tylx, fire of \vhich n-ere present also in the mandible. Case reports are given of the al)o~-e-ruentiolle~l 2 solitary tumors and of 4 of the multiple cases wit,h tumors also of the mandible. In 3 of these 4 cases the process had originated in the mandible. A description is given of the diagnosis of roentgenologic changes in the jaw. The author claims that both of the two solitary neoplasms exhibited a noncharacteristic roentgcn pit-ture which roultl be interpreted only as a malignant tumor. Neither could the less a,l\anced of these two cases be clearly distinguished from osteitia originating from the root of a decayed tooth. Roentgenologically the more adranced 1Tase simulated a maxillarcancer. Neither could they lie distinguished by clinical differential diagnosis. The histopathologic findings were the only evidence available for a differential diagnosis of the two solitary plasmocytomas. The multiple myelomas located a1.w in the mandible exhibited a more varying roentThe author holds that. he has found two main types: (a) punctiform foci gen picture. scattered over one or several regions,, and (bi a uniform neoplastic formation. A third type consisting of small scattered regions of neoplastic destruction might possibly be distinguishable. In the first type the punctiform foci soon fuse to form various-sized coalescent areas This is the most of dest,ruction with marked osteoporotic and often rarefied margins. characteristic type of plasmocytoma of the jaws? even though it is not pathognomonic. Surely some cases of cancer, and probably also certain cases of o,steitis, are capable of simulating this type of neoplasm. The other main type, a uniform growth, has two variants, a pure osteolytic tumor and a trabeculated one. Roentgenologically the former cannot be distinguished from certain other semimalignant and malignant tumors, neither is it possible definitely to distinguish the latter roentgenologically from a few other known t.ypes of neoplasms mentioned by the author. The author therefore holds that in the absence of other typical skeletal findings it is not possible to make a clear-cut positive x-ray diagnosis of a plasmocytoma of the jaws. Idiopatisk
av tsnder.
Rev., no. 1, pp. l-21,
of Teeth.)
Anders Sonesson.
A review of the literature suggests that the roentgenology of idiopathic tooth resorptions has received insufficient attention. The author gives a description of the roentgen picture on t.he basis of 11 cases, in 3 of which more than one tooth was involved, namely, in one case 4, in one 3, and in one 2 teeth. Three teeth of one of the patients were also examined histologically. In all three of them the lesion most probably commenced in the periphery of the root. It is often difficult, or not po,ssible, clinicoroentgenologically to differentiate the internal from the peripheral form. The treatment and prognosis of these lesions are briefly discussed.
bidrag till cementoblastomets diagnostik och rtintgenologiska differentialdiagnostik. (A Contribution to Clinical and Roentgenological Diagnosis of the Cementoblastoma.) Anders Sonesson. Slrtryck ur Odontologisk Tidskrift, no. 4, pp. 409-414, 1949.
The author describes a case of a semimature cementoblastoma, the size of a pigeon’s egg, in a “l-year-old man. The tumor had originally been diagnosed as a fibro-osteoma. He discussed the differential roentgen diagnosis of cementoblastomas of this type, and in which respects they differ from other similar hard tissue tumors.
Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone. 32-A: 311, 1950. In this work neurofibromatosis
Jose valls. Moises Polak, and Fritz Schajowicz.
the writers were attempting (von Recklinghausen) and
to verify localized
J. Bone Wurg.
the concepts of Thannhauser that and disseminated osteitis fibrosa