r dl!,, rimr!:in~, ow.'r iX ()()() I ~t acid irll~) Ihe River [)erwenl ll'i nl)rlh easl Englund. ,-I()()() h,,,h were killed when ari undcrgr~iund pipe IrucllJred alh~wlng ihe pollulanl inh_l file river

Netherlands Re,,;ean'hers al lhe Nelherland,, (_)rgantzal.m h~r A p p l i e d Sclerlllhc Research have dls(',,ivered thai the ~'~rnm~n rrlu,,,,sel i,,, capable ~pl re..p, mdlng hv ch~,;ing h~ h~w level,~ ol DdhJlanls F~r example il wan h~und IIlUl Ihe mu,~,¢el shells wL.JM ch~;,;e in Ihe pre,,,ence ot lead levels ()1 2£()-3()() g 1-', I n b u l y l l l n ()xlde level., ~t I - 5 g I -I and du, persed crude ,,ll levels ~t (I t~-h () g I -I France The hrl,,I ,,alm, m !,,r~rl in an ~dt,,h(m:, farm barge have heer= I'lurvesled and markeled oH Ihe (:~asl ~1 Brlllanv 'The ,,,almon reached marketable ,,,ize ( ~ kg) in (rely II m~)nlhv, aller ;,rnolI,J Ir(_)rrl N(wwav were placed in funks h)rmcd in Ihe h()hJ ot Ihe I[(-) metre hmg /h' ~(ul~' b' l;-',t 'The wuler in the lank,, i,., pumped ,)iJl ~I lhe sea Ir~,im vari~us deplh,, al a rate ,d 27()() m ~ h -t 'The ~wner,,, ~I lhe larm barge, lhe French o~,mpanv Salmor, claim lhal lhc h,,h pr~du,ced arc ,,,uperi~!,r I,~ cemven li~)nallv [armed ,,,It ~¢k
