pal ;otie of exposure wasing&i&l89%1 f&&ad i&l& (6961 and bitas and stings N%I. The meet commtm bites and stings were made by scorpions (47%). Ten fatalities were recorded 10.5%). Among the causal agents wire three ineecticiiee, two m&an&. one Salicy. lete.onequinins,one lw, onesquilland owlcod p&wing Ibotulism). As c.I,s born the general public and rnedkal personnel increase. we expect growing Qwltiw influence on preventian end treatment of paisoninge in the near future atreeine effected changes in d&w mechanism in Ihe with a recovery to original state three months after instilLtWI. Howewes ee far es decreased phagDevtk actititv of AM and elevated level of AcP in serum is regarded, adverse e!fects on orgamsm Qenleted in model studied also et thie time Keywords; atrazine; intretrecheal instillation: BAL parameters: blood perametew
The was doneto compare immunologicalscreening tests intwo ratstrams-Wislar and Lewis and to find outwhether subacute exxposure to Sulfenax atfected cellular end humoral immuniiv. Sullena~ IN-cvclohelry~2-benrottfiazolesulfsnami~l is employed as an ~mportent accelerator far rubber vukanizetkn and therefore is I wadely spread chemical in envimnmem. Groups of 10 male Wiiar and Lewis rate were given Sulfenex dissolved in carbxwmethvlcellulose by gavage for 28 dew et 4W. loMl and 2000‘.dey-t. Aate dosed by oral garage with carbw,r”ethyleel:“lase only eewed as controls. To asses lhe immunototic potential of Sulfenax. body end organ welghte end hematalogic parameters were determined. Selected immunologic essays were studied the respanze 01 e~plenocvtesto mitogene. plaque forming cell assay and the phagocytk actimtv of krurrcytes. k&wor&: sulfenax; N.cyclohe~CZ-benzoV~azol~uHwnamide: munotoxieitv: Lewis and W&tar ret
Poisoning Repmtsd
to the+ OPIC
In Izmlr, 7LlfW4y 1984
Dokuz Eylul University Drug and Pason lnformatmn Center IDPICI in lzmir was set up in the beginning ot 1993 ae the Iret regiOnal pobon information oetice in weetern Turkey. In 1944, DPIC received 3011 @eQhOne calls. of thee8 1652 (62%) concerned pawning with the remainder concerning drug information. Details ol each case and the addceduringtheph~necallwererecorded~nastandardiredformand subsequently entered into e database program. Calls concerning poiawing wre classiiied according lo the twe 01 caller. age and sex of the patient. agent included. of exposure. symptoms. date. type of intoxication. treatment and outcome of the case. Agreat mawily of calle were from the lzmir region (97961and most cblle wre made by DhYSicienSor nurses 193%). The time from exoofure to contact with
Keywo&: gesics
pmsoning: pa~san information center: innectrrdrs,
Sitvana Turd
Oswafdo CruzFwnddion. Rio deJ.weh,
Thie reeearch eveluetes the health stews eg 25 shipyard weldere end the laboratorvfindims. Workers were exeminedlor toxicolcuical. clin-
Ahemations ware atso eeen in the bbcd cell counting and urina aialye&. Biological monitcdng tests showed only two workers had chromwn m the urine. over the permissible level. The others metals (Cd end Pbl were below the references velues. Chromosome aberrations tvpe chmmetidiis were egnificently hgher irr the welden as compared to control group. Smokmg and drinking habit were also taken into cannideratian in this scope al the investigalion.
E U’h6 ’ J Navarov~‘.J. L$ka2. M. Dubovick~‘.T. BabnoJ’. +.,nretr,?e of&oer,rrrentaIPharmacokaQyS&~ &a,i&va. Slovak Republic; zStare lnsliure for Drug Confml. Brabslava. Skwk Republic Theeffect of oral admimstration of 50 mg/kg stobadine (ST&. a cardilr protectivn drug. wee etudied on thebasis of determinetion of setectivm biochemical ~rameter~(creatinineand urea Inserum. acidrty, pmteln. ~~lucosa.ketones. bilirubin. urobilinwen. blood and creetinine in urinel i. pregnant end tacteting mice. STBkas administered from day 15 oi gestation until day 21 of lactation. The biochemical ~eremeters were determined on dave 15 and 20 of (Ieetettlon and 7. 14. 21 and 28 after aanuritian. There were no sbnifieant diierences between control and experimental tits on any oithe days studied. Histapathatoglcal examination 01 kidney tiseue dii not reveal kiinoy damage after STB administratton. k&words:
stobsdine; biochemical parameters; pregnancy; mice
tween 0 and 6 years old. imemi& poisoning wee predominant in children between 7 and 17 years old (45%). In adults I>17 vearsl. sui-
It has been demonstrated that lead suppress the immune response in animalseven et subclinical dosages. However limhed endcontrwersiat date about the effects of lead expwaure in human immune swtem
WP) tevels.~l,houghthe &al& pcrcenta~kandtha &&I of hrmphocy(es and NK cells were unchanged rerum IQG. IgM and C3. C4 ~0”lple”l~“t CwlP we”3 found 10 be dBCrWEedSlQnillCanllYtp< 0 OS)
thequal~tyand quantityofbreast milkwarrsnttheatten,bnof medical prolessionats. the present study the mnteni; of Cd, Pb. ilQ. Zn and Cu were mvestigatedin breast milk. infant formula and pasteurnedCOWmntkby AAS method usins PLI 9400X appafafus Lllmcaml The median v&es of Cd. pb. Hg. Ln. Cu m breast m3k were O.wo5. O.Wd2. 0.00, 6. 1.475. 0 228 mQ I-‘, ,e~pectl”.3ly The med,a” “at”tt~ of Cd. Pb. Hg. Ln. Cu in infant formula were O.Wffi. OCOSJ. O.wu5. 1 368. 0029 mg.l-‘. respectwelv.The median values of Cd, pb. Hp. Zn. Cu in pasteunzcd MW mltk were 0 W,S. O.WW. 00023. 3.496. 0.076 mg.l-‘. respsctwsty. Thscakulatedinrakeof PbandHginmaximaturalexpasurescenaM, via the breast milkwereclcwC under ih% FAOMIHO PTWl tewls and theCdintakewasdppmximdte~25%%ol PTWLThehuman milkZn and Cu corvxntfatbns suggesl that intak= of thesa a!ements in Infants were not stiicient.
X~yrudM%’Cd: Pb: HQ: Zn: CU: breast m,lL: !nfmt formula:cow n-A
~~d~&&&tty HPLC are vary cawaniem for this &ose due td sebctivitv and sensnintv. Present studv ams a HPLC based assay pro In the assay procedure. formaldehyde is being trabped as b’dinittophenVlhydranmebypassing Its atmosphenccontentmentthrough 2.4