133 i9%carbobydrate,and 16f5%proteinincancerpatientsand36f7%, 48 f 8%, and 16 f 4%, respectively, in controls. Thus, newly diagnosed lung cancer patients showed increased protein tmnover rates expressed per kg LBM, despite no detectable effect on leucine balance and energy expenditure or on their responses to food intake. Furthermore, these elevated rates of protein turnover were apparent in noncachexic patients and were shown not to depend on die presence of metastases. A case of lung cancer accompanying idiopathic interstitial pneumonia Murota Y, Fukuda S, Ootuka T. Amano Y, Shiraishi T, Hayak awa K. Deparment ofThoracic Surgery. Tokyo General Hospital ofEast Japan Railway Co., Tokyo. J Transport Med 1989;43:284-8.
A case of lung cancer accompanying idiopathic intersitial pneumonia is reported. A 57-year-old man who had had idiopathic interstitial pneumonia since three years ago complained of coughing. A chest XP film revealed swelling of right lung hilus and fine nodular shadow in bothlowerlungfield.AchestCTscanshowedtumorshadowintheright posterior portion. Bronchoscopic finding showed stenotic lesion of right B6 bronchus. A cytodiagnosis of BAL fluid from B6 showed the presence of malignant cells. Right lower lobectomy and cleansing of regional lymphnodes was done on Dec. IO, 1985. Operation was abusolute curative. In microscopic finding, the tumor was a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, and there was no metastasis to regional lymphnodes.FAMT wasadministratedaspostoperativechemotherapy. After 17 trials the patient complained of dyspnea and coughing. A chest X-P film revealed increase of tine nodular shadow. WBC was 5 100 and body temperature was 38°C. In spite of use of antibiotics his condition did not improve. However, it became better after administering 30 mg of predonisolon. He is living well without recurrence of cancer three years after operation. Surgery of a case of lung cancer accompanying idiopathic interstitial pneumonia is difficult because of lung function, but when lung cancer is found in the early stage like this case, prognosis is expected to be the same as ordinary early lung cancer. In additin, chemotherapy must be done with much care. Immunoscintigraphy of human lung squamous cell carcinoma using an iodine-131 labelled monoclonal antibody (Po66) Bourguet P. Dazord L. Desrues B et al. Deparfemenr de Medecine Nucleaire, Centre Eugene Marquis, Ponrchaillou, 35033 Rennes Cedex.
Br J Cancer 1990;61:230-4. Monoclonal antibody (McAb) Po66 has been obtained by immunisation of mice against a human lung squamous cell carcinoma. The in vitro reactivity of the antibody with cancer cells and its ability to localise in human lung cancer xenografts growing in nude mice have been reported earlier. Presented here is the first clinical evaluation of the antibody for scintigraphic detection of tamours. Thirty-three patients with histologically confirmed primary non-small cell lung carcinoma were investigated. Twenty-seven of them were explored at the preoperative stage and six at 6 months after surgery. Biodistribution results were obtained from seven operated patients by combining injections of l”I-radiolabeIled Po66 and of l~I-Iabelled unrelated immunoglobulin. The localisation index was three times higher for this specific antibody. Immunoscintigraphy detected 78% of primary tumoms and 100% of recurrences. In this short series of patients, immunoscintigraphy proved helpful in the assessment of tumour spread in four patients by visualising localisations in the mediastinum or the contralateral lung which the CT scan had failed to demonstrate. Immunoscintigraphy was also more efficient than plain chest X-ray for the detection of local tnmour recurrences. Imaging and therapy of small cell carcinoma xenografts using “‘Ilabeled monoclonal antibody SWAll Smith A, Groscmth P. Waibel R, Westera G, Stahel RA. Division of Oncology, Deparlment of Medicine, University Ifospiral, CH-8091 Zurich. Cancer Res 1990;50:Supp1980s-4s.
The IgG2a monoclonal antibody SWAI 1has been evaluated as a radioimmunotherapeutic agent for use in the treatment of small cell cancer of the lung. This antibody was initially selected for in vivo localization studies in a nude mouse model system because of its high affinity for the SW2 small cell cancer cell line in vitro. Following iv. injectionofL2JIlabeiedamibodyintonudemicebearingSW2xenografts good selective accumulation was observed with 10.5% of injected materiabg of tumor. The level remained constant from day 2 to day 4 following injection. At day 4 the tumor:blood ratio was 7:l and tumor:liver, tumor:kidney, and tumor:lung ratios were 17:1,24:1, and 12: 1, respectively. Initial radioimmunotherapentic studies performed on established small cell cancer of the lung xenografts have shown reduction in tumor burden following a single injection of 300 pCi of “‘1 labeled SWAll with no evidence of regrowth up to day 34 postinjection. Histological evaluation of treated tumors revealed large areas of necrosis and extensive fibrosis. A few residual cells of tumor origin could be observed and these displayed atypical morphology. The clonogenic potential of such cells remains to be determined by long term observation. Isoenzyme(s) of glutathione transferase (class Mu) as a marker for the susceptibility to lung cancer: A follow up study Seidegard J, Pero RW, Markowitz MM, Roush G. Miller DG. Beattie EJ. Division ofBiochemical Epidemiology, PMI-Strang Clinic, 55 East 34 Srreer, New York, NY 10016. Carcinogenesis 1990;11:33-6. Glutathione transferases are divided into three clases: Alpha, Mu and Pi. Isoenzyme(s) from one of these classes, class Mu, is dominantly inherited and can be determined by activity measurements directed towards the substrate bans-stilbene oxide. The frequency of this phenotype has been measured in patients with bronchial carcinoma and in control subjects matched for age and smoking history. After combining an earlier study from OUT laboratory (Carcinogenesis, 7.751-753.1986) with the additional material presented here (control smokers, n = 114, lung cancers, n = 125) non-cancer smokers had an increased number of subjects who expressed class Mu isoenzymes (58.3% of total n = 192) comparedwidrlungcancerpatients(36.6%oftotaln= 191;P
The aim of the study was to ascertain whether there is an increased occurrence of proteinuria and/or haematuria among lung cancer patients. As a control group we selected patients with bronchial asthma treated at the same hospital and during the same period as the lung cancerpatients. Thestudy comprised aretrospectivepart, whereobservations were made at two hospitals on 166 and 284 lung cancer patients. Proteinuria was observed in 9% and 13% and haematuria in 5% and 9% of these patients. The prevalences were significantly greater than among the asthmatic patients. This result prompted a prospective casecontrol study involving 150 consecutive patients with lung cancer and asthma, respectively. Twelve patients in the cancer group and one asthmatic patient had a daily urine protein excretion exceeding 100 mg (P < 0.004); haematuria was noted in 14 and one, respectively (P < 0.002). We conclude that the occmrence of proteinuria and haematuria is unexpectedly increased among patients with lung cancer. Carcinoma of the bronchus in young adults Seddon DJ, Partridge MR. Chesf Clinic, Whipps Cross Hospital, Lendon. Br J Clin Pratt 1990,44:24-5. Thirty patients with bronchial carcinoma, aged 45 or less, were