208 hesitation in saying that convalescence in these is much more comfortable and rapid than it would have been were abdominal drainage adopted. Again...

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208 hesitation in saying that convalescence in these is much more comfortable and rapid than it would have been were abdominal drainage adopted. Again, the advantages of operating by the vaginal route, rather than the abdominal, whenever possible. is appreciated by most gynaecologists. I think I can safely assert that the tendency amongst the younger gynaecologists is to operate by the abdominal route ra.ther than the vaginal. Vaginal hysterectomy appears to be rather out of fashion in these days. but it may be that Dr. Lister’s paper will bring this no


into the limelight again. If we can avoid an abdominal incision so much the better. Dr. Lister has shown us what an important factor it is in the production of pulmonary embolism. I am Sir. vours faithfully, TREVOR B. DAVIES. Ha.rley-street, London, Jan. 18th, lJ2i.

IMMUNITY TO IMPLANTED TUMOURS. To the Editor of THE LANCET. SIR,—Dr. Lumsden’s paper in your last issue, on the immunity to irnplanted tumours, raises many There is, however, one issues for controversy. which appears to be of outstanding imrpurtance. Fig. III. A and Fig. V. A of his paper are described as microphotogra.phs of normal in vitro cultures of a mouse carcinoma and of a hurnan carcinoma showing cancer cells. They serve as controls to other illustrations. In each figure are to be seen scattered cells, entirely separate from one another. Now in my experience carcinoma cells do not grow in vitro in this way ; they extend out from the implant in the form of continuous sheets, or less often columns, of cells. In Fig. III. A the cells have the appearance of small wandering connective tissue cells, and in Fig. V. A of fibroblasts. The question raised therefore is, are these cells cancer cells, or are they normal cells derived from the stroma ? The figures open another consideration. Referring again to Fig. V. A, it is certain that, at any rate, Some of the cells are fibroblasts, and yet in the illustrations for which this figure serves as a control. all the cells exhibit cytolysis. It is remarkable that if anticancer sera are being used, normal cells should also suffer destruction. If in a culture of carcinoma normal cells degenerate as well as the cancer cells, it is evident that antibodies against cancer are not being dealt with. Inoculated cancers do not, of course, form pure antigens, seeing that they consist of cancer cells derived from some unknown animal mixed with normal cells from the animal from which the




Nevertheless, the question arises, why are normal cells, present in cultures of carcinoma, cytolysed by anticancer


I am,


The Radium Institute,



J. C. MOTTRAM. London, W., Jan. 17th, 1927.

A METHOD OF ELECTRICAL TREATMENT FOR ENLARGED PROSTATE. To the Editor of TmE LANCET. SIR,—Respecting the causation of prostatic hypertrophy it is agreed that little is known, but probably a sedentary life with enfeebled circulation in the extremities causing chronic congestion is conducive It has been estimated that 1 in to the condition. every 3 men over the age of 60 complains of symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate. A catheter life is not a pleasant prospect. with the possibility of a major operation, for it seems that prostatic diseases are always to be the province of the surgeon and only inoperable cases are sent to the medical

electrician. In the many text-books and articles consulted I have not found any collocation of ideas respecting the electrical treatment of the prostate ; information has therefore to be sought in various works. The

method I am using will perhaps be better under. stood if I give here a briefsummary of different electrical methods applied in the treatment of£ prostatic disease. (a)X rays have been successfully used in this disorder. (b) Diathermy benefits prostatitis and prostatir hypertrophy and atony of the bladder. It reduces pain and is killing to some genns. Cumberbatch’s excellent work at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital is well known. (c) High Frequency.—Eberhart states that results from high-frequency treatment of all forms of prostatic disease are extraordinary ; 90 per cent. of his cases have been apparently cured without a case in which perceptible improvement was not observed. He has had positive reduction in cases of senile hypertrophy, and considers high frequency to be vibration causing cellular massage, and as the current increases in frequency and voltage it is capablH without an electrode of traversing long distances as do ether waves in wireless. (d) Static Electricity—Franklinisation—" Morton’s wave."—Wm. James Morton, of Kew I’ork City,! stated : " Static electricity is considered superficial and incapable of penetrating deeper tissues, but electro-statics will give a current that will demon. strably penetrate the human tissues as it can be demonstrated that any other current will penetrate But Cumberbatch states : The mode of them." actionof the static wave current is most probably mechanical, the sudden forcible rhythmic muscular contractions aiding the local circulation and the I would refer removal of inflammatory products." to " Electro-therapeutics," by Humphris, under Chronic Enlargement of the I’rostate, pp.187-193, Considering the action and excellent results, one must think of Morton’s wave as a prostatic squeeze." inter alia emptying the vesiculæ and prostatic follicles. I am unable to find any reference to prostatic treatment by faradism, possibly for the reason that it has not been used as strong currents cause pain and disgreeable sensations. In view of the results obtained by Morton’s wave by tuning and regulating the current. I cause faradism to give an effect similar to Franklinism—Morton’s wave. Be it remembered that in Morton’s wave a spark which occurs at some distant part of the necessarily closed circuit causes a steadv current of successive electrical impulses, blows, or tugs. I use a Smart-Bristow coil in which the current is derived from the secondary coil, and its strength is varied by sliding the iron core in or out of the primary coil. The secondary coil is so constructed (bound with somewhat coarse wire) as to produce painless muscular contractions are these contractions ; governed by the switch—either one, two, three, or four divisions of the secondary winding—and the iron core or plunger, and I tune them (the contrac-tions) rhythmically by placing a metronome interrupter in circuit. The metronome I time to synchronise with the heart-beats. An ordinary zinc electrode is inserted in the rectum, but preferably I would use the rectal electrode designed by Dr. St. Aubyn Farrer ; a broad, flat electrode is placed over the hypogastricregion, but it can be applied anyIf there is any objection where on the abdomen. from the patient to inserting the electrode in the rectum, confidence can be given by the use of a small, fiat electrode on the perineum. The treatment is continued for 10 to 15 or 20 minutes. Great benefit has been obtained ; micturition has become less painful, not so frequent by day and night, and in a stronger stream ; there is a feeling of lightness in the perineum and prostatism begins to disappear. I have applied this treatment to a hard prostate, but should expect an even better result with an enlarged soft vascular prostate. A static machine with its working complements is costly to instal and for its current depends largely ‘

1 Medical Record, Jan. 24th, 1891.