Immunohistochemical expression of hypoxia markers in oral squamous cells carcinoma of the tongue

Immunohistochemical expression of hypoxia markers in oral squamous cells carcinoma of the tongue

OOOO e72 Abstracts The present case shows an unusual malignant odontogenic tumor. A 56-year-old Caucasian male reported a painful swelling in the r...

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The present case shows an unusual malignant odontogenic tumor. A 56-year-old Caucasian male reported a painful swelling in the right side of his face, which was present for 5 years. He also presented Gardner’s Syndrome. A radiolucent image with ill-defined borders was observed to invade maxillary sinus, nasal cavity and palate. Microscopic analysis showed a solid tumor composed by nests, sheets or islands of odontogenic epithelium with ameloblastic differentiation demonstrating increased cellularity and mitotic activity. The stroma was scant with some giant cells. The lesion recurred twice and the second recurrence involved the base of skull. After one year the patient had died. Cytokeratins, proliferation and resorption activity were assessed through immunohistochemistry. Substance P, NK-1R, p53, p63, Ki-67, CK14, CK18, RANK and RANKL were positive. The CK-7 and vimentin were negative. These markers can be useful to classification and behavior of atypical malignant odontogenic tumors.

MULTIPLE LEUKOPLAKIAS AND SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMAS IN PATIENT NOT EXPOSED TO TOBACCO: A CASE REPORT Nóbrega TG1, Dillenburg CS1, Martins MAT1, Martins MD1, Rados PV1, Sant’Ana Filho M1, Munerato MC1 - 1UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL - PATOLOGIA BUCAL Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in mouth affects mainly men and tobacco is the principal etiologic factor. The genetic condition is also identified as an etiological factor, but few cases it is the main factor. A 54 years-old female patient, non-smoker with family history of esophageal cancer showed white plaque asymptomatic oral lesions. The clinical diagnosis was leukoplakia and after incisional biopsy the histopathological diagnosis was hyperplasia with chronic inflammation. Over 5 year the patient was evaluated periodically and lesion showed progression to floor of the mouth and tongue belly. Right side lesion started present pain symptoms and new biopsy was performed showing transformation to SCC. New white lesions appeared and some became SCC. In skin, patient developed in this period two basal cell carcinoma. We discuss the importance of clinical monitoring of these patients that even without extrinsic risk factor to oral cancer may have genetic predisposition to cancer development.

METALLOTHIONEIN IS ASOCIATED TO METASTATIC BEHAVIOR IN ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA Campos ACR1, Carvalho TA1, Muniz LB1, Rodrigues TS1, Resende JVS1, Cardoso SV1 - 1UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE UBERLÂNDIA - FACULDADE DE ODONTOLOGIA/ PATOLOGIA E DIAGNÓSTICO BUCAL Objective: The aim of this work was to better understand the role of metallothionein (MT) in the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Study design: Normal, hyperplastic, dysplastic, neoplastic and metastatic epithelium of the oral mucosa were submitted to immunohistochemistry (streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase technique) to detect MT expression. Reactivity was evaluated according to subcellular compartmentalization, intensity and frequency for each group. Results were compared with chi-square test. Results and conclusion: Reactivity for MT was observed in all samples. The prevailing pattern was concomitant nuclear and cytoplasmic positivity, except for non-metastasizing carcinomas where it was mainly restricted to the cytoplasm. Intensity of staining was constantly strong in all groups. Transition between

October 2012 invasive carcinoma and non-invasive adjacent epithelium was characterized by negative or mildly intense reactivity. Metastasizing primary tumors presented significantly more positive cells than non-metastasizing ones. The results evidence association between MT expression and metastatic behavior in OSCC. Financial support: FAPEMIG

BONE NECROSIS RESULTING FROM THE USE OF ZOMETA IN PATIENTS WITH BONE METASTASIS OF PROSTATE CANCER Machado T1, Momesso GAC1, Ferreira LL1, Demathé A, Freitas SEN2, Miyahara GI2, Biasoli ER2 - 1FACULDADE DE ODONTOLOGIA DE ARAÇATUBA-UNESP, 2FACULDADE DE ODONTOLOGIA DE ARAÇATUBA-UNESP - CENTRO DE ONCOLOGIA BUCAL - UNESP Patient referred to the Oral Oncology Center- UNESP by oncologist for diagnosis of exposed bone in the right retro-molar region. At the medical history the patient was diagnosed with bone metastasis from primary prostate carcinoma and was under antineoplastic chemotherapy. Made use of Zometa for about a year to improve conditions of bone. The oroscopy presented an area of exposed bone at the right retro-molar region, measuring approximately 3.0 ⫻ 2.0 cm, surrounded by mucosa with a bluish red coloration and with two ulcers adjacent exposure on the alveolar ridge measuring 0.1 ⫻ 0.1 cm. He was being medicated with gengilone and oncilon, but without getting a satisfactory response .Was requested to performing complementary tests for diagnostic purposes and staging. The clinical aspect did not present conclusive evidence for the diagnosis of bone metastasis, being considered a definitive diagnosis of bisphosphonate osteonecrosis. Patient was submitted to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 1- AAOMS. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Position Paper on Bisphosphonate – Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws. J Oral Maxillo Fac Surg 2007; 65:369-376. 2- ADRAC. Bisphosphonates and osteonecrosis of the jaw. Aust Adv Drug React Bull 2005;24:3 3- Agrillo A, Petrucci MT, Tedaldi M, Mustazza MC, Marino SM, Gallucci C, Iannetti G. J Craniofac Surg. 2006; 17(6): 1080-1083 4- Anguita TC, Agurto JP, Roa IE, Laissle GC. Osteonecrosis asociada al uso de bifosfonatos: A propósito de un caso clínico. Rev Méd Chile 2006; 134:1161-1165.

IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL EXPRESSION OF HYPOXIA MARKERS IN ORAL SQUAMOUS CELLS CARCINOMA OF THE TONGUE Silva-Filho TJ1, Vasconcelos MG1, Vasconcelos RG1, Silveira EJD1, Queiroz LMG1 - 1UFRN Background: The tumor hypoxia modulates a series of genetic changes related to adaptive development and metastasis of various human cancers. Objective: analyze immunoexpression of HIF-1␣, GLUT-1 and CA-IX in 57 cases of tongue squamous cell carcinoma. Study design: from each case 3 microns thickness sections were cut and mounted on glass salinized microscope slides and were subjected to immunoperoxidase methods using antibodies: CA-IX, anti-HIF-1alpha and anti-GLUT-1. Results: It was observed that the intensity of expression of HIF-1␣ correlated with clinical staging (p⫽0.011) and histological grading (p⫽0.002). The immunoexpression GLUT-1 showed correlation with the clinical stage (p⫽0.002) and histological

OOOO Volume 114, Number 4 grading (p⫽0.000). The immunoreactivity of CA-IX exhibited correlation with histological grading (p⫽0.005). Conclusion: it can be concluded that there is a broad participation of these markers of hypoxia in oral carcinogenesis.

INTERCALATED DUCT LESIONS OF SALIVARY GLAND: CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION Montalli VAM1, Costa AF, Martinez EF2, Altemani A1 - 1UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS - FACULDADE DE CIÊNCIAS MÉDICAS - ANATOMIA PATOLÓGICA, 2 INTITUTO E CENTRO DE PESQUISAS SÃO LEOPOLDO MANDIC - PATOLOGIA Background/objective: We aimed to characterize the clinicopathologic features of intercalated duct lesions (IDLs) of salivary glands. Study design: Seven patients with IDLs are presented. Nonencapsulated ductal proliferations were classified as hyperplastic IDL (HIDL) and those completely encapsulated as adenoma. Results: The patients ranged in age from 19 to 88 years. All IDLs were parotid lesions ranging from 1 to 9mm. In six cases (3 HIDLs and 3 adenomas), the IDLs were unifocal lesions. In only one case, the lesion (adenoma) was symptomatic leading to surgical resection. In the remaining 6 cases, the parotid gland had been removed for other reasons and basal cell adenoma (BCA) was the main disease in two of them. Conclusion: Owing possibly to its small size, IDLs are usually asymptomatic lesions. The association between IDLs and BCAS reinforces the hypothesis that IDLs could be precursor lesions of BCA. FAPESP grants: 2011/10366-7 and 11/51112-8.

DYSPLASIA AND MICROINVASIVE CARCINOMA IN A BRAZILIAN ORAL MEDICINE SERVICE Valente VB1,2,3,4,5 - 1ARARAQUARA SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY - UNESP DEPARTMENT OF DIAGNOSIS AND SURGERY, 2ELAINE MARIA SGAVIOLI MASSUCATO - DIAGNOSIS AND SURGERY/ARARAQUARA SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY, 3MIRIAN APARECIDA ONOFRE - DIAGNOSIS AND SURGERY/ARARAQUARA SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY, 4CLEVERTON ROBERTO DE ANDRADE - DIAGNOSIS AND SURGERY/ARARAQUARA SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY, 5CLÁUDIA MARIA NAVARRO - DIAGNOSIS AND SURGERY/ARARAQUARA SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY Objective: Clinicopathological evaluation of patients with dysplasia (D) and microinvasive oral carcinoma (MC). Study design: Retrospective study with files of patients with D and MC attended at the Oral Medicine Service, Araraquara School of Dentistry (2009 to 2011). Results: Of 19 cases, 4 were MCs and 15 Ds, being the patients predominantly men (13), white (19) with an average age of 55 years. The main anatomical sites were: lips (7), alveolar ridge (5) and buccal mucosa (4). It was observed exposure to tobacco (9), alcohol (6) and solar radiation (7). Six patients had a familiar history for cancer (breast, prostate, skin and mouth). The main systemic diseases were hypertension (4), depression (3) and diabetes (2). Leukoplakias (8), Actinic Cheilitis (4) and Lichen Planus (3) were the most frequent clinical diagnosis. Conclusion: It is emphasized, thus, the importance of early diagnoses of cancer avoiding mutilating treatments and poor quality of life.

ORAL ABSTRACTS Abstracts e73 KOLSCHÜTTER SYNDROME – REPORT OF A NEW CASE González-Arriagada WA1, Carlos-Bregni R2, Contreras E2, Vargas PA1, Lopes MA1 - 1FOP-UNICAMP - ESTOMATOPATOLOGIA, 2CENTRO CLÍNICO DE CABEZA Y CUELLO - CIUDAD DE GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA Introduction: Kolschütter Syndrome is a rare disorder clinically characterized by amelogenesis imperfecta, epilepsy and progressive mental deterioration. The aim of this article is to describe an additional clinical case of this syndrome. Case report: A 9-year-old boy was referred for evaluation of teeth pigmentation. With 8 years of age he presented generalized tonic-clonic seizure, treated with valproic acid. The boy also manifested mental deterioration and hyperactivity. On physical examination he showed a symmetrical face with reduction in size of the lower third, slightly palpebral fissures, low ear and hair implantation, coarse hair and hypertrichosis. The intraoral examination displayed crowding teeth with generalized enamel defects, suggesting the clinical diagnosis of amelogenesis imperfecta with a yellow-brownish coloration, a high incidence of caries. Conclusions: It is important that dentists be able to recognize this syndrome for better management of the patients.

AUTOFLUORESCENCE PATTERNS OF ORAL LESIONS: PRELIMINARY RESULTS Barcelos JS1, Azevedo RS1, Pereira LB1, Kurachi C2, Fontes KBFC1, Camisasca DR1, Takahama Júnior A1 - 1UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL FLUMINENSE - FACULDADE DE ODONTOLOGIA - PÓLO UNIVERSITÁRIO DE NOVA FRIBURGO, 2UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO - INSTITUTO DE FÍSICA DE SÃO CARLOS Background: The autofluorescence is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that has been used to facilitate the detection of premalignant or malignant changes of the oral mucosa. Different patterns of fluorescence can be related to differences in biochemical composition of the tissue and malignant changes usually show loss of fluorescence. Objectives: The objective of this study is to determinate the patterns of autofluorescence of various types of oral lesions. Study design: For this, all lesions indicated for surgical biopsy are visualized and photographed using a wild field device which emits blue light of 400 to 460 nm to excite green fluorescence in the oral tissues. The images were classified according to the retention or emission of green fluorescence. Results: Preliminary results indicate that most of lesions showed loss of fluorescence compared to normal tissue. Conclusion: We can conclude that the loss of fluorescence is not specific for malignant changes.

AMELOBLASTIC FIBRODENTINOMA: A RARE CASE IN MAXILLA Gomes TG1, Silva RV2, Medeiros N2, Spyrides KS2, Resende RFB2, Oliveira SP3, Alves ATNN2 - 1UNIVERSIDADE GAMA FILHO - ODONTOLOGIA GRADUAÇÃO, 2 UNIVERSIDADE GAMA FILHO - ODONTOLOGIA, 3 OCEX - ESTOMATOLOGIA Ameloblastic fibrodentinoma (AFD) is a rare benign odontogenic tumor, is composed of proliferating odontogenic epithelium in a cellular ectomesenchyme resembling dental papilla with dentin or dentin-like formation. The present case report a 9-yearold male reported in dental school of Universidade Gama Filho.