Immunochemical assays and biosensor technology for the 1990s

Immunochemical assays and biosensor technology for the 1990s

Book Revxews 372 anyone interested m devising a separation for a particular group of elements will have to search the tables mdrvldually to determin...

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Book Revxews


anyone interested m devising a separation for a particular group of elements will have to search the tables mdrvldually to determine which contam data for the elements of Interest Some analysts questlon the practical unportance of much of the data related to metal ion separations m light of the prominence of modern sensltwe and selectwe elemental analytical methods such as AAS and ICP spectrometry In addltlon, It 1s unclear if the data presented are slgmflcant enough to be reprmted exclusive of the large amount of other morgamc chromatographlc data that were not ongmally pubhshed m the periodic table form However, anyone who believes that these old data are especially valuable will welcome Dr Lederer’s collection of reprints, but ~111 probably wish the packagmg was less fragile and the price more reasonable Joseph Sherma

Robert M Nakamura, Yasushl Kasahara and Garry A Rechmtz, Immunochemzcal Assays and Bwsensor Technology for the 199Os, American Society for Mlcroblology, Washmgton, DC, 1992 (ISBN l-55581-040-3) x1 + 411 pp Price US$5100

This book brings together two excltmg, rapidly developmg and sometunes overlapping areas of analytical science, mununoassays and blosensors It takes the opportunity of summarlzmg the state of the technology m both fields at a level smtable for the Interested sclentlst and undergraduate student Authorltatlve treatment 1s achieved by 30 well-known speclahsts from the USA, Canada and Japan Immunoassays occupy two-thirds of the text The first five chapters cover general prmaples, non-lsotoplc labels, a critical comparison of vanous types of labels, monoclonal antlbodles and evaluation and vahdatlon of lmmunoassays These are followed by mdlvldual chapters detalhng the various types of mununoassay classtiled accordmg to the label and momtormg techmque, 1 e , light scattermg, partdes, enzymes (3 chapters), fluo-

rescence (2 chapters) and chemllummescence The section on blosensors begins with an mtroductory chapter followed by dlscusslons of Immunoassay with electrochemical detection, flbre optic and amperometrlc blosensors, polymeric membrane amon-selective electrodes, chemoreceptor and pharmacologlcal blosensors The text 1s very readable, up to date and well referenced It provides, at relatively low cost, an excellent mtroductlon to two multldlsclphnary areas m which It 1s often difficult to obtam comprehensive mformatlon at this level Alan Townshend

D C Harris, Quantztatzve Chemzcal Analyszs, 3rd edn , Freeman, Oxford, 1991 [ISBN o-716-2170-8 (hard bound), O-7167-2171-6 (paperback)] xv + 782 pp Price E2195 (paperback), g42 95 (hard bound) The most strdung first unpresslon of this book (which 1s particularly Important for students) IS the quality and lmagmatlon of the presentation In order to capture and retam the reader’s attention the book is full of excellent diagrams, tables and graphs, often taken from very recent Journal pubhcatlons, photographs (mcludmg colour plates) and highlighted boxes which present key concepts m a concise and clear manner The attention to detail also mcludes worked exercises, problems, a number of useful appendices, e g , acid dlssoclatlon constants and standard reduction potentials, a glossary of terms and a comprehensive index In this revrewer’s opmlon the author has got the presentation right, but what about the content”’ Of the twenty-five chapters, one describes m reasonable detail nineteen experiments (mostly usmg basic apparatus or simple mstrumentatlon), eight cover Instrumental techmques and the remainder cover classical techruques, particularly tltrlmetrlc methods, and basic analytlcal concepts such as experunental error and sample preparation The book is therefore written as an mtroductory text on analytlcal chemistry and although it does not cover advanced instrumental analysis,